Times Will Change [6] (The Pa...

נכתב על ידי Turtlii

46.6K 1.3K 193

The Doctor and the Stone are back in their Universe with the crack in time gone and their companions married... עוד

Times Will Change
A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol - Two
A Christmas Carol - Three
A Christmas Carol - Four
Space and Time
The Impossible Astronaut
The Impossible Astronaut - Two
Day of the Moon
Day of the Moon - Two
Mixed Feelings
Curse of the Black Spot
Curse of the Black Spot - Two
Curse of the Black Spot - Three
The Time Lords Best Friend
The Time Lords Best Friend - Two
The Time Lords Best Friend - Three
The Rebel Flesh
The Rebel Flesh - Two
The Almost People
The Almost People - Two
When Good People Go To War - Two
Let's Kill Hitler
Let's Kill Hitler - Two
Bad Night
Night Terrors
Night Terrors - Two
Good Night
The Girl Who Waited
The Girl Who Waited - Two
First Night
The God Complex
The God Complex - Two
The God Complex - Three
Last Night
Closing Time
Closing Time - Two
Closing Time - Three
The Secret of The Doctor
The Secret of River Song
The Secret of the Stone

When Good People Go To War

1.2K 36 9
נכתב על ידי Turtlii

The Stone sat in the TARDIS beside the Doctor, a laptop between them watching Rory move around the Cyberman spaceship getting everything ready with the explosives they had hocked up. "Do you really think this is a good idea?" The Doctor doubtfully questioned the Time Lady. "Explosives? Not really 'our style'."

"Doctor." The Stone sighed shaking her head, pushing the screen of the laptop down slightly and placing it on the floor so neither of them would be distracted for a moment. "If-" she took in a breath not really wanting to think about that kind of scenario. "If I was taken and threatened to give our child away- if I was even pregnant what would you do?"


"What would you do?" She firmly questioned again.

The Doctor took in a sharp, deep breathtaking one of her hands in his, holding it close to him. "I would do anything- everything." He corrected himself. "To bring you and our child home safely to me, because that is where my home is, right beside you." He blinked at her slightly, the seriousness of this finally sinking in before a quiet growl escaped his lips. If it wasn't for the mute button on the laptop the Time Lady would have easily missed it and the short Gallifreyen curse. "We're getting our friend and her baby back."

The Stone nodded picking the laptop back up and pressing the button to unmute the sound. "I have a message and a question." They heard Rory sternly state to the Cybermen. The Doctor raised a brow as the Stone pushed the screen back so they could watch. "A message from the Doctor and Stone and a question from me." Rory looked between the Cybermen in front of him. "Where is my wife?" Silence. Rory slightly rolled his eyes at them seeing none of the Cybermen move or give any signs that they were going to move or speak. "Oh, don't give me those blank looks. The Twelfth Cyber Legion monitors this entire quadrant. You hear everything. So you tell me what I need to know. You tell me now, and I'll be on my way."

"What is the Doctor and the Stones message?"

"Dear?" The Doctor looked up already seeing the Time Lady was typing something into the laptop before she looked up hearing a loud crash. The multiple smaller ships exploding behind the glass Rory was standing in front of.

Rory slightly tilted his head. "Would you like me to repeat the question?"


The Time Lords waited for Rory to return with the necessary information before they piloted the TARDIS, first to find Vastra a Silurians who they helped to save from what was most likely going to end up being a lot of deaths and possible experimening of they didn't help. After that they went in search for a Sontaran warrior who had been forced to become a nurse in 4037 A.D, helping those in wars instead of killing. Next, they were with Avery and Toby wishing for his and his crews help. They needed all the help they could get at that current moment. Anything was a success. The Time Lords dropped Rory off to go and get River.


River shook her head and continued to dance her way to her cell, she had only just finished talking to Rory before the blonde had to cover her eyes as a bright white light flashed and a woman appeared. "Niece ?" River frowned.

"Who?" The woman frowned at River as she looked behind herself to see nothing.

River raised a brow and glanced around. "But this is too early? They don't know you're back yet."

"Who don't?"

"The Doctor and the Stone." The blonde replied.

"They're alive?" The womans eyes widened. "I thought they were dying."

River swallowed hard. "Spoilers..."

