Possession ➸ Camren

By cabell0jauregui

721K 18.1K 11.9K

"Don't you get it, you're mine, the sooner you realise it the better." The first chapters are so bad but it w... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty one
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty Nine
Seventy One
Seventy Two
Seventy Three
Seventy Four
Seventy Five
Seventy Six
Final Chapter

Fifty Seven

4.8K 138 126
By cabell0jauregui

AN: There's more drama in the next two chapters so sorry but not sorry because drama leads to fluff and fluff is great

"Camz?" She frowned groggily, sitting up and
rubbing her eyes.

Her eyes adjusted to the darkness as she looked around the room, finding no sign of her girlfriend.

"Camila?" She called a bit louder, climbing out of bed and grabbing a hoodie from the floor.

She walked out of the room, pulling the piece of clothing over her head. All the lights were off upstairs so Lauren ran downstairs, growing more frantic by the second.

Her stomach sank when she saw the front door open.

"CAMILA?" She shouted desperately, rushing outside.

She sighed with relief when she saw the figure of her girlfriend hunched up on the porch step.

"What are you doing Camz? You're gonna get a cold," Lauren spoke softly so not to scare her whilst trying to recover from her mini heart attack.

"I don't feel well," Camila mumbled and Lauren walked towards her, sitting beside the younger girl and wrapping an arm around her.

"You're burning up!" She exclaimed, pulling away and pressing the back of her hand to Camila's forehead. Her skin was boiling, despite being sat in the cool night air.

"I don't feel very well," Camila repeated, sniffling a little and Lauren pulled her into an embrace.

"Do you want to stay here for a bit until you cool down?" Lauren suggested and Camila nodded, moving so she was sat on Lauren's lap, her head leant against Lauren's shoulder as she faced away from her.

Lauren started stroking back her hair that was stuck to her clammy forehead, an arm wrapped loosely around her stomach. She occasionally pressed kisses to the top of Camila's head which had started to loll backwards.

It was when Lauren realized she was supporting Camila's weight did she look down at the younger girl, only to find her eyes closed as she drifted in and out of consciousness.

"Camila? Camz?" Lauren gently shook her awake and Camila groaned. "You're scaring me baby. Are you okay?"

Camila nodded, barely though, and Lauren bit on her lip.

"Okay. Let's go inside and get you a drink," She said doubtfully, standing up and helping Camila up after her. The minute the brunette was on her feet her face paled dramatically and she crumpled towards the floor. Lauren caught her, picking her up bridal style and carrying her into the house.

She grabbed her mobile, standing Camila on her feet and trapping her between her body and the kitchen counter. She shakily dialled Maria's number, holding the phone to her ear.

"C'mon Camz. You're okay, please stay awake," Lauren mumbled, feeling Camila's hands rest on her chest. "Maria! Something's wrong with Camila!"

"Hey. You need to calm down. Tell me what's wrong with her."

"I-I don't know. She's pale and hot and she keeps collapsing," Lauren listed, holding onto her girlfriend for dear life.

"Bring her to me. I'll help her, okay? But you need to calm down. You panicking won't help anything. Okay?"


"Okay, I'll see you soon. Camila will be okay, I promise."

The drive to Maria's house felt like it took hours.

Camila was laid in the back, slumped against the door whilst she drifted in and out of sleep. Her skin was pale and glistened with a layer of sweat in the moonlit car, her hair still messy from sleep.

Not that Lauren looked much better.

"Can you stay awake for me baby?" Lauren glanced in the mirror, speeding up when she saw the state her girlfriend was in.

"Where are we going?" Camila whimpered, her eyes pained.

"To Maria's. It's not far," Lauren informed her, sending her a small smile.

Camila passed out about five minutes away from the house.

When they arrived, Maria was already outside waiting for them. Between them they carried Camila's limp body into the house, laying her on the bed where she was laid before, not even twenty four hours ago.

"What's wrong with her?" Lauren asked worriedly, looking up at her cousin anxiously.

"I don't know yet," Maria bit her lip, "but we have to lower her temperature. It's way too high."

