Morning Coffee (Team Fortress...

By xfayfay72x

42.6K 1.2K 2.3K

A morning coffee always wakes Sniper up, but maybe Scout could more. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 7

2.5K 80 175
By xfayfay72x

Monday's were never good, especially when you don't have a lot of sleep and you have a lot on your mind. Scout was very distracted on the battlefield today, and that brought the entire team's performance down. He didn't want to coast his teammates a win so Scout decided to bite the bullet and talk to some "experts" on how he was feeling.

And by experts he meant Heavy and Medic. Probably, the worst people to talk too about feelings, but Scout wasn't sure if he could trust the others with this information.

It wasn't exactly a secret that Heavy and Medic were...together? Dating? Even Scout wasn't quite sure. But he knew well enough to know they were more than just friends. And he figured maybe they could help him.

Scout knocked on the door to the medical center when Medic and Heavy were often at. It was private, for the most part, which was good. Scout didn't want the other guys to know he had, like, feelings, or something. Scout heard a muffled "come in" and went inside the large room.

It was brightly lit up, as usual. Medic sat atop of of the tables and Heavy leaned over him slightly. Medic glanced in Scouts direction, eyeing him up. "What do you want?"

Scout didn't know where to begin, and he was suddenly getting second thoughts. Maybe he had better keep this to himself. "I, ah, um, nevermind, I'll just–"

Medic turned to face him, suddenly giving off a much more sympathetic vibe. "What is it, Scout?"

Scout fidgeted slightly. "I, just, I had some questions...." He stuttered.

Medic and Heavy glanced at each other, sharing a knowing look. Medic smiled warmly at Scout, in a supportive way. "What are your questions? Me and Heavy are happy to help," He said.

Somehow he always knew what people were thinking. Scout glanced between them before blurring out the question, "Are you two dating?"

Medic and Heavy flushed, looking at each other. Medic finally turned back to Scout, shrugging, but nodding. "It's private, but yes, we're together nonetheless," Medic answered.

Scout nodded, "And...and how did you know...that you..." His voice trailed off.

"I have always known I liked doktor," Heavy said.

Medic smiled, "Me too," He murmured, which was more directed at Heavy than Scout. He turned his attentions back to him, "But, I have always known I liked men," Medic concluded.

Scout nodded. "Is it okay...for me to like both?" He asked. The fear that had come with thinking he liked both guys and girls was overwhelming and Scout wasn't sure if it was normal.

Medic nodded, "Of course, there are plenty of people who liked both,"

Scout nodded, feeling better. "H-how do I tell someone, a guy, that I like them?" Scout asked. He avoided eye contact, to embarrassed to look either of them in the eyes.

Medic shrugged but Heavy spoke up, "Just speak from heart." He said simply.

Scout nodded. "Thank you, both of you, for, ah, listening to me," Scout stuttered, not sure what else to say.

Heavy and Medic nodded as Scout made his way back to the door.

"And Scout?" Medic called.

"Yeah?" Scout replied.

Medic smirked, "Tell Sniper we said hello."

Scout reddened and left the room.


Although Scout had been given advice, he still felt lost. The next day at work was proving to be a challenge. Being shot at, blown up, and backstabbed wasn't helping. Almost every time Scout stepped foot across the bridge in Teufort, he was being killed by a BLU enemy. The day was not going well. Scout would've much rather been anywhere else, preferably Badwater, but he would've even taken Coldfront thought he hated the cold. However, today was just simply Teufort, and Scout had to deal with that.

Scout was crossing the bridge to get to BLU's side when he came face to face with the enemy Heavy.

"Aw jeez, again?" Scout muttered under his breath. He began raising his baseball bat to beat the Heavy to death with, already mentally preparing for his own death.

A few shots grazed his skin, draining his health. Suddenly, the shots came to a stop and the heavy feel to the ground. "What the-?" Scout muttered, wiping his head around. Sniper moved his gun away from his face, giving Scout a smile front up top of their base. Scout smiled back, before turning his attention back in front of him. He didn't know why, but Sniper having his back and protecting him gave Scout a warm feeling. Worse yet, this was not the time or place to be thinking about feelings at all. He shook his head, trying to clear the thoughts in his head.

Pyro, from RED team, came up beside Scout, nodding in the direction of the BLU team's base. Scout, knowing what that meant, nodded back. Pyro charged in, setting fire to most of the team who was gathered together in the base. As they died, Scout ran in and fished them off before they had time to react. With the team mostly wiped out, Scout and Pyro ran over to the intelligence room.

