Holding Onto You (boyxboy)

By ArmchairPhilosopher

2.4M 91.3K 66.9K

"So you're blind?" "Yes" "Well just so you know, I'm hot." Hunter has been blind since he was two and has be... More

Holding Onto You (boyxboy)
Holding Onto You Chapter 1
Holding Onto You Chapter 2
Holding Onto You Chapter 3
Holding Onto You Chapter 4
Holding Onto You Chapter 5
Holding Onto You Chapter 6
Holding Onto You Chapter 7
Holding Onto You Chapter 8
Holding Onto You Chapter 9
Holding Onto You Chapter 10
Holding Onto You Chapter 11
Holding Onto You Chapter 12
Holding Onto You Chapter 13
Holding Onto You Chapter 14
Holding Onto You Chapter 15
Holding Onto You Chapter 16
Holding Onto You Chapter 17
Holding Onto You Chapter 18
Holding Onto You Chapter 19
Holding Onto You Chapter 20
Holding Onto You Chapter 21
Holding Onto You Chapter 22
Holding Onto You Chapter 23
Holding Onto You Chapter 24
Holding Onto You Chaper 25
Holding Onto You Chapter 26
Holding Onto You Chapter 27
Holding Onto You Chapter 28
Holding Onto You Chapter 29
Holding Onto You Chapter 30
Holding Onto You Chapter 31
Holding Onto You Chapter 32
Holding Onto You Chapter 33
Holding Onto You Chapter 34
Holding Onto You Chapter 35
Holding Onto You Chapter 36
Holding Onto You Chapter 37
Holding Onto You Chapter 38
Holding Onto You Chapter 39
Holding Onto You Chapter 40
Holding Onto You Chapter 41
Holding Onto You Chapter 43
Holding Onto You Chapter 44
Holding Onto You Chapter 45
Holding Onto You Chapter 46
Holding Onto You Chapter 47
Holding Onto You Chapter 48
Holding Onto You Chapter 49
Holding Onto You Chapter 50
Holding Onto You Chapter 51
Holding Onto You Chapter 52
Holding Onto You Chapter 53

Holding Onto You Chapter 42

26.1K 716 1K
By ArmchairPhilosopher

Hunter's pov

Dreams can sometimes take over you completely, forcing it's way to the front of your thoughts insisting on becoming a reality without any chance of giving up until it comes true and once it does another one replaces it.

But once my dream came true I didn't have any other dreams waiting in line because with this dream finally becoming a reality all my dreams got fulfilled.

Vincent was my dream come true and I got everything my heart could possibly dream of once I could call him mine.

I never in my life dreamed of being this happy. I never thought it possible. I have always settled for comprising and I've always had low expectations and I've never disappointed myself. So having someone like Vincent as my boyfriend was something I couldn't easily comprehend.

When I was dating Finn I felt like I had the best because he was the best. But with Vincent it feels surreal. It feels like I'm going to wake up and be told that it was all a dream and it was too good to be true and I didn't deserve it so I shouldn't have even hoped for it.

"You smell like that chest rub you use for a cough." Vincent said between kissing my neck while he held me up against the tree on the hill on Friday morning.

I laughed. "I have a cough and I have my mum as my mum. As soon as I finished taking a shower this morning, she smeared me with the rub and gave me a million spoons of cough syrup. At first I thought what kind of a first impression am I going to make on the first day as your boyfriend, but then I thought that's what love is about. Am I right?"

"Aw you love me." He teased, causing me to blush. "Of course you're right, love is about loving someone no matter what. I'll love you even if you smell like burnt toast which according to me smells the worst. But why are you coughing, do you need a doctor?"

"No it's nothing major just a heavy chest, I'll be fine by tomorrow. I have to be for your party. I'm super excited about it." I hoped it would be less eventful than the first party. Well at the first party Vincent told me about jerking, maybe at tomorrow's party he and I could go all the way.

He rubbed my cheek and I felt so much better. "Forget the party, if you're not well I will cancel it right away."

"No." I screamed a little too loud not to sound like a fool. I blushed even deeper and Vincent laughed.

