Wringer. LS

By mysecretjournal

27.5K 1.1K 535

After a while, I heard nothing but silence except for the sound of footsteps coming closer and closer. When t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chatper 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 3

1.4K 56 30
By mysecretjournal

Heeeeey, what do you think so far? I'm pretty proud of myself with this chapter, It's pretty long. I switch POVs like, every 5 sentences in this chapter and I usually hate it when others do that but i guess i'm a hippo-hypocriteee! I don't know why but i like holding the last letter of the last word in a sentence like thissss.

Live in the US. I tried with the prices of stuff.

Fact of the Chapter: LARRY IS MY OTP! :)



Harry's POV

The walk to school is shorter from Robin's, almost half the time, but I still wish I could stay at my house in the woods. I'm going to miss that house, but at least I can stay in the tree house. Hopefully if there are no children.

When I arrive I head to my locker, hoping to dodge Brad this morning. If I'm lucky sometimes I'll get here early or late enough to dodge the morning beat up. When I enter the hallway everyone stops and stares at me as I walk. I hung my head low to keep out the stares until I get to my locker. Once I get to my locker there's a slight murmur throughout the hallway, mostly about me.

It's only 7:40, I have 40 minutes until homeroom. No matter where I go I will cause a silence. I thought about yesterday, about how Mrs. Piper wants me to see Dr. Fields consistently. I wish I could, if only Robin would let me, but of course he wouldn't! He's the main reason why I need Therapy!

Sure I can't see him consistently, but I could see him once. Just once is all I need really. I just someone to talk to. I know he wouldn't help, no one ever does, but I just want to talk.

I walk down the still silent hallway and turn a left into Dr. Fields office.

"Hi Dr. Fields, I wanted to-" I stop in the middle of my sentence when I see that someone was already in there. I've never seen him around here before. He was wearing all black, and had tattoos all on his arms. His hair was up in a chestnut quiff and He had piercing ocean blue eyes. He was beautiful. "Oh sorry, I-I didn't know you were busy." I mumble.

"Oh no, it's ok, we were just signing papers, nothing urgent. Now what did you need to talk about?" Dr. Fields asks while the tattooed covered boy stares at me.

"I uh.." My eyes catch his for a moment. "Nothing, just, wanted to uhh..nothing." I speeed out and shut the door quickly.

Louis' POV

"Well that didn't take as long as I expected!" I tell myself finishing the roof. I get off of the roof and back into my bedroom. What else do I have to do? Let's see, I finished the roof. Cleaned up the place. Had the electricity and water work. Moved furniture into the house. What was it..? Oh yeah! I gotta get myself and the girls enrolled into school!

I grab my keys off my bedside table next to the two flower crowns I've found since I've arrived here.  I locked the door behind me and walk away from my new home. Across the bridge, I unlock my car and got in. I first drive to Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School &Sixth Form College to enrol myself.

I'm not sure how I'm going to handle this but I have to. I have to stay strong for the girls. I have to be there for them.

The drive isn't that long, probably 10 minutes or so. I pull into the school and park near the entrance that's filled with teenagers. I lock my car and walk up the entrance stairs.

"Excuse me, could you tell me where Dr. Fields office is?" I ask a random teen walking down the hallway.

"Yeah, it's down this hall and to the left, first door on the right." She tells me.

"Thanks." I head the way she told me. Once I find the door I knock on it lightly and open the door just a crack.

"Excuse me, are you Dr. Fields?" I ask the man behind the desk.

"Yes I am, and I'm assuming you're uhh," He looks at a piece of paper on his desk. "Louis Tomlinson?"

"Yep, that's me." I smile and nod.

"Great, please take a seat Louis." He points to the chair in front of me as I sit in it. "So how are you liking Holmes Chapel so far?"

"It's great little town, the people are nice and kind. It's a lot different than Doncaster." I say nodding my head and shrugging my shoulders.

"Good, good, that's great to hear. So there are a few papers your parents or legal guardians will have to sign, are they coming in?" He asks handing me the papers.

"Uhh...no they won't be coming." I say quietly.

"Oh so will they be coming later today or tomorrow to sign them?" He asks.

