You Pinky Promised Me Forever...

By makedammsure

582K 10.2K 1.1K

Anndraia Michaels never forgot the first friend she had ever made, whom she spent almost every single living... More

You Pinky Promised Me Forever
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Two
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Three
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Four
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Five
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Six
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Eight
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Nine
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Ten
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Eleven
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Twelve
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Thirteen
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Fourteen
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Fifteen
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Sixteen
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Seventeen
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Eighteen
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Nineteen
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Twenty
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Twenty'One
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Twenty'Two
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Twenty'Three
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Twenty'Four
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Twenty'Five
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Twenty'Six
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You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Seven

20.5K 351 7
By makedammsure

Dear Wattpad readers,

I remember the first time I posted this story last fall and by the time I put down the seventh or eighth or so chapter I was in the top 10 What's Hot list, then eventually I remembered as I was retyping and reediting all of my stories that it was my goal to continue on being on the What's Hot list. 

I could honestly not care anymore, all I want is that all of my fans and readers alike to just read my stories and enjoy them.

Sincerely with all of my love, 



I turned my face down, my long brown hair covering my embarrassment. My hands felt sweaty as I grasped the pen as a stress reliever. My notebook was wide open with the ruler bound formatted paper look right back me. The lines on the paper started to move to the rhythm of my heart beat. I'm clearly seeing things now. The situation at hand could not get any worse than this. This was the first time that I felt so miserable about something so pointless. He is definitely not the Joshua I knew. I automatically assumed that he was in fact the childhood friend that I knew.

I can't believe-

He just-


Can't be real-

How can-

Maybe he's-

Definitely insane-

Must be a dream-

Stillness evaporated all around the room and didn't settle for a while. Burst of heat traveled up to my cheeks and tears threatened to come out. There's no way, that I’ll start a fireworks show on my first day of school.

Placing all my emotional roller coasters away, I sucked it up and placed a big smile on my face.

Without directly looking him in the eyes I replied.

"Oh sorry bout' that. I um-" I coughed a little to get rid of my scratchy throat "thought you were someone I knew."

He rolled his eyes and just sat behind me.

Mr. V and the class stared but he told them to look straight and get focused on the subject at hand.

They all turned around but some of them lingered their eyes on me, but eventually turned their attention to the board.

My chest heaved up and down, all while I was trying to control my breathing.

My head was filled with unanswered comments and questions while also trying to figure out why the hell did I ask him that kind of question? What was I expecting? Joshua wasn't going to just walk into the classroom ready to give me a hug and welcome me back in the neighborhood.

Obviously this arrogant jerk behind me was a new Joshua that must have moved here while I was away.

The Joshua I knew would have never came to class late, disrespected a teacher or treat someone new like me with a snappy attitude.

This brat was ... was a complete douche.

Time seemed almost endless as the clock ticked on. I found myself literally counting each second to the minute. Is this how I find myself in classrooms these days? Just wasting my time on useless amusements.

I placed my head on top of the palm of my hand. Then slightly turned it to the side. I noticed that Joshua - I mean Josh was already sound asleep on his desk.

He moved his head slightly and promptly a piece of his hair fell lightly onto his nose, making his nose twitch. It was kinda cute-

Quickly I turned my head and paid attention to the front.

Ignoring everything that just happened in the past hour.

"Anndraia what was that about?" Leia confronted me right as class ended. I grabbed my backpack from the ground while holding my pen and notebook. Someone from behind me bumped into my side which instantaneously released my other hand which contained my papers. I looked up just in time just to see Josh high-five someone from the other row.

"Nobody hangs out with her."

"It's because she's weird."

"Yea I heard she wears overalls."

"Who would let her own child wear boys clothing?"

Groups of mothers sat around in the backyard, whispering dirty little gossip to each other. Having nothing better to do with their time. While, groups of children played out in the backyard.

"Ew what are you wearing?"

"Is that a G.I. Joe shirt?"

"Shouldn't you be playing with your dolls?"

"Or baking cupcakes?"

Andy stood there tugging her shirt down, she didn't know what to do. She didn't even want to be there. Her parents told her that there was a BBQ at a friend’s house, where a bunch of kids her age were going to be at. Then as soon as she got there, her mother got sucked into the wonderful world of marble floor perfection and dark honey oak wood cabinets.

Also known as the kitchen.

While she was pulled into the 'play' areas, also known as the backyard.

"Why don't you just go home?"

Andy started feeling someone behind her pulling her hair as she tried to slowly walk away from them. A kid not that much older than her was teasing her by using ruthless tactics.

"Stop it or or or I'll get my brothers to come over here." She replied, trying to scare them.

"Yeah right. They're a bunch of wimps." Jake stated. The big mean ring leader. That's when more kids started teasing Andy, pulling her pig tails. Grabbing her shirt and pinching her till her skin turn red.

"Who are you calling wimps?"

Tears managed to escape from Andy's eyes, but gradually stopped when she saw someone's hand holding a tissue in front of her. She carefully looked at the tissue and followed the hand to the arm to the shoulder to the neck to the face that belongs to Joshua. She sniffled a little and grabbed the tissue and blew her nose.

"I couldn't scare Jake by myself so I got your brothers."

Mickey, Tony and Jarred started confronting Jake. They surrounded him but didn't use any physical measures. Just some reasonable talking.

"Sorry that I left you alon-"

Andy gave Joshua a hug before he could even finish his sentence.

"You saved me Joshy." She muffled while she continued crying in Joshua's chest.

I could feel my cheeks turning red.

You saved me Joshy.

There's no way Joshua is going to save me now, especially if he's not even here.

Leia helped me grab my papers and placed them in my book bag. She grabbed me by my hand while I grabbed my bag by the straps and we started walking towards the door.

 Mr. V handed was handing the class worksheets as we walked outside the door.

"Are you-" Leia tried to ask but was quickly thrown off by Mr. V.

"Hoped you enjoyed class today Andy see you tomorrow." He said while handing me and Leia a sheet of paper receptively. A quick glance at the paper, I saw that it said Free-Response questions.

An essay to top off this wonderful day so far. Spare me.

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