"Okay I won't cancel it. What's got you so excited about the party so suddenly?" He asked.

I shook my head looking down but he lifted my face and I decided to just tell him what I was planning.

"I want us to have our first time tomorrow. I love you and I don't want to wait any longer. Life is so unpredictable so why must we wait to do something so beautiful." I whispered, hoping I didn't sound pathetic.

"Are you sure Hunter because we can wait for as long as we need. Don't you dare think that you need to sleep with me just because it's something you think I want." Vincent told me.

"No that's not the reason I promise. I just want to make love to you Vincent." Once I said that he pulled me close and kissed me like never before. "The bell is going to ring soon, let's go to class."

"I hate that bell." He growled and I pushed him away, starting to walk towards the building. Or at least I hope I was. "Where do you think you're going?" He pulled me back.

"Class. Come on, we're going to be late." I tried to break free but he wasn't having any of it.

"Just one more kiss." He caught my lips and begun to kiss me without any intention of stopping.

I pulled away with great difficulty and started walking backwards. "Catch me if you can."

"You can never escape me." He assured me.

"Don't challenge me captain." I was sure of my capability to run extremely fast but why would I want to run away from Vince.

"Go on then, let's see what you've got." He shot back.

"Well you're the only one who can see what I've got." I rectified him.

"And you sure got a lot of good stuff to see." He flirted.

"I don't mean that." He seriously had a one track mind. "You should be lucky that I didn't fall in love with you for your looks because I bet if I have to see you I might change my mind."

"Oh getting cheeky are we? Well I bet if you saw me you would be bursting with love for me. Trust me I have looks to envy." He praised himself, earning a laugh from me. But I knew that he was gorgeous, without even having to see him.

"I will have to trust my instincts more than you and hope that I'm not dating a troll who is under the misconception that he is handsome. I'm just going to have to believe that you are the most beautiful person in the whole world. Now can we go to class." I told him.

He caught me and pulled me against him. "You are the most beautiful person in the whole world Hunter. The whole world can see how gorgeous you are. All you have to do is believe that." He kissed me and I forgot all about school. "I love you Hunter."

"I love you Vincent." I replied, trying to catch my breath.

"Now let's get to class." He took my hand and started pulling me.

Now he was interested in class because I wanted to stay and kiss him. "You are such an idiot. Why did I leave Finn for you?" I lifted my hands, asking the air.

I was back in his arms immediately. "You belong to me and no one else. You are mine Hunter and I don't want to hear about yours and Finn's silly little affair. I am your boyfriend now okay."

"And I am yours, I hope you remember that as well." I released his grip from my arm. It was gentle but unnecessary.

"You're right I'm sorry, come here." He gave me a breath taking kiss and I melted in his arms. "Come on, if we don't hurry we'll be late."

We ran to class and were lucky enough to reach just as the bell rang.

I sat down and Finn was by my side as soon as Vincent left me.

He pulled me to my feet and gave me a tight hug.

"Finn I don't think Vincent would be too happy about this." I told him, trying to breath.

"I don't think he'll mind because he's doing the same with Brian." He released me and rubbed my cheek.

"He doesn't even want me to mention that we were ever together." I really didn't get Vincent sometimes.

"He'll get over it. Did you spend the night with him?" He asked, causing me to blush for no reason.

"No I didn't, he dropped me home from the park. He was really tired from the game." I told him.

"I missed you last night." He whispered to me.

"I missed you too." I replied. He pulled me into another hug and I loved the feeling of being close to him.

Just then the teacher walked in, greeting us loudly and dramatically and he sounded quite foolish.

We went through the rest of the day and all I heard the whole day was everyone talking about Vincent's party.

After school I called mum to tell her that I'm going to Vincent's house and mum warned me not to be home late because of my chest.

I was taking a bite of the sandwich Vincent made me once we got to his house when I heard his dog bark and I jumped. I knew he was close to me and I didn't want to cause any drama today so I tried to remain as calm as possible.

"Hey there big guy. Come on let's get you out of here. Unfortunately Hunter doesn't like you as much as Brian did but he won't be able to resist you for long. Hunt don't you want to at least try and pat him once?" Vincent was quick to get him away as I felt the dog touch my leg.

