Beating The Odds

By TierraMarcel

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And sometimes, against all odds, against all logic, we still hope. ALL FUCKINGGGGG !! rights reserved. DONT T... More



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By TierraMarcel

Sammy T. 🤘🏽

The Next Day.

I sat on the end of the bed in the house my party was at, I was trying to keep my mind calm so I rolled a fat one up and faced it. It was two girls to the right and left of me I was fully dressed so I knew nothing went down with them and me. I don't remember to much of last night but Diamond and Khloe fighting. Khloe should've let Diamond get jumped because her punk as friend didn't help. Before Draya left she told me I couldn't have my son around Diamond no more and I had to respect that.

I got out the bed, woke the two bitches up so they could roll out. I only bought the house out for 48 hours so I would return the key now and chill the rest of today. I walked around the house making sure everything was good, only thing I know I would have to replace was a table.

After taking care of everything, I made my way to my to Diamond house. I used my key to let myself in, I walked into her bedroom and she was sleeping peacefully.

"You like starting shit right?" I chocked Diamond out her sleep, throwing her back was against her bedroom wall. "Keep starting shit but got your ass beat !" I threw her head to the wall letting her go.

"Get out SAM ! Get out my house
Sam." She said crying throwing things at me. "You won't ! Just get out."

"I ain't going no where, fuck out my face son." I walked into the bathroom cutting the shower on, when I was turning around Diamond send a clean manly punch to the side of my face.

"I said get out." She backed up all the way to the room. "Go to your babymother house because I won't continue to deal with this."

"I can't because you put hands on her like she wasn't my son mother, now my son can't be around you Diamond." I didn't hit her silly ass back I just start removing my clothes in her face.

"You wasn't thinking about that when she was all up on you, don't she date a big time football player why was she even here."

"Because that's my son mother and we cool now, it don't matter who she dating she wasn't thinking about your ass, only reason she was that close because she was telling me something over top of the loud music."

"Whatever I don't believe you."

"Then you had Khloe out there fighting but your friend watched. How does that work I know you feel dumb."

"I dont she helped me because she knew I wouldn't watch her get jumped and don't worry Dime going to get hers."

"What you going to do fight her ?Fight for a job application like you fight these hoes."

"Sam you can go like I said I can't keep putting up with yo-."

"Put up with what ? Everything you ever did was wrong. Now you making it seem like I'm the bad guy when all I did was love your selfish ass. All these years I loved you and treated you right but you took full advantage of that so from here on out it's fuck you man." I said letting everything I was feeling out.

"Okay it's fuck me ? We'll leave my house SAM you have your own place why are you here ?"

"Because I pay every bill in this bitch now that you are jobless almost homeless."

"I could never be homeless baby, long as my fingers work I won't be homeless."

"Long as you keep popping pills you will be homeless, we could go back and forth but I don't want to."

"Well I do." She got in my face only to get pushed back giving me 50 feet. "You always throwing shit in my feet but let's talk about how you like hitting me now ? Let's talk about how close you and your babymother got ?"

"Stop doing dumb shit !" I yelled. "You driving me crazy man I can't do this shit but I'm still trying Diamond! After everything you said and did I'm still trying man because I want to be with you but it's making me unhealthy."

"I'm sorry how many times do I have to say that ? You can't forgive me over something that happened years ago ? And I haven't popped a pill since I lost my fucking job. I see how my actions messed everything up Sam."

"Ite." I said walking off heading back to the bathroom, my clothes was already off so I just jumped in the shower. I stayed in the shower til the water start to get cold.

When I got out I didn't see Diamond, thank god, I went into my closet and something looked different I start putting on underclothes and seen that all my jeans I had over here was gone.

I ran downstairs looking for Diamond, she wasn't no where in the house, she was in the backyard throwing bleach on all my pants.

"You say Ite like you over everything? I told you I was sorry and that's all you had to say ? I'm hurt just like you hurt Sam !"

I didn't have time to talk because she was broke and couldn't replace nothing you was damaging. She threw the bleach bottle at me and I took off at her. I took her by her hair and dragging her all the way back in the house. At this point I wasn't feeling like Sammy, I smacked her around the whole house, her crying couldn't stop me nothing could stop me but me.

This girl turned me into somebody I never wanted to be . . I was broken.


Jay'Ceon Clark 💰

Two Days Later.

"So why he still has your number Chyna?" I asked throwing rocks in the water.

"Same question, I don't know Jay damn." She rolled her eyes, looking around at Jay playing with her dog.

We was sitting around the water letting my daughter play around, but I still had a few questions for Chyna. The other night her ex was texting her phone like they was best friends. I didn't like that nigga because he didn't respect our relationship or her being my daughter mother.

