The McGarrett Sister

By madisonalea

117K 1.7K 55

"Tragedy is something that will take its toll on everyone sometime in their life. For some, it happens sooner... More

prologue: begining
prologue: middle
prologue: end


1.9K 29 0
By madisonalea

"That's not even most of my life." He turned back to the elevator doors, while I continued to study his figure.

"Maybe you'll tell me sometime." I smiled.

"Maybe I will." The doors opened only a second later, revealing the big orange room. We walked towards the desks, McGee and Bishop already sitting and researching. DiNozzo sat at his desk and began to type things.

Emily McGarrett's POV

Gibbs walked in, stopped and pointed at the TV. I stood next to him while the others joined us.

"Jacob Reed. No known family, just a roommate from college, but they haven't spoken in over three years. He was undercover in Hawaii when his body was found by Emily's team." Tim gestures to me when he speaks as he clicks a few buttons on the remote in his hand. "He was tracking a high level gang official in Hawaii."

"Aaron Banks. He was bounced around in the foster system as a child, got out when he was 18. He's had a wrap sheet since he was 12. Began working for the Carbonjau's when he was 16." Bishop says.

"The Carbonjau's own one of the most powerful drug cartels in the world. They are located in Mexico. They are ruthless when it comes to killing people who get in their way. Jacob Reed was chosen by me to investigate them. I worked with Leon, SEC NAV, and many others to help catch Banks. I hadn't spoken to Reed in months, but I knew of his plan to follow a lead in Hawaii."

Tony then began to tell them about what we heard from Abby and Ducky. But I couldn't hear them. I was thinking about how I got this kid killed.

"McGarrett." I snapped my head in the direction of Tony. "You alright?" He asks. I nod and walk to Gibbs' desk, sitting on top of it.

"What else do we have?" Gibbs asks.

The three look at each other before back to Gibbs.

"That's all boss." DiNozzo answers for the team, being brave I guess.

"Well then get back to work. You." He looks to me. "Come." He gestures with a nod of his head before walking to the elevator.

The doors close behind us. "Where are we going?" He flips the switch just like Tony had done a few minutes ago. I sigh and turn to face him. "Why did you do that?"

"What's going on, Emily?" I chuckle.

"So many things, Gibbs. So many things." He pulls me in for a hug before asking another question.

"Sleep. How long has it been?" I chuckle again.

"I sleep every night. I have a few nightmares, so what?" I sigh. "Maybe it was losing Josh." I lean against the back wall of the elevator before speaking. "Or maybe it's Hawaii. You know about my mother." He nods, assuming I was only talking about her being dead. "She faked her death." He sighed. "My dad was murdered in the same house I'm living in right now. I got Jacob Reed killed, hell, I killed Josh too. What am I even doing anymore?" I turn to see Gibbs, a small smile on his face.

"You didn't kill anyone, Emily. Your nightmares will go away, and you will be okay." He kisses my forehead before flipping the switch, causing the elevator to kick into motion. When the doors opened again, we walked into the same orange room we had just left.

We both walk to the area of desks, myself feeling a little more relieved. I glanced at Tony, he had a questioning look on his face. I ignored it and sat down in the chair Gibbs had put next to his desk.

Three hours later

A bullet whipped passed my face, barely missing. I quickly duck under the large crate while yelling out,"I think we've got the right place!" DiNozzo chuckles next to me while Gibbs gives me a look.

I fire two rounds in the same direction before McGee started shouting. "Federal Agents! Put down your weapons!" I chuckle.

"Hate to break it to you, Timmy, but they really don't seem like the type of people that will obey orders from Federal Agents." DiNozzo laughs, Bishop chuckling with him this time. "I'm going in."

I see their eyes widen before I whip my head around and begin to rise from my position behind the large wooden crate that would soon give out due to the number of bullet holes in it.

I immediately start shooting in the direction of the idiots who keep trying to hit us. I hear one fall to the ground with a thud, so I continue to walk toward the other side of the gun fight. I reload my gun and point it in the direction of the last man. He watches me come around the corner and tries to move his standing machine gun to fire, but fails when my bullet goes through his shoulder.

