Blossom and Brick a ppgz and...

By FanFictionWriter17

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this is my story about how i think the power puff girls lives would of turned out like as they grew up into a... More

Blossom and Brick a ppgz and rrbz love story
Chapter Two, Teaming up with the ruffs in more ways than one
Chapter Three, The secret is out
Chapter Four, One furious Kaoru
Chapter Five Miyako and Kaoru says yes
Chapter six, Meeting The Parents
Chapter seven, A big change
Chapter Eight, The BBQ
Chapter nine, The camping trip
Chapter Ten, Camping Trip Part 2
Chapter Eleven, The ruffs and puffs meet the power punk girls
Chapter Twelve, Recovering from the fight
Chapter Thirteen, The Terrible Tuff Boys Were Born
Chapter fourteen, The new new boys in school
Chapter Fifteen, Momoko's Birthday
Chapter sixteen, A new life
Chapter seventeen, Kuriko.....
Chapter Eighteen, Kaoru's Birthday
Chapter Nineteen, Miyako's birthday
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty, The Ruff's Birthday
REPOST chapter 20
Chapter twenty-one, A day at the amusement park
Chapter Twenty- Two, our first college party
Chapter Twenty-Three, a surprise
Chapter Twenty-Four, Testing our new powers
Chapter twenty-five, a big problem
Chapter Twenty-Six, Breaking through the wall
Chapter Twenty-Seven, Finding the ruffs Part 1
Chapter Twenty-Eight, Finding the ruffs part 2
Chapter Twenty-Nine, Trying to figure things out
Chapter Thirty, Back to school
Chapter Thirty-One, Talking to the creator of the punks
Chapter Thirty-Two, The villains have a plan
Chapter Thirty-Three, Ambushing and revenge?
Chapter Thirty-Four, A tragic accident
Chapter Thirty-Five, Is brick okay?
Chapter Thirty-Six, Prom?
Chapter Thirty-Seven, An apology?
Chapter Thirty-Eight, Smile
Chapter Thirty-Nine, Prom Part 1
Chapter Forty, Prom Part 2
Chapter Forty-One, We've got mail
Chapter Forty-Two, Last day of school
Chapter Forty-Three, Graduation day
Chapter Forty-Four- Graduation dinner
Chapter Forty-Five- The end of summer
Chapter Forty-Six, Saying good bye
Book Two! :)
Thank You

