The Breeze [Tony Starks Daugh...

By stark-11-industries

869K 22.1K 28.2K

The Breeze | "I am your father." "I thought we were playing out a Star Wars scene." ... More

Lifes A Breez
1. Lil Intro
2. Star Wars Right?
3. Wake up! Shopping Time
4. Peter and Hero Time
5. School? Nah.
6. Bad Dreams = Hospital
7. LA
8. $Starks Daughter$
9. My mom is a bitch...
10. You promise? I promise.
Skylar's Foster Home Cast
11. Spider-Boy
12. Failure Tattoo
13. Orange Haired Stalker
14. Shocker
15. Didn't see that coming...
16. Washington D.C.
17. Captain America
18. Don't Trust Anyone
20. Relationship Advice From An Assassin
21. Breaking Down
22. Big ol' Breakfast
23. Sit-Well in Hell
24. Fear
25. Peter Has Beautiful Abs.
26. Soldier
28. Secrets
29. Thinking
30. Academic Decathlon
31. Jelly Glass
Avengers: Age of Ultron
32. Dead Stars
33. Getting Better
34. Blossom
35. New Girl, New Friends
Avengers: Age of Ultron
36. The Start Of Bad News
37. It's A Party Y'all
38. All I Want Is Honesty
39. Memory
40. Ew, Ultron
41. Normal
42. Africa
43. Africa Aftermath

19. Ghost Story

11.8K 386 249
By stark-11-industries

Skylar Stark's P.O.V.

Steve lifted his hood up onto his head while I stuck with my sunglasses. It must be a Stark thing. Steve and I were now wanted fugitives, which meant SHIELD was out hunting for us. We walked down the white and blue hospital with a quick pace to get to the vending machine where we had stored the drive. I knew it was a idiotic idea on Steve's part but had gone through with it for some stupid reason. I looked into the vending machine with Steve behind me and immediately smacked my head on the glass door.

"It's not there." I seethed looking back at him. He let out an angered sigh. I looked behind him as Natasha walked up, popping pink Hubba Bubba gum. The exact kind of gum we had stored it behind. Steve grabbed her arm quickly and shoved her into a empty room. I looked down the halls to make sure no one had seen anything before following in after them. Natasha was pushed up against the wall forcefully by Steve. I took a step back in shock.

"Where is it?" Steve asked, unhooding himself. I took my shades off and placed them so they hung off my grey shirt. She looked towards me then back at Steve before responding, "Safe." 

"Do better." Steve persisted, holding her against the wall. There faces were inches apart, you would think they were about to kiss if not for the matching death glares upon their faces.

"Where did you get it?" Natasha countered curiously.

"Why would I tell you?" Steve asked.

"Skylar where did you get the drive?" Natasha asked as she kept her stare held to Steve. Oh, please don't include me in this because I'm gonna say something and one of them will get mad at me. I sighed deeply.

"W-We uh got it from Fury." I told her as I looked to the ground, ignoring Steve's glare that had now fallen on me.

"Why?" Natasha asked, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"What's on it?" Steve asked ignoring her question that we didn't know the answer to.

"I don't know." Nat answered. 

"Stop lying." Steve said angered, pushing Natasha hard against the wall.

"Okay, come on guys, we're all friends. Let's just back it up." I said, trying to push the two people apart. Steve let go of his grip on Natasha and stepped a few feet back.

"I only act like I know everything, Rogers." Natasha said, making me laugh slightly besides the situation. Steve turned to me with a glint in his eyes.

"Well then, you actually do know everything, so what's on the drive Sky?" Steve said stepping closer to me. I hopped up on the doctor counter and rolled my eyes. 

"It's obviously something about Hydra, whether you believe it or not." I said, casting my eyes to the ground. Steve didn't truly believe that Hydra was back. But he needed to start believing soon or we're all going to die.