Lauren paced restlessly whilst Maria got some cooling packs, quizzing Lauren about her girlfriend's symptoms.

"And how long has she been unconscious?" Maria questioned.

"Like, five minutes. But she collapsed at home too," Lauren screwed her eyes up as she tried to think clearly. She wasn't sure why she was so worked up but she was. And it was making thinking incredibly difficult.

"Has she been acting any different?" Maria turned to face her cousin who shook her head before nodding, then shaking her head again.

"I don't know! She slept a lot but she's always tired!" She burst out, bringing her fingers to her temple.

A retching noise caught their attention.

"Sit her up Lauren, sit her up," Maria instructed quickly as she grabbed a bucket from the corner of the room. "Lauren sit her up!"

Lauren rushed to prop up the brunette, holding her up whilst Maria help the bucket under her chin. Lauren rubbed Camila's back firmly whilst she emptied the contents of her stomach, using her other hand to hold back her hair.

"Do you think you'll be okay until I clean the bucket?" Maria asked and Camila nodded, trying to lay back down. "No, no, sit up. If you are sick you might choke if you're laid down."

"Stay sat up baby," Lauren whispered, rubbing her arms and Maria left the room to empty the bucket. "Do you feel any better?"

Camila shook her head slowly and Maria was back before Lauren could respond.

"The cooling packs are ready. Does she want to take her clothes off and I'll put her in a hospital gown?" Maria questioned.

"Do you want to take your jumper off baby? You're very hot," Lauren told her quietly and Camila nodded, lifting her arms slightly.

It was difficult considering that Camila just laid back against Lauren without moving but eventually the older girl managed to undress her, leaving her in her bra and shorts.

Maria offered out the gown but Camila whined, hiding her head into Lauren's neck. Maria sighed, putting the gown back and grabbing the packs.

After they'd moved the bed into a sitting position so Camila could lay back without any choking hazards, Maria placed a cooling pack on the back of her neck and another one on her forehead.

Camila just laid there, her eyes barely open and her mouth slightly parted as she tried to suck in enough oxygen because she didn't seem to be able to. Her baby hairs were stuck to her forehead and her cheeks were flushed, a stark compassion to her pale face. Her chest rose and fell quickly; partly because of how fast she was breathing and partly because of how anxious she felt.

Lauren felt herself feeling sicker and sicker the more she examined her girlfriend, a mixture of guilt and worry.

"I think she's allergic to the anaesthetic. I'm gonna give her an IV drip to give her fluids to boost her blood pressure," Maria announced.

"Okay," Lauren ran a hand through her hair nervously.

Camila was barely conscious throughout the entire thing.

She'd ended up being moved to sit on Lauren's lap because she panicked but other than that she just laid back against her girlfriend, her head drooping back against Lauren's shoulder as it was inserted.

"All done munchkin," Lauren pressed her lips against Camila's shoulder, letting them rest there.

"Can't breathe," Camila mumbled, moving her hand to wrap her fingers around her neck loosely. "I can't breathe!"

"Camila, calm down. Getting worked up will only make it harder," Maria instructed kindly, grabbing her stethoscope and walking over towards them.

"No, don't want that," Camila wiggled away from the cold metal of the stethoscope, growing more and more agitated because they weren't listening to her.

"Camz she has to listen to your heartbeat," Lauren told her, trying to calm her down. Camila continued wriggling, trying to get out of Lauren's hold on her. "Camila sit still!"

Lauren's slightly raised tone made her burst into confused and angry tears because she was scared and no one was helping her.

She hated herself for crying because it meant that her nose got blocked and her nose being blocked made it even harder for her to breathe properly and she was already struggling to do so.

Lauren was holding her too tightly, her arms wrapped over her back and Camila was pressed against Lauren, too close for comfort.

"Let go of me!" Camila burst out, shoving Lauren away from her desperately. It was harder than intended and she saw Lauren flinch slightly as she climbed off of the bed.

"I..." Lauren started but Camila shook her head.

"I don't need you. You're-you're suffocating me! I don't want you," Camila exclaimed, watching as Lauren's expression flashed with hurt.