Chapter one, The new boys in school

12.8K 156 27
By FanFictionWriter17

Chapter one, The new boys in school

~Momoko's P.O.V~

"momoko are you even listening?", kaoru asked. "huh? oh I'm sorry. I'm just out of it today i guess", i said as kauro, miyako and i walked from my car to the school. miyako was a nice girl who cared about every one. she had blonde hair in curly pigtails. she had blue eyes and she wore a white blouse with a blue tie and a blue plaid skirt. she always dressed fashionably. kaoru was obsessed with sports. every thing she did was sports related pretty much. kaoru had black messy/spiky hair but it suits her well. i'd never tell her but it does make her look pretty. she has green eyes and she was wearing dark green shorts with suspenders that she left handing by her sides instead of putting them on her shoulders and a yellow shirt and a green and white hat. i (momoko) have red/orange hair in pony tail with a big red bow. i have pink eyes and i wore a light pink skirt and wore a red and pink stripped sleeve shirt and the middle part of the shirt was white with a red heart near the collar. we all wore our power puff girl z belts so if new townsville was in trouble we could transform and save the day. we first became the ppgz when we were in middle school. things were so much easier back then. we have changed allot since then. like for instance we grew up allot. we have curves now and allot of boys are interested in us now. kaoru hates the fact that we have curves but hey what can you do? kaoru also hates to be complimented on her looks. kaoru was a tom boy that grew up in a athletic family with all brothers. we are now seniors in high school and we all kind of do our own thing at school. we have all the same classes except for our electives which we chose. miyako took fashion club 5th period. kaoru took team sports 5th period. i took culinary arts club 5th period. of course we all take home economics together but i love cooking and baking sweets so the more cooking classes i have the better. 1st period was english with ms. keane. she was a nice teacher. even though she probably hates us for leaving class all the time cause were "sick". being sick is the only way to get out of class when we need to save the city since not allot of people know that I'm blossom and miyako is bubbles and kaoru is buttercup. the three of us stopped in front of the school. "usually you talk to much why are you so quiet today?", kaoru asked. "i don't know i just don't feel like talking i guess", i said. "wow that's a first", kaoru said. "kaoru", miyako said sharply as she nudged kaoru's side with her elbow. i smiled. "its okay guys iv just had a ruff morning kuriko was being a little bitch to me this morning", i said. kaoru laughed. "that's not a nice thing to say about your sister momoko", miyako said. "yes but you don't share a bathroom in the morning with anyone", i said. miyako smiled and said, "true". kuriko just turned 13 and thinks she needs to hog the bathroom every morning. "don't let the kid bug you just forget about it", kaoru said. "id rather have a brother", i said. "you have no idea what its like living with brothers", kaoru said. "id give any thing to have a brother or a sister", miyako said. miyako lived with her grandma. its just the two of them. i never asked were her parents were because i was afraid it would hurt her feelings. i smiled softly and said, "trade ya". miyako smiled just as the first bell rang signaling that we had ten minutes before school started. "we better get to our lockers", i said as i pushed open the door to the school and held it open until kaoru and miyako walked in. i walked ahead of my friends. my friends was walking right behind me. kaoru was telling miyako something about sports. the hallways was crowded as usual. i could hear whispering about the new kids. i wonder who the new kids are? kaoru and miyako wasn't paying attention to the chatter of the other students. i turned the corner to go to our lockers but stopped dead in my tracks as i seen the rowdy ruff boys z. kaoru and miyako slammed into my back not realizing i stopped. "what the hell momoko---", kaoru started to say until she realized what i seen. the rrbz was our enemies along time ago. we haven't seen them in like 4 years. brick was the leader. he had red eyes and red/ orange shaggy hair with a red and black hat on backwards. he also wore a red sweat shirt and black jeans. butch had black hair with a random strand of hair sticking up and green eyes. he wore a dark green sweat shirt and black jeans. butch was sporty and mean like kaoru. boomer had blonde shaggy/ spikey hair but not as long as bricks. he also had blue eyes. he wore a dark blue sweat shirt and black jeans. boomer was the stupid well Innocent one out of the trio. they all was wearing their rrbz belts. "oh shit", kaoru muttered under her breath. brick turned and looked at me. i gasped. brick actually looked hot! he was cute i couldn't take my eyes off him. brick's mouth dropped when he saw me. snap out of it momoko he is a villain and your a hero. i walked until i was just a few feet away from brick. "what the hell are you doing here?", i asked. "uh school stuff ya know?", brick said awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his head and blushed. "your not the schooling type", i said. "no but mojo got tired of home schooling us so he sent us here", brick said. boomer looked at miyako and blushed. butch looked at kaoru then looked at the floor and smiled. "you changed allot!", brick blurted. "so have you", i said gesturing to his muscles. brick was a bit taller than me now. "iv been working out", brick said quickly. "so what evil job does mojo have you three doing here?", i asked. "surprisingly nothing", brick said. i raised my eyebrow at him. "really?", i asked. "yeah we gave up trouble making years ago", brick said, "mojo hasn't but we have since there is no point really". i cant believe what I'm hearing. "that is the biggest load of shit iv ever heard", kaoru said as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. butch blushed hearing her voice. "really we have", brick said. butch looked up and said, "if we haven't given up evil don't you think we would of caused more trouble in