Waiting Game. | Sansa Stark

Da sansasrose

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"Did anything good come from your time in King's Landing?" Sansa shrugged, "I did fall in love, but that's a... Altro

waiting game.
act I.
act II.
act III.


9.6K 422 109
Da sansasrose


RAYA SAT NEXT TO TOMMEN disinterested as people presented Joffrey with gifts. It was a boring affair and to make matters worse, Sansa was there and wouldn't spare Raya as much as a second glance. She had almost fallen asleep when her mother nudged her shoulder.

"Show some respect," Cersei muttered.

"Why should I? He's never shown me any respect," Raya muttered.

Her attention then shifted to the sword bought over from Ser Meryn. Her grandfather stood up and Raya rolled her eyes as Joffrey looked up at him excitedly.

"One of the three Valyrian swords in the capital, freshly forged in your honor," Joffrey practically jumped out of his seat and ran over to the sword, unsheathing it. He tossed and waved it around like a fool.

"Be careful Your Grace," Maester Pycelle said, "Nothing cuts like Valyrian steel."

"So, they say," Joffrey said before chopping up the book Tyrion had given him minutes ago. Raya's eyes widened in horror as he repeatedly brought the sword down on the book, shaping it into tiny pieces. Raya looked over at the other end of the table where her uncle looked furious and Sansa looked shocked.

"Such a great sword should have a name," he looked at Raya, "What should I call her?"

People began to shout names as Joffrey stared at her with his new 'toy,' as if he were trying to intimidate her. Did he know she also had one and could wield it several times better than Joffrey ever could?

"Widow's Wail," Joffrey settled, "I like it." He began to put the sword away, "Every time I use it, it'll be like cutting Ned Stark's head off, all over again."

Raya let out a heavy breath as anger began to flood through her veins. Sansa may be mad at her, but she still felt the need to protect her. Raya's eyes followed Joffrey as he took his seat. Everyone at the table was silent.

The wedding ceremony was not too much later. Raya couldn't deny that Margaery looked beautiful in her wedding dress, but not as beautiful as Sansa did and she wasn't even the bride. It made Raya wonder was she fully sober that night, when she kissed Margaery, because only a drunk fool would betray Sansa. Even if she and her uncle had consummated their marriage, it wasn't like Sansa had wanted to.

Raya did slightly cringe when Margaery kissed her brother. She believed that she would have cringed, had it been Margaery or any other woman. Everyone in the Sept began to clap. They wanted a fruitful and prosperous marriage for their king.

"We have a new queen," Raya heard Sansa mutter bitterly from behind her. She turned and was met with the hard glare of Sansa's blue eyes. She looked at her a moment before turning around and sighing. As they were leaving, Raya walked up to Sansa and grabbed her arm, and dragged her away from the joyful crowd.

"What do you want?" Sansa asked. Her voice was low and angry and Raya wouldn't have thought Sansa was capable of speaking like that from a first glance.

"I get that you're angry with me, and I know you aren"t going to forgive me anytime soon, and I don't expect you too," she said. Sansa's eyes danced over her face, her gaze not softening, "But I'd at least like to become friends before I am sent off to Highgarden."

"I can't be friends with you Raya," Sansa muttered, her gaze dropping.

Raya's eyebrows furrowed as she looked at the girl before her, "Why not?"

"Because I can't. I'm married and you'll be married soon and you kissed Margaery! You kissed her and I knew she wanted you, but I didn't do anything to stop you from being around her. Margaery is smarter and prettier and a lot more experienced than I am. I practically gave you to her!" Sansa whisper yelled.

Raya looked at Sansa slightly bewildered at her rant, "You didn't give me to Margaery, Sansa," Sansa looked at her, "Have you been blaming yourself?"

Sansa opened her mouth and shut it three times. Raya was hesitant to reach out and touch Sansa. When the other girl didn't pull away, Raya lightly grabbed Sansa's wrist, allowing her fingertips to barely ghost over her skin.