He groans as he hits the ground from the force. "We're clear!" I shout over my shoulder. The four run up as soon as I have him on the ground, placing handcuffs around his wrists. "We only needed one, right?" Gibbs chuckles while the other three look at me with wide eyes.

I hand the guy off to McGee and watch as he and Bishop place him in the back of a car and then stand talking, probably waiting for an ambulance. Gibbs walks over to examine the bodies while DiNozzo turns to me.

"That was really badass." I chuckle. "And pretty hot." I slap his arm but smile anyway.

"It was taking too long." I shrug and then begin walking in the direction of one of the bodies. He had multiple tattoos on his arms, along with two fresh bullet wounds in his abdomen. I check for a pulse, but come up empty. "This one is out."

I see Tony check the last guy. "So is this one." He notes. I nod my head in his direction.

I turn my head to look at Gibbs, who nodded his head to the body in front of him. "This one is gone too." I nod once again. "Let's go." With that, we walk toward the car. Gibbs turns to us before we reach the vehicle. "Emily, you're driving back, I need to do something." He tosses the keys in my direction, barely making it into my hands.

"Do you need a ride?" He shakes his head and turns around the the other direction. I focus my attention back to DiNozzo, who shrugs before walking towards the car. I glance one last time at Gibbs before following after Tony.

"So how long have you known Gibbs?" Is the first thing that comes from DiNozzo as we pull out of the parking lot of the abandoned warehouse.

"Longer than either of us would care to admit." Tony nods and continues his gaze on me while I look to the straight road in front of us.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" I chuckle.

"Way to be blunt, DiNozzo." He smiles. "I'm working on this case until it's solved." He nods.

"What about after that?" I smile, actually infatuated with his proposal.

"I'm free." He smiles.

"Would you like to go for drinks? You don't exactly put off the dinner and a movie vibe." I chuckle.

"I like dinner, and movies." His face drops the smile. "But, I like drinks even more." A smirk crept its way onto his face.

We pull into the Navy Yard twenty minutes later, talking away. "So, you think this guy is going to talk?"

"What choice does he have? All his friends are dead, and right now he's the only lead that we've got." I set my gaze on DiNozzo the second the car is in park. "But, that also means.."

"That he knows he's valuable." Tony finishes for me.

"Should have left two." He chuckles slightly before opening his door, myself following suit.

We met at the front of the car before he said anything. "Your driving isn't as bad as Ziva's." I chuckle.

"That's quite the compliment."

"Did you know her?" I nod before realizing he was looking at the ground as we began our walk into the building.

"Yeah, I met her six years ago. But I don't see her very often anymore." He sighs.

"She's in Israel. Left a couple years ago." I nod.

"I'm glad she went back, she always said she would." He nods but doesn't reply. He holds the door open as we step in front of it, gesturing for myself to go in first. I nod,"Mahalo."

"What?" He questioned. I chuckle.

"Mahalo is how we thank in Hawaii." He nods his head skeptically.

"How long are you in DC?" I turn to face him as he shows his badge to the man at the front desk and then gestures for me to do the same.

"Not sure. Depends on this case, and then Gibbs and Leon may need me to stay back to finish our operation." I hit the floor button before directing my attention back to DiNozzo.

"That would be okay with me." All of a sudden, he is right next to me, his warm breath fanning across my neck.

"Would it?" I question, turning to face him completely.

Our closeness made me want to back away, but I didn't. His head moves up and down at a slow pace, his lips slowly grazing mine in the process.

"Definitely." I break the tension by pushing my lips onto his, catching him slightly off guard, but he soon falls into the smooth rhythm of our lips brushing in sync with each other.

A ping of the elevator door causes us to break away immediately. I walk out of the elevator and straight toward the collection of desks, leaving Tony in a small shock, or maybe even disbelief of what just occurred and how quickly it ended.

McGee and Bishop were sitting at their respective desks when I walked straight to Gibbs'. They both held their gaze on me before switching over to a flustered DiNozzo who had only exited the elevator moments after I sat in the desk chair.