the last 4 years". "yeah after you defeated him we realized there is no point in causing trouble if were going to lose", boomer said. "we knew no one could defeat him except you guys and if you guys could defeat him then you could stop us easily so really theres no point", brick said. "yeah take mojo for an example he cant get it through his head that you can stop him no matter what", butch said. "they have a point kaoru", i said. "what ever", kaoru said as she looked away. butch smiled like an idiot. "so your not going to cause trouble?", miyako asked. "no way", boomer said quickly and blushed. "we promise", brick said as he smiled. the second bell rang signaling we had five minuted to get to class. "we better go", i said. brick smiled. oh that smile made my heart melt. oh no could i be crushing on a rowdy ruff?. "come on", kaoru said as she grabbed my elbow and pulled me away. "bye bloss-- i mean momoko", brick said. "bye brick", i said as i waved goodbye. we quickly walked to class and sat down in our seats. my seat was in the back row. miyako sat in the seat next to me on the left and kaoru sat by the window in the row in front of us on the left of miyako. kaoru looked pissed. miyako didn't really say much until i broke the silence. "what do you think about the ruffs?", i said. kaoru looked at me with a raised eye brow. "what do you mean?", kaoru asked. "i don't know there different", i said. "i don't buy that act", kaoru said. "i don't know maybe they have changed", miyako said. "hey momoko", a boy said. it was sakamoto. sakamoto was annoying prankster and he sat in front of me. "did you finish your project?", sakamoto asked just as the bell rang. ms. keane walked in. "class we have new students today so be nice and welcoming", she said as the ruffs walked in. "shit", kaoru muttered. "find a seat boys", ms. keane said. brick quickly walked to the empty seat on my right. boomer took the empty seat on the left of miyako and behind kaoru. butch took the empty seat on kaoru's right in front of miyako. ms. keane started to hand out papers. after she told us what to do she went to her desk and started grading tests we took the day before. "so any ways about that project", sakamoto said as he turned around and put his hand on mine. i could see brick stiffen up as he seen what sakamoto did. i pulled my hand away. "no i haven't started it sakamoto", i said annoyed. "oh well if you need any help ill be glad to help you", sakamoto said as he tried to hold my hand again. "sakamoto please stop trying to hold my hand", i said. sakamoto smiled. "I'm sorry its just i--", sakamoto said until he was cut off by brick. "look leave the girl alone she obviously doesn't like you so don't touch her", brick said angrily. "and who are you?", sakamoto challenged. "my name is brick and am not afraid to beat the shit out of you if that is what it takes for you to leave momoko alone", brick said. i couldn't help but smile. "fine i guess ill talk to you another time momoko", sakamoto said as he turned around and put his ear buds in and listened to his music. "thanks brick", i said as i blushed. "hey i was just trying to help you out", brick said softly. "so 4 years huh?", i said," whats new?". "well allot has changed", brick said. "like?", i asked. "well we grew up and are good now", brick said, "what about you?". "well as you can tell we grew up allot to", i said and i told him about my home life and things like that. brick listened and smiled the whole time. i told him about my little sister and how annoying she was. "kids huh?", brick laughed. "yeah", i laughed. "so uh no boyfriend?", brick said as he blushed. "uh no uh not yet", i blurted out and blushed. "not yet?", brick asked. "i mean if the right guy comes along then i will but until then no", i said quickly, "what about you do you have a girlfriend?". "nope", brick said softly, "I'm waiting on the right one to". "you'll find her one day", i said nicely. "i just don't see why you don't have a bf your like beautiful!", brick blurted. i could feel my whole face turn red. i smiled uncontrollably. "well your pretty handsome to", i said. brick blushed as he smiled. i looked over to see miyako and boomer staring at us. "what?", i asked. miyako smiled. "nothing", miyako said as she turned back around and talked to boomer. i turned back to brick. "uh so uh how are you liking school?", i asked. "I'm actually loving it so far", brick said. "really?", i asked. "yeah uh you made it better uh iv actually missed you kicking my ass all the time i guess you grew on me", brick said. i blushed. "im glad i got to know you better", i said. kaoru threw a paper air plane at me. it hit me in the side of my head. i quickly turned my head to see her. i have her a "what the hell" glare. i looked at the air plane and unfolded it. scribbled in kaoru's messy hand writing said "shh I can hear you flirting all the way over here". i wrote "I'm not flirting I'm just having a conversation jeez". i waded the paper up in a ball and threw it at kaoru's head. brick chuckled. oh that laugh. i looked brick in the eyes. he looked at me and smiled. "ring ring" i jumped as i heard the bell rang. "wow this class went by quick", i said as i stood up and walked to the door. "momoko wait uh can i walk you to class?", brick asked. i smiled. "sure", i said as kaoru walked passed us and rolled her eyes. butch trailed behind her. miyako and boomer walked out together. and so it turned out brick had all the same classes as me. we spend the whole day talking to each other. after school let out he offered to walk me to my car. kaoru and miyako was already there. boomer was talking to miyako and butch stood awkwardly next to boomer. we finally reached my car. "uh hey i can give you guys a ride if you want?", i said. "really?", brick said. "oh hell no I'm out of here", kaoru said as she opened my car door and took out her skateboard and skated off. "whats that all about?", brick asked as i got into the driver seat. brick got in the passenger seat and butch, boomer and miyako got in the back. "kaoru well isn't taking it lightly that you guys are here she thinks you guys are up to some thing", i said. "well were not", brick said softly.

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