The Maid of Wedgemore

By JustAlilfan

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Wars, conquers, conflicts, blood and soil have always been part of the Continental Kingdoms. Stonegate is con... More

The beginning
What really happened?
A visit from Skeldergate
The unexpected
Anger and concern
Secret plans or no plans at all?
The person with a long cloak
The plan is ongoing
Please, do not fall
Thea's secrets
Princess of Wedgemore
Stories of the past
Thea's fate
Stonegate has fallen
A storm is coming
Robert always told that...
Making Plans
The other maid
What's our destination?
The kindgom never fell
Falling apart ?
Sneak around
It is only fire if it burns
Bittersweet Victory
Council reunited
The Princess of Wedgemore

A royal ball

412 11 3
By JustAlilfan

“Cornwallis” The Prince turned to the old man “Could you go to the harbor and order the captain to leave back to Stonegate?”

Lord Cornwallis looked at him “I could, but… you wish us to stay alone in here?”

“I do not want Skeldergateans or Knavesmireans to see us right away. They should arrive soon, so, could you just take some of our things and tell them to leave?”

“Of course, my prince. Where are we going to stay?”

“I do not know, we’ll decide that later. Now go. I am going to take a walk around”

Diana was finishing the arrangements in the Main Hall when the Royal appeared. Diana sighed, she was already in a bad mood, she was tired and hungry and knew what they were going to do already.

“Is everything ready?!” The Queen coldly asked

“I am almost finished, your highness”

“Good! There are more people coming to the ball, so make sure there is enough food to everyone”

“Sure, your highness”

“And you, my Princesses, it is time to prepare for tonight”

The princesses smiled widely “I cannot wait to try my new dress!”

The young guard was, as usual, at the entrance of the Palace, doing his job as many other guards went to the harbor, ready to receive the guests to come.

“Is your job always this troubled?” Prince Robert sarcastically said, appearing out of nowhere and startling the guard.

“Ahh, oh!” The guard’s eyes widened when he noticed who was talking to him “Prince Robert!”

“Why are you alone?”

“T-The rest of the guards is at the harbor”

The Prince approached him “How many of you are left?”

The guard looked down “Only a few dozens”

“Did you notice anything weird, during the attack? Despite them sparing the Palace?”

“N-No, Prince Robert” The young man whispered “Everything was too fast”

“Speed is not the most important thing when you have to fight” The Prince started to walk away, leaving a puzzled guard behind.

The prince made his way to a hidden spot at the harbor, noticing people were arriving. That included both Leofrick of Skeldergate and Montagu of Knavesmire.

The Prince of Stonegate made sure not to be seen and paid attention to their behavior. For his disappointment, there was no interaction or dubious looks between them.

“Damn. I will find out what is going on, you can be sure of that” The prince whispered to himself.

Diana took a deep breath as she finally had five minutes to take a breath and eat something little. She would not be able to rest much, the Main Hall doors were opened and there were already guests inside. She was thankful that, right then, at least, she wouldn’t work alone. The Queen had paid some other old maids to also serve at the ball.

When she entered the Hall to start her job, she noticed the amazing mood the room was in. It certainly did not look there was a battle and the entire kingdom was destroyed. Everyone seemed too happy.

“Thank you, milady”

“Get me more wine, maid!”

Surely, there were good and mean people everywhere. Sadly, the environment she had grown up in was not filled with the best personalities.

She had spotted the Princes of Skeldergate and Knavesmire, being polite to the group of people they were talking to, or at least, faking it. As she predicted, no King or Queen of other kingdoms were present.

As she walked around, though, she heard the rumors that the Prince of Stonegate was also in Wedgemore. Oh my God, She thought. She did not see the person she had bumped into in the room, and he certainly looked as a Prince. A really, really good looking Prince, she had to admit. Was he the Prince of Stonegate? Did she really bumped into Robert of Stonegate, the most feared of the continental kingdoms? Was the most feared Prince that sensual and dashing figure?

“Careful!” She heard a voice stopping her as she abruptly turned around.

May demons come and take me with them. Who had to be the person behind me? The exact person in my mind. Diana thought

“Good” He chuckled “I had to make sure you wouldn’t bump into me and blame me for it”

She looked at him, speechless. He had changed his clothes and looked simply breathtaking in a ball uniform.

Noticing his silence, he approached her. Oh, I know exactly what kind of man he is, she thought

“You know, I am still having a hard time believing you are a maid” He whispered in a deep voice, looking at Diana with those huge brown eyes where she could get lost.

She took some seconds before she heard that click inside her brain warning her to wake up and be careful. “Do you have anything against maids?!” She snapped

He chuckled “No. Absolutely nothing…” he whispered, getting even closer to take one glass from the tray she was holding “Can I have this?” He smiled

“S-Sure” Diana then stormed away, not wanting his presence to make her even more uncomfortable

“Stonegatean?!” Leofrick of Skeldergate shouted when he saw Prince Robert.

The Prince of Stonegate chuckled, how he enjoyed these disagreements “Leofrick, always so thoughtful” He said.

Everyone was now watching us “What the hell is he doing here?” Montagu of Knavesmire angrily said, joining the conversation

“Princes, please!” The Queen of Wedgemore intervened “Let’s have a quiet ball, shall we?”

“It would have never been interrupted by me” Prince Robert teased, glancing at the other Princes. He walked over to one of the Princesses and raised his dance “May I have this dance?”