"That's crazy but what can I say nothing, all I can do is take your word and hope you wouldn't lie to me."

"My word should be enough Jay, I don't know how he got my number but I did dismiss him."

I knew she was lying because she couldn't give me eye contact, she didn't have to lie but she knew I'll be hurt if she was talking to another nigga. Chyna was the best female that came into my life, she was the mother of my only child she was well put together so yeah I'll be hurt. I see me asking for this girl for hand in marriage.

"Yeah after I seen the messages, you can't even keep eye contact man what the hell ?"

"You want me to lie and say I was texting him when I wasn't, I thought we was here so Jay could have fun."

"She is having fun with her dog, she ain't thinking about us talking about grown people stuff. So tell me the truth last time asking."

"Okay." She looked at me. "Yes I was texting him but nothing big or wild. He asked how I was and I told him I was fine blah blah blah." She waved her hand in the air.

"Wow, then your blah head ass say it likes it nothing, that's crazy if you ask me Chyna." I kept throwing rocks in the water keeping myself calm.

"At least I'm not lying Jay'Ceon, it's nothing we are friends, just like I'm with you he has a girlfriend."

"I don't give a fuck." I said loud but nothing for my daughter to look our way. "You sound mad fucking dumb, that's cheating I don't care how you put it."

"Why are you talking to me that way ? We been together for how many years now 4 ? Did I ever cheat on you Jay ? No."

"But now you want to start texting your ex ? Let me go text Britt."

"Go head if you want to be childish, keep in mind that bitch don't have shit on me, she's not your daughter mother and she's a punk bitch. You would be taking a L." She made a L shape with her fingers.

I wanted to take her and pull her by her hair all through this grass we was sitting on. She was making me so mad like some shit you just don't do.

"Chyna on some man shit stop playing with me, I'm so upset I could do or say some shit that will hurt you."

"Why are you trying to hurt me ? I said we wasn't texting about nothing, I'll stop texting him if that makes you feel better."

To make me feel better ? Or outta respect for your "man"

"Get a uber on your phone, I got some moves to make right fast." She didn't say anything back she just stood up and got Jay with the dog following behind them.

I walked behind them, we got outside the park and wanted. I took Jay out of Chyna hands and start kissing her pretty coco skin, my daughter was her mother twin I was just there.

"It's say 4 minutes away, where are you going ?"

"To make a move, y'all going to my house or in the house."

"I didn't think you would want me there so I got the uber to my house." She said still looking down at her phone.

"Still texting him ?" I asked kissing on Jay face. "Can't even put your phone down."

"Boy im on snap want to see ? Damn." She put the phone in my face. "You irritating now."

"Whatever man." I shook my head and placed Jay back on her feet.

I stood there and watch Chyna stay on her phone the whole time. I didn't want to think somebody else was coming into her life but I couldn't think no other way. If this was god ways of paying me back for braking hearts I was truly sorry.

"See you later baby."

"See you daddy." Jay said opting the door to the backseat with my help.

"I love you Jay'Ceon whatever you do know that." Chyna said getting into the uber closing the door, I watched the black car uber drive all the way up the street then
I got into my own ride and pulled off.

I walked into my mother house closing the door behind me, years later she still my go to person when I feel like everything is fall apart. I walked around the house looking for her, I heard talking coming from the living room so that's where I headed. I walked in and seen her and Khloe talking. This would be my first time seeing Khloe in a few months, just with a t shirt and makeup free face she look good.

"Should I just come back ?" I asked and they both looked my way. "I don't want to bother nobody."

"No baby it's fine." My mother stood up and came to give me a hug, she always knew when something was wrong with me. "Both of y'all here because y'all both need somebody to talk to." We took a seat on the couch while Khloe stayed in the chair that was across from us. "Do you guys feel comfortable with talking around each other."

"I mean yeah, we both understand each other a little better and we cool with each other." Khloe said smiling at me. "He the homie."

"Right, what she said we cool I know nothing will leave her mouth so it's cool."

"The growth of you two are amazing let me say that first, Khloe you was here first so tell your mother whats wrongs."

No matter what, my mother always will love at Khloe as her daughter. It was many time my mother had to tell me leave her alone or break up a fight between us but that's our past that shit old news now.

