Just Can't Help It; The Seque...

By JordanXJohnson

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From the original Book "Just Can't Help It; The Chose I Made", I bring you "Just Can't Help It; The Sequel"... More

S1 « Fool oF Me » #Ep 1
S1 « Chance Taken » #Ep 2
S1 « Liliquoi Moon Part I» #Ep 3
S1 « oh Brother » #Ep 4
S1 « Outsider » #Ep5
S1 « Hitting the Fan » #Ep 6
S1 « Escape » #Ep7
S1 «Hermosa Noché » #Ep 8
S1 « Brighter Nights » #Ep9
S1 « Connect Four » #Ep10
S1 « hermosa criatura » #Ep11
S1 « Liliquoi Moon | Part II » #Ep12
S1 « Possible one » #Ep13
S1 « We Could Be » | Season .I. finale | #Ep15
S2 « Turning Tables | Part I » #Ep1
S2 « Tables Turned | Part II » #Ep2
S2 « Adjusting to Lòvê | Part I» #Ep3
S2 « Adjusting to Lòvê | Part II» #Ep4
S2 « Incapable » #Ep5
S2 «Ready or Not » #Ep6
S2 « Liliquoi Moon | Part III » #Ep7
S2 « Family to Family Part .I. » #Ep8
S2 « Family To Family Part . II. » #Ep9
S2 « No boundaries » #Ep10
S2 « Black Pavement . Part I . » #Ep11
S2 « Black Pavement. Part II .» #Ep12
S2 « Rather Be » #Ep13
S2 « Battling. The. Past Part .I. » #Ep14
S2 « Battling. The. Past Part .II.» | Season .II. finale | #Ep15
S3 « Awaking Moon (The Moment) » #Ep 1
S3 « Warm blooded » #Ep 2
S3 « Facing Facts » #Ep 3
S3 « His surprise » #Ep 4
S3 « All i Do » #Ep 5
S3 « Amending Family » #Ep 6
S3 « Forgiving to Forget » #Ep 7
S3 « inner Peace » #Ep 8
S3 « Stone of Faith |The finale » #Ep 9

S1 « Beautiful nightmare » #Ep14

1.9K 126 63
By JordanXJohnson

Cameron Pov:
• Next Day •

"Cameron" he whispered as I stretched looking over at him. "We have to get going" he softly spoke pulling me on top of him as my head pressed against his pillow. Groaning in his ear as he slightly laughed.

"come on my grumpy bear" he spoke leaning me up as he scooted us both to the edge of the bed. He picked me up over his shoulder carrying me to the restroom.

"Ahhh" he huffed out sitting me on the counter. "Gesh, think I feed you too many strawberries" he laughed. I watched as he applied toothpaste to both of our tooth brushes. "For you?" He smiled as he held his brush in his cheek.

Gently stroking the brush across my teeth and gums as I climbed down from the sink. Rinsing my mouth out as he tickled me from behind. He griped my side spinning me in the air as we almost stumbled over.

"You okay?" He asked as I held on to him. "Yeah" I smiled as he pulled me in for a kiss. "Who would have known I'll be the one having feelings for a freshman" he chuckled as we were walking out the restroom.

"It's nothing wrong with it" I shrugged as he put my suitcase on the bed for me. "Well that's true, I just know people will judge once they find out" he said as he was sitting on the floor going through his bag.

Pulling out a few pieces pairing them together as I glanced over at Francisco. "What do you mean? Are you going to tell people we're dating?" I asked as he smiled at me. "You are my boyfriend. I don't have shame in that" he said giving me this look.

"ah" I mumbled to myself looking at the clothes I laid out. I noticed him stand up as he slid a shirt over his head. "Is that a problem?" He asked walking up to me. Shaking my head 'no' as he stood beside me.

"This is Nice" he said picking out an outfit for me. "I've never had anyone care about being with me like you do that's all" I mumbled as I put the shirt on. "Come here" he spoke pulling me to him. "I'm not him alright, I care about you. We agreed to leave the past behind, so let's continue to move forward" he kissed my cheek walking away.

Francisco was right. I had to leave all that negativity out of this relationship, there was no room for Oliver baggage. "Plus I didn't think you were out" I spoke pulling my jeans up, wiggling my feet out of the ripped.

"Well some people know, I don't broadcast my sexuality. It's nobody business knowing who I'm sleeping with." He said as I smirked thinking about the same situation between me and Oliver.

"Although" he pointed sitting on the bed next to me as he was putting on his shoes. "When I'm in a relationship those rules don't exist. Plus look at you, who wouldn't claim you" he winked with a smile as he walked away grabbing his phone.

