Holding Onto You (boyxboy)

By ArmchairPhilosopher

2.4M 91.3K 66.9K

"So you're blind?" "Yes" "Well just so you know, I'm hot." Hunter has been blind since he was two and has be... More

Holding Onto You (boyxboy)
Holding Onto You Chapter 1
Holding Onto You Chapter 2
Holding Onto You Chapter 3
Holding Onto You Chapter 4
Holding Onto You Chapter 5
Holding Onto You Chapter 6
Holding Onto You Chapter 7
Holding Onto You Chapter 8
Holding Onto You Chapter 9
Holding Onto You Chapter 10
Holding Onto You Chapter 11
Holding Onto You Chapter 12
Holding Onto You Chapter 13
Holding Onto You Chapter 14
Holding Onto You Chapter 15
Holding Onto You Chapter 17
Holding Onto You Chapter 18
Holding Onto You Chapter 19
Holding Onto You Chapter 20
Holding Onto You Chapter 21
Holding Onto You Chapter 22
Holding Onto You Chapter 23
Holding Onto You Chapter 24
Holding Onto You Chaper 25
Holding Onto You Chapter 26
Holding Onto You Chapter 27
Holding Onto You Chapter 28
Holding Onto You Chapter 29
Holding Onto You Chapter 30
Holding Onto You Chapter 31
Holding Onto You Chapter 32
Holding Onto You Chapter 33
Holding Onto You Chapter 34
Holding Onto You Chapter 35
Holding Onto You Chapter 36
Holding Onto You Chapter 37
Holding Onto You Chapter 38
Holding Onto You Chapter 39
Holding Onto You Chapter 40
Holding Onto You Chapter 41
Holding Onto You Chapter 42
Holding Onto You Chapter 43
Holding Onto You Chapter 44
Holding Onto You Chapter 45
Holding Onto You Chapter 46
Holding Onto You Chapter 47
Holding Onto You Chapter 48
Holding Onto You Chapter 49
Holding Onto You Chapter 50
Holding Onto You Chapter 51
Holding Onto You Chapter 52
Holding Onto You Chapter 53

Holding Onto You Chapter 16

43.7K 1.7K 1K
By ArmchairPhilosopher

Hunter's pov

From the moment I entered school in my dads high school football jersey and a pair of jeans that my mum had made sure I wore and insisted that I looked just like dad, and very handsome, all I've been hearing is everyone talking about the game tonight and more distinctly the party that follows.

Vincent was walking beside me giving me tips on our English paper today as he led me to my locker when we were stopped by none other then the queen of wonderland known as Heather, my dear sister.

"Hey Vincent." She greeted, her voice completely different from when she says anything at home, which is not much. She sounded happy and flirtatious. "I've heard some rumors around school this morning and I'm not sure I believe them."

"Well if they're rumors then you're not suppose to believe them." Vince replied, his voice the complete opposite, sarcastic and uninterested.

"Even if they're about you and Brian, officially dating?" She asked, now sounding disgusted.

"That's not a rumor Heather, it's a fact." Vince told her, sounding irritated with her yet confident by what he said.

"Oh come on Vince, you can't possibly be gay. I mean I know how much you like girls." Heather protested.

"I still like girls but I like boys as well. And more specifically Brian. He has a heart unlike you. I mean how am I suppose to like someone who hates her own brother?"

My eyes widened in panic. I told him not to tell her that he knew. I could feel her eyes on me and I looked down.

"You told him." She seethed sounding angry.

My voice quivered as I spoke. "I'm... I'm sorry I didn't mean to, it just happened. But he won't tell anyone I promise." I told her hoping she wouldn't stay angry.

"Who else knows?" She asked.

"Heather please just listen..." I tried to explain but she just got angrier at me for not answering.

"Who else Hunter?" She shouted and I jumped out of my skin.

"Don't you dare scream at him Heather. You have no right to speak to him like that." Vincent cut in before I could reply.

"Vincent don't..." Was I seriously not going to get a chance to speak.

"Don't you dare tell me how I should and should not speak with my brother. This is between me and him and if you interfere you will regret it." Heather warned and Vincent snorted not taking her serious.

"Are you seriously threatening me you crazy bipolar bi..." He stopped when I cleared my throat and quickly corrected himself. "Girl! Crazy bipolar girl. You went from flirting with me to threatening me in half a minute. Who I date is none of your business and forget dating, I wouldn't spend even half a night with you. You're clearly heartless if you hate Hunter for what ever reason."

"Oh so he hasn't told you? He hasn't told you what he's done. What he's caused." Heather sneered letting out a humourless laugh.

