Memory Risk

By deifythelie

347 37 1

Six people wake up, with no recollection of their identity, in a furnished room, with no escape. They are a... More

Day One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
The End

Chapter 10

18 2 0
By deifythelie

     Jordan's depression was the only thing keeping the peace around the main room. His absence put everyone's schemes on hold. Jordan's reaction to his memories was the beginning domino piece. The rest of them stood in line, waiting to see if it would fall. Vivienne was growing impatient with biting her tongue. She desperately wanted to get all of the information out in the air. Trent and Aiden scared her. Knowing that they were prone to violence, and the way they were looking at her, made her anxious. With Jordan's disappearance, Vivienne was heavily outnumbered.

      Night was setting in, and Vivienne wanted to talk to Jordan before dinner. She had a separate discussion planned during the meal, but wanted to see Jordan's mindset before she figured out the direction that she wanted to take the conversation. Fed up with waiting, she went to check on Jordan, but was stopped. Aiden was the first to step in front of her, and Trent wasn't far behind. Maddy and Stacie were in the kitchen preparing food.

      "What are you doing Vivienne," asked Aiden.

      "I'm going to check on Jordan," she answered.

      "He's going through enough right now," said Aiden. "I hope you're not thinking about making it worse. He's still processing the emotions of his loss, he doesn't need you stirring everything else up."

      "Worrying about yourself. Like always," Vivienne responded. "And what are you doing here, Trent? Because right now I feel threatened. I've got threats of my own."

      "This involved me," answered Trent. "I'm concerned where your head's at...Have you ever thought that Stacie wanted to forget? Do you ever think telling her is something that she doesn't want? No matter how wrong you think things are. It seems like you're only thinking about yourself also."

      "Trent, are you serious," Vivienne asked. "That's your angle? No matter if she doesn't want to remember, what you are doing is wrong, and you need to stop."

      "I don't think it's a good idea for you to talk to Jordan," interrupted Aiden. "Leave him be. Let him heal. He's a grown man, he's got this."

      "Apparently he doesn't have this," said Vivienne. "That's the reason we're all in this to begin with. We didn't have this. Our lives broke us, and we needed help."

      "Speak for yourself," said Aiden.

      "Damnit Aiden," Vivienne said while stomping her foot. "Are you two seriously doing this? You two are just going to start throwing your weight around. You two make a great team, don't you?"

      "Walk away," Aiden directed Vivienne. "Just let things be for now."

      Not wanting to get physical, Vivienne turned, and walked away from the men. She went in her room, and slammed the door behind her. Trent and Aiden walked over to the kitchen to join Stacie and Maddy.

      "What was that about," Stacie asked.

      "I told you honeybun," answered Trent. "That woman's crazy. She's got some weird thoughts, and we're trying to keep her from upsetting Jordan. She thinks everyone's out to get her...You know, the schizo thing I was telling you about."

      Maddy and Stacie ingested Trent's lies without question. They didn't give Vivienne anymore public attention and went back to preparing the meal. Trent and Aiden didn't speak on the topic anymore either. They both hoped that it would go away, but Vivienne was just biding her time. She was weak and needed to gain more power. Being outnumbered, she thought over how she would gain some strength. Her only option was to get the women on her side, but the men were good at protecting the women's ignorance.

      The meal finished cooking, and the men couldn't object to inviting Vivienne to dinner. Maddy also personally invited Jordan, but he declined. Vivienne's presence made everyone else feel awkward, and there wasn't a lot of conversation around the table. No one knew how to act when Vivienne was around. Waiting until the meal was about over, Vivienne began her plan for discord.

      "So, Stacie," Vivienne began, "what's your plan on volunteering. It looks like tonight is your night."

      "Oh no," answered Stacie with a laugh. "I'm not going. I'm happy where I am." Reaching over, she patted and rubbed Trent's leg while giving him a smile.

      "I really think you should reconsider," said Vivienne.

      "Alright now," Aiden interjected.

      "I'm serious Stacie. Hiding from the truth could hurt you."

      "It seems to be working for Maddy," Stacie replied.

      "Yeah," Trent spoke up, "why aren't you given Maddy a hard time?"

