Just Can't Help It; The Seque...

By JordanXJohnson

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From the original Book "Just Can't Help It; The Chose I Made", I bring you "Just Can't Help It; The Sequel"... More

S1 « Fool oF Me » #Ep 1
S1 « Chance Taken » #Ep 2
S1 « Liliquoi Moon Part I» #Ep 3
S1 « oh Brother » #Ep 4
S1 « Outsider » #Ep5
S1 « Hitting the Fan » #Ep 6
S1 « Escape » #Ep7
S1 «Hermosa Noché » #Ep 8
S1 « Brighter Nights » #Ep9
S1 « Connect Four » #Ep10
S1 « hermosa criatura » #Ep11
S1 « Liliquoi Moon | Part II » #Ep12
S1 « Possible one » #Ep13
S1 « Beautiful nightmare » #Ep14
S1 « We Could Be » | Season .I. finale | #Ep15
S2 « Turning Tables | Part I » #Ep1
S2 « Adjusting to Lòvê | Part I» #Ep3
S2 « Adjusting to Lòvê | Part II» #Ep4
S2 « Incapable » #Ep5
S2 «Ready or Not » #Ep6
S2 « Liliquoi Moon | Part III » #Ep7
S2 « Family to Family Part .I. » #Ep8
S2 « Family To Family Part . II. » #Ep9
S2 « No boundaries » #Ep10
S2 « Black Pavement . Part I . » #Ep11
S2 « Black Pavement. Part II .» #Ep12
S2 « Rather Be » #Ep13
S2 « Battling. The. Past Part .I. » #Ep14
S2 « Battling. The. Past Part .II.» | Season .II. finale | #Ep15
S3 « Awaking Moon (The Moment) » #Ep 1
S3 « Warm blooded » #Ep 2
S3 « Facing Facts » #Ep 3
S3 « His surprise » #Ep 4
S3 « All i Do » #Ep 5
S3 « Amending Family » #Ep 6
S3 « Forgiving to Forget » #Ep 7
S3 « inner Peace » #Ep 8
S3 « Stone of Faith |The finale » #Ep 9

S2 « Tables Turned | Part II » #Ep2

1.4K 116 45
By JordanXJohnson

Cameron Pov:
• 9:00 am •
[*iMessage Notification vibration. . . . *]

[*Instagram Alert. . . . * ]

[*Snapchat Alert . . .*]

[*Twitter Alert. . . . *]

[*Instagram Tag Alert. . .*]

[*Twitter Mention Alert . . . *]

[*Missed Call Notification . . .*]

[*Missed FaceTime Notifications . . . *]

Stretching above my headboard searching for my phone as it continuously vibrated. Slowly batting my eyes wiping away the sleep that remained in the corner of my eye.

My phone hovered over my face as i read over my notifications. Next to my Instagram app (98) stood out as my Twitter notifications appeared at the top of my screen.

A yawn escaped my mouth as I opened my iMessages. The first three names caught my attention as Karla, Oliver and Francisco messages came with effects.

Wasn't sure what this was all about as I opened Karla message first.

[ Are you kidding me Cameron??? ] a screenshot was attached to the message as I quickly leaned up from my bed. Clicking back as I opened Oliver message.

["You really just pulled a fuck boy move Bro, not only did you not consider what this shit would do to me! Cam bro, wtf? You in a relationship with this nigga bro?! Public with this shit!?"]

My heart began to beat faster as I opened Francisco message.  ["You're right bae. I'm not letting my parents interfere with any of my relationship anymore. This is a huge risk for me, but it's about that time I take it. So hopefully you're up for this like we planned"]

His message was attached with a link as I tapped it. My Instagram opened up as it took me to his page. It was a picture we took in San  Antonio while in bed.

"Oh my god" I mumbled to myself as I read his caption. "Many of you wish upon stars, but we damn near made one that night 💫 #IlickediTsoItsMine😜"

His phone rung a few times before I got an answer.

"GoodMorning babe" he spoke through the phone as I fell back on my bed. "Are you okay?" I asked as he started to laugh. "The I.G post?" He replied. "Yeah I'm good. Well I did tell you I was going to claim you" he paused. "Am I doing anything wrong?" He asked as I rolled to my side.

"No" I mumbled thinking to myself. "This is just a first. Well this is my first real relationship actually. Just don't want to cause any friction" I spoke with a sigh. "You don't sound too happy about it, I'll delete it" He said speaking over me.

