The Speedster and the Telekin...

By mabaronlovesbts

11.8K 154 2

After the events of the black hole in Central City, the Flash was considered the hero of the city. But over t... More

Book 3!!!


129 3 0
By mabaronlovesbts

The next evening, we were all at the West house celebrating that Henry was going to stay here in Central City. I was setting the table with Iris and Caitlin when I suddenly hear the doorbell ring and I knew it was Barry and Henry. "What in the world is this? I thought we were just gonna watch a movie and have pizza?" Barry asks and I smile at him. "Blame Tori and Iris." Cisco says pointing towards me and I smack his arm. "Ok, we just figured that since Henry is officially back for good, we should celebrate." Iris says as I walk over to Barry and Henry. "And since Zoom is gone and this city is quiet right now." I say as I wrap my arms around Barry. "I appreciate it. Thank you." Henry says with a wide grin and I embrace him. "You're welcome." I say and he walks over to where Dr. McGee was sitting. I feel Barry grab my waist, pulling me into his arms and smiling at me. "You're the best girlfriend a guy could ever have." he says and I laugh. "I know, right? No other girl can compare." I joke as I flip my hair, making Barry laugh. Barry and I make our way over to the dining room. "Hi, Tina." Henry greets Dr. McGee with a sweet smile. "Hello, Henry." Dr. McGee greets with a polite smile. Henry greets Jesse as she moves out of the way, and they both start to have a sweet conversation.

"I hope you don't mind that we invited Dr. McGee." I say with a nervous smile.

"Seems like somebody's glad you did." Barry says and I turn to look at Henry talking with Dr. McGee.

"Yeah. Pretty soon, she'll be your step-mommy." I say and Barry rolls his eyes as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind and laughs as he kisses the nape of my neck. "So, for the first time in years, I was wrong. You are invincible."

"Told you. The Speed Force is with us."

I look into his green eyes and chuckle, "Sometimes, you're just too cute to be mad at." I say and he chuckles as he pecks my lips. Soon, Wally comes into the dining room with a salad, and places it in the middle of the table. "So, is it true? You saved The Flash and Hummingbird's lives?" Jesse asks Wally with a smirk. "Oh, I mean, I was just in the right place at the right time." Wally says with a nervous smile, making me smile at them. "Proud of you, Wally. You did good." Joe says and Wally chuckles. "Thanks, Dad." Wally tells Joe and Jesse chuckles. "What?" Wally asks Jesse as he stares into her green eyes. "Uh, I'm just... I'm proud of you, too." she says with a blush, which he returns as Caitlin places the soup on the table. "Jesse and Wally look adorable together, don't you think?" I ask Barry as he looks at the two. "Yeah, they do. But we're cuter." he says and I roll my eyes. "Soup's on." Caitlin says and Cisco cheers. "Taking out a city full of monsters makes a man hungry." Cisco says and I laugh as I pass Barry his glass of champagne, then grab mine. "First, a toast. To family." Joe says as he raises his glass of champagne.

"To family." we all respond.

"That's my kind of toast, short and sweet, let's eat." Cisco says and I laugh.

I suddenly see Cisco stiffen up and gasp, and we all knew that he vibed. "Cisco, what, what is it?" I ask as I look at him with furrowed brows. "What'd you see?" Barry asks him as he unwraps his arms from around me, and places his glass down. "What do you mean, see?" Wally asks, but I keep my focus on Cisco. "Cisco gets visions." Caitlin explains simply to Wally. "I don't understand." Cisco mutters as we all just look at him in curiosity. "What, Cisco?" Joe asks him, trying to get Cisco to tell us what he vibed. "Earth-2 splitting in half, straight down through the poles. Tell me I just didn't vibe the future. Please, tell me I did not just see the end of the world." Cisco says. Suddenly, a flash of blue appears, and holding Henry by the neck, was Zoom. I widen my eyes in fear as Barry pulls me behind him protectively. "Our story continues, Flash." Zoom says, and he speeds out with Henry. Barry then speeds out to follow and I look in worry, "Henry!" Dr. McGee yells out. I look over to Wally seeing his shocked reaction at just finding out that Barry was The Flash. "Wally, I know it's a lot to take in right now, but we'll explain later, alright?" I tell him and he nods slowly. Suddenly, it felt like my heart just broke into a million pieces. I gasp as I put a hand over my heart, and everyone looks at me. I break out into sobs as I feel my heart shatter. "Tori, mija, what's wrong?" Dad asks as he embraces me tightly.

"Henry..." I say in sobs.

"What? What about him?" Joe asks.

"He's gone!" I cry out and hold my dad tightly.

"How do you know, Tori?" Caitlin asks me, but I couldn't speak.

"Maybe we should ask her about that later, Cait." Cisco says

I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I turn to see Iris with tears rolling down her cheeks. I embrace her tightly as we both cry together. Of course this hurts us. Henry was like another dad to us. But, I know this would hurt Barry more.


