Holding Onto You (boyxboy)

By ArmchairPhilosopher

2.4M 91.4K 66.9K

"So you're blind?" "Yes" "Well just so you know, I'm hot." Hunter has been blind since he was two and has be... More

Holding Onto You (boyxboy)
Holding Onto You Chapter 1
Holding Onto You Chapter 2
Holding Onto You Chapter 3
Holding Onto You Chapter 4
Holding Onto You Chapter 5
Holding Onto You Chapter 6
Holding Onto You Chapter 7
Holding Onto You Chapter 8
Holding Onto You Chapter 9
Holding Onto You Chapter 10
Holding Onto You Chapter 11
Holding Onto You Chapter 12
Holding Onto You Chapter 13
Holding Onto You Chapter 14
Holding Onto You Chapter 15
Holding Onto You Chapter 16
Holding Onto You Chapter 17
Holding Onto You Chapter 18
Holding Onto You Chapter 19
Holding Onto You Chapter 20
Holding Onto You Chapter 21
Holding Onto You Chapter 22
Holding Onto You Chapter 23
Holding Onto You Chapter 24
Holding Onto You Chaper 25
Holding Onto You Chapter 26
Holding Onto You Chapter 27
Holding Onto You Chapter 28
Holding Onto You Chapter 29
Holding Onto You Chapter 30
Holding Onto You Chapter 31
Holding Onto You Chapter 32
Holding Onto You Chapter 33
Holding Onto You Chapter 34
Holding Onto You Chapter 35
Holding Onto You Chapter 36
Holding Onto You Chapter 37
Holding Onto You Chapter 38
Holding Onto You Chapter 39
Holding Onto You Chapter 40
Holding Onto You Chapter 41
Holding Onto You Chapter 42
Holding Onto You Chapter 44
Holding Onto You Chapter 45
Holding Onto You Chapter 46
Holding Onto You Chapter 47
Holding Onto You Chapter 48
Holding Onto You Chapter 49
Holding Onto You Chapter 50
Holding Onto You Chapter 51
Holding Onto You Chapter 52
Holding Onto You Chapter 53

Holding Onto You Chapter 43

22.4K 486 775
By ArmchairPhilosopher

Vincent's pov

I ran upstairs to put the gift Hunter gave me in my room before coming back down and headed for the door to go to Brian's house.

I didn't know if what I was doing was right but I just couldn't let Brian be by himself while I enjoyed the party.

While trying to maneuver around everyone I bumped into someone and was about to give him a new face when I saw that it was Leo and he looked at me with his puppy dog eyes that drove me crazy.

"Control yourself around me Leo, the party is just getting started." I winked at him and he rolled his eyes, trying to break free from the grip I had on him around his waist.

"You finally maned up and got Hunter. Don't screw it up Vincent, he only deserves happiness. Getting to spend the rest of your life with the one you love is not everyone's fortune, we should be lucky. You have Hunter and I have Kerry so we are sorted for life, don't do anything to change that." Why did he always have to get so serious about everything.

I pulled him against me, making it impossible for him to escape. "You have Kerry and I have Hunter, so why are you shaking?" I winked at him again and left him before he could respond.

I left the house and got in my car. I drove to Brian's house and hoped I wasn't making a mistake as I walked up to his front door.

I rang the bell and was received by his dad Kurt.

"Good evening sir, is Brian here?" I put on my best smile because he didn't look very pleased to see me.

"Vincent I don't think now is a good time to meet him. He told us about the break up and he's really upset. He pretends to be fine but he is devastated and besides weren't you supposed to be having a birthday party tonight?" He told me, stopping me from entering the house.

"I am having a party sir but Brian is more important than a stupid party. I need to speak to him, I can't see him upset like this. I can't leave him like this when he needs me. You need to understand the relationship between us sir, I have to see him." I tried to explain, hoping he would just move out of my way.

"Fine but if he gets anymore upset, you will be banned from this house and from talking to him in school do you hear me?" He warned me.

"Yes sir." I replied as he moved away from the door and I ran up to Brian's room.

I opened the door and I could hear low music coming from inside. I entered the room and saw that Brian was sleeping stomach down on his bed with his laptop in front of him and he seemed to be watching something on it. Only his bedside lamp was on so the room was lit up in a dim light that focused mostly on him.