"Heather please, please don't-- please..." I begged her but she went on.

"He's only showed you his sweet innocent side. The side that shows he's the victim in this. That everyone must feel sorry for him because his own twin sister hates him. Well it's true, I hate him. I have every reason to hate him." The more she spoke the more breath I was loosing. My palms were sweating and my head was spinning. Why wasn't Vincent stopping her.

"Heather I... I beg you, please st-- stop." My voice was weak and I'm sure she didn't hear me.

"He's not as innocent as you think. He's put up this pretend that he's so brave and optimistic and he can take on the world but in actual fact, he's weak and pathetic and he doesn't deserve anything. He doesn't deserve to have friends and go to school and date. He deserves nothing."

My hands were over my ears but I could hear every single word she said. It was like as if it was coming out of my own head. Like she had gotten into my head to make sure everything she said was inscribed into my mind.

"You can't deny the fact that you loved every moment you spent with me. You didn't ever want to stop. And we can have that again. Why don't you just forget about Brian and even Hunter and find an empty classroom with me." I removed my palms from my ears to hear Heather talk to Vincent with that same flirt in her voice.

"Now why would I do that. Hunter is much better to hang out with then you. And Brian's certainly a better kisser then you." Vincent countered.

"I don't get why you like Hunter so much. If only you knew what he's done." She retorted. So it was all in my mind.

That's when my head took a final spin and I fainted.

"Mum I'm fine."

"Hunter you fainted in the middle of the hallway. How do you consider that fine?"

"Mum please don't overreact." I begged hoping she would stop babying me in front of my friends and the nurse and I don't even know who else. Mr. Smith had just left after I assured him I was alright.

"Honey let me talk to him." Dad said coming to my rescue. "Son what caused you to faint?"

I looked down and shut my eyes as what I had imagined came back to mind. I took a deep breath and the smell of antiseptics and sterilisation filled my lungs. I was lying on a very hard very narrow bed in the sick room at school holding an ice pack to the back of my head. I looked up putting on a fake smile.

"I heard everyone talking about homecoming and I got really excited and I guess I just got a little light headed. It's really not a big deal." I said trying to keep a straight face.

"Are you sure son?" Dad asked sounding uncertain. He knew me well enough but didn't say anything.

"Yeah, I'm sure dad." I used my most convincing voice. "I'm sorry I had to drag you out of work just because I'm unable to handle some fun in my life. You know you shouldn't listen to mum when she mentions the words 'my baby'. I'm old enough to take care of myself."

"Hunter I would have left work and rush over if your mum told me you needed to tinkle and couldn't find the bathroom." Dad told me, sounding completely serious.

"Dad, come on my friends are here, who are suppose to be in class by the way." I could hear snickering and looked down blushing.

"Oh that just reminds me I never did get a chance to meet your friends. Work has been so hectic that I can't even think of taking the day off. So let's get down to it. I'll just tell my boss you had a concussion and didn't want to let go of my hand." If my dad had come to school to meet my friends any other day I would have been thrilled but right now all I could think about was what Heather said, or what I imagined Heather saying.

'You don't deserve friends.'

"Son are you there? Do you actually have a concussion?" Mum asked, snapping her fingers in my face.

"I'm fine mum and I have no concussion." I assured her.

Did I even have a right to call them my friends when all I've been doing is lying to them. I've been hiding so much from them. No matter how much I love and care for them, I'm their friend because I need them to survive in school.

But telling my dad I don't have friends would hurt them and be very insulting so I had to introduce them as my friends. My dear loving friends.

"Vincent." I called reaching out my hand and in three seconds his hand was in mine. "Dad this is Vincent. He is my friend and guide. From the first day when principal Smith appointed him as my guide, he's been nothing but kind and patient with me. Honestly dad we're forever indebted to him."

"Ah yes I finally get to meet the boy my son has not once missed an opportunity to talk about. Honestly son you've given Hunter no reason to complain. He has the courage and willpower to come to school everyday only because of you. According to Hunter, Mr. Smith couldn't have found a better guide for him. You must really be special to win my sons heart like you did." Dad said and my face burned with my growing blush.

"I'm just a football player Sir." Vincent replied sounding hesitant to accept all the praise. "Please let me do the introductions. We don't want Hunter to announce Sarah and point at Tyler, although I'm sure he won't mind."

"Oh how hilarious Vincent. I can introduce myself thank you. Hello Sir I'm Tyler Love, Hunter's best friend and protege. I love and care for Hunter more then anyone so you have nothing to worry about." The ever flamboyant Tyler said, sounding as feminine as he can.