"Did you know Fury hired the pirates?" Steve asked ignoring my comment and looking to Natasha. Hired the pirates? I must have zoned out during this conversation at Pierce's office. Natasha's eyes flickered across Steve's face that was now inches from hers.

"Well, it makes sense. The ship was dirty, Fury needed a way in, so do you." Natasha said causing Steve to push her against the wall.... again. Seriously Steve you need to chill buddy.

"I'm not gonna ask you again." Steve said. Didn't he basically ask her again though? 

Natasha's green eyes examined Steve's blue eyes before responding with shocking words. "I know who killed Fury . . . Most of the intelligence community doesn't believe he exists. The ones that do call him the Winter Soldier. He's credited with over two dozen assassinations in the last 50 years." Well thats only around 24 in 50 years, thats not a whole lot if you think about it.  That's only . . . 2.083 every year. So it's not a whole lot for one guy. And the guy that killed Fury, the Winter Soldier, looked way younger than 50 so I think Natasha might have a little bit of false information or there's just more to the story that we don't know.

"So he's a ghost story." Steve stated.

"Five years ago, I was escorting a nuclear engineer out of Iran. Somebody shot out my tires near Odessa. We lost control, went straight over a cliff. I pulled us out. But the winter soldier was there. I was covering my engineer so he shot him straight through me." Natasha said before lifting up her shirt slightly to show the scar. It was red and white, you could still see where it had been stitched. "Soviet slug. No rifling. Bye-Bye bikinis." She said with a smirk. I almost laughed at her joke but then immediately felt bad for the wound not healing right.

"Yeah, I bet you look terrible in them now." Steve spoke. I slapped him hard in the shoulder but he didn't even flinch. That was a terrible thing to say. And guys wonder why some girls are insecure. 

"Going after him is a dead end. I know, I've tried. Like you said he's a ghost story." Natasha said recovering from Steve's hit with words. She held up the drive to Steve but I snatched it out of her hands quickly. I didn't trust Steve with it anymore. Of all places you put it, a vending machine with easy access. Idiot.

"Let's find out what the ghost wants." I said with a smirk and placed my black sunglasses back on. 

"How are we gonna do that?" Steve asked looking at me. I rolled my eyes and raised the flash drive, for some reason he still seemed confused.

"All of our computers are issued by SHIELD. And you left yours back at the Tower." Natasha said, thinking she had shut my idea down.

"You know, for an assassin and a super-soldier, you guys are pretty stupid." I said with a frown.

"Well then what's the plan, genius? "Steve asked with his brown eyebrows raised. 

"First, we need to go to the mall. Second, we need to go and get new clothes. Third, were gonna take a visit to the Apple store where we will have access to using a computer that isn't with SHIELD." I said with a serious voice before ending with a bright smile. They nodded their heads in agreement, shocked by my brilliant plan.


"First rule of going on the run is don't run, walk." Natasha told a worried Steve whose steps were beginning to get faster.

"If I run in these shoes they're gonna fall off." Steve said annoyed. I had given Steve a Captain America shirt ( Yeah, he was pissed. ) , a blue jacket, another green jacket to put over it, fake hipster glasses, and Air Jordan high tops. He already had jeans on so we stuck with those. Natasha had also found a new hat for him to wear, it was a veteran world war 2 hat. 

Natasha had found her own outfit which included a light sweatshirt that was black and gray, and a greenish gray jacket. I was wearing my jeans from earlier, a grey Nike sweatshirt, a black beanie, and fake brown nerdy/hipster glasses. We looked like totally different people if you were to just glance at us.

We walked on to the escalators that brought us up to the level that had the Apple store. I led them to the back where the computers were. I plugged the drive into the laptop. Then I grabbed my phone that was held in Steve's back pocket, connecting it to the computer so it would break down any passwords that popped up.

"The drive has a level six homing program, so as soon as we boot up SHIELD will know exactly where we are." I told them as I typed on the computer. Steve and Natasha were on either side of me and kept glancing around to see if anybody was coming.