"Then go then. I said I'd let you go whenever you wanted," She told her calmly.

"I want to. I never wanted to be here. I want my old life back," Camila shouted which didn't help her breathe at all.

"This isn't helping! Camila, I'm going to help you. Lauren, can you help and get me a glass of water for Camila please," Maria intervened, squeezing Lauren's arm softly.

The raven-haired girl nodded, leaving the room and leaving the pair alone.

She walked into the kitchen, pouring a glass of water for both herself and Camila. She quickly drank hers, rinsing the glass and pacing it back in the cupboard. She squeezed her eyes shut, leaning her head against her hands before signing; picking up the glass and going back to the room.

Camila was only sniffling now, laid down on her side with her eyes closed. Lauren glanced at her with a small frown on her face, nibbling on the dry skin of her lips. She took a deep before speaking up.

"I've got the water," She announced, her voice betraying her and trembling.

"Are you okay?" Maria questioned softly and Lauren nodded, despite feeling her lip wobble against her will. "Lo. Why don't you phone your friends and let them know. I'm sure they'd want to know."

Lauren nodded, leaving the room and leaning against the wall.

"You've got to stop phoning me this early."

"Sorry," Lauren mumbled half heartedly, picking at the dry skin of her lip.

"Hey, what's wrong? Lauren, are you crying!?"

"Camila's in hospital and I-I just... i don't know how to help her because she doesn't want me," Lauren sniffled.

"Oh Lo. I'm sure she wants you. She loves you."

"Will you come? Please. I want you here," Lauren told her, her voice breaking.

"Of course. I'll be twenty minutes. Everything's gonna be okay babe, I promise."

The phone call ended and Lauren wiped her eyes furiously before slouching against the wall until she was sat on the ground.

"She's unconscious Lauren," Maria called about ten minutes later and the younger Latina made her way back into the room.

Camila was asleep on the bed, curled up on her side in a small ball. The IV drip was still in her arm and there was now a nasal cannula in place. The cooling packs were in their original position and Lauren inhaled sharply because Camila looked so fucking vulnerable and tiny in the bed.

Maria must have sensed Lauren's panic because she reassured her, "it's just to help her breathe Lo. That's it, it's just to make things easier."

And Lauren nodded as she sank into the chair beside the bed, pulling her knees to her chest and resting her head on them.

Normani and Dinah arrived not long later.

Lauren went outside to meet them, well, meet Normani. Dinah brushed straight past her to go and see Camila.

"Are you okay?" Normani questioned softly and Lauren nodded, biting on her lip to stop it trembling. "You're not okay Lauren."

"She-she... I don't know," Lauren cried, walking into Normani's open arms and hiding her face in her neck.

"What happened Lo? You know Camila loves you," Normani soothed, stroking her hair.

"She said she doesn't want me. She said she doesn't need me," Lauren said bitterly, allowing herself to be held and comforted.

"She doesn't mean it, she just said it to get to you," Normani reassured her calmly.

"She wants to go home. She wants her old life back," Lauren added and Normani pulled back to look her in the face.

"She said that?" She frowned and Lauren nodded.

"She wished she'd never met me. All I do is cause her pain anyway, it'd be good for her," Lauren muttered and Normani shook her head.

"You're good for her. Lo, don't say that. You are good for her. Just because you fuck up sometimes," Normani started.

"A lot of times," Lauren cut her off.

"Just because you fuck up a lot of times, doesn't mean there aren't good things," Normani pointed out.

"I hurt her," Lauren cried and Normani pulled her back into an embrace.

"And she hurt you. People hurt each other Lauren. It's what humans do. But that doesn't mean they aren't capable of loving too, because they are. We know how to love until it physically feels like our hearts will burst. And surely that's worth the hurt," Normani told her, rubbing her back.

Lauren only sniffled in response.

When they eventually went back inside, Normani had swore to herself she was mad at Camila for making Lauren cry.

Her resolution died a little when she saw Camila laid in bed.

Dinah was sat on the chair beside her, a concerned look on her face as she looked at the brunette.

"Are you okay Lauren?" Dinah asked halfheartedly, glancing in the older girl's direction.

