A Beautiful Mistake

By _letmekissyounialler

74.1K 1K 131

Katherine Carter was your average 16 year old. Except for the fact that her parents died when she was 12 and... More

Pinky Promise
New Home
One Direction Are Vacationing Where?
The Five Boys Next Door
The Box of Carrots
Better Luck Next Time
Best Friends?
Getting Their Numbers
Going for a Swim
That's One For Twitter
The Not So Girls Day
Bring It, Curly
Disneyland with the Boys
Under the Castle
He's Said What???
Singing and Sluts
Chocolate Chip Pancakes and the Beach
Killer Spiders
Ass of Holes
Movie Premiere
He'll Keep You Safe
Stupid Ex Boyfriend
Hospital on Fourth of July
Hearts Break. Circles go on Forever
Niall's Grand Slam
Heart to Heart with Zayn Malik
Niall Makes Me Fall
Good Night Kiss
Destructive Cookie Sheets
And So It Begins
What Are You Doing Here?
Can't Breathe
Goodbyes and New Beginnings?
Shopping Spree pt. 1
Shopping Spree pt. 2
Last Day
The Fun and Only
Down Right Cruel
A Fish Without Eyes
Zayn gets his Trousers Twisted
Annoying Buzz
Three Days
Payback is a Bitch

The Truth Comes Out

1.4K 19 3
By _letmekissyounialler

Harry stared into my eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but Niall interrupted him, "KATIE, I HAVE YOUR SANDWICH." I scrambled to my feet and ran to Niall. I took the PB&J sandwich and whispered a thank you in Niall's ear. I sat down and nibbled on my sandwich. Erika and Niall were sitting on either side of me. The other boys came and formed a circle. I didn't really pay any attention to what to they were saying. I tried to avoid Harry's eyes. He wouldn't stop staring at me.

"KATIE BEAR!?" Louis screamed, waving his hand in front of my face.

I snapped out of my thoughts, "Huh? Oh sorry, my sandwich was just very interesting..."

Louis laughed, "I could tell.  Anyways, I MISSED YOU!!!! I haven't seen you in forever!"

I rolled my eyes, teasingly, "Its only been a day Lou."

"Still." Louis stood up stripping off his shirt, "I'm going in the water!"

"Me too!" I threw my sandwich on the bag and ran after Louis. I caught up to him, Louis was just standing there staring at the water.

"Think its cold?" Louis asked.

"No." I shook my head. Louis' face lit up as he ran into the water. He screamed bloody murder. I saw Niall and Harry stand up. Niall came running down the shore.

"YOU LIAR." Louis screamed at me.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks, "I wish I got that on camera!!!!!" I was dying of laughter. Niall ran up next to me looking at me with confusion is his eyes.

I calmed down and pointed to Louis who was diving in the waves, "Louis." Niall chuckled and shook his head.

"KATIE!" I turned my head to find Erika about 20 feet down the shoreline, "LIKE THE DO IN THE MOVIES!" She shouted at me. Erika began to run towards me in slow motion. I laughed and did the same. We met halfway and wrapped our arms around each other very dramatically. The boys clapped and whistled. Erika and I broke apart laughing. We always did this at school and people would stare at us weird. The sun was starting to set so we walked back to our circle. Niall really wanted s'mores so Zayn made a fire in the fire pit thingy. We all sat around it. Niall and Erika sat on either side of me again. Harry was right in front of me again. I just finished eating my first s'more when Harry speaks for the first time, "Can I talk to you, Katherine?"

"Erm, sure." I got up from my chair and gave Niall an assuring smile. Harry and I walked along the shore.

"Katherine, I am so sorry about what happened at the concert the other day. That girl, she just came in my dressing room and threw herself at me. I tried to break away, but she was really strong. Erika even yelled at her. I'm sorry." Harry looked down at his shoes

I stopped walking and I looked at Harry deep in the eyes, "You told me you were gonna make me fall for you. And this is how you do it? Harry, that was a pretty fucked up move.  You have no idea how times this sort of thing has happened to me or how much it hurt me! 'Oh, it'll never happen again.' 'Oh, it was mistake.' 'Oh, I'm not that type of guy.' And you what the worst part is? I actually liked you." And with that I walked away leaving Harry soak up my words. I wonder if what he said was true. Was he really sorry? I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"Katherine! Please!" Harry jogged up to me.

I shook my head, "Just leave me alone, okay?" I picked up my pace. Once I was by the campfire, I took my spot and sat in between Niall and Erika. Niall instantly put his arm around my shoulder. I laid my head in his chest and I slowly drifted off to sleep.


"How could you hurt her like that!?" Niall whispered.

I woke up to Niall's not so quiet whispers. I was laying in my bed with the blankets covering me. I tossed my sheets to the side and slowly cracked open the door.

Harry sighed, "I didn't mean too! That girl just-"

Niall interrupted, "Harry, I don't care if you called dibs. You can't just go kissing random girls!! That was low. No one deserves that."

"I DIDN'T KISS THAT GIRL." Harry shouted.

"SHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Niall and Erika hushed .

"Don't wake Katie! She is not a happy person when she wakes up." I could tell it was Erika.

"Harry, you should leave." Niall whispered.

I opened the door wider and walked downstairs. Niall and Harry were arguing and Erika was standing the with face-palming herself. When they saw me the room went dead silent.

"Katie... How much did you hear?" Erika asked

"Enough." Not wanting to cause a scene, I grabbed Harry's wrist and dragged him upstairs to my room. I shut the door behind me. I turned to face Harry, his face looked... Sad? Guilty? It looked like a mixture.

"Okay, what do you want?" I asked coldly.

"To explain myself." Harry pleaded. I waited for him to go on. He ran a hand through his curls, "That girl came into my dressing room, pushed me onto the couch, and just kissed me. I tried to push her off but she was really strong. She broke away when you ran away and Erika just went off on her. After that she left. Please, let me prove to you it was a mistake."

I shook my head, "I don't know."

Harry grabbed my hands, "I'll do anything for you to forgive me. Please, Katherine."

I took a moment to consider this. Then I sighed again, "Fine."

Harry's face lit up, he pulled me into a hug and spun me around.

"Harry put me down!" I shouted. Once he put me down, I looked into his green eyes, "Just don't blow it."

Harry smiled his famous smile, "I won't."

Harry and I walked down stairs. Niall and Erika were sitting on the couch watching the news.

I sat in between Erika and Niall. I turned my head to Erika raising an eyebrow, "Really. The news?"

Erika let out a dramatic sigh, "I just wanna know what the weather is gonna be like!"

I laughed and rolled my eyes. I was lost in my thoughts when the volume on the TV went up.

"Today, a helicopter in Afghanistan that was being operated by Jacob Carter came crashing down. According to other troops, it was shot down. No survivors have been found-" The TV went black. I was completely frozen.


Ooooooooooh, cliffhanger ;) Next update will be on Monday :D Imma spend some time with my mom this Sunday instead of sitting in front of this computer. So stick around :D

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