Unveil Mercury [#Wattys2017]

By NikitaVorster

935 126 152

At every corner Sutton Clarke finds herself tangled in a mystery she can't get out off. Murder comes to the t... More

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d i s g r a c e
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t h r e a t s
s a f e t y
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f u n

24 3 10
By NikitaVorster


29 July 2017

Sutton awoke to the loud screaming of Lola wanting them all to get up.

"Everyone! Kitchen! Now! Or so help me I will pour ice water on you." Sutton heard a trample of feet running down the wooden stairs. She cracked a smile and saw that Noah was already gone. She slipped out of bed, pulled on her dressing gown and slippers and joined the rest of the idiots downstairs.

"Is there a reason for waking me up at eight in the morning on my vacation?" Ciara asked, glaring at an excited Lola. She was chirpy. Izzy had 'fuck you' sleep mask pulled up to her head. Her eyes were closed and she was drooling on the kitchen island.

"Yes!" she squealed.

"Hell no!" Sutton found herself muttering. She was not going into those woods. She had already gotten the creepy note from Alice. She listened to warnings. 'Better safe than sorry,' she thought.

"Come on please! There's this trail that leads to this beautiful clearing with a lagoon! We can have a pic-nic, take a dip!" she explained, trying to motivate everyone into the party mood. Noah came to lean on behind Sutton and wrapped his arms around her waist. She leaned back into him and closed her eyes.

Eli gave in first, "I guess it will be fun?"

"Sure," Dawn said, his arm hanging over Alison's shoulder.

"Who wouldn't want to go at this hour to a lagoon?" Alex asked, taking a bite of the leftover pizza they ordered.

"I'm going back to bed," Ciara announced, leaving the kitchen with a huff.

Sutton opened her eyes, "Lola, we'll go, just not this early, okay?"

Lola's smile didn't waver, "Of course. Thank you, Sut."

By ten am they were all out of the house, dressed in shorts, hiking boots and backpacks filled with food, towels and blankets. Lola assured Sutton that it wasn't too deep into the woods but it was well hidden. Lola said that it was sacred, only for friends and it was part of Izzy's parents' property so it was safe enough for them to spend the day out there.

Lola just failed to mention that it was a five mile walk and took them two tedious, complaining and annoying hours to reach the creek. It was certainly worth the walk. There was a beautiful waterfall cascading down to a clear pool of water. It was mesmerising and the newest additions to the group had their mouths hanging open on awe.

Lola quickly set up a few blankets and towels on the ground, as the rest of the girls laid their things down on ground. Everyone was exhausted from the hike and nice dip would do everything good.

"Okay, this was worth it as always, but tomorrow, we're going on the jetski's." Ciara said, pulling of her tanktop to reveal a black bikini that complimented her skintone.

"Can't," Alison said, "They have the annual bake sale in town and I wanna get me some donuts."

"Oh yes, they make the best chocolate goodies ever!" Eli exclaimed, nodding her enthusiastically.

"Can we live in the now? Which is a nice cool down in the lagoon?" Lola snapped, her clothes already off and laying on the ground. She intertwined her fingers with Izzy's and they both ran off to cool down. The rest of the group swiftly followed after them and made a few splashes in the water.

Sutton kicked of her boots and trekked around the area, looking at the beautiful flowers and trees. There was one peculiar tree with hanging leaves and vines. She pictured a Tarzan swinging on them or baboons climbing up to the top. She stepped closer, examining the words carved into the base of the tree.

A + A = BFF's

She wondered who it could be. It was possibly Ava and Alison. They were both wannabe queens. Ava seemed to take the roll every time. But now Alison was in charge and she happened to have Ava's boyfriend as well.

"Looking for clues?" Noah asked, rubbing a hand on her back.

She gasped in surprise, "Well, that note said we'd find something in the woods."

"Yes, we'd find a beautiful lagoon. Plus, I get to see you in a bikini."

Sutton laughed and playfully slapped him on the shoulder, "Funny."

"I like it rough," he mentioned, referring to her slap.

She stepped away from him and pulled off her shirt, "You're going to have to work harder than that, Noah." She pushed her shorts off, revealing a blue bikini and ran to where the others were splashing around in the water. She jumped in and resurfaced with a refreshing grin on her face.

"Let's play chicken!" Eli shouted, as she stood in the water. The water reached her waist.

Everyone agreed and chose a respectable partner. Sutton was on Noah's shoulders. Alison on Dawn's. Eli on Alex's. Ciara on Chris'. Lola on Tanner's. And Izzy on Alfie's.

Sutton and Noah first went against Eli and Alex who both losed to them. Alison and Dawn went against Ciara and Chris who lost against them. Then Izzy and Alfie went against Lola and Tanner who also lost. Alison and Dawn lost to Lola and Alfie and they also lost to Sutton and Noah. It was the two teams now against each other and both of them were competitive. But, alas, Lola and Tanner won as soon as Noah tripped and Sutton face planted into the water. They were all very thrilled and excited and kept swimming for the rest of the day. Sutton feeling free for a few hours from everything bothering her.

At dawn they reached the old Victorian house, slumping down on the benches from exhaustion. The day had tired them out and all Sutton wanted to do was go to bed and take a nap. She wanted a shower first and get the dirty water out of her hair. Once she entered the bathroom Alice had left her another present. It was another stupid, red note lying on the table next to a white rose. Sutton paled and struggled to swallow.

She reached for the note, leaving the wilted rose on the sink.

'Mommy wasn't as innocent as she looked - Alice.'

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