homophobic • gxg [✔]

By pimpdaddykei

7.9K 359 711

Janelle, a 16 year old student comes out as gay to her family, and to herself. Feeling as though her sexualit... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty six
twenty seven

twenty five

145 8 26
By pimpdaddykei

twenty five

The next day was an absolute bummer. My awesome date was over, and I had to get to school.

The entire time I was getting ready for the day, I was remembering every single moment of last night. The Baseball Hut, stargazing on the hills, Jade's soft lips on mine...

I couldn't take it anymore, I grabbed my phone, and texted my group chat.

Best Friends 😛💞
Janelle: last night was amazing
Nick: bitch! I said i wanted to see your face when you told us!
Janelle: face time?
Nick: bitch
Janelle: biTch!1! Ok fine I'll tell y'all at lunch bYe

I sigh, putting my phone in my back pocket and grabbing my backpack. I walk into the kitchen to fix a cup of coffee, but I see my mom, once again, leaning against the island and talking on the phone.

"Yeah, that will be perfect," She spoke into the phone, "How many balloons? 180? Great. Thank you. Mhm, yeah. Alright. Great. Bye." And she hung up, smiling at me when she looked up. I walk past her, grabbing my coffee mug.

"You know, too much coffee can be a bad thing." She informs me, putting her phone down.

I ignore her comment, bringing the mug to my face. "What was that all about?" I nod to her phone.

"Oh? That?" My mom looked down at her phone and back at me. "It was just about Eva's graduation party in May. I want everything to be pre order before-hand, so when the planners come to decorate, everything will be ready."

"Great." I take another sip of coffee, "That'll be one thing out of way."

"Yeah, I guess." She smiled at me. "How was your date last night."

"It was amazing. First we went to the Baseball Hut," I began.

"Oh, I remember that place! When I used to take Eva and you there!" My mom beamed at the memory.

"Mhmmm. And then, we went stargazing on the hills near the walking trail I used to go to with Grace, Alyssa and Nick." I had never told my mom where on the hills we went, I just told her 'near the walking trail'.

"You never told me where on the hills you all went." She said, rubbing her chin.

"Top secret, Ma'." I remind her, giggling.  "Then, we went out to eat. I brought her home around 10, I can't even remember."

"Aw, that sounds like a great date. I'm glad you had a good time," My mom smiled.

"That's not even the best part!" I exclaim, "In the car, we kissed!"

"Oh!" My mom clapped her hands, "Congratulations, Janelle! Your first kiss!"

"It wasn't my first kiss," I lie, blushing. She gave me that look to stop lying, and I sigh. "Okay, it was my first kiss."

"I love how long you waited to have your first kiss." My mom told me, "How cute."

"I wanted it to be perfect, and at the right time." I explain, taking a sip of my coffee. "I didn't want to be one of those girls that had their first at 11 and lost their virginity at 12. Fucking disgusting." I shake my head, putting my mug down.

"Yep, and that's good. I'm glad you're not turning out like one of those type of teenagers," My mom said, referring to the kids that smoked and did a bunch of bad shit. "Just don't act like your sister, I swear if I hear her blast the lyrics to another  XXX or Little Slump song." She sighed, putting her hand on her forehead.

"Talking about me?" Eva strutted into the kitchen, passing by me to get a granola bar from the new box.

"Speak of the devil," I chuckle. "Where even did you come from?"

"My room. You guys are awful at trying to keep your voices low." Eva said, shaking her head. "Also, how was your date with Jade?"

I turn my attention towards Eva. "What? How did you know about that?"

"I have Instagram and Snapchat, Janelle." She closed the pantry door, "You both were posting like madmen, it was so cute."

"Oh my God." I facepalm myself, "I haven't checked either since last night. Let me check my snaps." I pull out my phone, opening Snapchat first. Just as I expected, I had over 10 messages, all asking the same question: 'ARE YOU AND JADE DATING?????'.

I closed the tab, opening Instagram, and the same exact thing in my DM's and comment section was stated: 'OMG SHIP SO HARD'.

"My gosh, I don't even remember posting anything." I put my phone back in my pocket.

"You can tell me all about it in the car ride," Eva grabbed my hand, pulling me to the front door, "Bye Ma'!".

I wave goodbye to my mom, trudging out of the house with Eva pulling me to my car.