"She's just great, thanks for finally asking," Normani spoke up before Lauren could, causing a frown to appear on Dinah's face.

"I'm fine," Lauren reassured her, sending her a small smile.

"Y'all can pull in some chairs if you like," Maria told them since there was only one in the room.

"You can sit here Lauren," Dinah offered quickly, standing up and walking to sit on the end of Camila's bed. Lauren sat down gratefully, scooting to one side so Normani could squeeze beside her.

It was a few hours later when Camila first stirred.

"Hey Mila," Dinah said softly, squeezing her hand. Camila breathed in through her nose softly, screwing her eyes up before opening them slightly.

"Hi," Her voice was hoarse and scratchy and she lifted her hand to place it on her throat. The sound of the door closing sounded and Camila sat up, looking around the room.

"Take it easy. You might be weak," Maria warned her before leaving to find Lauren but Camila paid no notice.

"I need to speak to Lauren," She spoke calmly.

"You fucking don't," Normani scoffed, making her way over to them. Dinah glared at her but Normani ignored it. "She doesn't want to speak to you. You're a fucking bitch, you know that?"

"Don't you dare," Dinah snapped warningly whilst Camila nodded in answer. Normani opened ever mouth to speak once more but Dinah cut her off. "I mean it Normani. Leave."

Normani shut her mouth, starting to walk to the door. Just as she was about to leave, she paused before speaking, "you aren't special, Camila. Everyone goes through shit, we just don't overreact because no one gives a shit about our problems. No one else has to go to hospital and have tubes just because they get sick. If you want to go and leave us then leave, but don't cause a big drama because we've already got enough of that without you."

With that she left and Camila felt her bottom lip tremble against her will.

"I'm going to fucking..." Dinah made a move to stand up but Camila caught her arm, keeping her in place.

"Don't," She shook her head and Dinah examined her friend, sighing sympathetically.

"You know none of that shit is true, right?" She questioned but Camila never responded.

"They both hate me," She whispered before her voice cracked and she cried, "they both hate me Dinah. I'm such an idiot."

"Hey hey, they don't hate you," Dinah pulled her into a hug, unfazed of her being shiftless.

"I'm such a fuck up," Camila screwed her eyes shut and Dinah held her tightly.

"Don't say things that aren't true Walz. You're not a fuck up. I promise. Normani's being a bitch because she's jealous," She told her, rubbing her bare back.

"It's true! I do overreact. I shouldn't even be the one crying, I'm the one who is horrible," Camila gulped, her chest heaving heavily.

"Hey, you aren't horrible. You probably said something that was horrible or hurtful but you aren't horrible," Dinah said firmly.

"I ruin everything," Camila sobbed, growing more worked up. "I-I was happy here. And-and I said it 'n now I've ruined everything."

"You've not ruined anything," Dinah countered her words but Camila shook her head frantically.

"I don't want to go back home. I-I can't go back there. I'll be alone and they're gonna get me. Austin and his friends will get me," Camila was crying into her hands, hysterical and Dinah hoped to god Lauren and Normani could hear, the latter especially, so they could see what they'd caused.

"You aren't going anywhere. You're staying with us, you're stuck with me," Dinah told her but it offered zero comfort to Camila.

The crying soon turned into a panic attack which resulted in Dinah desperately trying to calm her, and failing.

"I can't," Camila sobbed, or sobbed something along the lines of.

"Shh, yes you can. You've got this Chancho," Dinah encouraged, rubbing her back firmly.

"No-o," Camila clutched her head in her hands and Dinah shifted positions so they were sat opposite each other.

"You need to breathe, okay? Can you copy my breathing for me?" Dinah said, somewhat firmly but Camila shook her head because she wasn't sure she was capable of doing that. "Hey, I know it seems hard but you'll feel a lot better if you breathe, I promise. In and out, just like that. It's that simple."

She reached out and took Camila's hand in her own, squeezing it reassuringly.

"We'll do it together, yeah? And then it won't be as scary because you're not on your own," Dinah smiled, taking an exaggerated breath and wanting to cry with relief when Camila copied. "See, look at you. You're okay, there's nothing to be scared of. Everything's gonna be okay."

