A Collection of Stories

By JaneKiley713

4.1K 104 6

Hello my lovelies! It's me again. So, this is a collection of stories that either are currently in my head a... More

A Collection of Stories
More Than A Name Yours Too
Love Actually
Love Actually
Love Actually
Love Actually
Love Actually
Trust Me
Anonymous II
Anonymous II
Elementals II
Elementals II
Elementals II
Immortal Love
Immortal Love
Immortal Love
Immortal Love
Immortal Love
Immortal Love
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
One Year
One Year
One Year
One Year
One Year
One Year
One Year
One Year
Loving Mr. Billionaire
Loving Mr. Billionaire
Loving Mr. Billionaire
The Fake Engagement
Begin Again (First Draft)
Begin Again (Story)
The Royals
Recent Events

The Girl Who Signed

36 2 0
By JaneKiley713

Daniel took me to the doctor sometime in June, which was about a week after I found out about the doctor, and by July I could utter my first word ever. We had been an official couple since early May, which was about four months strong since it’s already September by now. We were in love, even though we had no real plans for the future. I just wanted Daniel.


I graduated high school a few months ago, so relieved I never had to go back there ever again. I had gotten a part-time job at the local library, and I loved it.

And my birthday dinner is in like a couple hours. Did I mention that?

The women here got me a small cake and we ate it during our break. Mom and Landon came in throughout the day, keeping me company while I worked. I kept looking at the clock while I was at the front desk, waiting for Daniel to come and pick me up. I was re-shelving some books when I felt someone come up behind me, resting a hand on my waist. He leaned down and whispered in my ear; “I’m looking for a girl, beautiful red hair and these big old chocolate eyes. She also has this big heart and has gone through so much in the past year; it’s just made it grow even more.” He whispered, kissing my ear softly.

I giggled and turned my head, kissing his lips softly. “I love you, D,” I whispered, smiling at him. Daniel wrapped his arms around me, kissing my forehead softly.

“I love you too, Maddie. And I love hearing your beautiful voice, no matter how quiet it is.” He whispered, pulling me close. I leaned into him, resting my head on my chest.

“Help me put away the last of the books, and then we can leave.” I whispered. Daniel took the books from my arms and let go of me, going around and putting the books away. I went over to the desk and clocked out as I grabbed my things.

Daniel met me at the front door, keys in hand as I took his free hand in mine. He led me out to the truck and helped me in before climbing into the seat next to me. Before he started the truck, he pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket. I raised an eyebrow at him.

“What is that for?” I asked, a little nervous. He smirked at me and leaned in kissing me softly as he tied the cloth around my eyes.

“To keep your birthday dinner a surprise,” He whispered, pulling back and started the truck. We drove for a while, talking about stuff, like the future, college and such. He stopped the truck maybe a half hour later, turning off the ignition and coming around to my side and helping me out.

“Can I take it off yet?” I whispered, holding onto his hands. Daniel squeezed my hands, kissing my forehead softly as he led me inside a building.

“Just a few more moments,” He murmured. I nodded and walked until I was halted to a stop. He slowly untied the blindfold, showing me my surprise.

My mom and Landon, along with his mother and brother were seated at a table, a happy birthday sign and presents behind them. I smiled and sat down, Daniel sitting next to me. We ate and talked and laughed, opening presents and eating cake in between it all.

At the end of the night, we stood and hugged each other, mom giving Daniel a wink. He chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me out of the restaurant and back to the truck. Daniel stopped me and took the blindfold back out. I moaned and rested my head against his chest with a thud.

“Why?” I moaned, looking up at him. He wrapped the cloth around my eyes and tied it again.

“My surprise to you,” He whispered, picking me up and setting me down in the truck. He got in and started driving, resting his hand on my knee. He slowly slid his hand up my leg as he talked, making me go crazy. He pulled into a parking lot and got out, coming over to my side and helping me out.

Daniel wrapped his arm around my waist leading me into a warm feeling building. He talked to a person, maybe a clerk, before leading me to an elevator. Once the doors closed, Daniel backed me into a wall, resting his hands on my hips as he molded his lips over mine. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck as I stretched up on my tiptoes.