He seemed to be so engrossed in his laptop that he didn't even realize I was hovering over him like a creep.

I sat down next to him and he jumped turning on his back with wide eyes. When he realised it was me he quickly shut his laptop, blushing.

"What were you watching?" I asked him, having no idea.

"Nothing, what are you doing here?" He questioned back.

"Nothing." I gave him his answer back and kicked off my shoes jumping into bed next to him.

"What about your party?" He looked so confused and cute while at it.

"It will go on without me." I assured him. His bed smelt nice. I rested on the pillow and stared at my shadow on the ceiling.

"Why are you here Vince, why are you making it even more difficult for me?" He breathed, lying down next to me.

"I couldn't leave you alone Brian. I came to get you for the party. I know you want to be alone and you need space but I won't go back there without you." I told him, turning to him.

He sat up and sighed. "Vincent please, just give me space and time. Go home and enjoy the party and I'll see you on Monday. Why are you doing this, why are you torturing me? I just want to grab you by the collar and kiss you breathless. I shouldn't have said that. Please Vince just leave."

I pulled him down on the bed and straddled him. My breath fanned his face and he avoided my gaze.

"I am not leaving until you join me. I don't care how long I have to stay here, I'm not going back without you." I told him, holding him down.

"Come on Vince don't be so stubborn. I'm tired I want to sleep. Okay let's do this, tomorrow afternoon we'll go out to celebrate your birthday. We can go to the beach and have ice cream and after that we can go clubbing since you'll officially be eighteen." He tried to push me off but I kept him down.

"Not like being under age has stopped me from clubbing before. Let's just go to my house and we can talk about it there." I sat up and tried to pull him off the bed but he held back.

"Okay fine I'll come to your house but in an hour or so. I'm going to rest for a while and then I'll come to the party." He gave up trying to fight me. "I promise you I'll be there." He insisted when I gave him a sceptical look.

I sat on the bed again and rested against the headboard. "Fine I'll wait here until you're ready to go."

I knew I was being annoying and insensitive but I knew that if I left Brian today, things between us wouldn't be the same again. I was being a pain but I knew that Brian was happy that I was here.

I didn't give him a chance to argue and pulled him into my arms letting him rest his head on my chest.

"I love you Vincent, I always will." He whispered.

"Good because I'm not letting you go, ever. I love you Brian." I kissed his forehead and he finally gave me a genuine smile.

He rested in my arms for almost an hour and I was just about to fall asleep when he jumped up and got a sudden burst of energy.

"Come on Vince let's go before Finn is too tired to dance with me, or wasted." He nagged, trying to pull me off the bed.

"And here I was thinking you were doing it for me. Let's just forget the party and sleep here, it's so comfortable and warm." I hid my face in his pillow and growled when he pulled the covers away.

"Come on Vince, Hunter must be waiting for you." He took my hand and I let him pull me out.

I wore my shoes and waited for Brian to get ready before we went downstairs and we were about to leave the house when Brian's parents stopped us.

"Brian, where are you going son?" Kurt asked, not sounding happy.

Brian turned to me and rolled his eyes. "I'll meet you in the car."

I nodded and smiled before leaving the house and getting in my car.

I waited a few minutes wondering if Brian was going to make it out alive and just when I was beginning to think he was going to be banned from my house by his parents, he ran up to the car and got in.

"Sorry about that, my dads are just full of nonsense but it's all sorted so let's go. Come on hurry up I want to see Finn." His excitement was uncanny and he couldn't fool me.

"I just don't believe it. I left my party, I left Hunter, I left all the beer to come here to you and you only want Finn." I grumbled, putting on a fake frown.

"I did not mean it like that Vince, I just need something to distract me." He said as we reached my house.

I couldn't ask him if he was just using Finn or he wanted a relationship with him because I knew he wasn't ready for another relationship but I just didn't want him or Finn to get hurt again.

"I bet Finn will be a good distraction." I winked at him and he chuckled nodding his head as we entered the house. "I'm going to tell Hunter I'm back, I'll see you later."