"No it's okay I like him I don't need to touch him to prove it. I'll leave all the touching for you to show you how much I love you. Please let him out Vince." He would never be able to convince me to play with his dog.

"Okay I won't complain about that. I'll be right back." He kissed my cheek before leaving with his dog.

I ate finish and stood up, hoping I don't knock anything down. With Vincent's dog out of the house the place was completely silent.

I hated the silence. I'm lost in my darkness that silence suffocates me. I feel disoriented and confused and afraid almost.

I jumped when I heard Vincent just as my phone started ringing.

I took it out and held it up. "Who is it?" I asked him.

He didn't answer as my phone continued to ring.

"Vincent who is it?" Why wasn't he telling me.

"It's your dad." He finally said and I stiffened.

Why was he calling, what did he want? Forgiveness? Did he find out about me and Vincent?

I felt for the table and placed my phone on it and put my hand out which Vince grabbed immediately.

"Let's go upstairs." I said, hoping he wouldn't say anything about dad.

"Let's go." He led me up to his room and we made out on his bed for hours before he dropped me home.

It was Saturday and Tyler was once again by my house after calling me and insisting that he had to decide what I wear for the party. He said that it was tradition and I had to follow it even though it only happened once before. Luckily he brought Alex and Sarah with who promised me they would make me look presentable.

After hours of Sarah and Alex trying to control Tyler from making me look like what Alex said a wannabe spice girl, they finally made a compromise and I sat there having no idea why a pink distressed skinny jeans and a purple band t shirt with a silver sequin vest, all complements of Tyler which he wanted me to wear wasn't appropriate.

I ended up wearing a pair of light blue jeans with a white shirt. Tyler huffed in annoyance complaining that I look like a real school boy so he made sure I wore the purple t shirt under my shirt with the buttons left open and I had no idea how I looked.

Once we finally left my house to go to Vincent's, nervousness rushed through my body. Was tonight going to be the night I finally gave myself to Vincent? I knew I would be doing the right thing because there's no one else I would ever want to do this with other than Vincent. I trusted him and I knew that tonight would be the best night of my life.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the car stopped and we reached Vincent's house.

"Let's go give this party some life." Tyler screamed as loud as he possibly could, getting us all excited as we entered the house.

I was immediately pulled into Vincent's arms and his lips found mine before I could even say one word.

He kissed me vigorously as he swayed our bodies to the music. I kissed him back just as hard, forgetting all about my nervous feelings from before. I knew that I was ready in every way possible to make Vincent mine.

"Hi." He finally greeted.

"Hi." I kissed him again because he smelled amazing. "I got you a gift." I told him, giving him the box. I bought him a... Well actually I got mum to buy him a video camera. "I bought you a video camera so you can capture all our amazing adventures together and hopefully one day I'll be able to watch them." I told him, my heart feeling heavy.

"We are going to have the best adventures and the best life and one day you will get to relive everything through this camera, I'm sure of it. I love you so much Hunter and you are the best gift I could ever get." He kissed me and I decided to throw my pity party out the window and enjoy the real party. "This is really cool Hunter, thanks."

"I can't wait for later." I whispered to him.

"Why don't we dump this party and head upstairs." He told me, kissing my neck and pushing me probably towards the stairs.

"You know how much I want to do the same but this is your party and besides I won't be comfortable with a house full of people." I can not even imagine what kind of a situation it would be if someone walked in on us. I wouldn't know where to hide myself.

"If I didn't lock all the room doors before the party, there would have been plenty of shagging happening upstairs. But they know the rules so it will be just us. Come on Hunt let's go." He insisted.

"Patience Vince, I'm going to be all yours." I kissed him again.

"Okay patience. I have a bit of a problem, Brian isn't here and the guilt is killing me. I want to go to his house and get him but I also want to give him his space and I don't know what to do. For the first time in my life I don't know how to handle a situation. What do I do Hunt?" Vincent told me and he sounded really upset.

Guilt took over me as well and I didn't know what to tell Vincent. If he didn't go to Brian, he might think Vincent doesn't care. But if Vince does go, Brian might tell him to give him space.

