Just Can't Help It; The Seque...

By JordanXJohnson

72.8K 4.5K 1.3K

From the original Book "Just Can't Help It; The Chose I Made", I bring you "Just Can't Help It; The Sequel"... More

S1 « Fool oF Me » #Ep 1
S1 « Chance Taken » #Ep 2
S1 « Liliquoi Moon Part I» #Ep 3
S1 « oh Brother » #Ep 4
S1 « Outsider » #Ep5
S1 « Hitting the Fan » #Ep 6
S1 « Escape » #Ep7
S1 «Hermosa Noché » #Ep 8
S1 « Brighter Nights » #Ep9
S1 « Connect Four » #Ep10
S1 « hermosa criatura » #Ep11
S1 « Liliquoi Moon | Part II » #Ep12
S1 « Possible one » #Ep13
S1 « Beautiful nightmare » #Ep14
S1 « We Could Be » | Season .I. finale | #Ep15
S2 « Turning Tables | Part I » #Ep1
S2 « Tables Turned | Part II » #Ep2
S2 « Adjusting to Lòvê | Part I» #Ep3
S2 « Incapable » #Ep5
S2 «Ready or Not » #Ep6
S2 « Liliquoi Moon | Part III » #Ep7
S2 « Family to Family Part .I. » #Ep8
S2 « Family To Family Part . II. » #Ep9
S2 « No boundaries » #Ep10
S2 « Black Pavement . Part I . » #Ep11
S2 « Black Pavement. Part II .» #Ep12
S2 « Rather Be » #Ep13
S2 « Battling. The. Past Part .I. » #Ep14
S2 « Battling. The. Past Part .II.» | Season .II. finale | #Ep15
S3 « Awaking Moon (The Moment) » #Ep 1
S3 « Warm blooded » #Ep 2
S3 « Facing Facts » #Ep 3
S3 « His surprise » #Ep 4
S3 « All i Do » #Ep 5
S3 « Amending Family » #Ep 6
S3 « Forgiving to Forget » #Ep 7
S3 « inner Peace » #Ep 8
S3 « Stone of Faith |The finale » #Ep 9

S2 « Adjusting to Lòvê | Part II» #Ep4

1.5K 111 58
By JordanXJohnson

Cameron Pov: • Four Weeks Later •

Completely zoned out as Frank Ocean - Denim played through my headphones. The dismissal bell had rung as I watched everyone scatter through the hall.

Surprisingly the school year was actually going great now. With the end of the school year approaching I knew a lot would change once we all made it to the main building.

Wasn't much to explore being surrounded by people your age and the same grade. There sure weren't a lot of guys like me. Meaning gay. There were more openly gay girls than males, but that's usually the normal ratio in high school.

Rain softly fell from the sky as I witness people running towards their bus. I didn't bother to rush out as I knew Jr. Would wait or give me a call. The song faded in my left ear as my earphone was pulled out.

"We need to talk" he aggressively groaned with a raised eyebrow. Usually I became nervous whenever we crossed paths, but now his existence plays a non factor role in my life.

Gently removing my headphones wrapping them up as I stuck it in my pocket. I followed as he guided me towards the medal gate away from the crowed as we stood face to face.

He looked around as his face gave off a shameful vibe. Sighing as he pulled open the side door walking in. The first level of the building was clearing out as some student waiting in the lounge.

"I've been trying to figure out where to fucking start with you" he shook his head looking at me. "So you just leave me without telling me you're leaving? Just to find out you dating this Mexican? Nigga, than you let this clown go public with this shit on the gram, now niggas looking at me crazy".

He rambled on as I began to tune him out. His opinion have officially reached the level of irrelevancy. He poked my chest a few times as my attention slowly came back to him as I grabbed his hand.

"Oliver" I softly spoke looking into his eyes. "I'm giving you exactly what you've been asking for. You weren't there when I needed you Oliver. You're never there, so why pretend." I sighed stepping back.

"This isn't my problem anymore, do you okay" I shrugged turning around walking away. I could hear him huff as I felt his hand grip the back of my neck. His nails dug into my skin as my body clinched up.

"Do you understand everything you do affects me?" He groaned as I pushed him back. "Don't put your hands on me, are you kidding me?" I semi- yelled as he stepped closer to me. "Keep your fucking voice down" he growled through his teeth as I heavily sighed shaking my head.

Jerking away from him pushing open the door with my back. He grabbed me by my shirt as I yanked away again. "Oliver leave me alone" I softly spoke walking towards the main campus gate. The buses started to pull off as he walked behind me.