"Or secrets." The woman muttered with a small amount of fondness in her voice.

River frowned again. "They don't know you're here so why are you here?"

"To find my mum. She needs help. From the timeline, Kate gave me the best person to help me find my mum was you."

"Well then." River glanced around looking slightly nervous. "We best go and help her then."


"Always at a bar." The Doctor shook his head.

"He will be a great help though." The Stone reassured the Doctor.

"I don't doubt you dear." The Doctor reminded as the TARDIS wheezed. They faintly heard the cries of Dorium, a rather large blue skinned alien.


"He is not the devil, neither is she. He is not a god and she is not a godess."

"He's wrong their dear." The Doctor telepathically whispered to his wife. She mentally groaned able to picture the smirk on his face under the hood of the headless monks robes.

"He is not a goblin, or a phantom and she is not a trickster. The Doctor and the Stone are living, breathing people, and as I look around this room I know one thing. We're sure as hell going to fix that." The Doctor rolled his eyes under his robe waiting for Manton to give him a good line to jump in and scare them all on. "On this day, in this place, the Doctor and the Stone will fall."

"Hoo Rah!" The crowd holding multiple guns cried.

"The man and the woman who talks, the people who reason, the people who lie, they will meet the perfect answer."

"Hoo Rah!"

"Some of you have wondered why have we have allied ourselves with the Headless Monks." Manton continued slowly making his way over to the headless monk the furthest away from him. "Perhaps you should have wondered why we call them Headless. It's time you knew what these guys have sacrificed for faith. As you all know, it is a Level One Heresy, punishable by death, to lower the hood of a Headless Monk. But by the divine grant of the Papal Mainframe herself, on this one and only occasion, I can show you the truth. Because these guys never can be persuaded." He then lowered the hood of the headless monks which showed no head or a neck at all, only skin and a small tie in the centre where it cut off. "They never can be afraid." He then lowered another. "And they can never, ever be-

"Surprised!" The Doctor said lowering his own hood grinning while everyone gasped. The Stone sighed lowering her own hood before shaking her head as everyone gasped again.

"Honestly sweetheart."

"Sorry dear." He replied before laughing. "Ha, ha! Hello, everyone. Guess who." He twirled the Time Lady around while they all stared at them both. "Please, point a gun at us if it helps you relax." The army before them all pointed their guns at the two. The Doctor knew they were not going to fire and that Vastra and Jenny both had control of the lights. The Monks readied their flaming swords.

"Well, you're only human."

"Doctor, Stone, you will both come with me right now." Manton ordered making the Stone slightly scoff the man actually believed that they were just going to follow him.

"How long do you think dear?" The Doctor questioned ignoring the Colonial. "Three minutes forty seconds?"

"Oddly specific." The Stone raised a brow.

"I think we can do it." He shrugged. "There are things we can do that lasts longer." He smirked.

"Oh honestly." The Time Lady sighed knowing he was going to say something like that. She didn't expect it to be said that bluntly though.

The Doctor laughed at her before exclaiming: "Amelia Pond! Get your coat!" He then did his hood back up while the Stone did the same. The two of them finding the others hand. The Doctor led them both out as the lights cut out for a few seconds before they came back on the Time Lords nowhere in sight, leading the Colonel deeply confused.

"I'm not a phantom." The Doctor called out.

"Doctor?" Manton said sounding slightly angry now.

"And I'm not a trick." The Stone cut in.


"We're monks." The Time Lords said together.

"Show yourselves!"

"It's him!" A man cried out pointing to one of the headless monks. "He's here! It's him!"

Everyone in the Army then pointed their guns at the monks. A shot then rang out before more fired. "Weapons down!" Manton cried helplessly watching the monks easy their fire swords. "Do not fire!"

A monk then killed a soldier. "No!"

"Do not fire. Nobody discharge their weapon in this room. Nobody! Do not fire!"

"Shhh." The Stone whispered narrowing her eyes at the Doctors screwdriver which was actually the worst idea for a silent escape. The door opened and the two sipped through

Without bringing any attention to themselves they walked through the corridors and then took of the robes when there was no one nearby.

"We are not fools. " The Army chanted as the Doctor climbed a set of stairs. The Stone following him. "We are not fools. We are not fools."