His comments made me smile extra hard as he walked back holding the phone between his ear and neck. He sat in front of me as he pulled me between his legs. Watching as he buttoned my jeans up and adjusting my shirt. He twisted my belt loops, before he hugged my legs.

I could hear a woman's voice as I cuffed his head in my hands. Rubbing the back of his head as he looked up at me with his lips poked out. He smiled as I kissed him. "We're coming down now" he spoke sounding a
bit annoyed.

Watching as he ended the call. Francisco moved his eyes browns at me, the facial expressions he showed told me everything without him saying anything. "Care to explain?" I asked as he was zipping up our bags and gathering stuff he bought.

He took a deep swallow as he looked at me with air held in his cheeks. He scratched his head tilting his head back as I approached him. "I tell my parents everything" he said holding my arm. "Every . . . Ting" he nervously joked looking at me.

"As in us?" I asked as he slowly nodded his head. "Oh god" I sighed as I slowly became light headed. "They don't even know me Francisco. . . Why . . . "Sighing as he grabbed my hand. "You're important to me Cameron" he spoke stopping me from over reacting.

"Plus who invited a friend to something this important?" He asked chuckling. "They knew you were more than just a friend, I just confirmed everything last night, look at me" he said as we stood by the door. "If they didn't approve of you, you would know by now" he said holding the door open as I walked out with my bag.

My stomach was bubbling from my nerves as we made it down the elevator. I didn't see his parents in sight, but I did notice their truck parked in front of the building. A guy held the door open as his dad walked towards the back of the truck opening it.

They spoke in Spanish as he looked over at me telling me GoodMorning. The sun was slowly rising as the street lights were still on. Glancing at my phone reading six fourth five as I let out a short yawn getting into the car.

I spoke to his mom as they were getting into the car. Francisco grabbed my hand as I was gently rubbing my palms against my pants. "Just relax" he whispered in my ear as his dad pulled away.

"You can just stay in the back during business hours if you want" he mumbled leaning closer to me. "I'll help out if I'm needed, I'm sure there's something I can do" I chuckled as he smiled at me. He winked making me smile as I shook my head.

His mom turned her head towards the back as we both looked at her smiling. She turned back forward as he cuffed my hand leaning back towards his side.

I've officially found myself being on the other side. I never got the opportunity to meet Oliver parents so I have no experience at this. My palms became sweaty the more I thought about it, as I slowly pulled away from his grip.

He watched as I dried my palms on my pants. "Everything will be fine, trust me" he whispered in my ear as he leaned over. Their restaurant was towards the city as I remembered a few of the signs that we passed.

Francisco dad pulled into the restaurant parking lot as a few other cars and employees sat outside waiting. His parents greeted everybody as she unlocked the door. We waited until everyone walked in.

Francisco guided me towards the back as we walked into this room. It was a medium sized employee lounge. He walked towards the tv turning it on for me.

"I'll just be a minute okay" he mumbled standing over me as I was sitting on the small couch. "Okay" I spoke looking up at him. Our lips connected as he smiled at me.

"I'll let you know what's going on, I usually help out the servers and stuff, and a few kitchen duties. They like for me to be familiar with everything. So when the future comes I can run the business" he said as I nodded my head.

He looked back at me as he stood by the door. "Go" I chuckled as he smiled. "I just like looking at you, but okay" he laughed as his body disappeared leaving me in the room alone.

Christopher Jr Pov:
• 10:15 am •

There was a knock on my door before it opened, reaching for my remote pausing the movie I was watching as jordan walked in.

He flashed a doubtable smile at me as he held the house phone in his hand. "Guess who I just spoke with?" He folded his arms leaning on my dresser. "Umm I-ii don't know" I mumbled looking at him confused. "Mrs. Lisa".

Instantly rising from my bed pushing myself up against my headboard. "Is there anything you would like to discuss?" He calmly asked walking closer to me. My nerves grew hesitant towards the statement.

Confusingly looking at him as he walked closer. "You're a man right? You've had a lot to say these past few days right? Use your words" he spoke. The tone in his voice became intimidating.

"What did she say" I nervously asked. "She was disappointed in Maya, but we have to move forward right?" He said as my stomach knotted up. "Dad. . . " I softly mumbled with my head leaned back.

"It's about the miscarriage, I should've told you guys I just didn't know how, but dad I promise" I spoke jumping up from my bed standing in front of him. "I promise I won't make that mistake again, I'll be careful, focus on school. So I can make better of myself. I've done a lot of crazy stuff this past month" I sighed looking at him.