"Sansa, it is not your fault. And please don't sell yourself short. You are smart and you are the prettiest girl in the Seven Kingdoms and beyond. I was stupid and I hurt you. I will regret it until my dying day," Raya told her.

Sansa stared at Raya, blinking a few times before she looked somewhere else. Raya could hear Sansa sniffle as she pulled her wrist away from her, "You can't say things like that."

Raya was confused at what Sansa had muttered, "Say things like what?"

Sansa shook her head at the question, "It doesn't matter, I have to go find my husband."

Raya watched as Sansa moved quickly away from her. What had she said wrong that had made the other girl leave in a hurry?

"That'll be us soon," Loras said, shaking her from her thoughts of Sansa. She was no longer in Raya's eyesight so she turned to face Loras.

As she rolled her eyes, she said, "I'm shaking with excitement."

Loras chuckled at her sarcasm, "Well be grateful, I am your key out of this place."

"That you are," she saw her family and sighed, "I believe that this is where we part ways Ser Loras."

"It saddens me, parting is such sorrow," Loras said with a chuckle. Raya grinned as she took her seat next to her younger brother.

Joffrey stood and announced the war of the five kings. Raya watched with a frown as dwarf Renly was stabbed. She remembered her uncle as a kind and fair man. He would have made a better king than Joffrey, but that wasn't saying much. Her head turned as she heard the loud sound of a chair scrapping against the floor. She watched as Loras's tall form disappeared.

Dwarf Stannis was hit with "wildfire" and had burned. Dwarf Balon Greyjoy, was brought down by Dwarf Robb Stark. The final battle was between 'Robb' and 'Joffrey', which 'Joffrey' won by taking the wolf head off of the 'Robb.'

Joffrey was enjoying the play so much, that when he took a sip of wine, he spat it back out. Margaery looked so disturbed, and Raya didn't need to look around to see that no one else was truly enjoying this, aside from her family. She could wait till they lost something important, so they could be brought down a notch.

Raya watched silently as Joffrey called out their Uncle. Calmly, Tyrion stood up and insulted him. Joffrey walked over to Tyrion and poured the remaining wine from his glass, onto their uncle's head. Beside her Tommen scooted closer to her, trying not to get any wine on him.

"My love, come back to me. My father is about to make a toast!" Margaery exclaimed from the other table.

"How does he expect me to toast, without any wine?" Joffrey looked at Tyrion, "Uncle, you can be my cupbearer."

"Your Grace does me a great honor," Tyrion said.

Joffrey frowned as he looked down at him, "It is not meant to be an honor."

Tyrion stood up and Raya wanted to tell him not to. As he made his way to take the cup from Joffrey, her brother dropped the cup. When Tyrion went to reach for it, Joffrey kicked it. Tyrion crawled under the table looking for the cup, which had landed beside Sansa.

She picked up the cup and handed it to Tyrion who thanked her. He tried to hand it back to Joffrey, but he just stared at it.

"What good is an empty cup? Fill it."

Tyrion filled the cup and handed it Joffrey, but he didn't take it.

"Kneel before your king," was all he said. Raya could feel the tension rising as the two men stared at each other. "Kneel." When Tyrion didn't move, he took a step closer to him. "I said kneel!" Tyrion still didn't move.

"Look the pie!" Margaery exclaimed. Joffrey snatched the goblet away from Tyrion and walked back to Margaery. Raya let out a shaky breath as she relaxed in her seat. The scene had been tense before them, and she couldn't help the fact that her body had also tensed up.

Joffrey drew his sword and walked over to the pie and chopped it. Doves flew out, but it brought no joy to Raya. She wanted this wedding ceremony to be over. Pie was brought over and Joffrey and Margaery began to eat.

"May I leave?" she leaned over and asked her mother.

"No," was all Cersei said as she went back to smiling and clapping. Raya fell back into her seat and from the corner of her eye she could see Tyrion and Sansa trying to leave.