He nodded and I made my way to Hunter wrapping my arms around him and I noticed that Finn had a huge smile as he made his way to Brian. Those two won't be able to resist each other for long.

We spent the whole evening dancing and I stayed away from beer even though the guys begged me to play beer pong with them but I promised Hunter that I wouldn't do anything to ruin tonight.

And I did have the best night of my life with Hunter. I had never felt so good before and I didn't want it to end. We spent the whole night making love and my love for Hunter grew with every passing second.

We were in the kitchen the next day and I got out some juice for Hunter and handed him a glass just as he handed me his phone.

"Do I have any missed calls?" He asked and I checked his phone to see that he had missed calls from his mum and his dad.

"Yeah from your mum and.. and your dad. What does he want Hunter?" I raised my voice unintentionally as I hit the counter with my fist. Why was that bastard trying to get hold of Hunter?

"I don't know Vince, let me call mum." He sounded a little shaky so I handed him back his phone and left the kitchen before I did something stupid.

I leaned against the wall in the hallway and took a few deep breaths. I pulled out my phone and called Finn.

"Hey man I am still so knackered from last night. I think I drank your share of beer as well, my head is spinning and I'm still seeing double. If it wasn't for Brian who got me home in one piece I would probably still be lying on your front lawn." He growled, sounding like crap.

"Forget about your hangover Finn, we have a bigger problem." I told him, rubbing my forehead.

"What problem, did Hunter just experience the worst night of his life?" He laughed and I wanted to bash his spinning head with a hammer.

"Hunter had the best night he could ever dream of, don't you ever doubt that. But I'm serious Finn, Hunter's father has been trying to call him since Thursday. He probably wants to work his way back into the house and he thinks he can get it right through Hunter. We need to do something about him Finn, we need to get rid of him." I wasn't going to let him come near Hunter and his family again.

"Vince before you do anything you need to think of Hunter. He's already been through so much and I don't want him to have to get hurt any more. He's your boyfriend Vince and he relies on you, don't do anything stupid." He explained but I didn't want to hear any of it.

"It doesn't matter that he's my boyfriend Finn, if he even thinks of forgiving that man we will be over. That man deserves to rot in jail with the keys thrown away. If he thinks he can sweet talk his way back into Hunter's life, he's an idiot. I don't know why you haven't laid charges against him yet Finn, he needs to spend the rest of his life behind bars. I am going to find out what that bastard wants from Hunter and make sure he never contacts him again. I'll see you later Finny, bye." I spat out, trying to keep myself calm enough to not break anything.

I went back to the kitchen and wrapped my arms around Hunter, feeling relaxed immediately.

I decided to not mention his dad again as we ate and after mum and dad got home and went crazy over Hunter for at least an hour, we went to the beach.

We met Finn and Brian on the pier and Brian immediately took Hunter to take pictures with him. Hunter insisted that he would look foolish in the pictures but Brian told him that he had on sunglasses so he could look anywhere and it would be fine.

Once they left, Finn rested his head on my shoulder growling. "Do something Vince, my head hurts."

I laughed, rubbing his back. "You had no reason to drink so much."

"I did have a reason actually, Hunter. Getting drunk was the only way to block out the pain. And no I'm not telling you this to make you feel guilty because you and Hunter are perfect together. That's why I don't want you to do anything to his dad, he won't be able to handle it. I will make sure Hunter doesn't speak to him but I don't want you doing anything okay Vince." He said, lifting his head to look at me and I nodded.

"Your happiness comes before anyone Finny. I can be shitty to you sometimes I know that, but it's only because I know that you'll love me no matter what." I told him.

"I do." He whispered.

"I do too. Always have, always will. I don't know how I could have made it without you." I pulled him close to me.

I kissed him wrapping my fingers in his hair. It was a firm passionate kiss and when I pulled back his eyes were still closed as he hoped for more. I kissed his forehead and he opened his eyes, smiling and blushing.

Brian and Hunter came back and we had ice cream first before we went to a club and I managed to get the three of them in by using my birthday as an excuse.

"Hunt if you drink today you are going to regret tomorrow." I told him when he told me he wants to try alcohol. Finn and Brian ditched us for the dance floor as soon as we got here.