"He needs you Vince, go to him." I finally decided, knowing how much it would mean to Brian if Vince went to him right now.

"Are you sure?" He asked, uncertainty evident in his voice.

"Go get him." I told him.

He kissed me with all his might until I felt hands wrap around my waist and I knew it was Finn.

"Enough with the romance." He told me, pulling me away from Vince.

I turned around and hugged him, laughing when he lifted me into the air.

"You want to have your first experience with beer?" He asked me, my feet finding the floor again.

I turned back to Vincent. "If we didn't have anything planned for later I wanted to get drunk tonight. I've never had alcohol before and if you're going to do something you might as well do it all, right? But I'm going to leave it for another time and I want you to also stay sober okay. I want tonight to be special and that can only happen if you don't do what you did at your other party."

"At my other party I thought I lost you forever, now you are mine and tonight is going to be a night I never want to forget. Go have fun with Finn, I'm going to get Brian. I love you." He kissed me and placed my hand in Finn's before leaving.

"I am not drinking tonight but I'm definitely in the mood for dancing." I told him.

"Let's go." He led me to what I assumed was the dance floor and we danced along with all my other friends.

Vince was gone for about an hour and I wasn't sure when he planned on returning to his party. I had spent the hour dancing with Finn and chatting with Tyler, Alex and Sarah but I just wanted Vince to come back here with Brian.

Was Brian okay? But Vince would have called me if something was wrong.

Maybe Brian was upset and Vince stayed to talk to him. Finn and I didn't really get a chance to talk either after the break up.

It happened so suddenly that I was in too much of a shock to even say anything.


I got out of the car at the park and Finn took my hand, leading me to where ever he planned to go.

Vincent and Brian joined us and the air seemed a little tense.

"What is this thing you and Finn want to talk to us about?" Vince asked Brian.

"Before I say anything, Finn wants to talk to Hunter about..." I don't know why Brian stopped and why he sounded so guilty and ashamed.

"Hunter there's something I need to tell you. I don't know how you're going to react or what you're going to say but you need to know." Finn told me, his voice resembling Brian.

"What is it Finn, just tell me." What happened that got them so nervous?

"It happened on Monday night, the night you found out your father was the one who beat me up. After I left your house I went to Brian's house and you need to understand that I was really upset. I was angry at your dad and I was sad that you wanted Vince and not me and I just had so many emotions running through me and I wanted someone to comfort me and I landed up at Brian's house and I took him to my house and one thing led to another and Brian and I... I'm sorry Hunter, I slept with Brian." He rushed out and it took me a while to register what he said.

He was upset... He needed comforting... He went to Brian... He slept with Brian.

I didn't know what to say. I trusted Finn more than anyone, maybe even more than Vince and Vince told me that Finn would never cheat on me. He told me that Finn would never hurt me and he betrayed me and Vince.

"You cheated on me?" I choked up, unable to believe what Finn was saying.

"I'm sorry Hunter, I made a mistake. Please just let me explain." He begged.

I turned to where I knew Vincent and Brian were standing. "Vince are you not going to say anything about what Finn is saying?"

"Hunter I.. I knew about it. That night when we went to Finn's house to look for him, I walked in on him and Brian. I told you he wasn't there but he was there with Brian. I lied to you. I'm sorry Hunter. I just couldn't tell you and I wanted Finn to tell you himself." He told me, putting his hand on my shoulder but I moved it away.

"And you forgave Brian, just like that?" It was unlike Vince to not blow the roof off.

"I was angry, very angry but I forgave them because Finn needed someone and I wasn't there for him." Vincent explained.

"That didn't mean they had to sleep with each other." My voice was louder than I intended it to be and I knew it shocked them as much as it shocked me.

"It's okay Hunt. I know what they did was very wrong." He held me and this time I let him.

I turned to Finn again, Vince letting go. "You took advantage of my blindness by hiding what you did from me. I didn't expect this from you Finn."

He pulled me close and held my face. "I would never take advantage of your blindness Hunt, it's just that when you and Vince walked in I got a shock and I didn't know what to do. I was scared that you would hate me." He tried to explain.