"So I went to Sam party Saturday, three days ago so I'm party or whatever." She said talking with her hands. "Jay'Ceon ex girlfriend came into the party so her and Diamond together, I'm paying them no mind what so ever. So hours later Diamond pop off on Draya, im still minding my business so they both leave and I see Draya and her friend leave behind them. Anybody know me know I'm loyal even when I shouldn't be so I follow them out with my husband right behind me. When I got outside they was jumping Diamond and Dime was just watching so I didn't think, I didn't think about people having their phones out or my job. I just went and start beating the mess out the friend. So yesterday." She stopped talking getting herself together. "I got a email from my boss saying come in ASAP, I go in and she told me I was on call because the fight got back to them. On call meaning I work when they need me, I'm always trying to help this girl and I'm always getting fucked at the end. Just like when they came to my job the first time now this. This bitch is about to make me lose something I worked my ass off for." She whipped her tears, my mother got up and Khloe cried in her neck.

"It's okay, I will be okay." My mother rocked Khloe body side to side. "Look at me, you have to know when to help people and when to let people help themselves, I'm not saying her getting jumped was okay but she had her friend their, it wasn't your place to help her, you wanna know why ?" Khloe nodded her head, wiping her red nose off. "Because she would've never helped you, she would've watched you get beat up baby. Know who your friends are and understand it's okay to have no friends, because you have a husband and family."

That's why I always come to my mother because she going to give it to you real, no filter what so ever.

"You right, when it was all said and done I knew I should've just left, but the inner me couldn't. Now I know I can't go around helping people who would've laughed at me. I'm completely done with her."

"The last part is your business, whether you're done with her or not, because at one point you guys was close. Maybe she get herself together and you come back together."

"Yeah maybe but I don't think so, but thanks I love when you keep it 8 more than 92 with me." Khloe said making us laugh at her corny ass.

"Whatever girl." My mother hit her shoulder coming to take her seat back next to me. "Now you talk son.

"Cool let me ask y'all something, y'all females so keep it real with me, if you in a relationship would y'all be texting your ex ? I'm not talking about young us I'm talking about grown adult us."

"Mmm me personally I'll have to say yes, me and you still talk but it's all about what's said. Hi and bye are cool but can I see you or you free day is crossing the line." Khloe said.

"We text but we have a understanding that we will never happen, and Chyna know you and also is cool with us texting."


"Me, I'll have to say no I would not be texting my ex if I'm in a relationship. To me that cheating, are you seeing these messages?"


"What are they say ? Do you feel disrespected? If so you need to say something son."

"I did Ma but she see no wrong, me and this girl have a daughter together I don't feel like I need to go through her phone."

"You right about that but just like I read Khloe let me read you." She sat up and looked me at. "You can't do females wrong and think you going to live happy, it don't work like that baby. You did females wrong and maybe it's your time to hurt, let's hope you don't hurt long but that's how live go. What's goes around come around."

"And that's the only thing on my mind, is this is get back but Chyna has another thing coming. I'm fighting for what I want, I really see myself with her."

"I know baby, I think y'all should talk, if you already did do it again. Let her know how you feel, tell her you feel disrespected."

"Ite I'll try again tomorrow but tonight I ain't feeling it, can y'all cook something a nigga aint eat all day."

They both looked at each other then me laughing.

"My man at home so no." Khloe said. "Gia cook your son something to eat."

"I ain't got no man and if I did he wouldn't ask like that so no."

"Ugly and irritating I'll cook myself something to eat." I stood up and made my way to the kitchen, I don't know what I was feeling but I took out some chicken breast,shrimp noodles and some for cheeses Alfreda sauce.

30 minutes into my cooking the ladies came in the kitchen smiling and looking around.

"Why y'all smiling ? Only making enough for me, better call y'all niggas."

"Don't be like that Jay'Ceon we was only playing."

"Let me text Dior and tell him come get his white ass wife." She rolled her eyes and hit my back.

"He at work dummy, your mother dropping me off so make my food before I go." She left back out the kitchen, I don't know who she was talking to so I paid her no mind.


"Thanks for the food is was good." My mother said coming in my room. "I'm about to drop Khloe off before it get to late."

"Y'all both welcome and okay I'll probably be gone when you come back."

"Okay make sure you drop Jay off to me tomorrow." She walked out my room and I send Khloe a text saying come here.

I heard little feet making its way down the hallway.

"Yes sir ?" She stuck her head in the door.

"Say thank you nigga."

"Thank you for the food and the food to go, text me if you need me Jay'Ceon."

"Same for you let me know when you get in the house."

"Okay." She waved and walked off.

Back in the day I wanted her happy with me but I had to relies that was only hurting her. I said and did some fucked up shit to Khloe but she something like a best friend now & I know my place and she know hers.

I looked down at my phone seeing I had a text message from Chyna.

Chyna💕 - Can we talk pls ?



TierraMarcel 💕

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