The doors opened and Daniel lifted me up, wrapping my legs around his waist as he walked out, never breaking the kiss. I knotted my fingers in his hair, deepening the kiss as he made his way to a room. He opened the door with one hand, supporting me with the other as he stumbled into the room, pressing me into the wall as the door slammed shut. Daniel pressed me harder against the wall, sliding his hands up and taking the blindfold off. He pulled my shirt off, giving me no time to look around. I pulled his shirt and pants off, pressing against him as he kissed me slowly and softly.

“Happy birthday, Maddie,” He whispered against my lips, sliding his hands inside my jeans. I looked at him, stroking his cheek with my thumb.

“I love you, Daniel.” I whispered, pulling his lips back to mine. He kissed me softly, sliding my jeans off and carrying me over to the bed.

He laid me down gently, hovering over me on the mattress. “I love you, Maddie,” He whispered, looking at me. I smiled softly, running my fingers down his back as he leaned in and kissed my neck softly. I giggled softly as I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him close. Daniel growled softly, nipping at my skin, making me moan.


Daniel held me close, nuzzling the top of my head as he pulled the covers around us. I laid my head on his chest closing my eyes. I loved being with Daniel, I really did, but this was my first birthday without my dad. I just didn’t feel like celebrating anymore. Daniel noticed how somber I was, he was always worried about me. He ran his fingers through my hair, looking at me as I closed my eyes slowly.

“Maddie, are you tired?” He murmured and I shook my head. “Did I hurt you?” I shook my head again, holding back tears. Daniel tipped my chin up, stroking my cheeks softly. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” He murmured, kissing my forehead. My chin wobbled as I opened my eyes.

“I miss my dad.” I whispered, crying silently. Daniel just held me, rubbing my back slowly as I cried into his chest. I cried good and hard until the tears slowly stopped. Daniel tipped my chin up, kissing me softly as he gathered me against his chest.

“I’ll always be here for you Maddie, no matter what happens, I promise.” He whispered, looking at me. I hugged him close, burying my face in his neck. Daniel sat up, cradling me to his chest as he murmured a song in my ear. I looked up at him, smiling faintly as I hugged his waist tightly. He chuckled and kissed my forehead, running his fingers through my hair softly.

“Hi,” I whispered, pulling his chin down and kissing his lips softly. He kissed me back softly, his lips moving in sync with mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he rolled me onto my back, kissing me harder as he put his full weight on me. He rested his hands in my waist, tickling me mercilessly. I giggled into his mouth as I tried to squirm away from him, but he held me down with his firm hands. I pulled back laughing so loud, it hurt my ribs. I saw Daniel grin through my bleary eyes, I was laughing so hard I was crying, again. He tickled me harder and harder until I could hardly breathe. He wrapped his arms around me, kissing my forehead softly as I wrapped me arms around his neck. He grinned and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear as I slowed my breathing.

I smiled and ran my hands down his chest, tucking my head under his chin. Daniel held me close as he trialed his lanky fingers down my back slowly. I closed my eyes as I breathed him in, letting him hold me. “I love you, Madeline. With all my heart,” He whispered into my hair.

“I love you too, Daniel. So very, very much,” I whispered. He held me close as his eyes slowly drifted shut. I curled into him and closed my eyes, falling asleep.


I woke up the next morning, engulfed in fluffy white sheets. I yawned softly and curled back into them, running a hand through my hair. I heard the water on in the bathroom, so I assume Daniel must be in there. My eyes drifted shut again, not wanting to sleep but not wanting to stay awake either. I heard the bathroom door open and close, footsteps being muffled by the carpet. I smiled as I heard the faint sound of whistling from the most perfect pair of lips. I opened one eye, looking at Daniel as he stood in front of the mirror, a towel around his waist as he played with his hair. I giggled and ducked under the covers as Daniel turned around and pounced on the bed, landing next to me on his hands and knees.

“I’ve got you!” He shouted in a playful voice, throwing back the covers to reveal empty sheets. I held back a giggle, being as still as I possibly could. He grumbled as he slowly teased me, roaming his hands around the bed. He found my ankles and grabbed them, ducking under the covers and hovered over me.

“You smell good.” I murmured as I rested my hands on his chest. He grinned at me and kissed my forehead, flopping to the side. He wrapped his arms around me and trapped me to his chest, pressing his lips to my ear.