It took a few minutes and Dinah had to repeat her speech multiple times when Camila started to get worked up again but eventually the Latina started to breathe more evenly.

"I think I'm going to be sick," Camila announced and Dinah had never moved as fast in her life as in that moment where she ran for the bucket.

She rubbed the brunette's back as she emptied the contents of her stomach for the second time that day, now just vomiting bile.

"It's okay. It's okay Mila," Dinah whispered the same two words over and over whilst Camila sniffled.

When she was done Maria came in per Dinah's demand and emptied the bucket.

"I'm gonna get you a drink, will you be okay?" The Polynesian questioned and Camila nodded, laying down on her side.

"Can we take my tubes out?" She frowned and Dinah reached out to tuck her hair behind her ear.

"I told you not to listen to Normani. You aren't being dramatic, you can't change the fact that you can't breathe. She's the dramatic one," She told her softly and Camila sighed but didn't press it any further. 

Dinah found Lauren and Normani stood in the hallway outside the room.

"I hope she didn't cause too much bother to you. I mean, her fucking panic attack might have interrupted you just standing here doing nothing to help her!" Sarcasm was dripping off Dinah's voice as she walked outside.

"Dinah," Normani sighed but was quickly cut off.

"She's your friend Normani," Dinah spat, gripping her shoulders tightly.

"Hey," Lauren intervened but Dinah turned to her with a look of disgust.

"Don't you fucking talk, she's your girlfriend," She snapped before releasing Normani and walking away. "You don't deserve her."

"She hurt Lauren too Dinah!" Normani called after her and Dinah turned to face her.

"One time against the multiple times Lauren has hurt her. Get your head out of your ass, Normani," She raised her voice before storming away.

When she got back to Camila the brunette was barely awake, fighting to keep her eyes open.

"Sit up Mila. I've got you a drink," Dinah coaxed, helping her into a sitting position and holding the glass to her mouth.

After managing a few sips she laid back down again, the bucket beside her on the floor in case she was sick again, (Dinah really hoped she wasn't, she hated sick). She fell asleep not even five minutes later, her chest rattling with each shaky breath.

Dinah sighed sympathetically, reaching out to run her fingers through her hair before questioning Maria, "is she gonna be okay?"

"She's gonna be just fine," Maria assured her and Dinah smiled weakly in response.

Camila woke a few hours later.

The light was bright and she blinked a few times as she tried, unsuccessfully, to adjust her eyes.

"I can turn it down," Maria spoke up from where she was sat behind her, causing Camila to jump out of her skin.

"Where is everyone?" Camila mumbled, watching as Maria moved to turn off the light.

"Normani's gone home to get you and Lauren some things, Dinah's got called into the base and Lauren's having a shower," Maria listed, sitting back on her chair. "We had to force Dinah to go with the promise that you won't spontaneously combust."

"Oh," Camila said simply, suddenly feeling very bare in the empty room. "We?"

"Me and Lauren. You know, your girlfriend," Maria prompted sarcastically and Camila frowned at the word.

"Is she mad at me?" She questioned and Maria sighed.

"It's not my place to answer that," She told her and Camila bit on her lip.

"Do you think she'll break up with me?" She asked, the insecurity blatant, and Maria sent her a small smile in an attempt to ease her nerves.

"She won't break up with you Camila. I'm pretty positive about that," She sounded certain and Camila nodded, the statement providing a little comfort to her. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit," Camila muttered defeatedly, "I just wish this entire day never happened."

Lauren came into the room not long later, slightly damp hair tied into a ponytail and wearing a borrowed t-shirt and skinny jeans of Maria's.

"Normani's a snake," She announced to no one in particular, standing in the doorway.

"What happened?" Maria sounded amused but Camila couldn't be sure because she'd hidden her face in her pillow.

"She never even went home. She's gone to the base to 'catch up on work' which means she's just had angry sex with Dinah," Lauren crossed her arms and Maria laughed loudly.

"Does this mean they'll forgive each other?" She questioned.