Silurians and Judoon then beamed into the galleries around the army and Manton

"This base is now under our command." Strax ordered.

"I have a fleet out there." Manton threatened. "If Demon's Run goes down, there's an automatic distress call."

"Ah but that won't work if we knock out your communications array." The Stone grinned.

The Doctor nodded looking at his watch. "And you've got incoming."

"Danny Boy to the Time Lords. Danny Boy to the Time Lords."

"Give 'em hell, Danny Boy." The Doctor replied making the Stone chuckle when he pretended to be a plane himself.


After taking the base for themselves the Doctor happily linked his arm with his wifes, the two of them strolling through the base. They both sat down at the controls where Vastra and Jenny had taken the guards with the alarms out.

"All airlocks sealed." Strax walked in with Colonel Manton at gun point. "Resistance neutralised."

"Sorry, Colonel Manton." The Doctor apologised spinning around in his chair. "I lied. Three minutes forty two seconds."

"Colonel Manton, you will give the order for your men to withdraw."

"No." The Time Lords cut in. "Colonel Manton, we want you to tell your men to run away."

"You what?" He frowned. Were they both that mad.

"Those words." The Doctor grinned. "Run away. We want you to be famous for those exact words."

"We want people to call you Colonel Run Away." The Stone cut in.

"I want children laughing outside your door, because they've found the house of Colonel Run Away." He then stood up his eyes growing angry and cold. "And, when people come to you, and ask if trying to get to me through the people I love-" Vastra hissed while the Stone quietly stood up slipping her hand in his. "-Is in any way a good idea." He took in a shaky breath feeling the Stones hand squeeze his. "I want you to tell them your name. Oh, look, I'm angry." He said stopping himself from crying. "That's new. I'm really not sure what's going to happen now."

"The anger of a good man is not a problem." Kovarian walked in. "Good men have too many rules."

"Yeah?" The Stone growled. "It's a good job I'm not a man then."

"Good people don't need rules." The Doctor cut in. "Today is not the day to find out why me and my wife have so many."

"Give the order." Kovarian turned to Manton. "Give the order, Colonel Run Away."


"Where did that Roman go?" The Doctor sighed shaking his head.

"Where do you think?" The Stone chuckled just as they came up to a white room with the door open. Both Amy and Rory clearly in the room crying while kissing, their baby between them in both of their arms. The Doctor made a grimace and slowly backed away.

"Urgh. Kissing and crying. I'll, I'll be back in a bit."

The Time Lady rolled her eyes and yanked on the collar of his shirt making the Doctor yelp as Rory ordered him back.

"Oi, you. Get in here, now." The Doctor obeyed taking the Stones hand and walking down the stairs to stand in front of Amy and Rory to peer at the small baby. "My daughter. What do you two think?"

"Hello." The Doctor smiled looking at the humans. "Hello, baby."

"Melody," Amy informed.

"Melody?" The Doctor repeated.

"Hello, Melody." The Stone smiled waving slightly.

"Yes, Hello." The Doctor nodded at his wife for a moment. "Hello, Melody Pond."

"Melody Williams." Rory corrected.

"Is a geography teacher," Amy added. "Melody Pond is a superhero."

"Well yes, I suppose she does smell nice." The Doctor frowned slightly. "Never really sniffed her. Maybe I should give it a go."

"No." The Stone cut in making him pout at her before he gave his attention to Amy.

"Amelia Pond, come here."

"Doctor." She smiled tightly hugging him.

"I'm sorry we were so long."

"It's okay." She nodded. "I knew you were coming. Both of you. My boys."

"Your boys?" The Stone raised a brow.

"Our boys." She chuckled "and I knew you were coming as well Stone." She hugged the Time Lady.

"It's okay." The Doctor said to Melody. "She's still all yours. And really, you should call her mummy, not big milk thing."

"Doctor." The Stone sighed pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Okay, what is he doing?" Amy questioned the Stone.

"I speak Baby." The Doctor cut in.

"He speaks baby." The Stone slightly groaned.

"No, you don't."

"Yes, he does." The Stone corrected. "It actually one of the only things he was good at in school. "Speaking everything"

"Exactly." He grinned before pouting and pointing at his wife. "Oi!"

