Austin Mahone My Best Friend

By SophieStyles2000

2.5K 88 1

Austin Mahone is 17 year old Felicity Leeroy's best friend and Austin has to drop out of High School for his... More

Austin Mahone My Best Friend
Junior High
Junior High part 2
High School
Dont forget me
I love you too
New Update
Fliss' brother
Fliss' Birthday
Birthday Night
Happily Ever After?
After 7 Years You're Still The Only You I Want
Bachelor And Bachelorette Parties
The Wedding
On Hold*
A Family
6 Months Old

Louis' Girl

120 4 0
By SophieStyles2000

The next morning

Austin's P.O.V.

I wake up to see the most beautiful girl, sleeping in my arms. She looks so peaceful. Suddenly,the door opens to reveal Louis. 'Louis?'I ask. 'Hey Austin.'He says. 'Um why are you in here?'I ask. 'Just came to check on you's .' He says. 'Okay.'I say. 'Want breakfast?'Louis offers. 'Yeah sure.' I say. I slide up without waking Fliss and head down stairs with Louis. We cook sausages, bacon and egg. Louis throws flour at me over the Island counter,so I grab an egg and throw it at him but he ducks so it hits the floor behind him.Unfortunately during our food fight, we burnt the sausages slightly and the fire alarm went off. While we were trying to get it off, a sleepy looking Fliss walks through the door and slips on the egg I threw at Louis. I leave Louis with the fire alarm and run to Fliss' side. 'Are you okay, princess?'I ask. ' 'I'd appreciate it if you didn't wreck my house but yes I'm fine.' 'It won't be your house for long.' I subtly remind her. 'I know!'She says kissing me. I stand her up. She goes to the fire alarm. 'Give me a boost?'She asks. I lift her up. She grabs the towel and whacks it, shutting it up. 'There.' She says, falling down to eye-level. I pull her closer and kiss her. My lips are barely on hers 2 seconds when Louis pulls her away from me and to the table. 'Sit and I'll serve.'He says. He hands her a plate of food,then me, then gets himself some food. Fliss sits at the head of the table, me and Louis at either side of her. As we eat I hold her hand on the table. I finish first and sit and watch her. Louis then finishes and Fliss follows shortly after. Louis takes the plates away. I sit rubbing my thumb over Fliss' knuckles, smiling at her. Louis then says 'Listen I met this girl Eleanour last night and well, we hit it off and I stayed with her last night and I asked her if she would go on a date with me tonight with you two and she said yes so you have the whole day to get ready.' After that he goes to his room. 'Wanna go back upstairs?'I ask. 'Sure.'Fliss says. We lay on her bed and cuddle up with films all day. We finish watching The Notebook and decide to get ready. Fliss goes into the bathroom and comes out wearing a light blue strapless dress. 'Oooh nice.'I say. Fliss giggles. 'Austin, come here!' Louis calls. I go into his room. 'Here.'He says, handing me a suit. 'Put it on.' I take off my joggies and t-shirt and put the suit on. Louis also gives me a pair of cuff links and dress shoes. I take a look in the mirror. Nice, if I say so myself. 'Sweet, lets go.' Louis says. We walk downstairs. 'Fliss, let's go.'I call. 'Coming.'She says. 'What'd you think?'She asks. She stands at the top of the stairs in her light blue, strapless dress and matching heels. 'Stunning!' I say. 'Same to you pair.' She says, walking down the stairs. The door bell goes off. Louis answers to a girl wearing a pink dress with black straps and grey heels. 'Eleanour, come meet my sister Felicity and her boyfriend Austin.'Louis says. Fliss stands beside me. 'Nice to meet you Austin, big fan.' Eleanour says, shaking my hand. She hugs Fliss and says 'Im so happy to meet you.Louis talked about you non stop last night.' Fliss smiles. We all head to the restaurant. Fliss and Eleanor are linked arms, talking and laughing. Louis looks at me and rolls his eyes then says 'Girls! You take them on a double date and they forget they've got dates!' I laugh. 