"Finn you and I were supposed to make Saturday night special but you spoiled everything. I know that what I did was wrong when I pushed you away and I only wanted Vince but what you and Brian did was more wrong. I'm sorry that I ignored you because you were also hurting but that didn't mean you had to cheat on me." I told him, feeling guilty myself.

"Hunter I didn't do it because of you only wanting Vince, I promise. I made a mistake and I'm sorry. When I saw your dad again being like that I felt sick mostly because he hasn't been punished for what he did and I wasn't thinking and I just wanted to forget everything that happened the day I was beaten. But you had just found out that your father was the one to beat me and that was even worse so wanting comfort from someone you felt most at ease with was okay and that's why I left you with Vince and I'm glad because he helped you come to terms with it. But when I left your house I don't even know how I landed up at Brian's house. It just happened and I'm sorry." Finn sounded so desperate for me to understand.

"I know but there's a difference between comfort from someone and sleeping with someone. Vince and I were alone for so long that night but he didn't even kiss me." I could have let Vince comfort me in the same way but I thought of Finn and stopped myself.

I heard Vince and Brian leave and I finally let the tears fall. The fall from the game finally caught up with me and my head started paining.

Finn hugged me and I hugged him back, unable to resist. "I'm sorry Finn, you needed me and I ignored you. I'm sorry for what my dad did. I'm sorry I didn't understand your feelings. I am so sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about Hunter, I promise you." He pulled away and held my arms. "I love you Hunter."

And it was so strange because I went from crying and sad to smiling and my heart started beating like crazy.

"Finn.. I love you." I told him, understanding what my heart was trying to tell me.

We kissed and I forgot all about what Finn did with Brian. I knew what he did was wrong but at this moment I only felt love for him.

After a while he pulled away. "Hunter there's something I wanted to talk to you about?"

"What is it Finn?" I didn't want to stop kissing him.

"Hunter I know that we are amazing together and I want us to be together for a very long time, forever even. But Hunter you belong with Vincent. You and Vincent are the best pair there will ever be. You two are going to spend the rest of your lives together and be so happy." He told me and I wasn't sure what he was trying to say.

"Finn I don't understand." Was all I could say.

"Brian and I made a plan to get you and Vince together. He's speaking to Vince right now about the same thing. I love you that's why I'm letting you go because your happiness means the most to me." He tried to make me understand.

"Wait, you're breaking up with me?" He wasn't serious.

"Hunter you and Vincent love each other. There's no two ways to this, it's simple and perfect. You are going to be so happy with him Hunt, I promise you." Why was he saying all this, what was wrong with him.

"Stop Finn, I don't want to hear all this. Let's just go home and forget everything that happened at this park." He was seriously crazy.

I turned around to leave but he stopped me. "Hunter just hear me out. Just try to imagine how happy you'll be with Vincent. You two are meant to be together. Don't keep yourself away from your true love."

No, Finn could not break up with me. I loved him. We were amazing together. After what dad did to him he needed me. I couldn't just leave him like that. Not at a time like this when he needed me the most. I always put my needs first and never once considered Finn's feelings. I was such a horrible boyfriend, person. I didn't deserve Finn, I didn't deserve Vincent either. I did love Vince and I wanted to be with him but I couldn't leave Finn.

"Hunter I am not leaving you, I will always be by your side. We are going to be inseparable no matter what relationship we share. I am your best friend and I will always love you. So are you going to give you and Vincent a chance?" He said before I could say anything. It was like he read my mind.

"Finn I don't want you to leave me." Those damn tears had to return.

He pulled me against him. "I'm not leaving you Hunter, I will never leave you. You, me, Vince and Brian are going to be together forever."

"I love you so much Finn." I knew that this was it, Finn was no longer mine.

"I love you Hunter." He kissed me again and I knew that it would be our last kiss as a couple.

"Here's Vincent and Brian, are you ready to get your love?" Finn asked me and I shook my head, wiping my tears.

"Come on Hunter, be as excited as your heart desires. You are about to get Vincent who loves you more than he loves himself. Give me a smile." Finn tried to sound excited himself but I could hear the pain in his voice.

