The Breeze [Tony Starks Daugh...

By stark11industries

872K 22.1K 28.2K

The Breeze | "I am your father." "I thought we were playing out a Star Wars scene." ... More

Lifes A Breez
1. Lil Intro
2. Star Wars Right?
3. Wake up! Shopping Time
4. Peter and Hero Time
5. School? Nah.
6. Bad Dreams = Hospital
7. LA
8. $Starks Daughter$
9. My mom is a bitch...
10. You promise? I promise.
Skylar's Foster Home Cast
11. Spider-Boy
12. Failure Tattoo
13. Orange Haired Stalker
14. Shocker
16. Washington D.C.
17. Captain America
18. Don't Trust Anyone
19. Ghost Story
20. Relationship Advice From An Assassin
21. Breaking Down
22. Big ol' Breakfast
23. Sit-Well in Hell
24. Fear
25. Peter Has Beautiful Abs.
26. Soldier
28. Secrets
29. Thinking
30. Academic Decathlon
31. Jelly Glass
Avengers: Age of Ultron
32. Dead Stars
33. Getting Better
34. Blossom
35. New Girl, New Friends
Avengers: Age of Ultron
36. The Start Of Bad News
37. It's A Party Y'all
38. All I Want Is Honesty
39. Memory
40. Ew, Ultron
41. Normal
42. Africa
43. Africa Aftermath

15. Didn't see that coming...

16.4K 456 625
By stark11industries

Skylar's P.O.V.

"Julia?" I asked confused. She smiled darkly at me as she laid still on the ground. Electricity was still dancing around her body slightly. 

This has to be wrong. She couldn't - she wouldn't betray me.

"Obviously." Julia said condescendingly. Well I didn't think it was that obvious. 

"Why? What did I do to you. I thought we were friends." I asked. Was this all just a joke to her. She was like a sister to me. I could feel my pulse begin to rise in anger. I took a deep breath and out of nowhere the light bulb in my lamp on my night stand shattered. We both took no attention to it as I stared at her with anger and she stared at me with determination. 

"You didn't do anything to me. Actually you were quite nice to me but I have to follow my orders." She said as she started to collect herself off the ground. She sounded so sinister her voice was usually soft and light but now it was dark and full of hate. I can't believe I was sleeping in the same room as this girl. I had been living with a girl that wanted to kill me for weeks. Was I just oblivious or stupid?

"Julia if you're being told that you have to do something then I can help you get out of it. Just tell me who you're working for. SHIELD will protect you." I negotiated, backing up towards my desk. She started to walk closer grabbing two knives out of her black combat boots.

"I have to do this, I don't have a choice." She told me with teary eyes. 

"Julia, you always have a choice."

"They'll kill me either way." She denied. I looked into her eyes that used to be a brown filled with happiness. Now all I could see was the sadness. What did she mean they'll kill her either way? "Hail Hydra." She spoke with distaste. It was almost as if the words hurt her to say.

"You're my friend, Julia. Don't do something you'll regret." I told her trying to give her another chance. She shook her head as tears fell. She flung a knife toward my heart. As if everything was happening in slow motion I flipped out of the way. I looked back over at her and the knife was still leaving her hand, I blinked again and the knife was placed into the wall where I had been. 

"How'd you do that?" She said as she blinked a couple times looking at me. Before I could respond my door was kicked open. SHIELD agents swarmed in and shot Julia without another thought.

"What - no, no, no." I shouted, looking back over at the agent that had shot her with tears in my eyes. The man wore a black SHIELD Strike team uniform and had just put his gun back in it's holster. The man had dark eyes that seemed to say "I would do it again if I had to." 

I slid down to Julia who was breathing short breaths as blood spilled out of her chest.

"S-Skylar there's something y-you need to know." Julia whispered. I bent down towards the girl, wondering what she had to say.

"Don't trust anyone. There's rats in Sh-" She whispered in my ear before she took her last breath. Rats? I couldn't help but look back at the man that shot her. They'll kill me either way.

