[FINSIHED] DOn't fall in love...

By Youstillreadingthis

148K 5.5K 779

namjoon and jin the cutest and hottest people in school that both guys and girls want to get there hands on t... More

Chapter 1:Encounter
Chapter 2: Rare Chance
Chapter 3: Friends?
Chapter 4: Questions
Chapter 5: Date Day part 1
Chapter 6: Date Day Part 2
Chapter 7: Recap part 1
Chapter 8:Recap part 2
Chapter 9: Family of Kim Seokjin part 1
Chapter 10:Family of Kim Seokjin part 2
Chapter 11:Family of Kim Seokjin part 3
Chapter 12: Family of Kim Seokjin Part 4
Chapter 13:Family of Kim Seokjin part 5
Chapter 14: Family of Kim Seokjin part 6
Chapter 15:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 7
Chapter 16:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 8
Chapter 17:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 9
Chapter 18:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 10
Chapter 19: Family of Kim Seokjin Part 11
Chapter 20: Family of Kim Seokjin Part 12
Chapter 21:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 13
Chapter 22:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 14
Chapter 23:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 15
Chapter 24:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 16
Chapter 25:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 17
Chapter 26:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 18
Chapter 27:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 19
Chapter 28:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 20
Chapter 29:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 21
Chapter 30:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 22
Chapter 31:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 23
Chapter 32:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 24
Chapter 33:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 25
Chapter 34: Family of Kim Seokjin Part 26
Chapter 35: Family of Kim Seokjin Part 27
Chapter 36:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 28
Chapter 37:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 29
Chapter 38:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 30
Chapter 39:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 31
Chapter 40:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 32
Chapter 41:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 33
Chapter 42: Idk a name for it
chapter 43: Yoongi and Hoseok back story Part 1
Chapter 44: Yoongi and Hoseok back story part 2
Chapter 45: Yoongi and Hoseok back story part 3
Chapter 46: Yoongi and Hoseok back story part 4
Chapter 47: Yoongi and Hoseok back story part 5
Chapter 48: Yoongi and Hoseok back story part 6
Chapter 49: Yoongi and Hoseok back story part 7
Chapter 50: Bad Dreams
Chapter 51: Stop worrying
Chapter 53: New look
Chapter 54: The Video
Chapter 55: Mark
Chapter 56: Argument
Chapter 57: New House
Chapter 58: Help the Maknae
Chapter 59: Just say the truth
Chapter 60: Closed Heart
Chapter 61: Missing you
Chapter 62: Stalker
Chapter 63: Hospital
Chapter 64: Mother and Father
Chapter 65: Always Sick
Chapter 66: Kids?!
Chapter 67: Future?
Chapter 68: Melon!
Chapter 69: Tell Him!
Chapter 70: Leaving
Chapter 71: Broken promise
Chapter 72: Whistle
Chapter 73: Territorial
Chapter 74: Caregivers
Chapter 75: Father
Chapter 76: Captured
Chapter 77: Two fears
Chapter 78: Butterfly
Chapter 79: "HELL NO"
Chapter 80: Surprise
Chapter 81: Kim Nabi
Chapter 82: Train ride

Chapter 52: Nope no name for this one

950 38 4
By Youstillreadingthis

Jin and Yoongi sat in the small hidden cave for a couple of hours which really only felt minutes, it was already 5:23 and Hobi or Namjoon wouldn't be off of work until 6:30, they hadn't called any of them either, Jins phone had died since they we're waiting for a call or a text. The cave was really damp and cold so Yoongi and Jin had to sit had to sit close to each other to at least try to stay warm. A few minutes passed as yoongi was about to drift off to sleep when his phone started going off like crazy, Yoongi quickly picked it up and saw that Hobi was calling he quickly answered and put the phone to his ear while rubbing the sleep out of his eye's.

"Hello?"-Yoongi mumbled tiredly

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS"-Hobi yelled through the phone as yoongi slightly pulled the phone away from his ear

"We had a little problem, so we're at the waterfall"-Yoongi said yawning right after

"Waterfall? Jeez do you know how worried me and Namjoon were when we saw the door wide open"-Hobi said calming down a bit.

