Are you the one? (Camren / La...

By aunicornindesguise

7.7K 261 52

Based off on MTV series "Are you the one?" 20 people are thrown in a tropical island, Their objective? Trying... More

Are you the one?
Auditions - Shawn Mendes / Liam Payne
Auditions - Camila Cabello / Dinah Jane
Auditions - Harry Styles / Louis Tomlinson
Auditions - Taylor Swift / Lauren Jauregui
Auditions- Nick Jonas / Abel / Justin Bieber
Auditions - Normani Kordei / Selena Gomez / Chantel Jeffries
Auditions: Joe Jonas / Gregg Sulkin / Mac Miller
Auditions - Demi Lovato / Bella Thorne / Ariana Grande
The beginning
First Challenge
Date One
Date One (Part Two)
Truth Booth
Second Challenge
Date Two
Truth Booth / Match Ceremony
Third Challenge
Fourth Challenge
Fourth truth booth

Third Date / Truth booth

299 10 4
By aunicornindesguise

After the events of last night the house felt a little bit more like home. Everyone seemed to be on the same page about Lauren and how they didn't care who she loved. They were all there for her and the now 18 people living in the house seemed closer than ever.

Dinah: We already told you, It's fine.

Normani: Yeah Laur, We don't give a shit that you like girls and guys or whatever you like. We love you for you.

Lauren: Thank you guys, this means so much to me. It was just so hard trying to not let this get on the way.

Dinah: And it shouldn't be a problem. All the guys were really cool about it especially Louis.

Normani: Yeah he didn't seem to mind at all

Lauren: I know he is a great friend

Dinah: I thought we were looking for more than friends?

Lauren: Yeah I mean first we have to be friends Dinah.

Dinah: Right, So what did Camila say?

Normani: Oh yeah did you guys talk about it after or anything?

There was a long pause before the green eyed responded.

Lauren: Uhm, not really. She kinda just went to bed. Maybe she didn't agree with the way I am

Dinah: Are you kidding? Didn't you see the way she yelled at Nick trying to defend you?

Normani: Yeah that girl has some balls, maybe she just needed time for herself she was pretty heated

Dinah: Latinas

Lauren: They will fuck you up, I should go look for her.

With that said Lauren started her journey all over the house trying to find the youngest one.

Harry: So how did that shit make you feel?

Louis: Awesome, I'm so proud of her for embracing her true self and the fact that the whole house was so supportive was amazing.

Harry: Don't you think if we...

Louis: Pleas don't. I already told you we have to wait

Harry: That's the problem Louis I don't think I can keep waiting. This shit is eating me alive and you don't even care

Harry stormed off the kitchen, What was that all about?

Lauren: Oh hey! There you are

Camila: Hey Lo

Lauren: What's wrong?

Camila: Nothing just a long night, thinking.

Lauren: About?

Camila: Myself

Lauren: Conceited

Camila: No, just everything that happened last night got me thinking

Lauren: You don't agree? You don't have to. It's okay if you don't like this new me, well not new but I guess this new and out me

Camila: I don't give a fuck about that, I really don't like how they outed you. Like what kind of shit is that?

Lauren: I know but I took it as a push, it actually helped me and I feel free

Camila: Wish I knew how that felt

Lauren: What do you mean?

Camila: Nothing we should just..

Lauren: Please don't shut me out

Camila: I just don't know. I am so confused

Lauren: About what?

Camila: Me, Us

Lauren: What about us?

Camila: What if this connection we have isn't just a friendship thing. What if it's more?

Lauren: I don't understand what you're trying to say

Camila: Lauren, I think I might have feelings for you


Lauren: CAMILA CAMILA! Wake up sleepy head

Lauren was shaking Camila abruptly.

Camila: Oh shit, it was all a dream

Lauren: It must have been a good one because I couldn't wake you up

Camila: It was, I think

Lauren: Are we okay?

Camila: Why wouldn't we?

Lauren: Just after last night we didn't talk or I didn't even see you

Camila: I was just upset about what Nick had said, I needed time for myself. You know I support you Lo, Always.

Lauren: I was afraid you gave up on me

Camila: I would never

The two girls embraced in a hug, staring into each other's eyes. The connection was there, would they ever realize that they were meant to be more than friends?