"Nice to meet you Tyler. That's a very interesting outfit you have on. I can not even count how many colours you have on at once." Dad told him and I winced at his tone. I guess dad is not a fan of cheery gay boys after all.

Tyler chuckled sounding uncomfortable and I mentally noted to apologize to him later.

I squeezed Vincent's hand and he rubbed his thumb over mine assuring me he would fix this. "Well Sir you certainly have a great sense of humour. Our dear friend Tyler really knows how to make a fantastic fashion statement. Honestly his bravery to be himself inspires all of us, right guys?" It sounding painful for him to compliment Tyler but I was thankful.

"Right." All my friends which included Tyler, Alex, Sarah, Finn, Brian, Mark, Ryan, Grayson and Tyson answered not daring to argue with the captain and I smiled.

They all except Tyler introduced themselves and dad met them all with pleasant replies. More specifically the football players and that particular gesture pained me.

"Well it was a pleasure meeting all of you and please no calling me Sir. I'm Austin, Austin Haynes. You kids must be knowing Heather, the captain of the cheerleading squad right?" My eyes widened and I panicked at the mention of Heather's name. Dad can not tell them.

"Uh dad actually..." I started but dad went on.

"Of course they know her. Everyone knows my daughter. Isn't there just a world of a difference between Hunter and Heather? And to think they are twins." I shut my eyes as dad spoke knowing that Heather was going to kill me. "Well we better get going honey, we both need to get back to work. Hunter are you sure you're alright? Mr. Smith gave you permission to go home. Your mum can stay with you, do you want to come home?"

I shook my head and regretted doing it immediately. The ice pack certainly wasn't helping the lump on my head and the pills the nurse gave me wasn't helping my headache.

"I'm alright dad I promise. Please don't worry about me, I'm well taken care of. And Hea-- Heather is here if I need her." I used Heather's name knowing it would convince dad that I'm fine staying in school. Although didn't he realize that she was not even here to see if I'm alive or not.

"Very well son, I'll see you later." He kissed me on my forehead before telling mum he'd meet her in the car and leaving the room.

"Mum did dad really have to say all that?" I asked her when dad was gone.

"Hunter you know how..." She stopped and I immediately felt Vincent leave my hand.

"Well I guess we should all get back to class. When should I come get you Hunter?" Vincent asked.

"I'm ready to get back to class now Vince. Mum I'll see you at home and we can talk then okay." I said standing up.

"Alright son and please take care of yourself. I'm not at the right age to be getting heart attacks." She said hugging me extra tight.

"I will mum." She greeted all of us before leaving and I sighed turning to my friends. "I'm so sorry you guys. My dad is just going through a lot. And I'm not making things easier."

"Does your dad not like gay people Hunter?" Finn asked standing next to me and putting his arm around my waist. I leaned into him resting my head on his shoulder.

"I don't know. We've never spoken about things like that at home. That's the reason I didn't even know about it. But I'm sorry guys. Tyler my dad really shouldn't have said all that to you, I'm sorry." I apologized looking down.

"Hey sweetheart don't be sorry, you cannot account for what your dad says. And besides your dad was just giving his opinion on my outfit. There is nothing wrong with that. But what you should apologize for is not telling us that Heather Haynes is your sister." Tyler said, not sounding pleased that I hid it from him.

"Yeah about that, if you guys could please not tell anyone about it. Especially Heather because if she finds out that you all know, she'll feed me to a pack of wolves." I begged hopping they would all keep quiet about it.

"Why doesn't she want anyone to know that you're her twin?" Alex asked.

Sarah beat me to an answer. "Well because she's a bi... I mean really mean girl who doesn't want her popularity to be tarnished by letting the school know that Hunter is her brother." I really wish that was the reason she kept our relationship a secret. "If only she knew what a big mistake she was making. I can't believe you two are even related. I mean she's so..."

"Hot!" Ryan put in.

"Well you would think that Ryan. And Hunter you're so..."

"Hot!" This time it was Finn and I smiled while Sarah sighed dramatically.

"Seriously Finn. I'm not talking about physical appearance. Hunter and Heather are the complete opposite in their personality. Are you sure she's your twin Hunter?" Sarah asked sounding doubtful.

I chuckled rubbing the back of my neck. "Yeah I'm pretty sure she's family. I mean we live in the same house, we call the same two people mum and dad and we even feel pain when the other is in pain." They we're all silent and I burst out laughing. "I'm kidding, we don't feel each others pain. I'm positive that's not possible. But listen guys I need you all to promise me that you won't tell anyone that Heather is my sister. And I need you to make sure the Heather never finds out that you know. If you guys want me to be alive to attend graduation then you won't let this out of this room. Can I rely on you guys?"

