Project: Extermination

By Orcainks

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So pretty much this is over but I will be working on sequel if anyone will be interested in reading it. I jus... More

Project: Extermination
Escape then Back Again
The Underground Revolution
Dark Side Of The Moon
Tables & Labels
Battle of the Estate
Going, Going North
The Open Road
Traps In New York
Fire vs Ice
Child of The Sky
On The Inside
Leaving for the South
Sea Sick
Beacon for All Mankind
Air meets the Cold Hard Ground
Reunited But Still Apart
Splitting Seams
X-P981 and the Mole
Who's Actually Going To Survive?
New York Round 3
Not a chapter just read

Escape Is All For Naught

26 0 0
By Orcainks

'What does she expect me to do?' Olivia growled and placed her head in her hands. 

Luke shrugged and stayed in his corner, 'All I knew...'

'I'm sorry've been dragged into this...' Olivia reached for his shoulder and he pulled away, 'Luke?'

'Olivia, this is all just...lemme wrap my head around it.' He got up and left. Olivia retracted her hand and sobbed in her chair. She rolled herself to the bed and found a dress there. Not really wanting to see anyone especially Dr Hartman. She started shaking at the very thought of him. She wanted her friends, Emilie's warm touch is all she wanted. Her sister...her best friend....she needed to get out and find them, but how? Was all she could think of. She pulled her shirt off and started wriggling out of her torn jeans and boots. She slipped the dress over her head and rolled over to the dresser that had a few products on them. Not sure what to do she just looked at them. 

'Olivia?' Georgina walked in and smiled, wearing a long red dress to match her hair and her stunning body twisted in a circle as she flaunted her beauty, 'Do you need help?' Olivia nodded, 'Here lemme help you.' In a few minuets she was done and stepped back, 'Have a look.' Olivia turned to face the mirror and gasped. Her face was almost spotless, her lips a rosy pink and she felt different, 'You look great. Let's go and meet Hartman and Strauss to go to the dinner.' 

She pussed Olivia out and found the two men in the hallway waiting. Hartman wore a white suit and black tie, his hair let down and a smile was ironed on his long face, 'Hello ladies.' Luke wore a black suit and black tie. His hair was combed to the side, his glasses sitting firmly on his nose and he didn't look down at her, 'Hello.' They walked in silence till they reached the main hall and Hartman knocked, 'Here we go.'

'WHO IS THERE?!' Boomed a mighty voice.


'AH COME ON IN!' The doors swung open and a table was laid in front of them. A huge man, well half human and half alien sat upon the mighty throne. He was nearly nine feet tall, a long golden scepter in his hand and an eye path was across his left eye. He smacked his lips, 'Welcome.' He bellowed.

'We are grateful to be invited for dinner your majesty.' Hartman bowed and the King swished his hands around.

He chuckled, 'Stand my good man. All of you sit and eat we have much to discuss.'


Dinner was over fast and the servants came and cleaned the table. The King sat silently as everything finished up, 'Now that's out of the way,' he looked down at Olivia who was shaking in her wheelchair, 'Time to address the current issue. The Child of the Sky I welcome you to my humble castle.'

'I thought you wanted to kill me?' she spat. 

He laughed, 'I still want you dead but you, Child of the Sky, will be very useful in my plans. You see your power runs deeper than you'll ever know. I want to use that before I kill you.' 

'Charming.' She muttered. 

'Sir if I may,' Hartman stood, 'Why not go and get it now. We know where they are!'

'Let them be. Luscious failed his mission and there fore he will die because of it. For now they are nothing. We can destroy them all at once when we can harness this.' He pointed down at Olivia. 

'I am not something you can just control!' I said hitting my fist against the table, 'I'M NO OBJECT!' 

'Yes you are girl. Now shut your mouth.' Hartman hissed, 'I'm so sorry your Highness, I will deal with her later.'

'No need. Tomorrow we begin our operation. I wouldn't want her to be immobilized, well any more than she already is.'

Olivia fumed, Luke looked over at her and then back at his feet. She slammed her fists on the table, 'I refuse to be part of this. You have no right.'

'I have very right. This is my planet now!' The King boomed, 'You and your pathetic powers and friends can.....'