"Pops believe me, I won't mess up again" I pleaded as he shook his head. He chuckled walking away as he stopped by the door. "Get dress and meet me downstairs in ten" he spoke as my door closed.

"Fuck. . ." I muttered to myself walking towards my closet searching for something quick to change into. Every possible thought crossed my mind as I brushed my teeth. Rising my mouth out as I heard jordan scream my name.

He was at the end of the steps as I rushed down to Chris walking back into the house with his work clothes on. "Thought you had work dad?" I asked as he just looked at me. "Go get in the car" jordan softly spoke walking behind Chris as my heart was beating through my chest.

Walking towards the car getting into the back seat. I hit Maya a few times as she wasn't responding. The garage door slammed shut as they both got into the car. I've never seen them look so calm but so angry at the same time.

From their action, I wasn't planning to question anything about the ride nor location. With fifteen minutes we were approaching Maya neighborhood as I slowly leaned forward looking out the window. My body temperature heated up as Chris pulled into their driveway.

"What's going on?" I nervously asked as they both got out the car. "Bring ya ass" jordan groaned as I was getting out the car slowly. The door bell rung as her dad opened it looking back at me.

He shook hands with Chris and Jordan, but from the look of all their faces I knew this wasn't going to be good. Mrs. Lisa guided us into the living room as she had coffee and bagels on the table.

Maya sat between them as I sat between Chris and jordan. The room was awkwardly quiet as Maya shyly looked up at me. Jordan sighed shaking his head. "How many months?" He asked as I looked at him confused.

"Two" I heard Maya mumble as I looked at her unaware. "Wait what?" I blurred out as she started to tear up. She mumbled ' I'm sorry ' through her lips. Taking a deep swallow clearing my throat.

"Wait. . Wait . . Wait . . No" I said standing up walking away for a second. Walking back towards the living room, "Maya you lied to me?" I asked as my voice became shaky. "Bae, why . . " sighing as I put my hand on my head. "Why would you lie to me about this?" I gasped , "c'mon man" I groaned out beating on the wall.

"Sit" jordan groaned out as I slowly walked back over shaking my head. My foot wouldn't stop tapping as my nerves grew more intense. "No she told you correctly" jordan calmly spoke looking at me. "What she didn't know was that she was pregnant with twins, sadly she lost one, but the other one is still alive, which means you're a father" jordan said as Chris grabbed my shoulder aggravated.

"A fucking father" he grunted slapping the back of my head standing up walking away. Maya mom stood up quickly walking behind him. Maya dries her tears as her dad sat there looking at me.

"Go" jordan demanded as I walked over to Maya hugging her. Jordan patted the seat next to him as she walked towards him. "You follow me" Mr. Campbell spoke walking towards their backyard as I followed. 

The door slowly closed behind us as he sat at their yard table. "Christopher, you do understand the responsibility I'm expecting you to take on" he stated as I was slowly sitting. "Yes sir" I mumbled looking at him. "Don't yes sir me until you fully understand the responsibility that will affect your life" he states looking me in the eyes.

"Every doctor visit, every morning sickness, every need my daughter needs you will offer, you will provide for her and that child so many god help you" he groaned standing over me. "I watch how your kind abandon their children, all hell will rain upon you if you ever mistreat my daughter, do I make myself clear?" He asked as we both stared at each other.

"DO. I. MAKE. MYSELF. CLEAR?" He groaned in my face. "Yes. sir" I groaned back as he walked away from me. " Mr. Cambell" I called out as he stopped by the door. I knew he was upset about the situation, I mean who wouldn't be.

"I should have come to you guys like a man" I pleaded. "I just want you to know that I would never disrespect Maya, she's helped me grow in ways I didn't think where possible, she's an amazing woman and I promise you, I will do the right thing" I spoke with my hand out.

He looked at me for a minute before he cuffed my hand. "I'm holding you to every word, don't ruin my hard work" he calmly spoke pulling me into his chest as he hugged me. "She's all I got" he sighed, clearing his throat. He cuffed my shoulder as we were walking back into the house.

Maya was smiling and talking to Chris and jordan as they all stood there. "Jr don't forget" Mr. Cambell spoke as I was walking towards my parents. "We'll be in the car" jordan said as he was telling them bye.

Maya walked me to the door as she cuffed my hand. "It's a surprise to me too" she said as I held her stomach. "It's real this time" I mumbled as she grabbed my hand. "It's real babe" she spoke as I grabbed her face kissing her. "I love you" I spoke as she blushed. "We love you" she chuckled falling into my arms as me and her dad made eye contact.

"I promise, I got us baby girl"

• • •

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