The Downtown Badass

By Melbiee_

49.8K 1.4K 80

Harmony Johnson continues her battle through everyday life. A victim to her mother and a target to her dad, s... More

Chapter 1 - Here Comes The Badass
Chapter 2 - Everlasting Impressions
Chapter 3 - The Jackass
Chapter 4 - Surprise Surprise
Chapter 5 - New Beginnings and Final Straws
Chapter 6 - Memory Lane
Chapter 7 - School Sucks
Chapter 8 - This Isn't a Date
Chapter 9 - Party Time Baby
Chapter 10 - Drama Filled Problems
Chapter 11 - Sex Gods
Chapter 12 - Dodge Ball and a Whole Lot of Nakedness
Chapter 13 - The Heist
Chapter 14 - Final Goodbyes
Chapter 16 - Horse Poo?
Chapter 17 - Double Date Anybody?
Chapter 18 - Goodbye
Chapter 19 - Nice to Meet You
Chapter 20 - Sexy Encounters
Chapter 21 - Bombs Away Bitches
Chapter 22 - Confessions
Chapter 23 - Happy Valentines
Chapter 24 - A Day To Remember
Chapter 25 - Bon Voyage
Chapter 26 - His Here
Special Thanks!
Chapter 27 - Our Girl
Chapter 28 - First Date
Chapter 29 - The Truth
Chapter 30 - Oh Brother
Chapter 31 - The Plan
Chapter 32 - The Final Battle
Big News!!
It's HERE!!
20,000 reads!!

Chapter 15 - Challenge Accepted

1.1K 38 1
By Melbiee_

"God! You all sound like cats who have just been shot" I shouted over the dreadful sound I was hearing. Let me tell you, it weren't pretty. The guys decided it would be a good idea if we had a karaoke night. I mean really? Are we one of the most feared gangs in this town or a bunch of teenage girls?

It has been two weeks since my moms funeral and since Aidan found out I shot Chase. He wasn't impressed that I did it but he still praised me. To this day, I don't know if he is alive or dead but somehow, I think he was still alive. However now, I was currently watching, Charlie, Jessie and Tristan all singing 'I'm sexy and I know it' by LMFAO.

It was far from sexy.

"Make it stop! I think my ears are bleeding" I heard Maddy call out from the side of the room. I just couldn't help but laugh at her comment. God, were all so weird.

Oh no, it's getting to the wiggle wiggle wiggle part and they were all eyeing me.

"Don't even think about!". However, my comment just made them smirk even more. "No! Get lost!" I shouted as they got closer and closer to me. Oh no. All three of them glided over to me and circled me.

"Guys!" I laughed. I just couldn't help it, they were just big goof balls. Just when the 'wiggle wiggle wiggle' bit hit, I was surrounded by three crotches. Just great! Even though I was in that situation, I couldn't help but laugh along with everybody else. They maybe goof balls, but there my goof balls and I love them.

"Gee guys, thanks so much for that show, I just love having crotches in my face" I spoke sarcastically as they had finished the song. Everybody just laughed and Maddy chose a song for us to sing. Oh boy, here we go.

"Ahhh! Perfect. Come on Harmony" she squealed as she grabbed the two mic's.

"Do I have to?" I moaned as I reluctantly go up off the couch, that by the way was very comfy. Everybody just all chorused a "Yes!". Making my way over to the make shift mini stage, I accepted the mic and saw her choice of song. It was one of our old time fav's.

"I got chills, that multiplying and I'm losing control. Cause the power, you're supplying It's electrifying!" Maddy started as she faked a falling to the fall like in the movie.

"You better shape up, 'cause I need a man. And my heart is set on you. You better shape up, you better understand, To my heart I must be true" I sang to Ryan and he happily reacted towards the lyrics and played along like always.

"Nothing left, nothing left for me to do. You're the one that I want, you are the one I want, Oo,Oo,Oo honey! You're the one that I want! You are the one I want, Oo, Oo, Oo honey. You're the one that I want, You are the one I want! Oo, Oo, Oo. The one that I need, Oh yes indeed!"

After mine and Maddy's horrible rendition of Grease, all the guys began clapping and cheering, minus Trey cause who knows where he was.

All I could do was smile. Me and Maddy would often do Grease songs when I was younger and it brought me so much joy as a kid. Without a doubt, Grease is by far the best and only musical I will ever watch, ever!

Giving Maddy a quick hug, I said goodnight to everyone and headed into the kitchen to get a drink. What can I say, singing is thirsty work.

Grabbing a glass out of the shiny white kitchen cabinet, I walked over to the sink and made myself a glass of water. Drinking the cold liquid, I felt my once dried up throat soon regain it's hydration. I love that feeling, when you can feel it move down, almost the pit of your stomach.

Hearing the starts of yet another song, Im glad I decided to call it a night and headed to my room, well mine and Treys. Yep, that's right, I still have to share with the asshole that is Trey. Although, he has been some what civil to me this week, even if his been a jealous green eyes monster. Of course he denies such thing, but its clear as day that he is. I talk to Seth, Connor and JJ loads more than him, so his jealous.