"Who knows? They'll probably either fuck and make up or fuck and still be mad at each other," Lauren shrugged.

"They'll figure it out," Maria said and Lauren hummed in agreement.

Silence filled the room for a few minutes before Maria spoke up again.

"Are you gonna ask or are you just gonna keep staring at her?" She cocked an eyebrow and Lauren blushed.

"Is she okay?" Her voice was barely a whisper.

"Camila how are you feeling?" Maria's question made Camila want to cry because that meant she had to talk.

So she nodded.

"That doesn't really answer my question Camila," Maria laughed playfully, "are you feeling okay?"

"Yes," Camila muttered reluctantly.

"She doesn't look it," Lauren stated doubtfully, frowning.

"Lauren how dumb are you? She's not gonna look okay, she's allergic to medicine. She can hardly breathe..." Maria started to list before Camila sat up abruptly.

"Maria shut up," She hissed, embarrassed.

"The panic attack won't have helped..."

"Maria!" Camila exclaimed, her cheeks flushed and hot. "Shut up, you're making me sound like an invalid."

"I'm just..." Maria started again only to be cut off.

"Embarrassing me? Oh my god," Camila groaned, hiding her face in her hands.

"We should talk," Lauren announced suddenly, catching Camila's attention. Her head snapped up and she shook it slightly.

"No we shouldn't," She disagreed quickly, not wanting to hear it.

"Camila," Lauren sighed, making her way forward and sitting on the end of the bed.

"No. Stop it," Camila scooted back until she hit the headboard, pulling her knees to her chest. "I don't want to."

"Camila at least hear her out," Maria inputted.

Camila buried her face in her knees, squeezing her eyes shut and blocking out the sounds of Lauren's words.

"Are you listening to me?" She eventually heard.

"I can't do this," The two older women barely had time to register Camila's words before the brunette had yanked the IV drip out of her arm.

"Don't even think about it," Maria said as she rushed towards her upon seeing her move to remove the nasal cannula. She was too late though, and Camila jumped, or jumped to the best of her ability in her weak state, out of the bed before walking straight out the door.

"Camila!" She heard Lauren call but ignored it, instead walking straight into something. She looked up, coming face to face with Normani and Dinah.

"Sorry," Camila muttered, cringing slightly before continuing to walk.

"Wait, I need to talk to you," Normani caught her by the wrist.

"Why does everyone need to fucking talk to me? I don't want to talk, why does no one get that?" Camila shouted, pulling her wrist from the older girl's grip. Lauren and Maria where also in the hallway, staring with wide eyes. "I don't want to talk to anyone. I'm sick of talking!"

With that she walked straight outside, closing the door behind her and sitting herself on the porch steps.

She was still only in her bra and shorts but she still had a temperature so it didn't bother her that much.

She stayed outside until she lost track of time, lost in her thoughts until a drop of rain landing on her bare arm snapped her out of it. 

Not long after she heard the front door close.

"I don't want to talk," Camila repeated.

"Then don't talk," Dinah said casually.

"You're going to tell me to come inside," Camila deadpanned and Dinah started to walk over to her.

"I'm going to tell you that you should put a hoodie on. You can do whatever you want, you're a big girl," She handed her the piece of clothing as she sat down and Camila slid it over her head, thankful for her friend.

"Thank you," She said gratefully as Dinah sat beside her.

They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Dinah spoke up again.

"I know you're thinking of all these crazy scenarios where Lauren's gonna break up with you but you know that's never gonna happen, right?"

Camila shrugged in response.

"She wants to talk to you. Well, she wants you to listen to her. Do you at least want to hear what she has to say?" Dinah sighed.

"What if she says something bad?" Camila bit on her lip, staring at the ground.

"Says something bad like pizza is disgusting?" Dinah jokes feebly.

"That's pretty bad," Camila laughed weakly, "something bad as in, I don't love you anymore."

"You and I both know that's never gonna happen," Dinah stood up, brushing off her jeans before sticking her hand out. Camila took it reluctantly and together they walked back into the house.

"If you're ever rip out your drip again I am gonna shove it up your ass," Maria spoke up first and Camila smiled apologetically at her.