"It's okay Vince I'll manage. I want to get drunk enough to just forget everything, except you. I know that I'll be fine as long as I have you." He assured me and I just had to agree with his pout that I still couldn't figure how he had learned to do.

I kissed his pouting lips and I shoved my tongue in his mouth. I explored his mouth and enjoyed the taste because I knew that once he drank beer he wouldn't taste as good. Well actually I think he would taste good no matter what.

I slid my hand under his shirt and he shivered. "We are in public Vince." He managed to let out as I kissed his neck.

"We are in a club Hunt, no body cares." I pushed him onto a bar stool and kissed him hard, feeling his soft skin on his back under my fingers.

I slipped my leg between his legs and rubbed it against his crotch, causing him to moan and he pulled me even closer.

"I want you so bad Hunter." I breathed out, needing some air from that mind-blowing kiss.

"Me too Vince." He said, trying to control his moaning.

I reluctantly pulled away from him and turned to the bar tender, ordering drinks.

"Okay Hunt, it's going to taste like crap but eventually you'll get used to the taste. Even if you don't like it, once your brain gets one shot of it you won't be able to stop. It's not too late to back out Hunt, I'm telling you for your own good." I warned him and he listened patiently but I could see the determination in his eyes and I knew that nothing I said would change his mind.

"I'll be fine Vince, stop stressing. I'm already intoxicated by you and your lips, what harm can some beer do." He gripped my jacket and kissed me, proving how intense our kissing was.

"You're not doing it just because of what your father did right because honestly Hunt you're better than that. Don't drink just to forget what he did, because it will just hurt more once you start remembering again." I hoped that he would agree with me and change his mind.

"I am drinking to forget all the bad things that happened to me, but I am not going to make my dad the reason for everything I do. I will not let him get to me Vince, no matter what." He told me and I believed him.

"Okay here you go." I gave him a bottle of beer and he shivered slightly from the icey feeling of the bottle. Or maybe he was just nervous.

"Thanks." He brought it up to his nose and smelt it and the disgusted face he made caused me to laugh.

"Hunt I love you with all my heart but I'm not going to know you if you start puking all over the place." I joked with him and his shocked look made me laugh even more.

"Fine I'll find my way home all on my own. Don't underestimate me Vince, I can do it. Besides I bet a lot of guys and girls would want to take me home and not necessarily to my house." He smirked and he looked so sexy.

"Oh so you're saying you'd go home with some stranger and do what exactly?" I asked him, taking a sip of my own beer.

"Do you really need to ask. You taught me everything and you're asking what I would do." He marveled.

I gripped his arm and spun him around smashing his back against me and holding him tight. "You'll allow a stranger to touch you and kiss you? Is that what you want, to sleep with strangers you meet in a club while you're drunk?"

"It does sound tempting, having no restrictions, just being free." I knew he was just messing with me but I let him continue knowing that he was just imagining the lifestyle he could have had if he wasn't blind. "Having no control over my thoughts, my body, just letting go of everything."

I couldn't help but rub myself against his butt causing a moan to escape me. "Do you really want that?"

"All I want is you Vince." He whispered, his eyes closed as he pulled me closer to him. "I don't want anyone to touch me and kiss me but you. My body is yours alone." He turned around and kissed me. "I know that we're still young and we're not even in college yet so a commitment like that seems unrealistic and I know that I've missed out on a lot but I can not imagine doing what we did last night with anyone else but you."

"It's not unrealistic because we are going to spend the rest of our lives together and be faithful to each other no matter what. You're right it is tempting but at the end of it all you just want the one person who wants more than just your body and loves you more than anything. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me Hunt and I will be the best boyfriend, I promise." I told him honestly, kissing him.

We kissed for a while until Finn and Brian pulled us apart, complaining that we were not here to make out but to party.

"Hunter is about to have his first beer. He already hates the smell so I bet his reaction when he tastes it is going to be hilarious." I told Finn and Brian, much to Hunter's disapproval.

"I bet it will be hilarious, I'm glad I can be some sort of entertainment for you." He complained, bringing the bottle back to his nose for another sniff.

"Just take a sip Hunter, it's not so bad." Finn told him and he smiled at Finn's sweet voice.