'What you's laughing at?'Fliss asks. 'Nothing.' Louis says. The girls turn around and give us a stare. 'Okay!Okay! Louis said "Girls! You take them on a double date and they forget they've got dates!" That's what we were laughing at.'I say laughing. 'LOUIS!'The girls yell together. He just laughs. We get to the restaurant. The waiter shows us to our table. 'Order what you want girls, it's on us!'Louis says. 'Well me!' He adds. 'Hey! You pay for El and I pay for Fliss.'I say. 'I'll have the crab salad.' Fliss says. 'I'll have the chicken salad.' Eleanor says. We order and it arrives about 10 minutes later. As we eat I take Fliss' hand under the table. I lightly rub her knuckle with my thumb. She smiles at me. We have the odd giggle. Louis glances at us when we do. I pull a silly face. Fliss laughs. 'What's funny?'Louis asks. 'Nothing.' Fliss says. Louis turns back to Eleanor. We all finish and pay. We leave. 'That was so nice but I'm so full now.'Fliss says, cracking a smile. 'Wanna walk it off?' I suggest. 'Yeah sure.'Fliss says. Louis and Eleanor are stuck into their own private conversation. Giggling and laughing. We walk for a while when Fliss pipes up and says 'My feet are killing me!' I chuckle at her statement causing her to blush.'Take your heels off then.'I say. 'And walk bare-foot? No thank you.' She says. I chuckle again, Fliss blushing again too. 'I'll carry you.'I say. She smiles and takes off her heels, holding my shoulder for support. She lets out a sigh off relief and I swoop her off her feet. Louis does the same to Eleanor. They two are cute together. Louis really likes her, you can just tell. We all go back to Fliss' house. Eleanor suggests Truth Or Dare. Everyone agrees. 'Okay I'll ask first.'Eleanor says. 'Fliss, Truth Or Dare?'She asks. 'Um Dare.'Fliss says. 'Hmm, I dare you to kiss Austin.'Eleanor says. I'm not gonna say no to that. Fliss kisses me quickly. 'Okay done, Louis, Truth Or Dare?' Fliss asks. 'Dare.'Louis says. 'I dare you to go to the fridge and take the pie out and shove it in your face.' Fliss says. Louis gets up, smirking. He gets the pie and throws it in his face. 'Austin, Truth or Dare?'He asks. 'Dare.' I say. ' 'I dare you to go into Fliss' closet and put on one of her dresses and makeup.'Louis says, wiping pie from his face. My eyes widen as the girls laugh their heads off. 'Ye gotta do it bro.'Lou says. 'Fine!'I say. I go into Fliss' closet and put a pink dress on and the heels and put red lipstick, blue eyeshadow and pink blusher on. I also throw on some fake nails. I walk downstairs, already feeling embarrassed. the minute I step in the room they're rolling on the floor laughing. They take pictures and then I go change. We play for awhile longer. Me and Louis just got challenged by the girls for a double dare. 'No we won't do it!'I say. 'Why?'Fliss asks. 'Cos we're not bloody gay!' I say. 'It's just a little kiss and it's only for 30 seconds.'Fliss says. 'No way!'Lou says. 'Fine! We win! You lose! HA HA!!!!!' Fliss laughs. 'What's our punishment?' Lou asks. 'You have to go outside in your boxers and run about for half an hour!' Fliss says. 'WHAT?!?!?' I say. 'Yup.' El says. 'Alright, come on bro.' Lou says. We go get stripped off. We then run about London for 30 minutes in our boxers. 'This will be all over the news tomorrow!'I say, arriving back at Fliss. She just laughs. Me and her go to her room while Lou and El go to Lou's room. I cuddle up to Fliss. 'El's so nice, Louis' lucky to have her.' Fliss says. 'Yeah, she pretty,funny, not like other girls.'I say. 'I guess that's why you two get on.' 'I guess.'She mumbles, falling asleep.

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