Mac, Bella, Ariana and Harry were heading outside to go on their date. Did we have a perfect match amongst this two couples? We'll find out soon.

Mac: Thank you for inviting me

Bella: No problem you seem like a pretty chill dude

Ariana: This seems like a double date

Bella: Because it is

Harry: I like it, it'll be less awkward if anything

Ariana: I guess

The four sat in silence, Mac kept looking over to Ariana as she tried to avoid eye contact with him.

Ariana: Can I ask why you chose me if you know I have a thing for Shawn?

Harry: I mean, how are you so sure if you haven't even tried talking to any of the other guys?

Ariana: I like what I have with him

Mac: Maybe you can find something better

Ariana: I don't think so

Mac: You never know unless you try

Ariana: Can you focus on your date?

Bella: Damn, he's just saying his opinions but okay

They finally arrive to their destination were a helicopter was waiting for them.

Bella: Whoah this is going to be so much fun

Harry: I know I have never been this excited

Helicopter Driver: Okay guys the four of you will be riding together so make yourselves comfortable and put on the headphones and seatbelts we don't want any of you flying out.

Mac: Wait what?

Helicopter Driver: It's a joke

Ariana: That was not funny

She whispered to Mac who only smiled back. Harry helped Bella inside the helicopter as Mac helped Ariana to put on her headphones, she seemed a little bit nervous.

Mac: You okay?

Ariana: Yeah yeah I've never been on a helicopter and it honestly scares the shit out of me. I've seen too many movies

Mac: It'll be okay just squeeze my hand, it'll help release some stress and anxiety

Ariana: Okay

They both sat next to each other as Ariana took his hand and started squeezing it. Mac just smiled as he looked outside and prepared themselves for take off.

Bella: Well damn, seems like we switched dates

Harry: Yeah I don't mind, they look really good together

Bella: They really do, so do you mind being my date?

Harry: Not at all, anything for love

--- Back at the house ----

Lauren: I hate truth booth days, It makes me so anxious

Dinah: Same here especially when the couples we have to vote for have no potential of being a perfect match

Camila: You never know, some couples might surprise you

Shawn: That's true but not in this case, I don't see Bella with Mac or Ari with Harry

Normani: Me neither I mean they're beautiful people but together they don't seem to match

Louis: I see Mac with Ari to be honest

Camila: Louis!

Shawn voted in his couple and walked away.

Louis: Shit, Sorry mate I didn't mean to say that

He yelled back at Shawn who only kept walking.

Dinah: Good one Lou

Louis: My bad I'm just nervous about this one, But I think I'll vote Harry and Ari in

Lauren: Yeah me too, they're both gorgeous so who knows they might be something

Louis: Yeah

Camila: I hate truth booth day

---- back to the date ---

Ariana: Wow this is amazing

Bella: We can literally see the whole island

Mac: And more

Harry: It's definitely breathtaking

The couples arrived to the restaurant on top of the biggest mountain, it was beautiful beyond words. They all sat together and didn't mind having switched dates.

Mac: Well this turned out different

Ariana: It did, I honestly didn't like you but thank you for letting me hold your hand and sorry for throwing up on your shoe

Mac: It's fine I'm glad you got the rest inside the bag

The couples kept talking enjoying each other's company, Ariana looked at Mac a little too much to be anything less than friends. Sparks were flying and she started to question her feelings towards Shawn.

Bella: Lets make a toast

Harry: To what?

Bella: Finding love

Mac: Money

Ariana: Peace

Harry: And happiness

They all put their drinks together as they danced and laughed the night away.

Shawn: Where are they?

Shawn questioned one of the producers, they were waiting for the two couples to arrive so they could begin the truth booth. As he was about to get an answer the limo pulled up, he was about to take off running when he saw Ariana and Mac holding hands. His hands turned into fists as he headed back inside.

Ally: Well goodnight beautiful people

Goodnight everyone yelled, the two couples took a seat behind everyone.

Ally: Well how was the date?

Harry: Different

Ally: What do you mean?

Harry: Well...

Ariana: We switched dates

Ally: How did that happen?

Ariana: It just did

Ally: So you ended up having a date with Mac?

Ariana: I did

Ally: And how was that?