'Pathetic?' She shouted, 'We are not pathetic, if we were truly unworthy of your time, you would not be trying to kill us. You wouldn't be putting this plan into action unless you were scared!' 

'Don't mistake cowardice with caution girl!' The King boomed, 'I've heard enough of this. Take her away, we'll deal with this later. Hartman I need a word with you!' Olivia was taken out and Luke went after her. Hartman stood as the King scolded him and back to Olivia's room, Luke was trying to calm her down.

'I will not calm down!' Olivia screamed at him, 'Don't you fucking understand?!'

'Calm down Olivia,' he growled, 'You are making things worse. Elendril said we have too...'

'Wait till whenever. This is crazy, I mean all this is for a simple object and they have stepped on us humans for hundreds of years! That's not fair!'


Olivia's bottom lip started to tremble, 'Not all humans are. I thought you were better than that.' She wheeled herself away, Luke calling after her. She ignored him and moved as fast as she could. She wandered the halls till she found a door leading to a balcony. She wheeled out there and looked up at the night sky, clouds gathering above. The stars shone brightly alongside the smiling moon. Olivia closed her eyes and felt the moons light envelop her. I want my friends, I want to go home and all of this must go away. I don't like it. My family, are gone but I have Emilie, Aaron, Jaymes, Tomas and Nathaniel. They are my family and I want them back. Olivia opened her eyes as the tears burst out like waterfalls after rain. She hit her hands on the railing and screamed into the night, people saw her but didn't say a word. Her chair fell from underneath her and she landed face first onto the tiles. Not caring she lay there screaming and the tears flooded her vision. 

She lifted her head and saw the moon fade behind the clouds. Feeling the rain on her back, Olivia screamed once more and listened to the echo. She wanted someone close to her. Here she was a stranger and all of this was too much. She heard a shout behind her and she closed her eyes as someone wrapped their arms around her, 'I don't want...' she muttered as the darkness swallowed her up. 


Olivia woke up in a bed, facing a black ceiling. Her head thumped, her mouth felt swollen and eyes wouldn't open. Olivia tried to force them open but she just had no strength. Eventually her eyes opened and she turned her head and saw Luke, Georgina and another girl there sleeping in their chairs. Olivia propped herself up and studied her surroundings. She was in her room and when she coughed, Luke opened his eyes, 'Olivia!' He breathed. The others woke up and soon were hugging her and unwrapping her head, arms and side, 'You're okay!' 

'How do you feel?' Georgina asked feeling Olivia's forehead. Tilting her hand, Olivia sat her self up into a better position and Georgina and the other claimed they would go get some more things. Luke stayed behind and sat next to Olivia, who tried not to look at him. 

'Olivia look at me please...'

'No.' She pouted. 

'Those things I said yesterday, I'm sorry.'

'I thought you were on my side!' She hit her fist against the bed and tore her haze from his icy stare, 'I wanted to be free. But now I understand everything has been a lie. You don't want to help me and you don't care about anything humans are willing to do! You have succumbed to the ways of these evil creatures. You bastard.'

'Olivia....please let me explain.' He whispered. 

She shook her head and glared at him, tears streaming down her face, 'I don't want to here it Dr Strauss. Leave.'


'LEAVE!' She shouted. 

'Why won't you let me say anything?!'

'You've said enough!' Olivia screamed, 'You claim you want to leave, yet you tarry. You have no dream, nothing to aspire too. You're hooked here. You don't want to leave because you're afraid, I get it but don't downsize me or my friends when we are trying to save the world we lost. Your father, mother, grandfather and grandmother could've fought long before you were born. You grew up among-st aliens but you don't know anything about your own kind.'

'You yourself aren't even human,' he growled and clenched his fists. 

'More human than you.' Olivia spat. 

'You don't want me as an enemy Olivia.' Luke's voice deepened. 

'I don't care. Leave.' Luke, stared for a little longer then left. He's gonna go straight to Hartman. I have to leave. Olivia pushed herself into her chair and rolled out the open door. She went past the guards, 'Toilet run.' She said after they asked where she was going.

'Do you want us to call for help?'

'No need.' She sped away and they shrugged. She turned a corner and found herself heading down. She saw some people up ahead and came to a stop in front of them, 'Excuse me?'

'How may we help you?'