"Actually there's something you should know, I-"

"Hi Dr. Fields I wanted to-" A boy interrupted me walking into the office. He was wearing a dirty white shirt, and jeans. He had chestnut curls for hair, and emerald green eyes. He had two big scars on his face that looked rather fresh, one on his cheek and the other on his forehead. "Oh sorry, I-I didn't know you were busy." He mumbles while looking down.

"Oh no, it's ok, we were just signing papers, nothing urgent. Now what did you need to talk about?" Dr. Fields asks.

"I uh... just, wanted to uhh..nothing." he speeds out quickly and slams the door shut. Something about his voice sounded familiar, but I've only met a few people in this town, and he was definitely not one of them.

"Well ok, sorry about that, continue Louis." Dr. Fields said to me.

"Well, see, the reason a legal Guardian isn't coming is because..."

Harry's POV

Since I stayed at Robin's I had food for today. But it wasn't much, just a loaf of bread and a piece of cheese. But it was better then the nothing I've been having for 3 days. I sat down at my regular table in the back of the cafeteria and opened up my paper towel of cheese and bread. I started eating them together slowly. I savoure the food because who knows when's the next I'm gonna eat?

When I'm done I go outside to make a flower crown, since I lost my most recent one last night. I made it out of daisies again because that's basically the only flower this school has in it's yard.

"Hey faggot!" I shot my head towards the door where Brad and his two friends were standing. "Did you miss me this morning?" I gulp loudly. His friends walk up to me and pick me up. They carry me inside while I cried and screamed. It was no use though because everyone was in the cafeteria, which was at the other end of the school. "No one's gonna hear you scream or cry this time." Brad whispers.

They drag me into an empty classroom and instantly started beating me up. They kicked me in the stomach, and punched me in the face. It hurt even worse than usual because they were hitting the same places Robin hit me last night. They continued to physically hurt me until I was even more black and blue. "You are a worthless piece of shit! I don't even know why you're still alive." He scoffs. A single tear rolled down my cheek.

"Hey look! The fags crying!" Drake says pointing at me and laughing with the others joining. Once they were done Brad spit on me and laughed while walking out. Leaving me there in pain. I tried to get myself off the floor but I didn't have the strength. Luckily this classroom was an abandon one, so no one uses it. No one would be able to find me.

I don't want to be found in this state. In this state of worthlessness and vulnerability covered in bruises from head to toe. No one would help me, they would only make it worse for sure. They would take advantage of me. They would hurt me. I can't trust anyone.

Louis' POV

"But I don't want to eat rice for dinner!" Phoebe whines.

"Me neither!" Daisy says crossing her arms.

"Guys, for the next week or so rice will mostly be our dinner, or at least until I get my first pay check ok?" I reassure them.

"Ugh, another week of this shit?" Lottie groanes.

"Lottie! Daisy and Phoebe are right there!" I shush her quietly.

"Oh they've heard and seen worse on TV already!" Fizzy tells me.

"Alright, no more watching anything on channel 28 while the twins are around!" I tell Fizzy and Lottie sternly.

"Lou-isss!" They both draw out at the same time.

"I mean it!" I point my fork at them before they both sigh with defeat.

"Yes Louis." They groan. We all continue to pick and eat at our rice for a few minutes in silence.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, tonight we're all going to bed early. We all have school tomorrow and I have to drop off you two," Pointing at the twins. "at one school. Then you two," Pointing to Lottie and Fizzy. "at another school, then drive myself to my school." I'm getting anxiety just thinking about school mornings.

"So what are our bedtimes?" Phoebe asks me.

"You two, 8pm. For Lottie and Fizzy, 9:30pm."

"But that only leaves us an hour for us to play!" Daisy whines.

"Ugh Louis, you're no fun anymore!" Lottie crosses her arms.

"You know how hard it is to wake you girls up... I just want a smooth morning tomorrow. Now you're all excused." I say standing up from the table along with my sisters. I pick up all of our plates and brought them to the sink and started washing. The twins were playing with their barbies in front of the TV, and Lottie and Fizzy were on the couch watching TV.

I loved my sisters, I would do anything for them. I just wish I wouldn't have to be so hard on them or be stern and be the funny loud outgoing big brother I use to be...


"But you two were suppose to go to bed an hour and a half ago, and be asleep half an hour later! " I tell the twins.

"Just one more story pleeeeease!" Daisy begs.

"I would love to but look at the time! What 6 year old is up at this time?" I ask them.

