[FINSIHED] DOn't fall in love...

By Youstillreadingthis

148K 5.5K 779

namjoon and jin the cutest and hottest people in school that both guys and girls want to get there hands on t... More

Chapter 1:Encounter
Chapter 2: Rare Chance
Chapter 3: Friends?
Chapter 4: Questions
Chapter 5: Date Day part 1
Chapter 6: Date Day Part 2
Chapter 7: Recap part 1
Chapter 8:Recap part 2
Chapter 9: Family of Kim Seokjin part 1
Chapter 10:Family of Kim Seokjin part 2
Chapter 11:Family of Kim Seokjin part 3
Chapter 12: Family of Kim Seokjin Part 4
Chapter 13:Family of Kim Seokjin part 5
Chapter 14: Family of Kim Seokjin part 6
Chapter 15:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 7
Chapter 16:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 8
Chapter 17:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 9
Chapter 18:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 10
Chapter 19: Family of Kim Seokjin Part 11
Chapter 20: Family of Kim Seokjin Part 12
Chapter 21:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 13
Chapter 22:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 14
Chapter 23:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 15
Chapter 24:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 16
Chapter 25:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 17
Chapter 27:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 19
Chapter 28:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 20
Chapter 29:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 21
Chapter 30:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 22
Chapter 31:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 23
Chapter 32:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 24
Chapter 33:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 25
Chapter 34: Family of Kim Seokjin Part 26
Chapter 35: Family of Kim Seokjin Part 27
Chapter 36:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 28
Chapter 37:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 29
Chapter 38:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 30
Chapter 39:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 31
Chapter 40:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 32
Chapter 41:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 33
Chapter 42: Idk a name for it
chapter 43: Yoongi and Hoseok back story Part 1
Chapter 44: Yoongi and Hoseok back story part 2
Chapter 45: Yoongi and Hoseok back story part 3
Chapter 46: Yoongi and Hoseok back story part 4
Chapter 47: Yoongi and Hoseok back story part 5
Chapter 48: Yoongi and Hoseok back story part 6
Chapter 49: Yoongi and Hoseok back story part 7
Chapter 50: Bad Dreams
Chapter 51: Stop worrying
Chapter 52: Nope no name for this one
Chapter 53: New look
Chapter 54: The Video
Chapter 55: Mark
Chapter 56: Argument
Chapter 57: New House
Chapter 58: Help the Maknae
Chapter 59: Just say the truth
Chapter 60: Closed Heart
Chapter 61: Missing you
Chapter 62: Stalker
Chapter 63: Hospital
Chapter 64: Mother and Father
Chapter 65: Always Sick
Chapter 66: Kids?!
Chapter 67: Future?
Chapter 68: Melon!
Chapter 69: Tell Him!
Chapter 70: Leaving
Chapter 71: Broken promise
Chapter 72: Whistle
Chapter 73: Territorial
Chapter 74: Caregivers
Chapter 75: Father
Chapter 76: Captured
Chapter 77: Two fears
Chapter 78: Butterfly
Chapter 79: "HELL NO"
Chapter 80: Surprise
Chapter 81: Kim Nabi
Chapter 82: Train ride

Chapter 26:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 18

1.2K 55 2
By Youstillreadingthis

Namjoon quickly walked over to the bathroom and knocked like a police officer does. It was silent for a few seconds until he heard the toilet flush and the faucet turn on, Namjoon stood at the door for a good five minutes until Jin opened the door slightly wipping his mouth, the smell of mint circled around the bathroom. Jin most likely brushed his teeth, no one would want to taste their own puke.

"Jin hyung are you alright?"-Namjoon asked as jins legs gave out and he fell into Namjoons arms who looked at him worried.

Jin shook his head."I felt fine earlier, I feel really bad now joon"-Jin mumbled as Namjoon picked him up bridal style and carried him to the bed laying him down then putting the covers over him.

"You want me to get you some soup?"-Namjoon asked him softly as jin shook his head.

"I've lost my appetite and I have a feeling I might throw it up"-Jin breathed out slowly closing his eyes before falling asleep.