"Leave it, I don't care about that" I said as he smacked his lips. "So what friction?" He asked. "Well. . ." I paused. "Between our parents" I mumbled. "What does this have to do with them?" He asked as I sighed. "Francisco there was a reason my parents never told me about my real family" I mumbled as he mumbled "oooo" under his breath.

"Your mom just opened up a gate to hell, and I don't think I'll be able to close it alone, well not now that my pa-rents know" I slowly spoke leaning back up. My phone was vibrating as more notifications were coming in.

"All these people requesting to be friends now, ugh" I sighed as he chuckled. "Well we're about to become one of the first openly gay couples at the school" he laughed. "You know I don't care" he said as I could imagine him shrugging. From his time I knew he didn't fear this at all, meanwhile my heart was about to jump from my chest.

"Well hopefully you're up for this too, because now we have to figure out away to put our parents passed this" I mumbled as he agreed. "Can't believe she called your family a freakish family, that was so rude bae and I'm so sorry" he apologized again.

"It's not your fault. We all have different beliefs, to be honest I'm not here for your family. I'm here for you, but I've been trying my best to get along with them. Your grandmother likes me and your cousins. It's just her" I sighed rolling my eyes.

"Don't worry. I'll fix this" he said as I could hear a car door close. "Just pulled up baby, I'll text you once I'm off" he said. "Alright. Can you bring me that platter you brought last time" I said laughing. "Yeah if my mom don't trip, she hates when we take food from the restaurant, but I got you" he mumbled as we hung up.

Looking around my room as my feet hit the cold floor. I didn't bother to check any of my other notifications as I walked towards my restroom to wash up. During the process everything I had planned came to mind.

Chris wanted me to have this one on one with Jr, so I'll get that out the way first. I'm praying things go smooth. It's been about three months since we've actually talked more than a sentence to one another.

Rinsing my mouth out as I splashed water across my face. Reaching for my towel as I patted my face drying it. Walking from the restroom grabbing my sweats that hung folded across my chair as I put them on.

The house wasn't too cold this morning as I walked shirtless from my room down to Jr door. It was still early as I knocked a few times giving him time to answer. I could hear shuffling as I knocked again.

He yelled "coming" as I heard something bang. He opened the door a little out of breath as I looked at him weird. "Sup?" He huffed secretly catching his breath. "You seem busy. Just wanted to talk" I mumbled as the door was being pulled open. Maya smiled at me as I looked at him.

"GoodMorning" she chuckled as I noticed her shirt inside out. "Come in" he whispered as I stepped in. He locked the door as Maya walked back towards the bed with her small baby bump. "Is that like healthy for the baby?" I questioned jokingly as Maya giggled.

"Wouldn't say healthy, but it's not harmful" she replied. "What you wanted to talk about?" He asked as I looked at him than Maya. "I could step out if you want?" She questioned. "No, stay" I mumbled sitting at Jr desk.

"Sooooo. . . . " pausing. "Things aren't the best between us and we both know why things aren't brotherly at the moment" I stated. "We've both been caught up in our own lives, we've never had the chance to discuss each other issues, you've been a big brother and taking care of my issues, but not once did I ask you about yours" I spoke as he was starring at me.

"I want to apologize for not being there like you where for me. With me being adopted into this family, I felt you'll always be the one getting all the attention but that's never been the case. A few months ago you pointed out you basically saved my life when I was a younger. I never knew that" I mumbled as he gave me this sad face.

"I can't image what goes on in your head, I'm sure it's difficult to deal with having two dads and a gay brother. Most people would question your sexuality knowing the truth about us. You probably wouldn't have the reputation you have or maybe people wouldn't care at all. It's all about taking a chance bro" I spoke walking up to him.

"This will never get easy for us, and I'm okay with that. You have something much more important to take care now" I said looking at Maya. "I'm good, I promise, but this gift" I mumbled bending down in front of Maya rubbing her stomach. "This is our next generation, we have to make our world a better place so he or she could be safe, regardless of skin color or sexuality" I said eyeing him.

"I love you Christopher, you're my best friend, cousin, but Most importantly you're my brother. So trues?" I asked with my hand out. He stood up wrapping his arm around me. "Oh course bro, I love you too man" he mumbled kissing the side of my head. "Oooooo kae now. . Enough of that" I chuckled pulling away.

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