'I'm looking for Georgina she was heading towards the hanger?'

'Oh right. That way and to your right. Don't turn left the hanger for the air crafts are there.'

'Right thanks.' She rolled away, that was too easy. I'll have to be careful. Moving slowly, Olivia reached the split and turned left towards the hanger. She rolled in and saw it was completely abandoned. There were a few small ships and she decided to reach one. She quickly made her way over to the smaller one and rolled up to the side. She reached to pull the door down when someone shouted something behind her.

'We knew you would try to escape, although I was hoping for something more spectacular.' Hartman walked up with a few guards behind him ready to strike, 'Trying to escape will be for naught. After all you can't get anywhere without wheels. Do you think we are that stupid?' 

'Yes. Why yes I do!' She swung her hands up, winds thrashed about and pushed them all back. She smacked them again with a full gale force winds, 'You let me into an open space. Bad move.' She spat and pointed her hands downwards and spun Hartman around, 'You let me go right now Hartman or I swear I will kill you.'

'You wouldn't, you have no back bone!' He spluttered as he was pushed back again. He smacked his head on the ground, blood flowing from above his eye, 'You won't!'

'I will.' Olivia threw him back again, 'Where are my friends?'

'Even if I knew I wouldn't tell a little bitch like you. You fucking humans are pests, things that must be ruled or destroyed. There is no in between.' 

'One more and your head will break like a fucking watermeloon!'

'OLIVIA!' I new voice joined the chorus of screaming, 'CALM DOWN!' 

Olivia looked up at the newcomer, Guy. Tears welled up and fell down her face. Guy was in front of her. The man who betrayed them, 'How....' she stuttered, 'How dare you show your face to me....' 

'How could I not, after all I raised you.' He smirked and walked over slowly, 'Cease the winds.' 


'You'll take all of us down!' He sang. 

'I don't give a fuck. I'd rather die than let you...' 

'Ah,' He raised a finger and pointed it at her. A Sharp pain seared through her body and she was thrown out of her chair. Her vision became blurred and she saw Guy walking towards her, 'Language young lady. You like it?' He showed her a tight wrist band made out of copper and silver, 'Look's weak but this give me the ability to "null" your magic. In other words I can stop anything with this.' 

'You bastard!' Olivia sobbed, 'Why....'

Guy squatted down in front of her, 'I'm not the King's right hand man for nothing. You see, like I said, I still love you. But you see you have to die because well...I like my job.' He stood up and pointed down at her, 'Take her away, don't give her a chair. Let her sit in a cell in our tower. Make sure she's watched twenty-four seven.'

'Yes sir.' They walked over and picked her up and she flipped her head forward.

'You won't stop us,' she muttered, 'We're stronger than you. Emilie will kill you!'

'Emilie is nothing. Her power is the weakest in the whole group. I expect her to die first.' Guy laughed, 'She's the most broken out of all of you, she won't last.'

'You're wrong.' Olivia coughed, 'You're wrong.' The guards walked her out as Guy kicked his twin brother. 


'You are cruel.' Hartman wiped his head clean and sat up, 'Even some of the alien soldiers wouldn't do that to a little girl.' 

Guy shrugged his shoulders, 'The most important thing is the survival of our race. Our goal now is to lure them out.'

'I just don't understand why you didn't kill them when you found them. Your compassion will be the death of you.' Hartman grasped a chair and pulled himself up. 

Guy walked over and laid a hand on his brothers shoulder, 'The key is to build trust. I take the weak and build them up. Then I crush them again. The Underground was my greatest achievement. They followed me till they all died, stupid people.'

Hartman laughed and his head fell into his hands, 'You are truly cruel, your mind is twisted. Even I cannot keep up with it.' 

'You see brother,' Guy walked away and picked up a soldiers weapon, 'When you are desperate nothing is cruel nor compassionate.' He pointed the weapon at his younger brother, who's face turned white, 'I can't leave room for error either. King.' He pulled the trigger and his brothers white body fell limp to the ground, blood pooling around him, 'Claims to be god,' Guy kicked his dead brothers body in disgust, 'Yet he bleeds like a human. Pathetic, in the end there will only be me.' He dropped the weapon in his brothers blood and walked away with a confident aura, Nothing can stop me now. 

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