The smirk on the younger agents' faces made me smile secretly, noticing Tony was still a little shocked made my ego boost unnaturally.

Tim opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, Tony cut him off. "Not a word, McGee." McGee glanced at Bishop, who smiles as if she already knew the answer to the puzzle.

They both then turned to me. I smiled and looked back to the computer, researching.

"Tom Collins!" I shout, suddenly gaining the attention of everyone in the orange room. "Sorry, please continue with your paperwork." I turn back to the team, minus Gibbs.

"Who is Tom Collins?" McGee asks first.

"Give me a second." I upload multiple things onto the TV before continuing. "He is Aaron Banks' hitman. How could I have forgotten?" They all look equally confused, so I gesture to the TV. "Tom Collins." His face pops up on the screen. "8 years ago Banks and Collins were in a holding cell together. They had been accused of something they actually didn't do, surprisingly. They talked for the full 26 hours they were in there, but no one knows a word of what they said."

I take a deep breath before continuing, "They became 'business partners' and anyone who got in their way was shot by a sniper right under the heart." DiNozzo seemed convinced.

"Where is this guy?" I direct my attention back to Tony.

"That's just it. After he was let go from that cell, no one has seen or heard from him."

"How are we supposed to find the invisible man?" I chuckled slightly at Tony.

"Carefully." He chuckles as well before McGee begins talking.

"I'll start looking."

"Damn." I said, suddenly becoming irritated with myself.

"What?" Bishop asks.

"I should have never left Hawaii. He might still be there."

"But if he is as controlled as you say he is, he won't go on a mass murdering spree." I glance to McGee and nod.

"I've got to go make a call." I quickly walked to the opposite side of the elevator, making my way to the interrogation room.

My fingers are already dialing the numbers before I can even think about what they are.

"Hello?" Asks a groggy Catherine.

"Cath? It's Emily."

"Em, what's up?"

"A lot. But I can tell you about it later, can you give the phone to Steve." I hear rustling in the background before I hear her voice over the phone again.

"He's not here. Wait, this isn't my phone. He must have left it here. Do you know where he went?"

"Yeah, he was checking the crime scene."

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"What's wrong Emily?" I sigh and lean against the wall next to the small boxy room.

"I need you guys to go make sure he's alright. That's the only information I can give you." I hear more rustling from the other end of the line.

"Em you're really starting to worry me."

"Everything is fine, Cath. Just make sure you call me when you guys find him. Mahalo."

"Emily!" I hear her shout just before I cut the line and walk into the interrogation room.

"Round two? Already?" I chuckle coldly.

"If you want a second round hole in your body, I'd be glad to put in there."

"Ooo, feisty. I love me a good feisty girl." I chuckle.

"So. Where's Collins?"


"Tom Collins."

"I don't know who that is."

"Yes you do, Carlos." He looks shocked that I knew his name. "You know Tom, Carlos, because you were recruited by him almost 7 months ago. I also know that your mother lives in Hoyo de la Puerta, Venezuela. Along with your mother, your little sister Marie and baby brother Tomas." I can see the rage rising in his eyes.

"Who do you think you are?" He asks, trying to jump up from his position in the chair, but I don't even flinch.

"I think I'm somebody who has people in all the right places, waiting for my requests. All with a snap of a finger." I snap my fingers for emphasis causing him to jump.

"You don't scare me lady." I chuckle coldly.

"That's what they all say, right before..." I run my thumb across my throat and watch as he tries not to squirm in his seat.  Over the top, but that's how I liked to do it. "So. Where is Collins?" He watches me for another brief moment, sweat dripping down his face.

"He's in DC. Came in yesterday morning on a private plane owned by Banks. He is looking for some woman, her name is McGarrett. They said she is trying too hard to find them. He's driving a black rental van with the plate numbers 727-896." I nod my head and get up from my seat. "Where is my family? You can't hurt them, I gave you what you wanted."

"They are being moved here as we speak, then you will move to Washington state. Far away from Banks and Collins' connections." He looks really confused before I walk out of the room, nodding to the same officer that was standing outside the door.

"That was interesting." I turn my head and come almost face to face with DiNozzo.

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