"Okay let's do this." He placed the top of the bottle between his lips and with no shame Finn, Brian and I all stared at him with big eyes at how hot he looked.

He took a sip and I didn't even notice his reaction because I just wanted to be that bottle between his sexy lips.

"It's terrible but tolerable. I don't think it's so bad." He said, his eyebrows drawn down in curiosity. He took another sip and I pulled the bottle away, kissing him before he could even swallow the liquid.

"Damn Hunter I haven't seen anything more sexy then that in my life. You are going to drive me crazy." I told him and he got a playful smile that made me kiss him even more.

"Let me finish the whole bottle Vince, I still have plenty more to drink." He pushed me away and felt the counter for his bottle and a few guys that were next to us started laughing at him.

"Aw do you need your boyfriend to find your bottle for you as well. Do you want me to get you warm milk instead because I don't think you'll be able to handle anything else." One of the guys said and I was about to smash his face but Finn stopped me.

"Let him handle it Vince, it will build his confidence. Those idiots are harmless." He told me, holding me back.

Hunter chuckled and turned to face them. "Well I don't know when you turned into my mum but warm milk would be great."

I tried to contain my laugh as I stood there in shock. I thought of that time at the mall when he stood up against that idiot Kevin.

"Why don't you say that to my face dude, let's see how big your mouth will be then." The asshole spat out. Was he that stupid that he couldn't even realize Hunter was blind.

Hunter actually laughed to his face and I just hoped the guy wouldn't react in a violent way.

"I guess alcohol is a miracle worker because it doesn't even let you notice a blind person. I'm blind, dude." He imitated the guy, looking amused.

Another guy came forward to open his stupid mouth. "If you're blind why don't you stay at home?" Was he actually serious?

"Yeah you should just stay at home, or go to a fag club. At least you're a blind fag so you can't perv over us." The first idiot said and I couldn't stay quiet any longer.

"You call him that one more time and you won't be in a condition to go to any club for the rest of your life." I warned him, ready to punch him.

"Aw the little blind gay boy needs his boyfriend to defend him and take care of him." He spat, despite my threatening look.

"I'm blind and I'm gay and I'm proud of it. Vincent does take care of me because he loves me and I love him. It's not easy being blind I promise you, but that doesn't mean I mustn't leave my house. I go to school and I have friends and I try to live as normal as possible. You might think that being gay is not normal and I'm only gay because I need a boy to look after me, but that's not true. A girl is equal to a guy and she can do everything Vincent can do and even more, but that's not the reason I have a boyfriend. Love is the reason and not my blindness. I'm sure you're very handsome along with all the guys and all the girls here are very beautiful because everyone is but if I could see I wouldn't perv on you just because I'm gay. I wish I could see, I do every single day because it's very hard to not be able to see but it becomes even harder when it makes me who I am." Hunter had the attention of everyone around the bar and I just stood there in bewilderment listening to him speak about his blindness for the first time.

He leaned against the counter and rubbed his forehead. "As a blind person I know first hand that I can only know a person for who they are inside and not by their physical appearance. So how can I be judged for what I lack physically when you don't even know my personality. You don't even know my name but now I'm the blind gay boy because of what you saw when you looked at me which is so unfair because I can not see you so I don't have any defence. Don't you think it's unfair?" He was getting really worked up and I think he was just letting out some built up steam.

"No it's not fair." The guy muttered, dropping his head.

"So can I spend the rest of the evening here with my friends or should I go home?" He had the guy looking so guilty I actually felt bad for him, just a little.

"No you're alright." The guy said, disappearing into the crowd.

I hugged Hunter tight, hating that he always had to deal with drama. "You have a right to go where ever you want and no body can stop you. I am so proud of you my angel."

"Why does drama follow me everywhere I go. I hate being noticed but I always get attention no matter what. Even at the football game I had to fall for the whole school to see. I can't see the world but the whole world has to always see me. I told you I am going to embarrass you in public Vince." Hunter complained.

"Hunter you will never embarrass me, no matter what you do. Now stop worrying about what those idiots had to say and drink your beer finish." I handed him the bottle and it immediately made him smile.

He took the bottle and drank the whole thing without any interruption. He was really determined to get drunk tonight.