"6 year olds with cool big brothers!" Phoebe giggles.

"Guys, I'm sorry, but you need to go to sleep." I sigh then kiss Phoebe on the forehead. I walk over to Daisy and did the same. "Goodnight girls, I love you."

"I love you too Louis." They both say in unison. With that I walk out of their bedroom and close the door. I walk down the hall over to Lottie's' and Fizzys' room and knock lightly on the door.

"Girls? Are you ok?" I say quietly but not quiet enough for it to be a whisper. I open the door slowly after a few seconds of silence. The girls were in their pyjamas about to climb into bed.

"Hey Lou, Just getting ready for bed." Fizzy says.

"Alright girls, thanks for being cooperative, the twins stayed up an hour and a half past their bed time!" I tell both of them.

"Well, you're all we're left with Lou." Lottie whispers.

"Hey don't worry Lots, it'll be ok." I smile at her. "Well, I'm gonna get to sleep too, I'll see you in the morning ok?" I kiss both of their foreheads as I did with the twins. "Goodnight, I love you." I say walking towards the door.

"Love you too." They both say.

I walk into my room and lie down on my bed. Today was exhausting, but I did get a lot done. I put my alarm for 6am and put my phone on the charger. I rest my eyelids and soon enough I was asleep.


"Louis! Wake up! Louis! Louis!!" I heard over and over again.

"Yes?" I whisper.

"Louis get up!" I heard again.


"It's really important!! Please!!" The voice begs. I open my eyes to see Phoebe in front of me tugging at my shirt. I groan in slight annoyance.

"Phoebe, what could you possible want at....3:44am?" I ask, now sitting on my bed.

"I'm scared." she says quietly.

"Aww love did you have another nightmare? Because you're welcome to-"

"No, I saw someone." She interrupts.

"Saw someone where?"

"Outside." She whispers. I put my hands lightly on her shoulders.

"Phoebe, tell me exactly what happened, and exactly what you saw." I say slowly.

"Well, I was asleep and then I woke up, and I couldn't go back to sleep. So I decided to look outside the window at the rain to make myself tired. Then I saw someone walk over to the treehouse, climb the ladder, and get inside. Louis what if they come after us?" She now has tears streaming down her face. I really hope it's her imagining things. "Can you please check outside Louis? Please?" She's now sobbing on my shoulder.

"Okay, I'm going to go check. Wake up Daisy and you two go to Fizzys' and Lotties' room. Stay together in there until I come back. Understand?" She nods her head slowly. I hug and kiss her once more before she leaves the room. I take my phone, a flashlight, and a bat just incase.

I walk down the stairs and outside in the pouring rain. I slowly walk to the treehouse scared of what might be in there. If it really was an actual person it could be anybody. A killer? A physcopath? Or it could be an animal that's harmless.

As I climb up the ladder the anticipation was killing me. I was shaking so much I could barely hold on. Once I was high enough that my head was peeking through I stopped. I heard slight sob and crying noises. "Hello?" I whisper weakly, but hear no response. I bring my flashlight up to try to see inside. My hand wouldn't stop shaking from fear. I let the light travel through most of the room. The room seemed like someone had been here for a while. There were two jars, one red one blue, a stack of flower crowns, notebooks and a opened box on the floor. I continued before I started to see who was the intruder.

All I could see right now was a shoe, white converse to be exact. I traveled even slower to reveal who it was. I couldn't see that well, but I think It was the boy from earlier today, curled up in a ball in the corner crying. Some parts of his sleeves were bloody while some weren't. He was soaked, as if he took a shower in his clothes. I dropped the bat and climbed inside. "Are you ok?" I asked. He stopped crying for a minute. He pulled his hands off of his face and slowly turned his head towards me. His face was even more bruised than earlier and his daisy flower crown was visible.. When he looked at me, his expression was surprise, but scared. He used his sleeves to wipe his tears away and try to play it off as if he wasn't crying at all.

"I'm sorry for intruding, I'll leave." He said getting up.

"No no, it's ok you don't have to go." I told him grabbing his jumper pulling him back slightly.

"Let me go!" He cried out shoving me away. Tears started to slowly stream down his face again while he walked towards where the ladder was. I would try to get him to stay again but my mind froze. I couldn't speak or move. He climbed down the ladder as I try to regain my thoughts.