"How much time will we have?" Steve asked looking out the window of the Apple store.

"Nine minutes." I spoke quickly with positivity.

"Fury was right about that ship. Somebody's trying to hide something." Natasha said as she peeked over my shoulder at the screen. The screen showed where I was writing my commands so I could find where we needed to go but something was blocking them.

"The drive is protected by an A.I. It keeps rewriting itself to counter my commands." I said, quirking my head to the side.

"Can you override it?" Steve asked, placing a hand on my shoulder as he looked at the computer.

"Who do you think I am? Of course I can override it." I said turning to him with a playful glare. He rolled his eyes with a smirk at the cocky tone of my voice. I looked down to my phone that showed a red alert sign.

"They're here." I told them looking up at them with a worried glance. I turned back to the computer and the task at hand. I needed to focus. I can do this. I am Skylar Stark for god's sake.

"I'ma run a tracer. Then we can find out where the file came from." I said, knowing that would show us where the drive was collecting its data.

"Can I help you guys with anything?" An Apple worker asked, walking up to us. He had a long beard with even longer hair, not as long as mine but pretty close. 

"Oh, no. My husband and daughter are just helping me with some vacation destinations."  Natasha lied easily, putting a caring hand on mine and Steve's shoulder with a fake smile. I don't look anything like you guys but okay.

"Where are you guys thinking about going?" The man asked casting a glance at the computer we were using. 

"N-New Jersey." I said with a painful smile. Forgive me New York for I have sinned. Steve had the same painful expression that I was wearing, while Natasha played it cool since she was from Russia.

"Huh." The man said simply before looking at Steve with recognition. We wall tensed up slightly.

"I have the exact same glasses." The man said pointing to Steve's fake glasses. We all blew out a quiet sigh of relief, thankful he hadn't recognized either of us.

"Wow, you two are practically twins."Natasha said sarcastically, turning back to look at the computer.

"Yeah, I wish." The man said, gesturing to Steve's body before saying, "Specimen."

I almost choked from laughter before Natasha shut me up with an elbow to the arm.

"Ow, Mom, that hurt." I said sarcastically, then continued to laugh at my own joke. The Apple worker had left before saying a few quick words to Steve.

"Hey, Mom, Dad, can I get a puppy?" I asked looking up at them with an amused pout. Steve just slapped the back of my head and urged me to finish my hacking.

"You said they were here, finish up Sky." Steve said worriedly and continued to check out the window for SHIELD - or should I say Hydra?

"Cool it, Rogers. I got this." I said before hitting the enter button. "Done." The map popped up showing an old army base stationed in New Jersey. Steve looked closer at it, maybe he does need glasses.

"I used to. Let's go." Steve said shrugging it off. I took the drive and my phone from the computer before we headed out of the store. We began to walk towards the escalators. Steve had a protective arm around me and Natasha placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Standard tac team. Two behind, two across, and two coming straight at us. If they make us, I'll engage, you guys hit the south escalator to the metro." Steve said, planning up a escape route.

"Shut up, laugh at something I said." Natasha ordered. Me and Steve began to laugh awkwardly, not really amused. I checked behind us and no one seemed to be following. We got on to the escalator, I was between Steve and Nat, hardly noticeable. I looked down and felt my blood boil at seeing Rumlow coming up the escalator, opposite of the one we were on. Nat placed a firm hand on my shoulder before looking to Steve.

"Kiss me." Natasha ordered Steve. Steve looked down at her completely confused.

"What?" Steve asked.

"Please don't." I commented.

"Public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable." Natasha stated.

"Yes, they do." Steve agreed before Natasha raised herself on her tiptoes and planted a kiss to his lips. I looked away and hid behind them completely uncomfortable like Natasha had said. Natasha pulled away as  Rumlow passed by us.

"You still uncomfortable?" Natasha asked Steve, who's cheeks were turning a light shade of pink.

"Yes, very." I answered for him. 



As Always,

Peace out BUDDY'S

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