I smiled and Finn kissed me one last time. "I'm so proud of you Hunter."

He left me after saying that and Vincent was by my side and we finally confessed our love for each other and I hadn't been more happy in my life.

Flashback over

I knew that Vince and I belonged together but my feelings for Finn would always remain in my heart and I would never forget the time we spent as a couple.

I felt Vincent's hands wrap around my waist as I danced with Finn.

"Miss me?" He purred in my ear, kissing my neck.

"You wish. I had Finn so I forgot all about you." I joked with him and he turned me to face him, his hands digging into my sides.

He bit my neck causing a stinging sensation. "You can never forget me Hunt."

"You're right Vince, forgetting you is like forgetting to breath." I didn't want him to move his lips from my neck. My skin was on fire.

But I had to control myself for now. "Did Brian come with you?"

"Yeah and Finn forgot all about you and went to him immediately. Looks like your boyfriend doesn't love you anymore." Vince replied, sounding smug. "I guess you're stuck with me."

"I'm not going to complain about that." I kissed him and he swayed our bodies to the music.

"Did your dad call again?" Vincent asked me and I shook my head.

"Every time my phone rang after he tried to call me, I asked whoever was around me to see who was calling. I don't know what he wants but if it's forgiveness, he doesn't have a chance." I replied.

"What is your mum saying?" He asked, running his fingers through my hair.

"She's saying that dad doesn't have a right to come home until he is punished for what he did and he apologizes to Finn, but I know how much she is hurting. Once Heather and I graduate and go to college she will be all by herself. I don't know what we're going to do." I hated seeing mum upset, especially because of me.

"Everything is going to be okay Hunt. Don't think about it and just enjoy tonight okay." My boyfriend said and I smiled, resting my head on his chest.

"I will enjoy tonight because I'm spending it with you, all night." The butterflies returned and a burst of energy and excitement jolted through me.

Just then Finn and Brian joined us and we spent the whole evening dancing and partying and having a blast.

After hours of partying, the house was finally empty except for Vincent and me. His parents were gone for the night so we had the whole place to ourselves.

I was out right nervous. I wasn't going to pretend to be cool or laid back or anything. I was literally shaking.

We were still in the living room and Vincent pushed me against the wall, trapping me.

"I love you captain." I managed to let out, his mouth grazing my jaw.

He dragged them up to my ear. "You are the best present I could ever get. I want you in every way there is to want a person."

"I want you more than that even. Let's go upstairs Vincent, I'm ready." I didn't want to wait any longer.

"Are you sure about this Hunter?" He needed to stop with the questions and start with the action.

"Let's do this Vince." I told him and he led me to his room while kissing me.

Once we got to the room he pushed me against the door and attacked my neck with his lips.

He took me to his bed and we both got on it with Vincent sleeping on top of me.

"I love you so much Hunter. You are my whole world." He whispered even though we were alone.

I forced myself not to cry because I was not in the position to be crying right now. "I love you the most in the whole world Vincent. I am nothing without you. I may not be able to see you physically but I know that you are beautiful."

"It's okay because love can't be seen it can only be felt and tonight you will feel just how much I love you." With that he kissed me and made love to me and we become one.

Vincent and I were going to be together forever. Our love was infinite.

I woke up on Sunday morning with a feeling I've never felt before. It was happiness mixed with contentment and pure satisfaction. I felt on top of the world. I felt like all my struggles and problems had disappeared and I was the luckiest guy on Earth. I felt mentally and emotionally relaxed and happy but physically I was damn sore.

Vincent really did show me how much he loves me and he didn't stop. I lost my breath a few times and a few more of my senses as well. I thought I was going to have a stroke at one point. But it was the most beautiful night of my life and I don't think anything will ever be able to compare with last night. It was so good, the feeling of Vincent. He was so amazing and I could still feel him inside me.

"It's way too early to be blushing that hard babe." I jumped when I heard Vincent's voice next to me in bed. I didn't even realize he was awake. If he only knew what I was thinking.

"I am not blushing, I just tend to look red when I wake up." And how would I know that?