"Where are you going?" Joffrey asked, "You're my cupbearer."

"Thought I might change out of these wet clothes, Your Grace."

"No," Joffrey said taking another bite of his pie, "You're perfect the way you are. Serve me my wine."

Tyrion walked over and grabbed the goblet of wine and gave it to Joffrey, walking back to Sansa, "If you'll excuse us, Your Grace, Sansa is tired."

"No," Joffrey said with a cough, "You'll sit here and-"

Joffrey was cut off by a series of coughs coming out of his mouth. Raya sat up straighter in her chair and watched with concern as Joffrey took a sip of his wine, trying to calm his coughs. Then the coughs stop and Joffrey is full on choking, grabbing at his neck.

"He's choking!" Margaery yelled.

Cersei and Tywin sprung out of their seats as Joffrey stumbled around, grasping his throat. Raya stood up slowly and watched as Joffrey collapsed. Her Uncle Jaime raced to Joffrey, as did her mother. Raya cautiously walked toward the center of the platform where Margaery was standing.

They watched carefully as Cersei turned him over. There was a trail of vomit from Joffrey's mouth and blood running from his nose. His face had slowly begun to turn to a shade of purple. His blue eyes began to stand out against the now red, whites.

Margaery turned in horror, but Raya looked on, a part of her was satisfied that her brother was dying, but another part was terrified to see her brother like this. Joffrey had loved her when they were children, he was sweet to her, but that had all died.

This was the new Joffrey, and the new Joffrey was dying, just as the kind one had so long ago.

Raya watched as her brother's body stopped moving.

"You did this," Cersei said looking at Tyrion, "You poisoned my son, the King! Take him! Take him!"

Raya looked around, but Sansa was nowhere to be found. Where had she gone? Did she aid in killing Joffrey? Raya shook that thought, there was no way that Sansa would kill Joffrey, no matter how badly she wanted to. Raya knew her Uncle didn't do it. She had watched his every move, there was no way he could slip the poison in. So, who had killed Joffrey?

Raya watched as the guards came and seized her Uncle.

"Where's Sansa?" she heard her mother yell.

"Find her!" Tywin yelled, "No one leaves the capital!"

Raya knew that if Sansa had left, that she was long gone by now. She now hoped that no one would find her and that Sansa would make a clean escape.

Her mother's gaze instantly shot to her, "Did you help Sansa escape?" Raya looked at her mother quizzically.

"No, of course not," Raya said, "Why would I help her?"

Cersei rolled her eyes at Raya's ignorance, "I know all about your secret love affair," she said breathing heavily as she held her dead son and glared at her daughter, "Now tell me did you help Sansa escape?"

Raya harden her gaze at her mother, "If I did, I would have left with her."


Raya stood silently looking at the corpse of her brother and his sword Widow's Wail. It was similar to hers, with a better handle. Joffrey seemed so much nicer dead.

"Your brother is dead; do you know what that means?" Tywin asked. Raya looked at her little brother.

"I'm king," Tommen said.

Raya shook her head, "I cannot be here for this."

Tommen was so young, he couldn't be king. She looked at him, his cheeks were still rosy and he was innocent. So very innocent. He would be king and have to marry at such a young age.

Raya began to leave the Sept but Tywin's voice stopped her.

"It would be wise to listen Raya," but she shook her head. And turned to look at her grandfather. His eyes were on her as were her mother's and brother's.

"How do you expect me to listen as you talk of putting Tommen on the throne. Someone killed Joffrey, and succeeded! Tommen is just a boy! He's not ready for such a challenge." She knew that Tommen wouldn't be the one pulling the strings, that her mother and grandfather would, but Tommen being king meant that he would have to marry and that meant-

"You cannot allow Tommen to marry Margaery," she blurted out confusing her grandfather and Tommen.