"Sorry about that but, can you guys come get us we're freezing over here"-Yoongi asked as jin nodded

"We're already on our way there, you guys should have seen our faces when we got there, I almost had an heart attack"- Hobi said as Yoongi chuckled

"We said we we're sorry"-Jin said in the background also laughing

"Ya ya, we'll be there in about ten minutes"-Hobi sighed as Yoongi nodded and hung up.

"You think it's safe enough to go out and wait for them?"- Jin asked as Yoongi thought for a moment and shook his head

"Let's just stay here, just to be safe until they come get us"-Yoongi said as Jin nodded then looked down

"You'll have to be more careful for now on, they know your scent"-Jin mumbled as Yoongi nodded

"It's fine hyung, I may not be a fast runner but you wolves can't climb tree's"-Yoongi grinned as jin chuckled

Jin was playing the bracelet Tala had given him when when they finally heard familiar voices."Jin-hyung? Yoongi-Hyung?"-Namjoon called out as both Yoongi and Jin looked at each before quickly running out of the cave and tackling their boyfriends into a hug, Yoongi somehow managed to tackle Hobi to the ground.

"Jeez do you know how worried I was, it was your father wasn't it?"-Namjoon asked as jin nodded

"He knows where we're staying now, we're gonna have to go to another motel"- Jin said as Namjoon chuckled and shook his head.

"You said that house was only 1,000 right?"- Namjoon asked as Jin looked at him surprised

"Your lying"-Jin said surprised as Namjoon smiled widely showing his cute dimples

"Mmm nope I'm being honest"-Namjoon said still smiling as jins eye's litteraly sparkled

"But how did you get all the money? You don't seem the type to rob a bank, since you wouldn't be able to open the safe, and your way to clumsy and clueless sometimes"-Jin said thinking deeply about this as Namjoon just grinned/ frowned

"His boss gave him a raise"-Hobi said slightly laughed as he dusted the dirt off his bottom

Jin looked at Namjoon surprised. "You've only been working their for half a month, joon-ah you didn't threaten the poor man did you? "Jin asked as both Hobi and Yoongi started laughing

"What?! First the bank now this? Of course not, he just said that he's surprised at how hard I was working at such a young age and gave me even more then I'm usually getting"- Namjoon said laughing while jin hugged him tightly.

They began walking to Namjoons pack a few minutes after"Hyung you never told me why the owners priced the house so cheap"- Namjoon barked as they continued walking his pack since he was there anyway they had all turned into their animals earlier

"Oh that's because an elderly man died in their front yard so the family seriously believes in the paranormal, they're afraid that he may come back as a ghost and haunt them"- Jin barked bluntly as Namjoon and the others looked at jin nervously.

"Hyung you said that a little to bluntly"-Yoongi mewed as they finally arrived.

They all headed through the small whole where they we're greeted by caregivers and pups. Jin looked around for the rest of the pups who seemed to be hiding somewhere, until he finally noticed them when he was literally tackled to the ground by a large group of them.

"Jin hyung!"-They all barked happily as he finally got to sit up after being tackled

"Jeez are you guys getting bigger or something"-Jin barked as all the pups nodded, they did grow a bit bigger that they finally had their second coats

Jin sat around and played with the pups, most of them laying against him slowly falling asleep. Namjoon had went out hunting so most of the pack was gone it was really only jin and the pups, Yoongi who was up in a tree, hobi who was trying to make sure he didn't fall out of the tree, the caregivers and the mothers also just a few of the teenage wolves. A loud howl clearly from Namjoon was soon heard meaning that they has returned. All the pups quickly ran over to the entrance greeting the hunters, who greeted them back. Jin continued laying down, when his nose had caught a whif of another wolf but it wasn't anyone from Namjoons pack or his luckily, it was just a few regular male wolves, probably looking to try to take over the pack which really wasn't a good idea, regular wolves were smaller then everyone else in the pack the exception of the pups of course. He saw that Namjoon had noticed, as well as two other wolves and they quickly sped out of the pack area, this was the main duty of being pack leader, keep intruders out. Jin knew of this of course but stayed out of it even if he was capable of bringing one of the regulars down. Namjoon came back with the two other wolves a few minutes after, Jin noticed how Namjoons eye's were now a golden honey color instead of his light brown, like some of the other older wolves, this was new.



(I should probably go to bed then)

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