
By dallass78

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We are all sitting on the dinning table. My father asking us about our day, my mother smiling at us, while my... More

Main Characters
Chapter 1: Goodbye Home
Chapter 2 : Donut
Chapter 3: Room 314
Chapter 4: Detention
Chapter 5: Stay away
Chapter 6: Angel
Chapter 7: Shortie
Chapter 8: Bruises
Chapter 9: Racism
Chapter 10: Cookies
Chapter 12: Bunny
Chapter 13: I'm Tired
Chapter 14: Mall
Chapter 15: Popcorn
Chapter 16: Lettie

Chapter 11: Questions

196 101 248
By dallass78


I nod, and walk over to my door, looking back one last time. I go out and head downstairs.

I hope this goes well, If my mom finds out I have a boy in my room, that wouldn't end well, and that's a fact.


Taking a deep breath, I walk into the kitchen. 

My mom is sitting on the stool happily munching on the heavenly goodness we baked, well Gabriel did most of the work. At least, I offered to help multiple times, but he denied.

She finally notices me and hops off the stool, heads towards me and crushes me in a hug. "Hi sweetie, these cookies are delicious. How did you bake them, they taste better than mine!!"

I smile, feeling relieved. "A chef never reveals their secrets." I know I'm no cook, don't judge me.

She laughs as she hops back to her stool and continues eating. "By the way, how was the group work?" 

Oh no, I didn't think of what I was going to tell her. She cannot know Alexander stormed off, and then I was left home alone, with a boy. Plus, he's in my room right now, doing God knows what.

"Violet? Honey are you feeling okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." She asks with a worried voice.

"I'm fine, just tired after all the work we did. We finished the project and Gabriel is going to fix it a little this weekend. I'm going to bed now." I tell her.

I actually want to sit with her, and chat about our day while eating the cookies. Unfortunately, Gabriel is in my room and I need to get up there as soon as possible. I don't trust him enough to leave him in there alone.

She nods in understatement, "Okay honey, goodnight. Sleep tight." 

I hug her, and head upstairs. 

I hope my mom goes to bed soon, so he can leave. 

As I'm about to enter the room, I hear Gabriel talking on the phone. I know it's the second time I eavesdrop on his conversations, but it's not in my hands.

"What happened, How is she?" There's a pause, until I hear him again say, "Okay. If you need anything call me, I'll pass by tomorrow as soon as I can. Take care man." He says, and then closes.

I wait a few minutes, and then twist the door knob and go inside. I don't want him to think I was listening to his conversation.

He turns around, and looks at me not saying a word.

"My mom's downstairs, she should be going to bed soon. If she takes too long, you'll have to leave through the back door in the kitchen." I tell him.

He nods, and sits back down on the chair.

I head to my closet to change into something more comfortable. I grab a pair of black sweatpants paired with my favorite sponge bob t-shirt.

I turn back to him, "Can you turn around, I need to change."

He smirks, again. "Trust me, I'm not interested in seeing what's under those clothes."

I roll my eyes, "I really hate you, you know that right?"

"Of course, you never fail to remind me." He retorts.

"Perfect." I snap back.

He turns around, as I begin changing. A few minutes later, I finish and turn back around. "I'm done. You can turn around now." I flop on my bed, feeling very tired after this long horrible day.

He gets up from the chair, and heads towards me. Midway, he stops and starts laughing hysterically. "What?" I ask.

He doesn't answer me, and continues laughing. Finally, he manages to speak while laughing, "Your t-shirt *laughs*  Seriously? *laughs* Spongebob? *laughs*"

Rolling my eyes, I answer "Yes, Spongebob. Got a problem with that? And shut up before my mom hears you."

A century later, he finally stops laughing and comfortably sits down on my bed.

I raise my eyebrow at him, "Who invited you here?" 

"I invited myself." He says.

I decide to ignore him, rather than have a useless argument with him. One that's more useless than his existence.

We sit there, neither of us saying anything to each other. Finally, he breaks the silence. "Violet, why is your eye bruised?" He questions me.

I don't say anything, I stay silent.

"Fine, you don't want to tell me. I get it. How about we play five questions please I'm really bored?" He pleads.

I look at him, and say "Fine. Only because I can't stand your nagging anymore."

He grins and then says, "Yay, the rules are: you ask 5 questions. If I refuse to answer one, then you'd have to give me a dare."

I nod, "I'll start." I'm going to find out as much as I can about him by asking these 5 questions. However, I can't let him find out anything about me.

"How many siblings do you have?" I ask.

"One brother and one sister." He answers.

He pauses for a while, probably thinking of a question for me. Finally, he speaks "Why did you move to this school?"