Once I realised the boy was gone I took the flashlight and looked around the room. Looks like he made this his small home, why did I have to intrude? Maybe he was homeless? Well, now I know what to do next time.


(Earlier, 7:30pm)

"Harry!" Robin yelled. I ran downstairs into the living room to see my step-father sitting on the couch in front of the TV. There were at least 7 empty cans of beer around him. He also had a lit cigaret in his hand, or maybe it was the illegal kind, I'm not even sure anymore.

"Yes?" I croaked out weakly.

"Where are the beers?" He slurred out in his drunk state.

"You uh...you drank them all."I stood there awkwardly while he thought in silence.

"Well what are doing just standing there Damn it go get my beers from the store!" He screamed.

"I don't- I don't have any money to buy it with." I mumbled looking down. He grabbed his wallet from his pocket while mumbling something under his alcoholic breath. He handed me the £10 from his wallet, with a "Only Beer, nothing else and I want my change too."

I walked out of the house with the £10 in my pocket. It was raining, pouring actually, but luckily the store isn't that far away from here. Just only a few more blocks.

When I entered the store it was like a ghost town, like usual. The store was kinda sketchy too. I've been here before only once to get beer for Robin and the owner let me get the beer even if I was only 16. I walked through the store to find the beer, I just want to get it and get out of here. I walked down the sweets aisle passing by all the snickers, Hersey's, and Reece's Pieces.

I stopped when I was about to pass by the Sour Patch Kids packets I remember eating those with my mum while sitting on the beach. I smiled at the memory I thought of. I wish I could get them, if only I could.

I walked to the back of the store where the beer was a got a 6 pack of Fullers 1845. I took it to the Cash Desk where one of the employees stood. "That will be 5 pounds and 25 Pence." He drew out slowly.

"Only that much?" I asked while he nodded. "Just one moment." I walked back where the Sour Patch Kids was and looked at the price. £2.35! Yes! I grabbed the pack and took it back to the Cash Desk. "And this please."

"Ok, that will be 7 pounds and 60 pence." I handed him the £10 and got my change. He put the beer and Sour Patch in the bag. "Your change is 2.40, have a nice night." He handed the change.

When I walked out of the store I grabbed the Sour patch out of the bag and put it in my jean pocket. If Robin found out I used his money to buy something else he'll surely beat me again.

When I arrived he was passed out on the couch. I set the beer and his change next to him and I went upstairs.



"HARRY EDWARD STYLES!" I heard Robin scream in my sleep. I woke up and stood up by my bed. I hid the sour patch under the bed. Robin pushed my door open and ran in. "Where is it?"

"Whe-where's what?" I stuttered.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about!" He got closer. "What else did you buy?" I could smell the alcohol and drugs on his breath.

"I-I didn't buy anything else!"

"Do you think I'm stupid? The receipt says the beer cost 5.25 not 7.60!" He screamed in my face. I didn't want to but I started crying. "Ok that's it." He dragged me downstairs into the basement, and I knew exactly what was to come.


I finally reached the destiny I was hoping for, the tree house. When I climbed the ladder and went inside, I went straight for my box that was under the two jars. I opened it up and saw what I've been needing for the last few days.

Robin beat me last night.


Brad and his friends beat me up today.


Robin beat me again tonight.


I'm worthless.


I'm useless


I'm a loser that just needs to die.


I looked at my 6 cuts and watched the blood drip out of the scars. It felt so good to cut, but I would only let myself do it if a lot was going on and I really needed it.

I rolled my sleeves back down and started crying. I covered my eyes with my sleeves and cried into my sleeve covered hands. I stayed like that for a while actually.

"Are you ok?" I stopped crying and slowly looked to where the voice was coming from. I couldn't see who it was in the darkness, only the silhouette but that voice sounded so familiar. I was scared of who it was, even though I don't know who it is. I used my sleeve to wipe away my tears that I was crying just moments ago.

"I'm sorry for intruding, I'll leave." I said while getting up walking towards the door.

"No no, it's ok you don't have to go." The voice told me grabbing a part of my jumper that pulled me back slightly.

"Let me go!" I screamed out shoving the boy away. The tears started to come back while I walked towards where the ladder was. I climbed down the ladder and left my House in the Woods. Why did he have to intrude on my small place that's my closest to a house? Next time I know what to do, and not come here.

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