She wasn't surprised when she saw the knowing look on Cersei's face, "And why not?" her mother asked, "We still need an alliance with the Tyrells."

"I'm marrying Loras. Please let us find Tommen a bride his own age," she pleaded.

"It would be too long before the dear girl flowered, Raya," her mother informed her, taking a step closer to her daughter, so she could clearly see every inch of her face, "What's this really about?"

Raya bit her lip anxiously. Her mother wanted her to say she was in love with Margaery, and wanted her to herself, but that wasn't the case. Raya would forever and always love Sansa, and that should be her biggest concern right now.

"Tommen isn't ready," she said quietly, but she knew her brother had heard by the frown on his face.

"Tommen will be your next king, and that is final," Tywin said.

Raya relented and nodded.

"Good, now come along Tommen, we must prepare you for the throne your sister thinks you're so unprepared for," Tommen followed Tywin. Raya saw her uncle enter the Sept and was ready to leave also. She knew her mother and uncle would want a moment alone with their son.

As she began to leave the Sept, but stopped when her mother grabbed her arm.

"What?" Raya asked.

"You are becoming difficult," Cersei whispered in her ear, "Wanting what you can't have."

Jamie now was nearing the two of them and Raya couldn't help to roll her eyes at her mother's rather hypocritical comment.

"Yeah? Well I learned from you," Raya snatched her arm from her mother's grip and left the Sept, brushing past her Uncle.


Sansa had left King's Landing, but where was she going? The North belonged to the Bolton's now. Raya wanted to think that Sansa was safe, that she was better off far away from her and her family, but she couldn't. Unless she saw that Sansa was in good company and that she was happy, Raya wouldn't believe it. Bust she knew she'd never believe it because no matter how hard you try, or how many people you kill, no one is safe.

There was a knock on her door and she was surprised to see Brienne of Tarth on the other side. She knelled before Raya and the girl tilted her head in curiosity. She had never spoken to the...Lady knight? Raya wasn't sure of her status.

"You may stand," and Brienne did as told, "What brings you to this part of the castle?" Raya asked, opening her door so the Brienne could step inside.

"I hope I haven't disturbed you my Lady, but your Uncle requested that I ask you to accompany me to find Sansa Stark as well as her sister," Raya was taken back by the words leaving Brienne's mouth.

"My Uncle Jaime?" Raya asked.

Brienne nodded, "He said that the girls trusted you."

Raya bit hard on her inner cheek, "What are we to do with the girls when we find them?" Raya asked.

"We're to take them home, but I believe that the Boltons are the Wardens of the North now," Brienne answered.

"That is true," Raya said and then shook her head, "We need to find the girls first. I shall accompany you."

Brienne smiled, "You do me a great honor my Lady."

Raya chuckled and smiled, "It is you who is doing me a great honor."

They planned to leave at night so their presence wouldn't be missed. Raya made sure to take Lady, there was no way she was going to leave the wolf to be butchered at her mother's request. She didn't say goodbye to anyone and in all honesty, she didn't want to.

"So, is there anyone else accompanying us on this journey?" Raya asked Brienne as they saddled the horses.

Before Brienne could answer, Raya saw someone running toward them. She placed her hand on the hilt of Winter and could hear Lady growling from beside her. Brienne took a step closer to the noise and drew her sword. The person continued there run, clearly out of breath.

"Sorry I'm late," they said between pants.

"Podrick?" Raya asked.

"Lady Raya?" he replied.

"What are you doing here?" she asked the young squire, "Are you coming with us?"

He nodded eagerly, "Bronn and Jaime told me you all were leaving. I am Lady Brienne's new squire."

Brienne was clearly unaware of the new information and frowned, "I do not need a squire."

Raya nudged her and immediately regretted it when the taller woman frowned down at her, "Podrick will be of great service. He will make the trip easier."

The young squire nodded eagerly once again, "I will serve you well, My Lady."

"I'm not a Lady," Brienne mumbled as she boarded her horse.

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