"Come on, Skylar." Someone spoke from in front of me. I couldn't help but flinch when they grabbed my arm. 

I looked behind me to see the worried blue eyes of Steve. I just looked back at Julia in wonder and sadness. I couldn't move from my spot, I guess that's why Steve had to carry me out. As he carried me out of my room I couldn't help but look at the lifeless eyes of Julia. She couldn't have willfully chosen Hydra. They had to have brainwashed her, she wouldn't do this. Right? 

What was the thing about the "Don't trust anyone" and the rats. Rats had multiple definitions.

Rat: A rodent.

Rat: A man who has been deceitful or disloyal.

If I had to guess, I think she meant the second one. But there's rats where? Someone around me is disloyal, but who? 

I had been so distracted I forgot what was happening around me or even where I was. I was in the main room sitting down on a couch criss crossed. There was something so different about me. I could feel the electricity running through the building up and down the walls. I could feel the electricity in the lamp beside me, illuminating the room. But more than anything I could feel the electricity inside of me. What is happening to me?

"Skylar, you need to calm down." Steve's voice woke me up from my thoughts. I looked up at the man that I didn't even know was across from me. Then I realized that I had been hyperventilating. I began to calm my breathing down and sank into the couch.

"Julia's dead." I whispered. Steve nodded his head and allowed me to lean my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me securely as we watched the SHIELD agents leave.

"Rat." I murmured under my breath as I saw the last agent leave. He was the one that had killed her. She meant in SHIELD. Hydra is in SHIELD.


After yesterday I didn't sleep. I don't see how anyone could be surprised. Would you sleep the night you were almost murdered by your best friend who dies minutes after that. Probably not. I got dressed for today in my usual clothes. Slightly ripped blue skinny jeans, plain white tank top, black leather jacket, black combat boots, black shades, and my baseball cap. I walked into the kitchen at 6:30 where a distraught looking Steve sat on a barstool.

"You okay?" I asked quietly as I sat down next to him. He looked over towards me with a small smile as I kept my frown.

" I think I'm the one thats supposed to ask you that question." Steve said with a slight smirk. I shrugged my shoulders in response not bothering with a smile.

"I'm gonna take a cab to school." I told him as I took off for the elevator not bothering to eat. I don't think my stomach could hold it.

"You're going to school?" Steve asked astonished. I looked at him with serious eyes as I thought of my answer.

"Every day I wait, is another day I won't get back." I answered hitting the main floor button. Julia should have gotten to live a longer life. I blamed Hydra for her short life. But mostly I blamed the man that was an undercover Hydra agent in SHIELD. He had to be. I didn't have any proof or evidence, I just knew it.

Time to face my fears. I placed my shades on and headed out the front door. Paparazzi were swarming the building. They couldn't possibly know what went down yesterday or have any idea about it. SHIELD covers their tracks to well. I kept drifting back to my new superpowers. I wasn't sure about any of it except I knew I could control electricity. But for some odd reason when Julia threw the knife things had slowed down and I had moved out of the way faster then what's possible. I shook it off as I stepped into the crowd of cosplayers and paparazzi.

"OMG! It's Skylar!" Some crazy girl yelled through the crowd. After that one scream came fifty more. Oh my gosh this is weird. Since when do people scream about me? I quickly ran up to a taxi that was held up in traffic and opened the door not bothering to ask.

"I'm sorry, but can I please get a ride. There's a lot of crazy people out here." I asked kindly looking to the indian driver before my eyes moved to the man that was sitting next to him. He wore a red and black skintight suit with a mask and had black knives sticking up in a holder on.

"Like I said a lot of weird people in New York." I said pointing to the guy beside next to him.

"If it's okay with him." The man said an in indian accent, gesturing to the man beside him.

"Well hello. I'm Pool. Dead. This is Dopinder. I needed someone to pay for my ride anyways." He greeted shaking my hand rather hyperly. "And I'm so glad you put me into your book, means a lot."