"You admitted it." She shrugged.

"But yes I speak everything, don't I, Melody Pond." He then frowned fixing his bowtie. "No, it's not. It's cool."

"Doctor? Stone? Vastra said walking in, leaning on the railing by the stairs. "Take a look. They're leaving. Demon's Run is ours without a drop of blood spilled. My friends, you two have never risen higher."


Amy sighed walking out the TARDIS with Melody in her arms. The Doctor had refused to turn the engines off so Melody could rest. He even had a small argument with the Stone in the process, it honestly didn't last long when the Stone suggested for him to go to where everything they didn't need was kept.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Rory frowned walking up to Amy.

"She doesn't like the TARDIS noise." Amy sighed lightly bouncing Melody in her arms. "I asked him to turn something off, but it was all, but I don't want to punch a hole in the space-time continuum. Shush."

"Rory!" Jenny exclaimed. "The Judoon have escorted the Clerics out of the quadrant. Spitfires have returned to their own time. Captain Avery and his men are going." She then frowned noticing Melody. "Is she all right?"

"Yes, she's just crying."

"Give her to me, human fool," Strax ordered. "She needs changing."

"I just changed her. I think she might need a feed."

"A feed, of course." He nodded holding out his arms. "I'll take care of everything."

"Er, I really don't think you will, actually."

"I have gene-spliced myself for all nursing duties. I can produce magnificent quantities of lactic fluid."

"Yeah, that's not going to be necessary Strax." The Stone commented holding the TARDIS door open for the Doctor who walked out of the TARDIS with a wooden cot with an orrery dangling over it.

"Thanks, dear." He nodded at the Time Lady. "She's not hungry, she's tired." The Doctor said walking up to them and placing the cot down. The Stone quickly following. "Sorry, Melody, they're just not listening."

"What's this?"

"Very pretty, according to your daughter."

"It's a- it's a cot."

"No flies on the Roman." The Doctor rolled his eyes.


"Of course." She smiled handing her baby to the Time Lady who then placed her in the cot. The Doctor grinned happily at the sight.

"But where would you get a cot?" Rory questioned.

"Stone?" Amy questioned remembering that the Time Lady mentioned about having children before.

"It's not mine." She shook her head.

"But it's old." Amy frowned at it. "Really old." She then looked at the Doctor who swallowed hard. Luckily only the Stone managed to notice. "Doctor, er, do you have children?"

"No." He said looking at Melody.

"Have you ever had children?"

"No, it's real." He frowned at Melody running a hand through it. "It's my hair."

"Who slept in here?"

"Doctor, Stone, we need you both in the main control room." Vastra called for the Time Lords

"Be right there!" He called taking the Stones hand. "Things to do. We've still got to work out what this base is for. We can't leave till we know."

"But this is where I was? The whole time I thought I was on the TARDIS, I was really here?"

"Er, Centurian, permission to hug?"

"Be aware, I do have a sword."

"I already have a wife, thanks." He reassured. The Doctor pulled Amy into a hug. "At all times. You were on the TARDIS too." He whispered. "Your heart, your mind, your soul. But physically, yes, you were still in this place."

"And when I saw that face looking through the hatch, that woman looking at me."

"Reality bleeding through." He explained. "They must have taken you quite a while back. Just before America."

"That's probably enough hugging now." Rory commented making the Time Lady chuckle. "So her Flesh avatar was with us all that time. But that means they were projecting a control signal right into the TARDIS wherever we were in time and space."

"Yeah, they're very clever." The Stone quietly commented.

"Who are?" Amy asked.

"Whoever wants our baby." Rory replied

"But why do they want her?"

"Exactly." The Time Lords added.

"Is there anything you're not telling us?" Rory looked between them. "You both knew Amy wasn't real. You never said."

"Well, we couldn't be sure they weren't listening."

"But you always hold out on us." Amy cut in. "Both of you. Please, not this time. Doctor, Stone, it's our baby. Tell us something. One little thing."

The Stone took in a shaky breath. "It's mine." The Doctor said.

"What is?"

"The cot." The Doctor added. "It's my cot. I slept in there."

"Oh, my God." Amy softly smiled as the Time Lords headed to the main control room. "It's the Doctor's first stars."


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