When Good People Go To War - Two

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The Doctor and the Stone stood with Vastra, Jenny and Dorium at the large computer system. "You've hacked into their software, then?" The Doctor asked patting Dorium's shoulder.

"I believe I sold it to them."

"Ooo." The Doctor grinned. "So what have we learned?"

"That anger is always the shortest distance to a mistake," Vastra said giving both Time Lords a pointed look.

"I'm sorry?" The Doctor blinked.

"The words of two old friends who once found me in the London Underground, attempting to avenge my sisters on perfectly innocent tunnel diggers."

"Well, you were very cross at the time." The Stone reminded.

"As you and the Doctor were today, my old friends."

"Point taken." The Doctor nodded

"Now, I have a question." She looked between them. "A simple one. Is Melody human?"

"Sorry, what?" The Stone looked at her confused. "Human?"

"Of course she is." The Doctor nodded. "Completely human. What are you talking about?"

"They've been scanning her since she was born, and I think they found what they were looking for," Dorium informed.

"Human DNA." Both Time Lords looked at the screen seeing what was clearly human DNA.

"Look closer," Vastra informed them. "Human plus. Specifically, human plus Time Lord."

"But that's impossible." The Stone laughed out of how impossible and unrealistic Vastra sounded.

"But she's human." The Doctor backed his wife up. "She's Amy and Rory's daughter."

"You've told me about your people," Vastra said to them. "You both told me how they became what they did through prolonged exposure to the time vortex. The Untempered Schism."

"Over billions of years." The Stone protested.

"It didn't just happen."

"So how close is she?" Vastra asked. "Could she even regenerate?"

"No, no." The Doctor shook his head. "I don't think so."

"You don't sound so sure."

"That is because we don't understand how this happened." The Stone sighed. "It has never happened before."

"Which leads me to ask when did it happen?"

"Dear Rassilon." The Stone muttered under her breath. Her shoes becoming very interesting all of a sudden while the Doctor frowned not understanding.


"Your wife seems to understand." Vastra nodded to the Time Lady who pitched the bridge of her nose. "I am trying to be delicate. I know how you can blush worse than she. When did this baby begin?"

"Oh, you mean-" his eyes widened.

"Quite." She nodded.

"Well, how would we know?" He started to wave his arms about seeming to become uncomfortable in the situation while the Stone remained quiet. "That's all human-y, private stuff. It just sort of goes on. They don't put up a balloon, or anything."

"But could the child have begun on the TARDIS in flight, in the vortex."

"No!" The Doctor shouted. "No! Impossible! It's all running about, very unsexy fish vampires." He looked at the Stone. "And blowing up stuff. And Rory wasn't even there at the beginning. Then he was dead, then he didn't exist, then he was plastic. Then we had to reboot the whole universe." He pointed at the Time Lady. "Long story. So, technically the first time they were on the TARDIS together in this version of reality, was on their w-" he stopped realising what had happened.

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