He tugged on my backpack yanking it loose from my straps. Breathing threw my lips as I closed my eyes turning around facing him. "Why can't you fucking let me go? You pretend like you wanted to be with me, Come on O' you don't want me bro" I yelled. "You never fucking cared about me Oliver" I yelled as he bucked his eyes looking around than back to me.

I noticed people looking, but at this point I didn't even care. "Fuck off before I give them a real reason to look. Sick of you. Give me my damn bag" I groaned aggressively pulling it out his hand.

"Acting like you running stuff, boy you better leave me alone" I pointed before pushing open the gate. Sighing again shaking my head as I looked back to him walking away.

Christopher Jr Pov

She rolled her eyes as her lips quivered, from the expression on her face I knew this wasn't good news. She sucked in her lips as her eyes closed. "You're joking right?" She asked with her head titled.

"It's out of my hands, she's pregnant" I mumbled keeping the conversation between me and meshell. She punched my arm as I grabbed her hand from hitting me again.

"Are you fucking stupid Christopher?" She hissed slapping my arm again as people looked over at us. "How you get that bit..." she sighed getting up from the table.

Getting up walking behind her as I reached for her shoulder. "Meshell, come on now" I smirked as she patted her eyes before tears could form.

"I don't know what to say, what you want me to say congratulations?" She shook her head giving me a look that read pure disgust. "There you have it, congrats Jr. Hope you're happy" she spat at me walking away as I grabbed her arm.

"Meshell." I called out as I stood in front of her. "What Jr? What more do you want from me huh?, does it take a deer in fucking head lights to spot how I feel about you? And you still picked this uncultured wanna be down non ethnic hoe. Boy" she put her hands up.

Rubbing her arms as she slowly pulled away from me. "I really do wish you the best Jr. And I really pray you become the man I know you can be. Treat that hoe with respect because I won't. The only reason I'm not gone fuck her up is because she's pregnant" she groaned pointing at me.

"Meshell don't" she pulled away walking off as I walked behind her out the door. I noticed Cameron waiting across the street as I Rand up to her. "Look" I mumbled walking in front of her.

"Can you just listen" I yelled as she turned around putting her hair up. I kelp a distance in between us just in case she swung at me. "I never meant for this to happen shell" I called her by the nick name I gave her as she chuckled dropping her bag.

"Do you remember what you told me the first day we meet?" She asked digging through her backpack. I watched as she approached me with a letter. I felt a set of hands cuff my lower back as Maya arms wrapped my waist.

Meshell looked at me as she pressed the paper to my chest. "Your words don't mean anything to me anymore". The look she gave me read defeated as I glanced over at Maya. "Congratulations. He's all yours hoe" she put her hand up to my face as she stepped closer to Maya.

"Now with that being said, those slick comments will get that ass beat. Try me Maya, I've been nothing but sweet because of him, but he's trash, and so will that ass be if you step out of line" she hissed as they both starred each other down.

Maya pulled on my shirt forcing me away, as I help the paper folded in my hand. Looking back as Maya threw my hand down as we crossed the street. She claimed into my jeep slamming the door as Cameron looked at me concerned.

He knew from my facial expressions to just leave the topic alone. She huffed a few times as I pulled off. I knew she had something on her mind, but she wasn't gone to speak first. "Sooooo, everybody learned a lot today?" Cameron asked breaking the silence.

"Why you let her talk to me like that?" Maya yelled looking at me as she was tying her hair up. "Like. I don't know why she hates me. I did nothing to her, does she like have a crush on you? Because she needs to move on and stop being desperate." She groaned looking at me.

"Ummm I'm talking to you?" She yelled as I sighed tapping my hand on the wheel. "Yeah she's liked me since we've moved here, I don't know, it's over now so yeah" I shrugged as I felt her hand Glide across my face.

"I'm your girlfriend, carrying your fucking child Christopher, I went through one miscarriage alone, damn near fighting for my own life, don't you ever disrespect me like that. This is bigger than the both of us, if you're not in this than don't string me along." She yelled as her voice was breaking up due to her crying.

"Fuck" she groaned out as she huffed. "I knew this was stupid of me. This changes my life too you know, I'm the one walking around the school pregnant not you. I'm the one get looked at weird and being called a hoe, not you" she yelled as her face was red and filled with tears.

"Your friends walk around patting you on the back because you're getting Pussy and you wanna giggled about it like a little ass boy. It's time for you to grow up" she yelled before punching my arm. "Bae. ." She shhh'd me. "Don't say anything just drive and stop at smoothie king and get my milkshake" she pointed as I heard Cameron nervously sigh in the back.

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