Set It Off Scenarios

By Vertiline72

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COMPLETED AT THE MOMENT! Just a bunch of scenarios, maybe a oneshot here and there. But there will be no Aust... More

Quick A/N
He Learns of His Feelings for You
You Learn of Your Feelings for Him
He (finally) Asks You Out
First Date
First Kiss
Couple Nicknames:
You Get Sick!
You Wear Something of His
Your (Set It Off) Song!
You Are Loved!
Your Job in the Band (Tiny Update)
You Break Up!
How He Takes the Break Up
You Get Back Together!
Summer is Here!
You (Finally) Move In!
Dan Clermont's Song: Save the Last Dance for Me
Zach DeWall's Song: It's Raining Men
Maxx Danziger's Song: Dream a Little Dream of Me
Cody Carson's Song: I Need a Hero
Author~Chan and Animals?!
Belated Bandiversary!
You Prank Him!
Texts 1.5
He Meets Your Family
Contact Names:
Truth or Dare!
He (Tries) to Make a Move!
Love Letters from Him
Love Letters From You
OTP Questions
5K Answers
Celebrity Friend
Texts 2.0
First Thoughts
Rainy Day
He Gets Sick
The Secret Meeting
That One Thing
Mythical Creature
Halloween Drabbles
Trick or Treating
Dealing With Hate
You're Going to Hate Me
The Wedding
Wedding Details (Cody & Maxx)
Wedding Details (Zach & Dan)
Coming Home
First Snow
Search Results
Domestic Life
I lied
You Are (Still) Loved

Sweet Dreams

387 12 0
By Vertiline72

A/N Sorry for the late update! I hope it was worth it???

Cody Carson:

Was it that day already? Oh my God it is today! The day I become Mrs. Y/n Carson! I almost screamed when i realized what day it was. Today was going to be the best day ever!

Within a few minutes I was swarmed by bridesmaids. They squealed in delight as I got my hair and makeup done. As I stepped into my dress, my maid-of-honor helped lace me in. They all gave a fangirl sigh as I lowered my veil. I took a deep breath and sighed. I looked so beautiful and today I was finally going to be Cody's forever.

I was jolted out of my daydream by a knock at the door. My maid-of-honor opened it a crack, then opened it wider to see Maxx, the best man.

"Hey Y/n? Cody wants to know if you believe in that can't see the bride thing. I think he's getting cold feet and maybe bail." He said, as my bridesmaids started screaming.

I bit my lip and then had an epiphany. I quickly wrote out a note that said: Hero, don't be scared! I promise I will be there if you are. If you need a little reassurance, here's this: And I kissed the paper, leaving a lipstick mark. I handed it Maxx, saying, "Give him this."

He nodded and was off. Cambia, who was one of my bridesmaids, gave me a confused look. "What did you say?"

I shrugged. "I just gave him a little incentive to be at that alter."

The time came for me to start walking down the aisle. Looping my arm with my dad's, I started the slow march to the altar, where Cody was beaming at me. I felt my heart give a sigh of relief to see him still there.

When I finally reached him and passed my bouquet off to my maid-of-honor, I whispered to Cody, "Did you get my message?"

He gave a small nod and replied. "That's why I'm here."

The ceremony played out until it was time to have our first kiss as husband and wife. As I kissed him, I felt my eyelids flutter open. There I saw I was kissing a very much awake and a very red Cody on the lips. I pulled away, blushing like crazy.

"Sorry..." I muttered.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close again. "Don't be." He mumbled before kissing me again. This time, I just melted into the kiss, still pretending it was our wedding day.

Maxx Danziger:

"Y/n? What're you doing?" I looked over my shoulder to see Maxx staring at me.

I laughed. "It's been awhile and I honestly wanted to see how you'd react." I currently was in this position:

He stepped into the room and circled around me. "How, how are you doing that?" He asked.

I shrugged as best I could. "I did a lot of gymnastics when I was younger. I just decided today I wanted to surprise you today with how well I can bend."

"Well consider me impressed." He smirked, still in awe. "Does it hurt?"

I shook my head. "Nope, just a bit of pressure, that's all."

"Wow. That's just so cool Darling." He crouched down and kissed my lips. I giggled on his lips making him smile.

"Thanks Dreamcatcher." I mumbled.

"Hey Cutie, mind if I quick do something?" He whispered as he pulled away.