"Why the hurry?" I ask her, as we buckle up into our seatbelts.

"Late homework I have to turn before first period." Eva explained, "So I'd appreciate it if you drove faster than usual, I don't want to be late."

I laughed at Eva's subtle commands. "You could've driven yourself to school. You have a car." I reminded her.

"Car pooling." She reminded me, winking.

"Car pooling!" I mimicked her, rolling my eyes. "The amount of bullshit that spills from your mouth."

"The amount of bullshit that spills from your mouth!" Eva constantly mocked me, and I sighed, turning up my Virtues and Vices CD louder.

I'd rather hear The Ballad of Mona Lisa on full blast repeatedly playing throughout the day than listen to her consistent remarks. I knew she was my sister, and she'd be leaving soon, but she was still annoying.


It felt like a regular day for the most part. Besides the fact I had the urge to spill everything that happened last night to the whole class, I was able to keep my cool.

It felt almost as if lunch would never roll around. I was hungry and anxious, and even 3rd period with my best friend didn't help.

"Chill, Janelle!" Grace exclaimed during the last few minutes of class.

"Can't, I'm ready to get out of here." I state, my leg tapping the floor vigorously.

"There's literally, like 30 seconds left." She reminded me, trying to stop my leg from tapping any longer, but it was no use.

"Yeah, and those 30 seconds always end up going by like minutes." I remind her, sighing. "It's taking too long!"

"Yeah, well you could tell me about your date right now." Grace suggested, nudging my side. Just as I was about to reply, the bell rung for 4th period.

"Finally!" I yell a little too loudly, which causes me to get stares. Grace and I quickly run out of the classroom, and to the cafeteria doors.

It took us a few minutes to find Alyssa and Nick, for some reason they weren't at our usual table.

"Finally found you guys!" I exclaim, after spot them at the vending machine in the back of the cafeteria.

"Oh, hey bitch!" Nick smiled. "How's life been?"

"Really great since last night," I assure him. "Y'all want to go to out eat? I'm in the mood for anything but cafeteria food."

Every one agrees, and we make our way to my car, since apparently I'm always the chauffeur. I walk quickly to the car, wanting to tell them all about my night, but I hear my name being called the second we step onto the student lot.

"Janelle!" Jade calls to me from the doors, and we all turn around as she makes her way to us. "Hey."

"Oh, hey, Jade." I smile at her, shifting my weight from the left side to the right.

"I didn't see you in the cafeteria," She looks back at the school building, then at me, "Just wanted to thank you again for last night."

"It's no problem, I had a great time." I tell her.

We stand there for a few seconds staring and smiling at each other, and it felt like an hour. I could've stood there forever, but Grace cleared her throat, which made Jade and I zap out of our trance.

"Well," Jade finally said, "I better get to the cafeteria."

"Alright, I'll see you later?" I suggest, giving her a hopeful look.

"Definitely," She promised, giving me a peck on the lips and walking back into the school.

"Well!" Nick exclaimed as we kept walking to my car, "By the looks of that, I think you have a lot to tell us."

"You're kidding." I playfully roll my eyes, sliding into the driver's seat. "Who's using the AUX?"

"Me!" Grace shouted, jumping to the middle seat to reach for the cord.

"I call shotgun then!" Nick yelled, quickly getting into the seat next to me. "Since Alyssa got to use the aux when y'all went to Tim Horton's."

"That doesn't count!" Alyssa groaned, "That was my first time being able to use the AUX."

"No one wants to listen to oldies music, Alyssa!" Grace argues back, turning on Blood, Sweat and Tears by BTS. "This is what I call quality music."

"You don't even know what they're saying!" Alyssa shouts.

"Both of you don't know what quality music is." Nick steps in again, "Melanie Martinez is the way to go."

"Yeah, no thanks," Grace teased, "She only has, like, 2 albums. Not enough songs to listen to. The backstory behind the Crybaby album kinda sucks, too."

"Oh, bitch, you didn't!" Nick exclaims, and all 3 of them get into an argument over music.

"Yo!" I scream over them, and they all stop their arguing. "Quit your bitchin', or you're all going to be thrown on the highway!" They all fall silent, and I smile with satisfaction. "Now, who's ready for some McDonald's?!"

"Woo!" They all chime together happily, discussing what they'll get. I swear, food is the only way to make them stop bullshitting.