"Skylar Stark." I responded with a distant smile.

"Where are you headed?" The driver asked.

"Midtown School of Science and Technology." 

"Ohhh fancy. Bet you have a lot of money." Deadpool said as he tapped his hands on dashboard.

"My father does. But it's a public school so . . ." I trailed off. Deadpool nodded his head in understanding.

"Awesome. Awesome." 

"So where are you going?" I asked as I rocked my feet back in forth. I looked down at the floor board and there was a pink Hello Kitty bag. I'm guessing it's not either of theirs. Some child must have forgot it.

"I'm going to kill a man named Francis who fucked up my face not to mention my whole body. Then I'll stop for chimichangas cause I get hungry after I kill people." Deadpool said in a dark voice that lightened up at the end.

"Sounds legit." I answered knowing he must be joking. I mean why would you tell someone your motives like that, especially the daughter of a superhero. You would have to be stupid.

"Uh that's my stop." I said pointing to the large school with a black prestigious fence standing around it. I unzipped my backpack and took out my wallet that Tony had stocked up.

"How much is your ride going to be?" I asked deadpool. He looked back at me in what I thought to be shock.

"Wow teenagers aren't just heartless moody souls after all! I'll take 50 but if you're really generous 100." He answered loudly.

"Okay 100 hundred it is." I said handing him the piece of paper and heading out the door.

"Bye Skylar!" Deadpool yelled as they drove off. Man that guy is weird. Wait, thinking back on it. Were those guns in the Hello Kitty bag? Oops. I looked over to the opened gate and saw Peter walking in.

"Peter!" I yelled causing him to turn around. I ran up to him. And again all time seemed to stop as I ran to catch up with him.

"Woah. How did you do that." Peter asks looking back at where I was then back at me. 

"I have no clue. I did it last night on accident too." I told him with a shrug. He still seemed to want more of an answer but there was none that I could give.

"I have a lot to tell you Peter." I said, grabbing his arm before he had a chance to speak and dragged him into the building.

"About what?" He asked as we reached my locker. He leaned on the locker beside mine and looked down at me with a frown. 

"Okay, you know Julia the girl from my foster home last week?" I asked remembering when he met her in the cafeteria.

"Yeah. She's in our history class." He told me with a nod.

"Dead." I said simply. I didn't want to elaborate to much with other people in the hall.

"What?" He asked his eyebrows raised immensely.

"Are you okay?" He asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"She tried to kill me." I whispered. He looked completely confused. I grabbed him by the arm again and walked into an empty classroom and explained everything.

"She told me something crazy too. She said SHIELD has hydra soldiers inside of it. Rats." I said with a questioning gaze. "I mean that can't be true. Right?"

"Well I don't think she would lie about it when she's dying. What would she have to gain from it when she's dead?" Peter asked. Nothing. She has nothing to gain. So if what she said is true, then how do we know who's really Hydra?


"Hey, Skylar! Wait up!" I heard MJ yell from down the hall. 

"Hey, MJ. What up?" I asked casually as we started to walk down the hall together.

"What's going on with you and Peter?" Michelle asked rather bluntly. I stopped in my tracks and faced her with confusion.

"Me and Peter? What do you mean?" 

"Wait you guys still aren't a thing?" MJ whined. What since when was this a thing? I felt my cheeks blush up brightly.

"No we're just friends. Why would you think that?" I asked. I honestly have no clue where she would have gotten an idea like that.

"Are you serious? You're still denying it?" She asked with a doubtful look. I kicked the lockers slightly. Do I have a crush on him? I couldn't possibly. But everything always feels right when I'm with him. 

"I don't know-" I said before getting cut off by Stiles's presence.

"Hey, Skylar. I was wondering if you wanted to be lab partners with me in science?" Stiles asked shyly. I suddenly didn't feel an attraction to him anymore. MJ had brought up the guy I seemed to try and push out of the romance part of my brain. Now I was finally realizing it. But he would never feel the same way. We were just friends.