I stood next to Barry in front of Henry's casket as everyone stood around it, and I held his hand tightly, knowing that he felt broken. I cried so much that night. When Barry came home that night, he was in fits of sobs and anger. I held him to comfort him, but my comfort probably wasn't enough for him. A priest was praying over Henry's casket and I shed a few tears as I looked at the casket. Henry was going to be buried next to Nora, as it was always planned, but not so soon. The priest suddenly leaves and I look at Barry, expecting him to say something. "Uh... My father's..." he fades off as he just looks at the gravestone of his father and mother. "I'm sorry. I can't do this right now." he says and I squeeze his hand gently. "It's ok, Barry." I tell him and he kisses my temple lovingly, almost protectively. "Henry Allen. Henry suffered two greatest losses in his life." Joe says and my dad nodded in agreement. "He lost his wife, Nora, and he lost Barry." Joe continues, and Barry's hand squeezes mine. "He suffered guilt, embarrassment, ridicule, shame, and everything that comes with being blamed for a crime he didn't commit. Henry Allen was proof that love can get you through the darkest days. And that love will keep him alive in our hearts." Joe says and I nod as a tear rolled down my cheek.

Barry pulled me with him as he walked up to the vase filled with roses, and grabs one. I grab a rose and we both walk up to Henry's casket. I held the umbrella as Barry squats and places his rose on Henry's casket, and I place mine. "I'm gonna find him, Dad. I promise you, I'm gonna take from him what he took from you." Barry says and I look at him with a frown. He stands back up as two men came and put the casket in the ground, then started piling dirt on top. After they buried Henry's body, the others leave, leaving me and Barry to stand in front of his parents graves. I knew he was hurting, but there was no way he could be left alone. He had just lost the only family member he had left. All he cared about, while we were living together as kids, was a way to turn in the murderer who killed his mom and framed his dad. When Henry got out of Iron Heights, I've never seen him so happy. "Barry." I call him as he squats down in front of his parents grave. "This wasn't supposed to happen." Barry says shakily and I squat down next to him. "I know. I know it hurts, a lot. Losing your dad when you just got him back, I know. It hurts me, too. But you have to be strong. If not for me, then for both your parents, because I know for a fact that it's killing them to see you like this." I say and he looks at me. "I don't wanna lose you either, Tori." he says as tears roll down his cheeks. "And you won't. I promise." I say, and we both stand up, then head out of the cemetery.


At my dad's house, I was with Cisco, Caitlin, Iris, Harry, Jesse, Wally, my dad, and Joe. Barry, on the other hand, stood by the window, watching the streets sadly. Wally grabs the plate with a sandwich my dad had made, and takes it to him. "Tori, I know that this might be a bad time, but how did you know that Henry, you know, died?" Caitlin asks and I shrug. "I'm not so sure. It was like... I could almost feel Barry's feelings. Not entirely, but just slightly." I explain and she nods. Soon, Barry comes over to us and wraps an arm around my waist. "Guys, Zoom's still out there. We need to come up with a plan." Barry says to us all. "The man can crack breaches to Earth-2. I mean, if he can do that, what else can he do that we don't know about?" Cisco says and I nod in agreement. "Right after he killed his Time Remnant, he told me I was "almost ready." Barry says and I look at him. "Almost ready" for what?" I ask in confusion, but he only shrugs. "I don't know." Barry responds and I look down with a frown. "Yep, classic psychopath. Why can't they ever just say what they want to do?" Cisco asks. "We also have to figure out why I keep vibing Earth-2 being ripped to shreds." Cisco says and I look at him. "Seriously." Joe says as he takes a sip of his whiskey. "It's like I'm watching Transformers, in 4D, but, like, 10 times more realistic. And with much better acting." Cisco says

"Look, if you can vibe the future, we need to stop Zoom before that happens." Joe says.

I feel Barry's arm tighten around my waist and I turn to see him look down in discomfort. "I'm gonna get some air, alright?" Barry says and everyone nods. "I got it." I say as I follow him to the porch, grabbing a blanket on the way. When I walk out of the house, I see Barry sitting on the steps. He turns to look at me and watches me as I walk over to him. I take a seat beside him and he wraps his arm around me. "When I was in the Speed Force, I felt like I'd finally come to grips with her death. With not saving her when I went back." he explains and I just look at him sincerely. "And then, the moment where I'm finally at the place I could move on, my father's taken from me. How am I ever supposed to find peace in that?" he asks me with furrowed brows. "I don't know, Barry. But you're gonna have to find a way to do that or it's gonna tear you apart." I tell him. "I just miss him so much already." he says, and I lay my head on his shoulder as he pulls me in closer. "I know. I do, too." I say as I look up at him, and he kisses my forehead. Suddenly, a flash of blue zips by and I widen my eyes as I lift my head from Barry's shoulder. "Zoom." Barry says and he speeds away from me. "Barry, no!" I yell out, but he was already too far. "Tori, what's wrong?" I hear Iris' voice ask from behind me, and I turn to look at her. "Zoom sped by and Barry went after him." I say worriedly. Suddenly, a gust of wind blows through my hair, and I turn to see Barry. "Barry! Don't do that!" I say as I hug him tightly and he holds me tightly, but stays silent. Zoom told him something, but I knew he would tell all of us soon.

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