      "Because we know that this is what Maddy wants," said Vivienne. "We're not sure that Stacie is positive that she's better off this way. I mean if you don't like what you find out, you can always pull a Maddy, and volunteer again. I don't see any harm in that. Do you Maddy?"

      Maddy was doing her best to stay out of the conversation. She shrugged off Vivienne's question, and went back to eating.

      "I don't think it's a good idea honeybun," Trent suggested. "You walked away from your life for a reason. You should keep it that way."

      "This," said Vivienne, "coming from a guy that has his memories. Apparently we all don't want to walk away from them."

      "What is going on," Stacie blurted out. "What do you know? This seems beyond the Aiden thing."

      "What do you mean by that," Aiden asked. "You told her about me?"

      "What about you," Maddy asked.

      "Nothing," answered Aiden.

      "Seems like something," said Maddy. "You four are freaking me out. I feel so out of place."

      "Well then maybe you should go somewhere else," Trent suggested.

      Maddy, offended, dropped her fork on her plate, and scooted her chair back from the table. She was about to stand up when Vivienne stopped her by putting her hand on her shoulder.

      "No," Vivienne told Maddy. "Don't go anywhere. Maybe we should clear the air."

      "Don't," pleaded Aiden.

      "Stacie," said Vivienne, "why are you asking me what I know, when you can find out by walking through that door tonight. Like I said, if you don't like it, you can go back."

      "We can't go back," said Trent. "Going back will mean you'll forget all that we've been through. The bond we made in here will be lost. I'll be heartbroken."

      "That's only if you decide to go back," said Vivienne. "If it's not that bad, you two can live happily ever after."

      "It won't be happy," said Trent. "You ran away from that pain for a reason."

      "Maybe," Stacie thought out loud, "you can just tell me, and that way I will know, but won't have the memories."

      "I've been thinking the same thing," said Maddy. "By just being told what I went through won't give me the nightmares. I'll know who I was, without the pain that comes with it...I'm up for being told who I said I was, and what caused me pain."

      "That's a terrible idea," Aiden stated.

      "It's not your decision to make," Vivienne told Aiden. "I counseled both of you," she informed Maddy and Stacie. "I was with you after you went through your ordeal. I can explain to you, everything that you told me. I think it's best if we do it alone though."

      "Vivienne," Aiden shouted. "Damnit!" He grabbed his plate and threw it into the wall, busting it into pieces.

      "Go ahead," said Vivienne. "Show them that anger, Aiden. Let us see what you've been hiding."

      Aiden stood in front of his chair, staring at Vivienne, with his hands balled into fists. His face was red, and shoulders bounced from his heavy breathing. He wanted to lash out, but he held his anger back. Trent was secretly wishing that Aiden would attack Vivienne.

      "Stop," Stacie shouted. "Stop this! I'm gonna need a minute."

      Stacie got up from the table and ran into her room, shutting everyone else out. Vivienne leaned back in her chair, and smiled at Aiden. Breathing heavy through his nose, Aiden continued to stare at Vivienne. She watched his jaw muscles contract and tense up. Vivienne was playing it cool on the outside, but underneath her clothes she was sweating. Trent watched Aiden while trying to send him telepathic instructions on what to do next. Maddy grabbed her plate, and cautiously walked into the kitchen. Not knowing what to do, Aiden stormed off outside. When Aiden moved, Vivienne was able to see Jordan standing outside of his room watching the whole thing. She felt like it was time for them to have a talk.

      Vivienne wanted to talk to Jordan, especially after Aiden's outburst, but she had her reservations. Even though she couldn't stand him, she thought about what Aiden said. Jordan was going through a lot right now, and she wasn't positive that adding the truth about Aiden's involvement was best for his healing process. Stacie and Maddy also deserved a conversation, and Vivienne couldn't decide which one should be first. Vivienne wrestled with Stacie's predicament, and with deciding if the truth was best for her. Not wanting to be selfish, Vivienne gave herself a minute to think things over. Maddy checked on Jordan, Stacie needed time to think, and Vivienne needed a moment to reflect; the truth was going to have to wait.

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