Scout took the lead this time, peering in the room to make sure there was no sentry turret waiting to destroy them at first sight. He saw nothing and proceeded in, nodding to Pyro. Pyro spy-checked the room and looked back at Scout once they knew they were safe.

As Scout walked over to the intelligence briefcase, he heard a decloaking sound and both him, and Pyro lifted their guns, ready, only to see RED teams Spy sitting on the desk, legs crossed, smirking.

"Where have you been? I've been here for almost an hour," Spy said.

Scout crossed his arms over his chest. "Fuck off, i'm not having the best day," He shot back.

"I noticed, hence me getting here before you." Spy said, cigarette in hand.

Scout felt a rage washing over him. "You son of a–"

"Just take it and go," Spy said, cutting him off.

Scout rolled his eyes, but he did so. Adjusting the briefcase on his back he began running at full speed across the map. Due to taking his time in the intel room, the BLU team was most likely respawned by now and he knew he had to be careful. Pyro stayed with him incase Scout needed backup, but do to Scout intense speed, Pyro was left in the dust.

Scout managed to cross the bridge before he began running into trouble. "Alert! The enemy has taken our intelligence!" The Administrator's voice rang out from the intercom. Scout swore under his breath.

He continued running until he was face to face with the BLU Spy with the bright red intelligence briefcase on his back. Scout fired 3 shots on him, getting a critical hit, and killing him. He saw Soldier running towards him.

"Good job, Scout. I'll take it from here, get to the base," Soldier said.

Scout nodded, thought it was obvious that's where he was headed. He looked over his shoulder at Soldier who was making sure the BLU team didn't try to come back for the intelligence, before running off.

In a matter of seconds Scout was in the intel room. He walked in to find Engineer on the floor, picking up pieces of his now destroyed sentry gun.

"Spy sapped my sentry," Engineer called over his shoulder.

Scout nodded. Damn Spys. "No worries, I got the intelligence," He said, before slapping it down on the desk.

"You've captured the intelligence!" The Administrator's voice rang out again.

Engineer smiled up at Scout. "Good job, son," He said. In the time Scout did that, Engineer already had a level one sentry gun built.

In a matter of seconds it was announced that their team had the intelligence again. Scout assumed it was the workings of Pyro and Spy.

"Well, I should go heal up, I took a few shots, later Engie," Scout said, waving over his shoulder.

"Bye now, Scout," Engineer said.

Scout walked into the respawn room, rummaging through the medical locker, when Medic came out of respawn, looking upset.

"Jeez, what happened to you?" Scout asked.

"BLU Demoman," Medic grumbled.

Scout nodded. "Ya think you can heal me up?" He asked.

Medic glanced between him and the medicine literally in his hand. "Are you serious?" He asked.

Scout nodded.

"The medicine is literally in your hand," Medic yelled.

"But that's not as good," Scout whined.

Medic rolled his eyes, pointing his medigun at Scout and healing him.

"Ah, thanks Doc," Scout said, fully healed up.

"Mhm," Medic grumbled.

The respawn doors opened again and out walked Spy, looking even more pissed that what Medic was. He mumbled something in French under his breath before disappearing into thin air.

"Jeez, who's everyone so pissed off today?" He asked. Which only earned his a shove from the invisible Spy.

He rolled his eyes and left the room.


Heavy and Medic got the final capture and the match was over, RED team winning. Scout fist pumped in victory, the others doing similar things.

They all lined up and took Engineer's teleporter directly back to their base. Once back home, someone, Spy, was assigned to cook dinner, and Scout went outside with Sniper.

They sat outside on the deck. "Nice job today," Sniper said.

"Thanks, man. You did good too. I saw you, having my back," Scout said, grinning.

Sniper flushed, "Ah, yea, I just didn't want to have to see you die and go through respawn," He said.

Scout nodded. "Thanks, Snipes," He said. Sniper look at him, smiling. Scout smiled back, warmly.

Everything began happening, neither of them having time to stop it. They subconsciously started leaning towards each other, eyes fluttering closed. They were mere inches apart when the door opened and they pulled away quickly.

"Dinner's done," Engineer said.

Scout sighed, face burning, "Alright, I'll be there in a second," Engineer nodded and retreated back inside.

Sniper glanced at him before looking away. "Y-you should probably go eat," He said, keeping his gaze forward.

Scout nodded, "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" He said softly. Sniper nodded. Scout stayed put for a moment, considering his options. He leaned in quickly and placed a kiss on Sniper's cheek.

Scout grinned to himself as Sniper's face grew red. He gave Sniper a pat on the shoulder before standing up and going inside.

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