They all agreed and I sighed in relief hoping they would keep up to their word.

"Okay well I guess we should all get back to class. Hunter I really wish my next class was with you but you have Chemistry and I have English. So Vincent will take you to class and I'll see you at lunch okay." Finn said pulling me close and kissing me firmly and gently. I kissed him back wishing myself that I didn't have to leave him. Ever since that day more then a week ago when we went to the mall together and he asked me to be his boyfriend, we've become very close. He's been waiting for me to give my answer but he says when I'm ready so I'm waiting for the right moment as cliche as that is. Although I'm thinking that tonight at the party would be a great time to tell him that I want to date him.

I pulled back and smiled at him. "Okay I'll see you at lunch Finn."

"Great well then let's go guys." Vincent announced taking my hand and pulling me away from Finn and close to him. All my friends told me they will see me at lunch or in class before leaving the sick room. before I could make my way out, Vincent pulled me into a breathtaking kiss. He held me close to him and I held him just as tight desperate for his comfort. "You scared the life out of me." He whispered pulling away from my lips and running his fingers through my hair. "When I saw you faint my heart stopped. I didn't know what to do. I was so scared and Heather didn't even stay she just turned and walked away and that got me pissed and I just wanted to smash someone into the wall. And my body felt lame but I carried you to this room and when your parents came they were asking me all these questions about how it happened and I didn't know what to tell them because I didn't know myself what happened. You told them it was because of all the excitement but I know that it was because of Heather right? She said something about you doing something and..."

"Vincent." I said, stopping him before he could ask any questions. "I'm sorry I scared you but I'm completely fine now, I promise. And don't worry about what Heather says, she's just being her usual self. She's not as bad as you think." I lied.

"No Hunter you just always see the good in people, but hey that's what makes you so special." He said and I'm sure there was a smile on his face as he pulled me close again.

I put my hand on his chest and pushed him back lightly. "Do you not worry of the consequences of Brian finding out about our little love affair going on behind his back."

"Love affair are you serious Hunter?" He laughed and I joined him, happy that the topic of Heather was over. "Well then you should be worried about your own boyfriend finding out."

I pulled him close whispering teasingly. "Almost, he's my almost boyfriend."

"So that means I still have you all to myself." He whispered back.

Keeping my voice low I replied. "Yeah you do, and you know what you're going to do to me?"


"You're going to... Going to."

"What Hunter?"

"You're going to... Take me to class right now." I told him raising my voice and pushing him back while laughing.

"Oh haha very funny Hunter." Vincent said sounding irritated and I just laughed even more.

"I was just messing with you Vince, it was a joke." I convinced him, hoping he wouldn't get angry.

The now angry football player took my hand and started walking with me following. "I don't like jokes." He said and I scoffed.

"And I don't like you." I told him huffing at his childishness.

He stopped walking and I bumped into him. "Yeah, you love me." His flirtatious tone returned.

"Actually I'm pretty sure I don't love you." I assured him.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah really."

"Even though I take care of your every need, well almost every need." He said sounding amused about something. "I make sure you are comfortable and happy and you're getting the education you need and all I'm asking for is some love."

"You are such a drama queen." I told him as we stopped in front of the Chemistry class. I could here Mr. Carson shouting at a girl named Kerry for not knowing the answer to something.

"Hey." Vincent stopped me from going inside. "Before we go in I want you to know something. No matter what you've done to Heather to make her so angry with you, or no matter what you do, I believe that you're a good person. I know that you hate it when anyone is sad or angry because of you and I'm sure that Heather will come around very soon and you'll forgive her. But just know that no matter what anyone thinks of you and no matter what anyone tells you, I will always be by your side. I will always take care of you. I will never give you a reason to leave me. I promise you Hunter."

I just stood there not knowing what to say. Vincent didn't even know me more then a few months and he had such a forceful impression cut out for me. One that was the total opposite of who I am or how I'm meant to be. I'm not the one who has to forgive Heather, I'm the one who will do anything to get Heather's and my parents and everyone else's forgiveness. I'm the one who has caused so much pain and anger. I'm the cause of my blindness. It's all me.

"You're right about one thing Vincent." I told him not wanting to drag him into my problems. "I do love you."

He pulled me into a tight hug and I wrapped my arms around him. He pulled back after a few minutes and without saying anything he led me inside.

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