Ariana: Honestly, Fun and pretty interesting

Ally: Harry how was your date with Bella?

Harry: Well like I already told her I wasn't a fan of hers but she is dope

Ally: Dope? I'm glad to hear that

Everyone giggled, except for one person.

Ally: Shawn so how do you feel about this? I know you and Ariana had a close relationship

Shawn: So I thought

Ariana: We can talk later

Shawn: Of course

Ally: Okay, well unfortunately this seems like a lost truth booth. You guys voted a couple in that didn't even spend the day together. But the couple going in is... Harry and Ariana

Everyone cheered, they knew they weren't a perfect couple and they were perfectly fine with that.

Harry: Well here goes nothing

He took Ariana's hand as they walked towards the booth.

Ariana: Imagine we end up being a perfect match

Harry: You're crazy, Mac and Shawn would end me

They both walked inside the booth with surprised expressions on their faces. They never imagined it would be like this. The machine started doing it's work after a few seconds their answer popped up in front of them.

"No Match"

Ariana: Thank god

Harry: Rude

Ariana: I didn't want you to die

Harry just giggled as they headed back to the house. Everyone had already opened up bottles.

Ariana: You guys know we're not a match right?

Lauren: So? We can still drink

Everyone cheered as more bottles were being opened.

Ariana: Can we talk?

Shawn: I guess

Ariana and Shawn walked outside to have some alone time, Mac watched them intently from inside.

Shawn: So what happened out there?

Ariana: Honestly I don't even know. I was terrified of the stupid helicopter and he helped me get through my fear and we just talked and bonded and we ended up having a date and it was just different.

Shawn: Different from you and I?

Ariana: Yes, I'm so sorry Shawn. I like you but I also like him.

Shawn: I get it

Ariana: I'm so confused but I don't want to lose you

Shawn: You don't? Or you just want me here in case he's not your match then you have me

Ariana: It's not like that you know that what we have is real but I don't know, me and him have a connection and I can't deny it

Shawn: I get it, you do you Ari. I will do the same

Ariana: Shawn C'mon

Shawn walked back inside grabbing a few drinks from the table.

Dinah: Love is tough man

Liam: It really is

Dinah: See, this is why WE have to take it slow

Liam: and we are my love

The couple kissed lovingly, Dinah cuddled up to Liam who was observing the other people interact.

Lauren: This shit is getting exhausting

Camila: I know, no one knows what they're doing

Lauren: Do you?

Camila: No fucking idea

The two friends laughed as Camila stared at Lauren, God did she love the way she laughed and her smile was so huge showing off her perfect teeth. She could see a few freckles under the lights and her blushed cheeks made her look younger.

Nick: So how is everything with Camila?

Normani: We're good it's like nothing changed

Nick: That's good then

Normani: Yeah I'm just scared she might not find her match

Nick: Maybe her match is Lauren

Normani: Shut up, you sound just like Dinah

Nick: I'm just saying they look pretty hot together

Normani: Are you having any fantasies Nick?

Nick: Just about you babe

Normani sat on top of Nick as they kissed passionately. Today was a good day after all, everyone seemed to be maturing. They were all trying to understand the game but also trying to not kill each other.

Twitter was loving all this couples and friendships. Dinah and Liam were trending #2 as Camren was top topic like always. People couldn't deny the beautiful connection this two had, especially their families. The Jauregui's seemed unimpressed as the Cabello's expressed their support and love towards their daughter.

This was only getting better and better, who knows what might happen next.



Sooooo... I don't even know what to say. So much shit going on, OT5 is definitely dead I mean Camila unfollowed EVERYONE and I'm kinda glad she did it's like finally closing that chapter of their life's. Who knows what might happened later on maybe they kiss and make up just like 1D. We have to wait and continue to NOT hate and just support.

Big things are coming, Camila starts touring with Bruno Mars in TWO days. I'm so excited to get new music.

The girls are also doing their thing, they keep twitting clues so y'all know something big is coming. So glad they're contracts are better and they're finally going to be on FALLON! Plus the 5 year anniversary is coming up, they're all glowing and happy.

Harry looked HANDSOME af on his movie premiere and Louis is releasing a song with Bebe which i'm pretty fucking excited.

So yeah, Stop the hate guys spread love ((:

And remember


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