Oh no, he's already asking personal things. Quickly, I think of an answer and say, "I didn't like it, it wasn't a good school." I lie. I was expelled, because everyone find out the truth, and things were getting out of hand."

He looks at me with a strange look, probably from being unconvinced. I quickly change the subject by asking him his next question, "What are your plans for the future?"

He laughs, and answers "I honestly don't know what I'm doing with my life. My plans for now are to graduate and get into a good college, and I'll see how things go from there."

I'm not going to judge him, because it's exactly the same thing with me.

But ever since I was a kid, I've always wanted to be a doctor. Especially when I lost Veronica. That night, I realized I really wanted to grow up and help people. The emptiness I felt when I lost her is something I would never want anyone to feel, even him. The person who took her away from me. That's why I want to help people, and do my ultimate to help save people they care about to prevent them from feeling the horrible pain. 

I'm interrupted by Gabriel who asks me my second question, "How many siblings do you have?" 

"Two brothers." I lie, again.

"Cool." He says.

I think of a question, "You only get 3 words to describe yourself – what are they?"

"Surprising, hot, smart." He says, with the signature smirk.

I roll my eyes, as I wait for him to ask me the third question.

"You can have one superpower – and only one. What would it be?" He asks.

Without a second thought, I answer: "To be able to bring people back from the dead."

He nods, and I ask him his fourth question, "Has anyone ever walked in on you naked?"

His eyes widen, and then he laughs. "Slow down Violet, keep the questions appropriate. And yes, in fact, it has happened quite a lot."

I'm not interested in knowing how that happened and who was the poor person that's probably scarred for life from walking in on that. 

"If you had to give me a nickname right now on the spot, what would it be?" He asks. 

"Well that's easy, it would be Donuts Stealing Asshole." I retort.

"I'm not surprised." He chuckles.

As I'm about to ask him his last question, I'm interrupted by the buzzing sound of my phone. Who would be calling me at this time? I check the caller I.D. not knowing who it could be. 

I decide to answer it, maybe it's something important. I slide my finger across the screen, put the phone to my ear and speak, "Hello, who is this?" 

I only hear breathing on the other end of the line, I'm getting an uneasy feeling. Finally, I hear them clear their throat and finally speak. "Violet, it's me."

My father.

These past two years, my father and I never talked on the phone. We would only connect by texting. As each day passed, I always grew to miss him more and more. My mom wanted him to stay out of our lives, and he did as she wanted. Until that day when I heard her on the phone talking to him, it was the first time any of us had spoken to him on the phone. I haven't heard his voice in two years, and I just felt like hugging him right now. The only relationship we've had these two years, was by texting. I always wished he would've called, at least once. But I guess he was just doing what my mother wanted. He loved her so much, I always knew it. No matter how many times they would fight, I would always see the love in his eyes. I wish she could see it too.

I snap back into reality as I hear my father say "Violet honey, are you okay? I'm sorry this is so sudden, I shouldn't have surprised you like that." His voice breaks.

I get up, remembering Gabriel is still here and head to the balcony, shutting the door behind me.

I manage to contain myself, and speak into the phone "It's okay dad. I was just surprised from the call at this time."

"I'm sorry sweetie, how are you today? How's school going?" He asks.

We are having a normal conversation, yet it feels so weird. 

"It's going good, I've been getting into some trouble lately. But I'm going to change that. I don't want to disappoint you and mom anymore." I tell him.

"You never disappoint me, you make me the proudest father in the world just by seeing what a beautiful young woman you've grown up to be. Just like your mother." He says.

"Thank you dad, that means a lot to me." I respond.

There's a small pause, until he says. "I miss you so much, Violet." I can hear the pain in his voice.

"I miss you too dad." I reply, holding back a cry.

I want to cry so bad, let it all out. I never though one phone call would impact me so much. I don't want him to hear me like this. So I tell him, "I'm sorry dad, I've got to go to bed. I'll talk to you tomorrow, I hope?" 

"Sure honey, goodnight. Sleep well." He responds, and closes the phone.

I stand there on my balcony thinking as I look at the lifeless street. All lights are off, and nothing can be heard except the faint sound of crickets chirping. Everyone is probably asleep. 

I feel the tears trailing down my cheek, letting it all out. 

A few minutes later, I hear the door slide open. 

Quickly, I wipe the tears off my cheek using my shirt and turn around. 


hey guys, thank you for reading. If you liked it, please leave a vote or a comment! It makes my day. I don't really have an updating schedule. I'll just sit down anytime and write. I hope you're all enjoying the story so far. Love you all, take care.

Also, this chapter is dedicated to you dad. I miss you so much. I hope you're proud of me.


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