"Sorry, I already promised Peter." I said with a slight frown. Why was I blowing this guy off. He was cute, sweet, and funny. But Peter was better than that. He was funny, smart, kind, adorable, charming, and just overall amazing. And he never lied to me.

"It's okay. I'll just partner with Lydia." He said with a small smile than left.

I looked back to MJ. I wish she would have never brought it up. Now I can't stop thinking about him. How his eyes light up the whole room. How he could listen to me ramble on and on and actually listen. How he's always there for me through thick and thin.

Thud! I punched the locker next to me, leaving a small dent. Glad that wasn't my locker.

"I think I'm in love with Peter."I groaned to MJ as I slid to the ground.

"Bye Bye Stylar because Sketer is here to stay. I knew it since day 1 of when I met you and Peter. I am a genius, there is no denying it." MJ said nonchalantly in the empty halls.

"We're gonna need a better ship name then that." I whined. MJ helped me up and we left for science class. We rounded a corner where I bumped into Peter.

"Hey, Sketer. Uh I mean Peter." I said quickly. I never noticed how pretty his eyes were. They were just a regular brown but these ones just seemed prettier. Ugh! Snap out of Skylar!

"Hey, Sky, Michelle." Peter nodded with a laugh at my stupidness. I could tell my face was totally bright red.

"Well let's get to class you two love birds." Michelle said with a wicked taunting smile. I looked over at her with wide eyes that turned into a glare quickly. I looked back to Peter whose face was also completely red. I wonder if thats a good thing.


I fell into my detention chair with a thud. MJ kindly joined me with her sketch pad in hand. The detention teacher turned on the TV and up popped Captain America in an unsatisfying suit. It looked cheaply made and definitely wasn't the real thing.

"Seriously? I live with the guy. I don't need more scolding from him." I complained loudly. Steve began to go about puberty and how you might be going through changes so I decided to tune him out. I turned to MJ who was holding the sketch pad up for me to see. It was of Peter and Me both having a bubble to say that we were thinking of hearts. I rolled my eyes at her and thought about leaving the school but then I decided to hack into the FBI to see who the most wanted people were. I pulled out my phone and began to type away as MJ drew more pictures of me. I scrolled down and mentally made fun of some of the guys tattoos. One was a picture of a cartoon unicorn and over it's head in a rainbow were the words "Badass." I scrolled down further and almost threw my phone across the room. I'm surprised I didn't. It was that deadpool guy. Damn I gave the guy 100 dollars. I'm the most stupid genius ever.


"Skylar why are you back so late?" Steve asked worried as I stepped out of the elevator. What do these guy do all day? Just sit around in the tower and wait for me? Don't they have missions and stuff.

"Oh wouldn't you know that I was in detention? I mean you were on the TV droning on about puberty for like an hour." I complained with amusement. His whole face turned red and I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?"Clint asked. Hmm should I tell or not tell? Well you know, Steve has been a pretty decent guy lately, I'll let him off for today but I can use it as blackmail in the future.

"Nothing."  I said with a mischievous smile. I don't know if Steve was scared that I was going to tell or more scared that I didn't. 

"How was school today? Learn anything?" Natasha asked. I opened the refrigerator, grabbing a container of blueberries before responding. "Nope." I lied, popping out the p. I learned I had major feelings for Peter Parker and I can run really fast but that's not school related so I just wont mention it. 

"Steve and Natasha's phone's buzzed at the exact same time, making me and Clint look at each other with confusion.

"Why didn't my phone buzz?" Clint whined. He must of felt left out or something. Clint could be very childish on occasions. Steve was reading whatever on his phone with a stern gaze. Whatever it was must have been important because the two agents wouldn't look up from their phones. Just as I was about to ask what it was Steve spoke up. 

"I'm being stationed down in D.C." Steve said looking to me.

"Wait that doesn't mean I have to come, does it?"





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