"I want something stronger." He told me, handing me the empty bottle.

"Hunt I don't think that's a good idea. I think one beer was enough. Finn I think we should take Hunter home, he wants to get drunk for the wrong reasons." I took Hunter's hand but he pulled it away.

"Vincent I don't need you to baby me, I can handle myself. Today is your birthday so we are going to have fun. I don't care what those guys said and I'm not going to let them be the reason I do anything but I just want to let go tonight, forget everything and just have a clear stress free mind. Please Vince just tonight." He practically begged me and I didn't know if I was making a mistake by giving him another bottle of beer.

"Fine but I'm not getting you anything other than beer. I'm already going to regret this in the morning." I hated what Hunter was doing but I knew I couldn't stop him now.

"Vince maybe if you take him over there and dance with him he might forget about drinking." Finn suggested, pointing to where people were dancing in the middle of the club.

"Yeah we can distract him and slowly get him out of here without him realising. I know it's not right but we will feel even worse tomorrow when he is sick." Brian whispered as the three of us watched Hunter gulp away his drink.

"Okay let's do this." I told them and wrapped my arm around Hunter.

"Vincent how many of these do I have to drink to lose all of my damn senses?" Hunter asked, his eyes full of wonder and expectations.

"Hunter if you lose all of your senses how will you feel me. Come on let's forget about this and go dance." I took the bottle from him and put it on the counter and led him to the dance floor before he could argue.

I pulled him against me and kissed him to stop him from saying what he was about to say and he looked frustrated at first before getting distracted by the kiss and dancing.

We danced for about half an hour and I was getting thirsty. I had Hunter with me and he was my responsibility so I could not get drunk at all.

Finn and Brian were here but I could not ask them to take care of Hunter while I got drunk. I stopped Hunt from getting drunk so it wouldn't be right if I did it myself.

"Let's go to the back, it's a secluded area for people who want to make out and do other stuff." I told Hunter over the loud music.

"No way what if someone watches us while we you know... I will constantly feel eyes on me. We rather go home and do what ever we want to do." He refused, blushing as he spoke.

"Come on Hunter let's be adventurous, it will be amazing I promise. It's my birthday." I put on my sweetest voice and he melted.

"Fine, I'm going to be a total rebel tonight." He said, and I felt like I was corrupting Hunter completely. Rebellious Hunter? I fell in love with innocent Hunter and that's how I wanted him to stay.

We made our way through the crowd to the back of the club and a narrow passageway led us to a secluded area that was lit up by just a few colored globes. I could just manage to make out Hunter and he looked more like a shadow.

I noticed a guy making out with a girl against the wall in the far end of the room. They didn't seem to even realize we were there.

I pushed Hunter on the couch and got on top of him, capturing his lips in a kiss and he dug his fingers in my hair pulling me closer.

"I bet your leather jacket is really sexy but it needs to go, take it off quick." Hunter said between kisses and I got rid of my jacket.

"I don't need to get drunk when I can get high from your kisses." He told me as I kissed his neck and I pulled back with a slight laugh.

"I don't know when you become a songwriter but I like the sound of that." I kissed him again just as I noticed the guy and girl leave the room leaving us all alone.

I creeped my fingers under his shirt and felt him all over as I kissed him. He did the same and dug his fingers into my back causing a moan to escape me.

We kissed for a while and I wanted to go further but I knew that Hunter wouldn't be comfortable so I pulled away and sat next to him.

"What happened?" Hunter asked, his eyes magnifying with wonder.

"Nothing happened Hunt, we can save the rest for later." I told him, standing up and pulling him up with me. "Let's go find Finn and Brian."

"Are you serious? You are so indecisive, you need to listen to me more often." Hunter complained as I led him back to the bar. Finn and Brian joined us from the dance floor and they looked like they were having the best night of their lives.

"You two look a little too amorous not to look like a couple desperately in need of a room." I told them, noticing Finn's arm around Brian's waist.

They separated, blushing and Finn immediately took Hunter's hand. "Let's go dance."

He left with Hunter and I sat down at the bar ordering another beer.

"You had a smashing party yesterday, you spent the night with Hunter, we're having a great time here so why do you look so down?" Brian asked, taking the seat next to me.