The ride to McDonald's was as it's always is. Nick talking about one of his daily crushes, Grace reciting the lyrics to probably every KPOP song, and Alyssa snapchatting both of them. You couldn't ask for dumber best friends.

I decided to take their orders, and they'd pay for themselves. It was oddly busier than most days we went to McDonald's, probably because it was Lunch Hour and every one thinks it won't be busy on a Tuesday, but really it is, so everyone ends up looking stupid.

We didn't care much about lines, as long as we'd be back in time for 5th period.

I walked to the shortest line, with several dollars in my left hand, and my phone in the other so I wouldn't forget their orders.

After telling the cashier lady the orders, I gave her the money and she smiled at me. "Those your best friends?"

"Yep," I smile back, "Best friends."

"That your boyfriend?" She nodded to Nick, and I burst out laughing.

"Ha!" I chuckle, "Uh, no. He's gay, and so am I."

"Oh!" She slaps her head, "I'm sorry for mis-sexualizing you."

"It's okay," I laugh it off, putting my phone in my back pocket.

Minutes later our food comes, and I nearly snatch it out the lady's hands, I was that hungry and anxious. "Thank you!" I quickly say, grabbing the bag, the drink holder and my change, walking to table.

"Here's your food, losers," I slide the bag and drink holder in the middle of the booth table, sitting besides Nick and across from Alyssa and Grace. "Eat up."

"Oh, thank the heavens," Alyssa put her hands together as if she was praying and looked at the ceiling, "I was so hungry I would've eaten Nick's flowercrown."

Nick quickly put his hands to the pink flowercrown on his head, and his mouth widened at Alyssa. We all laughed at him, grabbing our food.

"So," Grace said in between sips of his Coke, "Aren't you going to tell us about your date?"

"Oh, yeah," I swallow one of my fries. I was too interested in food to even tell the story. "Okay, so it started with us going to The Baseball Hut. Remember that place, guys?"

"That sports place about an hour away that you went to when you were going through your emo phase?" Nick recalled, and I nodded, "Yeah, I remember."

"Oh my gosh, I loved that place!" Grace squealing, smiling with nostalgia.

I continued to tell them about the night, just as I did with my mom and Eva. They all had the same face expression,  - except Nick, Grace and Alyssa were stuffing their faces - but I could tell they were listening vividly. They all ate their asses off, until I got to the kissing scene. 

"Hold." Grace started, her mouth widened.

"The." Nick's eyes almost popped out of his head.

"Fuck." Alyssa dropped her fry.

"Up." Grace finished.

"What?" I ask as my eyebrows furrow from confusion.

"What the fuck do you mean 'what?'" Nick mimicked me.

"I mean," I drag out the 'mean', "What?"

"Janelle! You made out with Jade!" Alyssa shouted, which made a few people stop and look at our table, but she still babbled on, "On the first date! For 10 minutes!"

"Do you know much that screams," Grace looked for the correct word to use. "'No'?!"

I looked at them all with confusion, eating a few fries. "What's so bad about kissing on the first date?"

"Kissing on the first date is okay, just a small peck or whatever," Nick explained, "But making out in the car for 10 minutes straight, that's 3rd date shit."

"And you guys just had a kiss in the parking lot!" Alyssa added, "You two are basically friends with benefits!"

Grace and Nick nodded in agreement, "It's cute, but too cute. You barely had your first date yesterday!" Grace exclaimed.

I shook my head at them. "It was just one time, you guys are taking it so seriously."

"Because it is fuckin' serious!" Nick shouted, and more people looked our way again.

They went on and on about random topics, and I was hoping they'd drop the whole subject of Jade and I, but they brought it up several times. People passed by our table, and I gave them an apologetic glance for my friend's behavior.

As my friends went on with their conversations, I couldn't help but to think about Alyssa's friends with benefits statement. We couldn't be, right? Was it too soon to tell?

My thoughts were interrupted by the laughter of Nick, and I slouched down more, ignoring the judging glances the customers gave me.

"I knew we should've went to Burger King," I grumbled regretfully.


a/n: I've been really sick so updates have been slower, I'm sorry.

This book only has about 2 chapters left. I can't think of anything to write about, since Janelle isn't really homophobic anymore.

There will be time skips, prepare yourself.

Word Count: 2511

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