"Go right ahead Maxie." I smiled and he ducked out of the room. He returned a few minutes later with the rest of the band and their jaws hit the floor. "Hi guys!" I smiled cheerily.

"Oh my God, Y/n! That's so cool!" Zach exclaimed.

"I wish I could do that." Dan sighed.

"Hey Y/n?" Cody asked and I nodded. "Wake up."

I jerked awake to see Maxx lightly shaking me. "Ugh, hi Maxx." I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I then mumbled. "Really? I can only touch my toes and that's it! I wish I was that flexible."

"What're you talking about Sweetie?" Maxx asked.

"Nothing, just a dream." I sighed and stretched. "It was weird but not bad."

"What was it about?" He asked and I recounted to him my fantasy. "Huh, I wish you were that flexible." He winked at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Walk away before you dig that hole any deeper mister." I punched him in the shoulder, hard.

He rubbed his shoulder. "Yes ma'am."

Zach DeWall:

I sniffed and hugged my pillow tighter. It's been so long since I've seen Zach and I missed him so g*sh d*rn much! I looked at my calendar and felt my heart drop. He wasn't due to come home for another month! I felt a tear slide down my cheek and I tried to brush it away, but I broke down. I missed him so much.

"Zach, I NEED you." I wailed. "I need you so badly, why won't you come home already!" I was sobbing so bad, it hurt.

My phone started to ring, and I toppled off my bed tangled in sheets, and crawled to my dresser, and picked up my phone. I saw that is was know other then MY Zachaboy. My sobs got louder as I answered it.

"Y/n?? What's wrong?" He asked, worried.

"COME HOME!" I yelled, still crying.

"Baby, calm down please. I'll be home in a month, I promise!" Zach tried to assure me.

I shook my head, as if he could see me through the screen. "Not soon enough. Come home now!" I screeched.

"I don't know if I can." He whispered.

I continued to whimper until I felt someone grab me from behind. I dropped my phone and screamed, only to be turned around and kissed by none other than Zach DeWall. I started to kiss him back, hard.

"Hey, take it easy." He said as he pulled back.

I pulled him back into a hug and sobbed into his shoulder. "I love you. I love you so much. I missed you with all my heart."

"Hey, hey, listen." He pushed me slightly so he could cup my face and stare into my eyes. "Y/N, wake up please."

"Wha?" I asked confused.

"Wake up." I opened my eyes to see Zach lying next me and shaking my shoulder. "You sounded like you were having a nightmare."

I grabbed him into a hug and kissed his forehead. "No, it was a beautiful dream. You came home and I wasn't alone anymore."

"Oh Baby, you're never alone. I promise, as long as you're with me, you will never be alone." He pressed his lips against mine.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." He responded.

Dan Clermont:

"DANNY? HAVE YOU SEEN YOUR DAUGHTER?" I yelled, rocking our youngest son back and forth.

"SHE SAID SHE WAS GOING OUTSIDE." Dan yelled down to me. I went to the window and saw Carolynn playing with her friend, Marisa. I smiled and whispered to Marcus. "You see that playset? Daddy made it especially for all three of you."

I heard Dan come downstairs and I smiled at him as he kissed my cheek. "DJ's homework is done so I let him have his XBox back."

"Good. He needs to raise his grades." I stated.

"Hi Sean! Been keeping mommy busy?" He leaned down and kissed Marcus's forehead.

I rolled my eyes. "Like you wouldn't believe."

Dan laughed. "Of course. He's going to grow up to be a troublemaker just like his brother and mother." He smirked at me.

I stuck my tongue out at him. "I'm not that bad."

He gave me a look that said really? "Right..." He responded sarcastically.

"Fine, whatever." I grumbled. "But I don't regret it."

He looked at me confused. "Don't regret what?"

"Our life. Our children. I don't regret it for a second. We've had a lot of rough patches but I love it all so much and wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world." I explained.

He smiled and kissed me. "I wouldn't either. I love you.

"EWW!" I turned to see Carolynn and Marisa staring at us from the window and making faces. I laughed, and that was when I woke up.

I sat up and stretched and felt Dan wake up next to me. "Hey. How'd you sleep?"

I smiled down at him. "Wonderfully. But I do have a question for you."

He gave me a weird look. "Yeah?"

"What do you think of the names DJ, Carolynn, and Marcus?"

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