"Well if you're thinking about last night, well not only last night because we didn't stop until it was way into the morning but why don't we pick up from where we left off." Vincent suggested, pulling me closer to him. We were both still completely naked and I could feel how excited he was.

"No way, I won't be able to walk." I blurted out and I wanted to kick myself.

Vincent laughed like there's no tomorrow and I sunk into the bed hoping I could just disappear.

"I am such an idiot. I am probably going to embarrass myself so much, you're going to not want to be seen with me in public. You have no idea how much crap I say without thinking." I complained, hiding under the covers.

"I know I wasn't very gentle last night but damn Hunter, you were unbelievable. I've never felt more pleasure in my life. It's never felt so good before. I couldn't control myself and I couldn't stop. I'm never going to be able to stop, I want you so bad right now." He burst out and I didn't even think it was possible to control my blushing.

He kissed me and pinned my against the bed, rubbing himself against me and I forgot all about my pain.

"I want you too Vincent." I let out with the little breath I had left.

"Hunter your body belongs to you and not even I have a right to make you do something you don't want to do okay. I respect your body just as much as I respect and love you and you have a choice to say yes or no you hear me. We are in this together, we are equal so don't ever feel that you need to agree just to make me happy." Vincent got all serious, pulling away from my neck.

"I know Vincent and I would never allow anyone to do as they please with me. But I know that I will never have to worry about you doing that because I trust you and I know that you will never break my trust. I love you Vince and I want to make love to you again, I'll be fine I promise." I told him. It was too late to stop after that kiss anyway. "Happy Birthday hot shot."

"I love you Hunter." With that we took full advantage of the still empty house.

After we showered we realized that it was one pm and we were starving. Vincent led me to the kitchen and made me sit.

I took out my phone and held it up. "Do I have any missed calls?" I asked Vince.

He took it and handed me a glass of juice.

"Yeah from your mum and.. and your dad. What does he want Hunter?" He shouted the last part, hitting his fist against something.

"I don't know Vince, let me call mum." He handed me the phone and I called mum.

"Hi my dear." Mum greeted and I felt warm inside hearing her voice. "I know that you told me you're spending the whole day with your friends today but I had to check up on you."

"Hi mum. You know that I wouldn't be able to get through the day without at least speaking to you once. Mum actually I'm not with all my friends just Vincent. I told you on Thursday night that Vincent and I are dating and last night I spent the whole night with him. I'm still at his house but after we eat we're going to meet all my friends at the beach. I hope you're not mad at me mum." It would have been a much more awkward situation if I told mum all this while I was in front of her.

"I'm not mad at you Hunter I just wish you would have spoken to be before about this. I know that I have been very secretive when it comes to that but I didn't realize that you are a big boy now. Hunter, were you safe?" Mum asked and I was glad Vincent left the kitchen to not witness my crazy blushing.

"Yes I was mum. Heather explained everything to me mum and I'm sorry I didn't speak to you about it before but mum Vincent loves me very much and I trust him with my life." I assured mum, my heart swelling.

"I'm glad you spoke to Heather about it son and be hundred percent sure that you are always safe." She warned me, reminding me how lucky I was to have her as my mum.

"I will mum I promise." I needed to change the subject before Vincent got back. "Vincent really liked the camera, thanks for being the best mum in the world and listening to all my crazy demands."

"I will fulfill every crazy demand of yours just to see you smile Hunter. Now enough with your thank yous, go enjoy the afternoon with your friends and I'll see you later." Mum said, making me smile.

"I love you mum, bye." I cut the call and put my phone away, hoping dad wouldn't call again.

"Vincent?" I called out, not sure where he went.

He didn't answer so I stood up and hoped I was going in the right direction. I was just about to scream his name again when I heard his voice.

"It doesn't matter that he's my boyfriend Finn, if he even thinks of forgiving that man we will be over. That man deserves to rot in jail with the keys thrown away. If he thinks he can sweet talk his way back into Hunter's life, he's an idiot. I don't know why you haven't laid charges against him yet Finn, he needs to spend the rest of his life behind bars. I am going to find out what that bastard wants from Hunter and make sure he never contacts him again. I'll see you later Finny, bye." He spat out, his hatred for dad evident in his voice.