"Can I speak to you?" Lauren asked nervously and Camila nodded. Lauren reached out to take her hand before thinking the better of it and instead just gesturing her to follow.

They ended up sat in a guest bedroom on the bed.

"You're bleeding," Lauren noted quietly, nodding to the small cut on Camila's arm where she'd ripped the drip from.

"I'm okay," Camila mumbled, wiping the blood with the palm of her hand.

They sat in silence for a few minutes until Lauren finally broke it.

"I'm going to stay with Normani for a few days," She blurted out.

"Why?" Camila said quickly, looking up so brown eyes met green.

"I-I just think we need some time apart," Lauren told her.

"Are you breaking up with me?" Camila asked, her mouth hanging open slightly.

"No! No, Camila. I love you. It's just that we've spent every day for the last five months together," Lauren reassured her but Camila didn't look convinced.

"That's not my fault," Camila argued quietly.

"I know it's not," Lauren agreed, nodding rapidly.

"Then why are you leaving me!? I don't want you to leave," Camila exclaimed, her face screwed up in confusion.

"I'm not leaving you. It'll be for like three days, max," Lauren was fast to assure her, trying to take her hand but Camila tanked it away violently.

"Is it because of what I said? Because i never meant it and I'm really sorry and I..." She started to ramble before she was cut off.

"It's not because of you," Lauren said firmly.

"Then what is it? I don't get it? Why do you want to leave?" Camila's brown eyes filled with tears and the guilt immediately set on Lauren's stomach.

"Please don't cry. I'm sorry it'll only be like two days and I have to go and visit my dad anyway so it's probably better for you to stay with Dinah," Lauren rushed but tears had already started falling down Camila's cheeks.

"I want to stay with you," Camila wiped the hot tears with the palms of her hands, blinking furiously.

She willed herself to stop crying but it wasn't working very well.

"When are you going?" She managed to ask somewhat calmly.

"When Maria confirms you're good to leave I'll go to Mani's," Lauren told her quietly, feeling incredibly guilty.

Camila nodded, not wanting to cause another fuss and Lauren looked at her with a sigh.

"I'm sorry," She said sincerely.

"I know," Camila nodded once, trying to keep her voice from wavering. "I do, you-you can do what you want."

"Are you going to be okay?" Lauren questioned doubtfully, her heart breaking when she saw Camila's face crumple as she shook her head. She quickly pulled her into a hug, repeatedly whispering apologies.

"I don't want you to go," Camila cried into her shoulder whilst Lauren rubbed her back.

"You're making this so much harder than I thought," Lauren mumbled, squeezing her eyes shut and focusing on just holding her girlfriend.

"I need you. I never meant it earlier, I do need you," Camila sobbed and Lauren moved the pair of them so she was laid down, carefully laying Camila beside her; positioned so that Lauren was still holding her tightly.

"I know, i know," Lauren murmured, rubbing her back.

Lauren knew it was a cheat because rubbing Camila's back was an easy way to put her to sleep, especially if she was tired like she was, but Camila didn't resist so that made her feel slightly less guilty about it.

And it worked because not even ten minutes later the brunette was asleep, wheezing slightly as she struggled to breathe through her stuffed up nose. And Lauren sighed for the hundredth time, pulling Camila closer and breathing in her familiar scent.

Camila woke up to an empty space beside her.

She immediately sat up, looking around the room. The only other person was Dinah was was sat on the end of the bed. Camila was about to speak but Dinah must have read her face because she softly shook her head.

And then she was in Dinah's arms and the Polynesian was holding her tightly; she never mentioned how her t-shirt became damp with Camila's tears and how Camila's body shook with silent sobs.

She just held her because although she didn't know how to handle a situation like this and there weren't books on 'what to do if a girl who's being held hostage by her own will's kidnapper leaves her for a few days', she knew how to handle Camila.

And she figured Camila just needed to be held so she knew that not every person in her life was going to leave her, even if just temporarily, and Dinah was going to be that person.

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My first story sorry if it sucks. And sorry about the description too! Camila's G!P
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I suck at descriptions.