"It's nothing I'm just tired." I didn't want to bring up Hunter's father again and make a fuss about something that might not even happen.

"Of course you are considering you had such an active night last night." He said, taking a sip of my beer.

"I'm afraid to drink from that bottle now, I won't be able to digest all that jealousy you just spat in there." I joked with him.

"I'm not going to argue that I'm not jealous because I am." He leaned close and kissed my cheek. "I'm jealous that Finn is dancing with Hunter and not me."

He pulled me with him to where Finn and Hunter were dancing and I didn't have the chance to even grab my beer.

"Hunt, Vince is jealous you're dancing with Finn and not him, I can't control him anymore so you better just dance with him. It's okay, I'll give Finn company." Brian thrilled Hunter over the loud music and shot me a smug smile.

I obviously didn't mind the lie because Hunter was in my arms the second Brian stole Finn away from him and I kissed him without giving him a chance to even breath.

"Brian wanted Finn to himself so bad, they just need to get out of here and go find a bed. I mean it's not like they haven't been down that road before." I told Hunter once I managed to pull away from that amazing kiss.

"If they do start dating or at least take their relationship to the next level, I don't think they would ever consider that as their first time because it was different and you know how guilty they feel about it. I know you hate what they did but it's in the past and that's where it belongs. You always tell me to forget my past so you also need to forget that. I really hope their relationship works and they are as happy as we are very soon. They are made for each other." Hunter told me, a dreamy look in his lost eyes.

"Yeah okay I will try to forget what they did." I promised him. "I don't think however that it's possible for anyone else to be as happy as I am because I have you. But I do hope that they are happy together because they are perfect together."

"I am so glad you came into my life Vincent. You are my saviour, my angel from heaven, my light. You are a miracle Vince and it's going to take me my whole life to figure out how lucky I was to find you. I love you." He told me, swaying our bodies to the music.

"Well while you're spending the rest of your life figuring that out, I'll be here trying to make you realise that I'm the lucky one here. I love you Hunter." I replied, pulling him close to me.

"It's a good thing we love each other because we are going to have one crazy life together." Hunter laughed. "I mean you're impulsive, I'm blind, our kids are going to be frustrated with us in every public situation. When our Andrew is our age and he needs to hold my hand just to get me around, I will be the proudest dad in the world even if he feels embarrassed. I want to have a proper future with you Vincent, despite my blindness."

"Hey if Andrew doesn't take care of you he will have me to deal with. I am going to give you the best life you could ever dream of Hunter. We will manage everything together, our careers, our family, our house and most importantly each other because we are in this together and I don't want you to ever think that you are weaker than me because that will make our relationship weak. I may be impulsive and you might be blind but together we are so strong, that not even an earthquake will be able to put a crack between us." I assured him.

I kissed him and he had a hopeful look which soon turned to surprise as we were interrupted.

"Hey there Hunter." I turned to face a guy dressed in a posh suit that didn't fit the dress code of this place at all.

"Henry, hi." Hunter replied confirming my guess that this might be the hot shot doctor because of his accent when he greeted.

He gave me a stare down before turning back to Hunter. "This is not the guy you introduced me to as your boyfriend at the hospital so why were you kissing him?"

Okay seriously he had no right to question why Hunter and I kiss or do anything for that matter.

"Finn and I broke up, Vincent is my boyfriend now." And of course my boyfriend had to answer him instead of telling him to just mind his own business.

He looked at Hunter in shock and disbelief and there was something about the way he looked that made me realise that this guy was no good.

"You're kidding right?" He laughed.

"No I'm serious. I know that you probably think I'm just a teenage school boy who's going from one relationship to another but it's not like that at all." Hunter explained to him and I hated that he had this effect on Hunter.

Finn and Brian joined me as Hunter continued to speak with that douch.

"Something about this guy is not right. It's not that he's a treat or anything because he doesn't stand a chance with Hunter but his sweet talk isn't going to fool me." I told them.

"He was really strange at the hospital as well. The way he looks at Hunter isn't right. I don't want Hunter alone with him." Finn pointed out.

"So what do we do?" Brian asked.

I took one last look at the doctor before turning to them. "We get rid of him."

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