I went back to the kitchen and found my way to the table sitting down again. My heart was squeezing in my chest and the tears fell like water. I wanted to agree with Vincent but it broke me that it was my own father he was talking about.

I wiped my tears away when I heard Vince come to the kitchen and I took a huge sip of juice so I didn't have to say anything.

He wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my cheek. I put the juice down and turned around, hugging him tight. We hugged each other for a while without saying anything.

"Vincent." I rubbed away my remaining tears and pulled away.

"Yeah Hunter?" He brushed my hair into place with his fingers.

"I'm hungry." I needed to lighten the tension that I could feel between us.

He chuckled and pulled me close again. "Well just so you know, I'm first on the menu."

"Well if you were a burger right now, I'd eat all of you." I surprised myself by how boldly I was talking like that to Vince.

"You won't find a burger in your life that tastes as good as me." He shot back, gripping my waist.

I gripped his collar and pulled him close. "You are right about one thing, you won't be able to stop." I left his collar and pulled away from him. "I'm seriously hungry Vince, even if you give me cereal I'll be grateful."

"You are such a tease. Let me make you a sandwich." He didn't sound happy and I realized that I was going to be having to deal with Vincent a lot in this kind of mood now that we sealed the deal. My poor body.

"Here." He gave me a plate after a while of making so much noise putting a sandwich together.

"Thanks. It smells amazing, what's inside?" I asked, hoping it would lighten his mood.

"Lettuce, salami, cheese and tomato." He muttered. "And here's coffee which I'm sure you can smell."

"You're making fun of me." I mumbled. I knew he didn't mean it in a bad way but I also knew that it would make him feel bad and at least his mood would change.

"No I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that Hunt. Just ignore me I'm being an idiot." I landed up feeling bad for making Vince sound so remorseful and sad.

He took my hand and made me feel the plate but I held his tighter so he could stop. "I'm sorry, I was just messing with you. Listen to me Vince. I love you and I am yours. My heart, my soul and my body belongs to you, you can do as you please with it. I am all yours."

"Mine too Hunt. I belong to you and I will do and be what ever you want. I love you." He kissed me and I knew that no matter what we went through, we would always come out of it strong and happy. "Come on let's eat."

Vincent wrapped his arm around me and we ate together and it was such a special moment for me.

Just as we finished we heard the garage door open. "That's my parents." Vincent said calmly.

I jumped up, panicking. "Do they know that you and Brian are no longer together and that you and I are dating?"

"Nope but maybe now would be a good time to tell them." He replied, sounding puzzled. "What are you fretting about?"

"Vince you told me that your parents love Brian, what if they think I'm some sort of homewrecker?" I was starting to sweat.

"Hunter my parents adore you and once they know I'm dating you, it's going to be a very big I told you so moment. They've always known that I only love you. So just relax and give me that sexy smile of yours." He affirmed, calming me down.

"Hi mum, hi dad. Thanks for considering me worthy enough to come home to. I thought you guys would decide to give the house to me now that I'm eighteen." Vincent joked, causing his parents to laugh. They both wished him for his birthday and I felt my heart physically pain knowing that dad would not be home this year to wish me and Heather.

"Hi Hunter, how are you my dear?" Mrs. Stone greeted, snapping me out of my depressing thoughts.

"Hi Mrs. Stone I'm well thanks and you?" I greeted back, putting on my best smile. Or at least I hoped it was.

"I'm fine thanks." She replied.

"Hi son, good to see you here." Mr. Stone said and I greeted him back.

"Actually there's something you guys should know, about me and Brian." Vincent told his parents. "Brian and I are no longer dating, we broke up."

Both his parents gasped and I could actually hear their disappointment.

"Why?" His mum asked.

"What happened?" His dad followed.

"It just wasn't working out because Brian and I both knew that my heart belonged to Hunter." He took my hand and pulled me next to him. "I love Hunter and I can finally call him mine. Hunter is my boyfriend."

I was immediately pulled into a bone crushing hug by Vincent's mum and I knew that I was going to get as much love from his parents as I was going to get from my amazing boyfriend.

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