“Thank you,” He murmured, slipping his lips to my neck. I pulled his chin up and kissed him softly before I pressed my lips to his neck, kissing and sucking and biting his open skin. He sighed tipped my chin up, looking me in the eyes. “Maddie, I have something I want to ask you.” He murmured. I raised an eyebrow at him as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Daniel took a deep breath as he brushed his lips chastely against my forehead.

“What do you think about the last few months?” He murmured against my skin. I rested my hands on his chest and closed my eyes to think. Of course I thought these last few months had been amazing. I had Daniel, I had my perfect family.

“I think they’ve been great, Danny. Why do you ask?” I said quietly. He looked at me, chewing on his lip to figure out what to say. I ran my fingers through his hair, trying to coax the words out of him. “Daniel, you can tell me.” I murmured.

He smiled faintly and nodded, holding me against him. “What if I told you I bought an apartment for the two of us?” He murmured. I looked at him, my eyes wide. Did he just say what I think he said? He bought us an apartment? I think I’m hearing things.

“You bought an apartment?” I said; it came out as a squeak. I meant to say it louder because he frowned; maybe thinking it was a bad idea. Guilt panged in my gut, I shouldn’t have said it like that.

“You don’t want to live together, it sounds like. Just forget about it, Maddie.” He mumbled. He started to get up, not wanting to stay in the awkward situation any longer. But I didn’t want him to go; I wanted to tell him I want to live with him. I grabbed his arm and pulled him next to me, wrapping my arms securely around his neck.

“I want to live with you,” I whispered, pressing my lips to his softly. He took my face in his hands and kissed me back as he grinned against my lips. I pulled back slightly and pressed my forehead against his. This was perfect.


Daniel and I moved into the apartment about a week after wards, everything perfect for our first place together. I had painted everything and told Daniel, James and Landon where to put everything.

What? I'm too fragile to help carry the furniture.

That took a day or two to do, and once we finished, Daniel told Landon and James to get lost. We had our home all to ourselves. After that first week, we had set up a pretty steady routine. Daniel went to work early in the morning and I stayed home until he came back in the afternoon. I would spend the majority of my time applying to colleges or looking for a job. Life was great for us.

And now, we’ve officially been living in our little apartment for a month, so it’s about early or mid-October. It’s been pretty okay; we’ve scraped up enough savings to support ourselves. Except for one thing; I might be pregnant. I haven’t told Daniel yet because I didn’t want to freak him out. I mean, we aren’t even close to married and we’ve only been together for about seven months.

So I decided that while he was at work, I’d get an at home pregnancy test. And I took it and I waited (did I mention I hate waiting?) and waited and waited until my little phone timer rang. And when it rang, I grabbed the stick off of the sink counter and looked where the little sign should be and saw a freaking plus sign. I almost broke the stick in half. I couldn’t be pregnant. Not now, not ever. I told myself I would wait until I found the one (and I am sure that Daniel is the one) and we decided we were ready for one. But I am not ready for this, to take care of a brand new life and claim it as my own, to claim it as my family.

I looked at my phone again and cursed. Daniel would be home any moment now. I grabbed the stick and shoved it deep into the trash before I rushed into the kitchen and waited for Daniel to walk through the door. When he did, I grinned and threw my arms around his neck, kissing his lips lightly. I had already figured out what I was going to tell him. I was going to tell him I was pregnant and that I was going to keep the baby. I wasn’t going to give it up just because I wasn’t ready for a baby; I was just going to learn along the way.

Daniel wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up. “I missed you baby,” He murmured, smiling against my lips. I tightened my arms around his neck as I wrapped my legs around him.

“I’ve got a surprise for you,” I whispered, running my fingers through his hair. He raised an eyebrow at me, tightening his arms around me. “I’m pregnant,” I said softly, Daniel stilled, not saying anything; so I continued. “I’m keeping it,” I whispered, looking into his eyes. Daniel swallowed hard and didn’t look at me for a while.

“I don’t want it,” he muttered harshly. I gasped and wormed out of his grasp. I couldn’t believe he just said that. How could he have said that!? It’s his baby too, for God’s sakes! He looked at me, realizing what he just said. “Maddie, no, I didn—” I pushed him away and booked it to our room, grabbing a bag and throwing all my clothes in it. Saying that was like saying we are over, because he can’t get one without the other. So we’re done, and I’m leaving because I can’t be with my baby’s father.

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