
By BounceTL

3.9K 172 66

Denim and Damien, two twin 'boys' who just got moved to a new High School for their Senior year together. Aft... More

Chapter One: Revised
Chapter Two: Revised
Chapter Three: Revised
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 11

253 12 6
By BounceTL

Colby's POV

This has to be a dream. The girl of my life finally woke up, and now she doesn't want me. Why would she want Bruce's son? She never even met the little crap!

Now that he's dead she just somehow knows him and loves him! None of this made any sense. This couldn't be reality! When was this nightmare going to end?

I slammed my fists on the wall beside me. Right when I thought things were going to fix themselves it all comes crashing down again. Did I not deserve to be happy?

Strolling out of the building I started to wander down the street. I had to clear my head before I did something I'd soon regret.

Suddenly I bumped into something and fell backwards onto the pavement. My head hit and left a deep aching feeling. 

"Geez would you at least try to watch where your going?"

A strong hand grasped my arm and I was being pulled forward. I shifted allot before I was sure I wouldn't fall over. Then I took a look at the person who knocked me down, ready to yell.

However, when I looked up a pretty girl with brown hair and blue eyes was staring at me. She had her hands on her hips and her face softened as she looked at me.

"Sorry, guess that was my fault. I wasn't trying to run into you, I'm Colby by the way."

"The little manwhore's sorry, isn't that sweet? You don't need to know my name considering how much of a genius you already are."

Her face became hard with a bored expression. Whoever she was I had a feeling I'd seen her somewhere before, I just didn't remember where.

Whoever she was, she was beautiful. Not as much as Danna but pretty close. Wait, Danna? If she wanted that dead guy I guess I can move on to.

"Well I'll take what I can get, especially from a girl as pretty as you."


Danna's POV

My heart felt so heavy in my chest after what Damien said. Joel couldn't be dead, he was the love of my life. If I really did have his heart I want him to have it back.

I couldn't be happy in life without him, none of this was right. I looked up and my brother was staring closely at me.

I didn't mind that he could get in my head. He should know how heart broken I am that Joel's gone. I would have been fine with having anyone else's heart, even Damien's.

"Well that's good to know Danna, I'll be out. Have fun thinking of your new love."

With that Damien spun on his heels and ran out the same way Colby did. I could care less about hurting him though. He didn't have to be in my head.

I rolled on my side and shut my eyes. Dying seemed like the best thing to do right now. Being here without Joel was like a living hell.

Maybe if I tried hard enough I could die just like he did. Then we really would be together forever. Thinking of being with him seemed to make the pain waver a bit. 

I didn't want the pain to stop though. That would just mean I would be healthy and live on. I could never want that. 

While opening my eyes I ran my hand over where my heart was placed. I could feel a scar forming from where they had put in Joel's heart.

Thinking of it made pricks of tears form in my eyes. I just wanted to be happy with him. I've gone through to much to make a end like this.

For now I'd have to clear my head so Damien wouldn't know what I had up my sleeve. I would put on a smile and act like it was just a short phase.

When I got him to trust me again I would head back to school where Boldt and Garren were. Then I'd be sure to sign up for the talent show with my brother and hope Boldt would act then. 

I knew he wouldn't hesitate at the thought of killing me. Mostly since he thought I was my brother. This was my chance to be with Joel again, and I'll sure as hell taking it.


Colby's POV

It had been a week since Danna woke up in the hospital. By now I'd figure Damien had brought her back home, but I wouldn't really know that.

I had been spending all my time with the girl I bumped into after I ran from the Witness Protection building. She still wouldn't tell me her name, but I managed to get her into me.

This was my escape from Danna, like Joel was her's from me. Right now I was walking hand in hand with my girl. 

She was smiling at the ground and the wind started to blow at her hair. Before she could lift her hand I lifted my own and swept her hair back behind her ear. 

We stopped walking and faced eachother. Our lips were inches apart and I was dying to close the distance. Before I could she pressed her lips to mine hard.

I found myself kissing her back with ease. This felt like nothing compared to kissing Danna. There was no feeling behind the kiss. It felt so....wrong. I felt the need to stop but my lips wouldn't.

Danna had hurt me, if I stopped that would just be like letting her win. So I placed my hands on the girl's waist and pulled her in close.

I made the kiss faster and more forced. The girl didn't pull back though, she kept kissing back with lust. That's what really made me want to stop.

This felt like I was just hurting her. Using her. All because of Danna and how she acted when she woke up. I shouldn't be doing this. Suddenly the girl I was kissing started laughing and broke off our rushed kiss.

"Really Colby? Your just now realizing you just wanted to make Danna feel what she made you feel? Yes, I know what your thinking. I'm a gate crasher, I can read people's minds, awake or asleep."


"Look sweetheart, your cute and all but your off limits to me. I only kissed you so you would finally see Danna is who you need."

"Alright lady I don't know who you think you are-"

"I think I'm Danna's best friend Estellise. You know me because you saw me as Danna's screen saver on her lap top."

I opened my mouth then shut it back. I didn't know how to respond to that. She wasn't lying, I could remember how she looked on the lap top, and Danna did say Estellise was her best friend.

"Why would I lie manwhore? Now are you going to sit here and keep thinking of how you know me or let me tell you why Danna wants Joel?"

I froze and looked at Estellise's face. She was being serious and I had a feeling this was going to be important. I lifted my head to show I wanted her to explain. 

"Joel made a plan of his own."


Danna's POV

I had been back home with my brother for a few days now. My plan has been working smoothly. I had a fake smile on my face so Damien wouldn't question anything.

He agreed to entering the talent show with a guitar battle, but not without questions. I tried to make my answers simple and easy to believe.

Right now we were practicing Raining Blood trying to add our own touches to the song. We had been playing the guitar for years so it didn't take long to find our styles in the music.

Damien had a real smile on his face, I could tell this was making him excited and happy. I could really care less though. All I needed was Boldt to attack either during or after me and my brother performed. 

Nothing had any meaning to me here. Except maybe the death I'd soon be hit with. It's all I wanted, I had to be with Joel. No matter what it took.

If I had to pull a gun on Boldt myself I would. Someone had to take me out though. Garren and Boldt seemed to be the ones that would be most eager.

They wouldn't kill me if they knew I wanted death though. I was going to have to act tense around them, like they made me nervous. This had to be utterly perfect.


Song of the Chapter: Cinema by Skrillex ft. Benny Benassi

Well another chapter down! Who thought Colby's mystery girl was Estellise in the first place??Most likely everyone...still thanks to my readers! Over 500 reads and over 70 votes! Hope you all are enjoying the story! Elmo stalks at midnight... Love, Silky:D

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