The Princess blushed intensely and accepted his hand, which dragged her to the middle of the crowd “Aren’t they so polite?” The Prince sarcastically said

She blushed “The other Princes? They seem so”

“Of course they do. The fake and stupid tend to be so”

She chuckled at the Prince, her hormones jumping in excitement. Being who he was, the Prince obviously noticed it. “What is really your name, Princess of Wedgemore?”


“Ryia” Robert chuckled “I believe you are the youngest of your sisters?”

“I am” She blushed

The Prince approached her face, teasing her during the dance. He believed she didn’t notice, but he had purposely been dragging her to a corner. He would catch the first opportunity he had to take her outside.

“So, what does your mother have in mind for later?” He dared to ask

“Oh… she hasn’t told us”

“You see…” He was almost touching her lips with his “I don’t think she has any idea of what she is getting herself into”

The Prince suddenly pushed her out of the Hall knowing no one had noticed them.

“Prince Robert?” She asked, surprised.

Her surprise and excitement increased even more when he pushed her into a wall “Have you ever been kissed, pretty lady?” He chuckled

Her eyes widened as she blushed intensely. He chuckled, leaning to press his lips into hers, slowly teasing her. His hands travelled around her body, missing the places where she wanted him, exactly.

“Hmmm” She moaned in pleasure and frustration.

“You know… There are so many things you could experience” he whispered in her ear “I could definitely show you something, if I stay around for some more time” The prince pulled away.

Princess Ryia tried to push him to her once again, but he refused “We have to go, we can be caught. We wouldn’t want that right?” He chuckled “We can continue another time”

“Oh, we will” She smiled widely at him, her eyes in excitement

“Go first, Princess, let’s make sure we’re not seen together”

The Princess quickly left the room, leaving the Prince giggling to himself “One down. Two more to go” He quickly came back into the Main Hall. He had to make sure the Queen would choose him.

It wasn’t too hard to drag the other Princess to another division of the Palace. Princess Janet, as she had said. She smiled widely at him when he asked her the same question “What are your mother’s thoughts for later?”

“Oh, you would want to know that, wouldn’t you?” She chuckled

He joined her with his typical grin, but surprised her with his closeness “And what would you, Princess, want to know in return?”

Her eyes widened, but a big smiled followed “I like that game”

“Let’s play it?” He chuckled

“I want to know…” She whispered, their bodies closed “how does it feel to touch the body of a man like you”

He smirked “The princess wants to touch my body?” He caught her hand in the process, pulling it underneath his upper body’s clothes.

She gasped, feeling the hardness of the muscles her hand touched. He let her touch his chest as he made his way to her neck, kissing his way up her ear “The problem is… I make the rules of my games” He pulled her hand down, slightly brushing his manhood, making her gasp “So, I am giving you half of your answer”

Her eyes widened, her body frustrated “I do not know your answer” She whispered

“You will, right?” He chuckled into her ear “You will tell me later. So we can finish the game”

“Y-Yes. Yes!”

He smiled “good”

He watched her leaving.

Oh, the fun he was having.

These women go crazy with lack of men around, he thought

He started walking back to the Hall, but he was interrupted abruptly in the process

“I finally see you alone” He left the female pushing his body into the wall, before he took a better look at her.

Oh. It looks like I do not have to go after the last one. She came to me.

“I see you wanted to get me alone” He smirked

“Yes” she smiled widely “I did”

“Is there something I should know about?”

“Just… how I think you’ve been provoking me during the ball”

He raise his eyebrow “How so?”

“I saw you dancing with my sisters.”

“I was going to ask you next. You anticipated yourself, Princess” The Prince smiled “Were you getting jealous Princess?”

She slapped his chest “I do not get jealous of them!”

“Then…” He was interrupted when she abruptly kissed him

“Hungry… are we?” He said, pushing her away

“Do you not want me?” She raised her eyebrow

“I do not wish to provoke your mother” He smirked “I want her to pick me, so I am not going to do her daughter now, am I?”

She chuckled “Smart Prince” She pushed him to her again “You are not escaping me later, then”

He laughed when she disappeared from his sight. This was a lot easier than I thought. He thought, making his way outside to get some fresh air.

He was never someone to spend a lot of time in these balls. He quickly got sick and annoyed of having so many people around him. So he just walked around the Palace, thinking about his ideas and what was about to come. There was still something not right in the middle of all this. He knew making sure he was the one ‘protecting’ Wedgemore was the best thing to do, but he still couldn’t understand what was really going on.

It was a matter of seconds until he saw some older ladies leaving a division of the back of the Palace. They were servants, that was probably the back exit and that amazingly beautiful maid was probably somewhere near there.

He smiled at the thought and his legs were faster than his thoughts.

He entered through that door, spotting the kitchen immediately. He glanced inside, she was there. Alone.

He smiled, approaching “You know. I actually feel hungry” He approached her

She jumped in surprised “WILL YOU EVER STOP APPEARING OUT OF NOWHERE?!” she snapped “JESUS!”

He giggled, she was adorable. She didn’t seem scared of him neither interested at all. That only fascinated him more.

"AND DO NOT STEP CLOSER!" she snapped again as he stepped forward

"I won't hurt" He chuckled

She raised a wooden spoon "I WILL!"

"Alright, alright" The prince stepped back "I'm leaving..."

He slowly left the kitchen, his thoughts very clear "I want her"

A longer chapter!

Hope you don't mind!

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