Namjoon pushed the hair out of jins face before lightly kissing his forehead. He took out his phone and sat next to jin on the bed, clicking jungkooks contact name in messaging.

God of destruction: Hey kook


God of destruction: So you were right, jin hyung is really sick

Kookie: This is only time I'm actually not happy that I was right 😢

God of destruction: It's alright, I'm gonna go pick up some medicine in the morning.

Kookie: I think you should get some rest to hyung,  Jin hyung wouldn't want you to get sick either

God of destruction: I guess your right, I'll talk to you tomorrow kook

Kookie: okay hyung!

Namjoon turned off his phone and reached over jin placing it on the nightstand. Jin turned over, now facing Namjoon although he was still asleep. Namjoon looked down at jin before getting under the covers himself hugging the older closer to his chest, even if he was sick.... A couple hours passed it was now midnight when jin was awoken out of his sleep, quickly running to the bathroom which was in front of the bed but not very close. A few minutes after, jin sat in front of the toilet his back against the wall, whatever he had ate earlier was now gone, he really didn't feel like getting up his legs felt like a baby deer trying to take it's first step, but he didn't want to wake Namjoon up so he grabbed the door knob and pulled himself off the ground flushing the toilet then quickly rinsing his mouth and heading back outside to the dark room. Jin got back into the bed throwing the covers over himself, while burying his face in Namjoons chest, falling back to sleep.

*Time skip*

Namjoon woke up to see jins face in his chest, jins face was still really pale making Namjoon still worry but still climb over Jin and get out of bed, he glanced at the alarm clock it read 6:59,Namjoon groaned at how early it was but knew he had to get jin medicine. A few minutes later Namjoon walked out of the bathroom fully dressed still drying his hair, the alarm clock now read 7:12. Namjoon sat at the corner of the bed still drying his hair before he heard a light knock at the door. Namjoon quickly walked over and opened the door to see hoseok and a tired looking yoongi.

"Hyungs! Oh right come on in"-Namjoon said in a whisper as he walked back over to jin who was still in a deep sleep.

"Jungkook texted me about jin hyung last night"-Yoongi said quietly over yawns. As he sat at the corner of the bed.

"ya I figured he would"-Namjoon mumbled "oh right do you mind making keeping jin hyung company for a couple of minutes I need to go get some soup and medicine"-Namjoon said putting his shoes on.

"Hold on I'll go with you"-hobi said quickly

"I'll call you guys if something happens and don't forget to bring food back"-Yoongi said quietly as hoseok nodded and closed the door.

Yoongi Pov

I turned back to jin pulling a chair up in front of the setting it close to the Nightstand then sat in it, A couple minutes passed as I typed away on my phone bordely, I looked back up at jin his face was red like when he gets embarrassed. He was overheating so I quickly pulled the covers off of him and headed to the restroom grabbing a rag then wetting it with ice cold water, I ran back over to my hyung putting towel on his head. He was breathing heavily I wasn't that sure what to do so ended up getting two more rags, wetting them then putting them on jins bare arms, Hobi never really got sick so I was a little confused on what to do at first

"Hyung what am I supposed to do? We don't have any medicine yet, plus your more of an eomma then me"-I mumbled quietly not realizing that I was rambling or that Jins temperature dropped a little. 

Hoseok Pov

After yoongi told me to get food I closed the door making sure I had my car keys. I unlocked and got into the car, Namjoon sitting in the passengers seat. it's not that Namjoon couldn't drive himself it's just we always tell him not to for the sake of humanity.

"So Joon you noticed yesterday at the mall right? "-I asked Namjoon as he looked me confused then realized what I was talking about.

"O-oh ya turns out you we're right, but I just can't ask him what kind of ring he wants that'll make it to obvious."-Namjoon mumbled as I thought for a second stopping at a red light.

"Oh! How about matching rings then!"-I said as the light turned green.

"Oh ya I suppose so, but how am I gonna get to the mall without all of us going"-Namjoon asked

"That's your job to figure out I'm not the one with a super high IQ"-I said pulling into the parking lot of the store.

"Jeez why must you people use that against me"-Namjoon grumbled as we got out the car.


It was obvious what jin is go on a get once he looked at that store

╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭

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