kiss me * wwe fan fic

By Ilove1D1237

28.2K 1.2K 334

"kiss me." I whisper softly. "Please, just kiss me." More

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682 33 5
By Ilove1D1237

"Actually she's my - she's my girlfriend."


I look up startled. My friends eyes are on me. "Huh?" I reply confused. Paige leans close to me. "Are you okay dude? You seem off."

"No. I'm fine. It's just... been a while since I've gone out with friends."

"Are you sure it's just that?" Brie asks.

"Of course."


"So do you want to go see the movie? I heard it's really good." Nikki asks. "Yes. Let's go." We get up from the table and head out the restaurant.

I've been able to walk fine again. It's been a few weeks since surgery and I've slowly gained my strength back.

"So how are you and Dean?" Paige asks wiggling her eyebrows. "What?"

"You know the really hot dude that you drew." Nikki says with a smug smirk. "Yeah I know who he is, but what about him?"

"How are you two?"

"Guys. Don't invade her privacy." Brie says. Nikki and Paige both roll their eyes. "We're not invading her privacy we just want to know if they've hooked up yet."

"Oh yeah you can have sex now! That's great. I bet the hookups are good huh." Paige says making my face turn hot.

"W-what? No! No. Oh no. It's nothing like that. Dean and I are just friends."

"Last time you told us you had feelings for him." Nikki replies confused. They must've seen my face because they quickly change the subject.

"Anyways, we should get going. The movie is gonna start in fifteen minutes we don't want to be late."

"No. Hold on. What do you means I have feelings for him? Did I tell you that?"!

"It's no big deal honestly." Nikki says quickly walking faster to the car.

"But I need to know."

"Aj, it's probably better that we stop talking about this. We don't want you to get upset." Brie says with a soft smile.

"I just don't understand why can't I remember certain things. It feels like they're all connected to, Dean and that bothers me so much. Why can't I remember?"

"It's okay. Don't worry you will remember soon. The doctor said so." Paige says wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

"It's been weeks. I haven't remembered."

"It's okay just be patient."


"Be right back." I whisper to Brie who's sitting next to me. "Where are you going?" She quietly asks.

"I need a refill."

"Want me to go with you?"

"No thanks. I'm good. I'll be back in a few minutes." I grab my empty cup and excuse myself as I go down the row.

I try to be as quiet and quick as possible because the movie is already playing. When I'm out the theatre room I walk to the soda machine.

I'm in the process of pouring in lemonade when I spot Dean. "Dean!" I shout enthusiastically.

I don't know why, but seeing him has brighten up my mood all of the sudden. He looks up startled as I run to him forgetting my cup behind.

"Hi!" Without thinking I wrap my arms around him. He tenses at my touch and I quickly pull away embarrassed.

"Sorry." I mumble with blushed cheeks. "I-its okay. And uh hey."

"What are you doing here? Oh wait forget that dumb question well of course you're here to watch a movie. Silly me." I say with a laugh. He smiles at me showing his small dimples causing my heart to skip a beat.

"Yeah I'm here to watch a movie."

"Why haven't you been over to my house? I mean because we're friends you know and you can come whenever you please."

"Oh yeah. I've just ... I've been busy at the hospital." He replies scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh really? I went for a checkup the other day and I saw you. I called your name, but you must've not heard me." I say with a nervous laugh.

"Yeah I- I must've not heard."

"So I can finally walk and run again. Isn't it great?"

"That's very good. I'm happy for you, Aj."

"Me too. When are we going to wrestle? You said when I was healthy and ready you and I would wrestle."

He looks surprised, "You remember that?"

"Yeah. I - I still can't remember some things." I mumble quietly. "Ohhh. Well yeah we need to wrestle."


I turn around and land eyes on the pretty girl that was on his phone. She's prettier in person. With a curvy body and stunning hair. Not to mention her makeup makes her look ten times as prettier.

I suddenly feel self conscious in my bare face, t-shirt, ripped jeans and converse. This girl is dressed like a model and she literally looks like one too.

"Oh uh Layla, this is my friend, Aj. From the hospital."


My heart swells up and not in a good way. I didn't like being called his friend even though that's what we are.

"Oh hey! Nice to finally meet you. I see you're doing much better."

She shakes my hand and gives me a warm smile. My blood boils and I don't know why. She's not being rude and her smile is sincere.

It just bothers me.

She bothers me.

"I told Layla about you. I hope you don't mind."

"No that's fine." I reply as she lets go of my hand. "Want to watch a movie with us?" She asks as she wraps her arm around, Dean.

"Uhh .. no thank you. I'm here with my friends."

"Oh okay well we'll let you go we don't want to be late for the show time." She smiles at me again and I simply nod my head.

"Bye." Dean quietly mumbles as they start walking away.

"Babe this sounds like a really cool movie." She gushes to him. "I bet it is." He replies.

"Bye." I finally say even though he's far enough he won't hear me. They're standing by the ticket line waiting and she pulls him in for a kiss.

A kiss on the lips.

When I see this my heart sinks to my stomach. A sudden flash comes to mind.

"Just do me that favor. I've been kissed several times, but I want to be kissed by you. Oh gosh, I want nothing more than to be kissed by you. I might die in a couple of hours can you just please do me that favor?"

The tears start rolling down my cheeks without warning. It's like a faucet was turned on from my eyes because they're impossible to hold back.

I slowly walk to the soda machine and see that my cup has overflowed with lemonade. Just like my eyes have overflowed with tears.

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