I mean if he wasn't so god damn annoying and confusing then maybe we'd get along better. I must say, he is so fun to wind up.

Walking into the room, the sight that greeted me, made me almost puke. "Hey, go make out in some other room would ya!?" I shouted while making my way over to my closet. The girl that was laying under Trey, looked like she had seen a ghost.

"Y-you said that we wouldn't be disturbed" I heard the red head whisper to Trey from behind. She sounds like an innocent girl, must be a virgin.

"We weren't suppose to be" Trey spat, getting up off the bed by the sounds that were being made behind me. All I know is that they better soon be moving because I need my sleep. Friday is tomorrow. Which means school. I'm so thrilled with excitement. And joy. Really. I swear. Couldn't be happier. Over the fricking moon.

I hate school.

Rummaging through my wardrobe for a over sized top to wear to bed, I felt a presence behind me. "And how may I help you Lockwood".

"You can start by getting the fuck outta my room" he roared, trying to sound like a big hard man infront of his new love interest. Turning around so that I came face to face with him, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful his eyes were this close up.

Wow, much be more tired than I though because I'm clearly going delirious.

Getting back on track, I replied "Well, technically this is our room babe, at least for another week anyway. So therefore, I shall get changed in my pjs and got to sleep and as of you and little miss virgin over there, your going to take it some place else. Capish?". Boy did he look mad, I'm guessing he isn't a guy who likes to be told what to do. I swear his eyes are turning red. He kind of resembles a bull just after they have seen the red flag. Oh boy, this is fun.

"You have 5 seconds to leave Johnson or I will make you" he ordered thinking that I would really listen. His got to be joking right?

"You are joking, right?"

"Five!" He began counting, looking me dead in the eye. I'm so darn bloody scared. Please, iv seen children more scarier than him. Kids are E-V-I-L!

"I'm shaking in my boots"


"For what ever will I do?"


"Oh so close to one, yet still so far away"


"I guessing you were told off a lot when you were a kid huh?"


And with that he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. Somebody seems like his mad, for what ever could he be mad for, hmmm? Mwaha.

"I suggest you put me down Lockwood" I half shouted as I bobbed up and down from him making his way down the stairs. What an ass. After no reply, I continued. "What's the matter Trey did I cock block you. Is Trey all sad now?" I cooed as if I was talking to a little baby. It appears that my comments just made him madder because I was flung off his shoulder and onto something no so soft.

After realising that it was in fact the snooker table in the games room, I sat up to face him. Arms crossed over my chest and a scowl on my face, I wasn't impressed. "What is your problem?".

"YOU!" he roared as he flung his arms all over the place. I think somebodies on their period. "Ever since you've got here all you've done it mess everything up. I cant stand it! I cant stand you!". Okay. So I know that I shouldn't be letting these words effect me, but id be lying if I said they weren't.

"Nice to know you think so highly of me. Thanks for the kind words" I sarcastically laughed half heartedly. I had to admit though, he has a right to be pissed, after all like I said before, I have kind of walked into his life and turned it upside down.

"See! Your so infuriating" he practically screamed like the little girl he was. He has a cheek.

Getting up off the table, I got within a meters distance from him and I couldn't stop my rant from spilling out. "Me?! How about you huh? Your just a confusing little bitch. One minute your wanting to get into pants, then your pissed at me, then your jealous cause your friends clearly like me better, next your okay with me and then your wanting to rip my head off. So don't you dare say I'm infuriating!".

Then the bastard began to laugh, actually full on laugh.


"That's funny, really because I could have sworn you said I was wanting to get into your pants. Why on earth would I want you when I could have any girl I wanted?" he replied so smugly, making his stance almost challenging.

"I'd believe that when I see it" I chuckled at his big inflated ego that he was so clearly blind to.

"Please every girl wants me and I bet you secretly want me to". At his words, I did the only thing that seemed right to do in this situation, laugh. Yup, I laughed my skinny little ass of until I couldn't breath due to the pain of laughter. "You.. be serious" I managed to blurt out in-between my laughter. "Your funny Lockwood. Ever though about becoming a comedian?".

"You may laugh now, but I can guarantee I'd be able to get a girl faster than you would get a guy. With out a doubt" he challenged, smirking like the egotistic jerk he is. Moving so that my face was right in front of his, I saw an amused spark appear within his eyes.

"Is that a challenge I'm hearing Lockwood?" I asked now squaring up to him.

"Sure is. You think you can handle it Johnson?".

"Please babe, my middle name is champion when it comes to challenges" I smirked the most biggest smirk I could muster and barged right past him straight for the door. As I opened it, I turned around to look Trey in the eyes.

"Game on Lockwood".


A challenge can never be good....

Please vote, comment and recommend.

Lots of love,

Mel xo

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