The Speedster and the Telekin...

By mabaronlovesbts

12.1K 155 2

After the events of the black hole in Central City, the Flash was considered the hero of the city. But over t... More

Book 3!!!


135 2 0
By mabaronlovesbts

As Joe and I were trying to find anything about a zombie metal man roaming around Central City, there was a sudden flicker in the lights and all electrical appliances. "What's happening?" Henry asks as he walks out of the medbay. "I don't know. But something tells me it's coming from the Breach Room." I say as I turn around and head to the Breach Room. When I get there, the lights were flickering and there was a blue tornado-like vortex where the accelerator experiment was. "What's going on in here?" I ask as I walk in and look at Harry. "Just hang on a little longer, Ramon, a little longer." Harry says and I rush down the steps and head towards Harry. "Hey, you're killing him." I say and Harry unplugs something from the device making the vortex disappear. I turn to look at Cisco lean on the railing, bending down, and panting heavily. "Cisco." I call him as I rush over to him worriedly. "Cisco, can you hear me?" I ask him and he nods as he gives me a thumb up. "Yeah. I saw him. Barry, he turned to me... I'm sorry. I lost him." Cisco say. I frown as I look down and feel tears form yet again. Cisco takes the device off of his head and rubs his hand across his face.

We head back up to the Cortex to look for Tony, only to hear an alert. I look at the computer seeing that it was Cisco's meta-human alert app and it shows a video of Tony. "Whoa. Cisco's meta-human alert app is going crazy." I say and as I watch, I see Tony trash Jitters. "Oh, Tony just trashed the hell out of Jitters." I say with wide eyes and I turn to look at Joe. "Now, that is strange. He knocks over a hydrant on Fourth and Stevenson, doesn't go in the building." Joe says and I stand as I walk over to him. "Then smashes a Humvee in front of the Big Belly Burger but doesn't go in the building. Gets to CC Jitters, he actually goes in." Joe says and I nod. "Yeah, it's like Jitters was his target. But why?" I ask as I furrow my brows. "When I was in Iron Heights awaiting trial, I had a cellmate who always swore he was gonna break out. At a pre-trial hearing he stole a deputy's gun and escaped in a police cruiser. There's a point to this, Joe. I promise." Henry says as he pats Joe's shoulder. "Now, the poor dumb bastard could've gone anywhere, right? But he was apprehended two hours later. Do you know why?" Henry asks me, but I shrug as I shake my head.

"'Cause he went to his old girlfriend's house looking for her." Henry says and I smile at how sweet the ending was, in a way.

"So you think that's what Tony's doing? Even in the state he's in now?" Joe asks him.

"I think people are creatures of habit. Sometimes a level stronger than conscious thought."

"No, I don't think that Tony had a girlfriend. I mean, not the way he was hitting on me and Iris when he..." it suddenly hits me to where Tony was headed to next. "He came in to Jitters. He's after me and Iris. Again."

"So, when was he after you and Iris the first time, where'd you see him next? After Jitters?" Henry asks me.

"Joe's home." I reply.

"He came to my house when he took you and Iris. Iris and Wally are there now." Joe says.

"No, no, Joe. This is good. We know where he is and we know what he wants. That means we know how to beat him."

"How do you propose we do that?"

I smirk as I place a hand on my hip, "You're not gonna like this. We use me and Iris as bait to lure him back to S.T.A.R. Labs, where Cisco and Harry can kill him. Again." I say. Joe shakes his head not liking the idea. "I know it's risky, but we all have to take risks. Barry took one, and now it's time I take mine. Though, when Barry finds out, he'll kill me." I say. "But it's the only way." I say looking at Joe. "Ok. Alright. Let's go, missy. Call Iris and tell her we're on our way." Joe tells me and I nod. "Diosito mio. Ayudame." I say in Spanish as I walk with Joe.


When we get to the house, Iris hands me a shirt she uses for workouts, tights, and one of her jackets. I give my clothes to Joe and we stare out the window, looking for Tony. "I can't believe Tony came back to life because of the experiment." Iris says. "I know. I was shocked the first time." I say to her. "I can't believe he's coming here." Joe says and I nod. I suddenly hear footsteps, and turn to see Wally walk over to us with three mugs full of coffee in his hands. "Oh, Wally, thank you." Joe tells him as he grabs one of the mugs and Iris and I grab the others. "Don't mention it." he says and starts to walk away. "Wait." Joe calls out, and Wally turns back to face him. "I've been meaning to ask you, uh... How are you feeling?" Joe asks him and Iris and I take a sip of our coffees as we continue to look out for Tony. "Uh, tired, but fine, I guess." Wally responds.

"So, you don't notice anything different?" Joe asks him and I raise a brow.

"Uh, no." Wally says

"I mean, I want you to know that you can come talk to me if you're scared, or if you have questions about how your body is changing..." 

I try to hold in a laugh as Iris pinches the bridge of her nose, ashamed of what her dad was saying. "I think you're a little late for the puberty talk, Dad. I've seen the internet." Wally says making it harder for me to hold back a laugh. "Joe, you're making it a bit too awkward." I tell Joe telepathically and he sighs. "Looks like I'm gonna have to do this the old fashioned way." Joe says and Wally smiles. Joe drops his mug on the ground, and though it was my first instinct to use my telekinesis to levitate it, I held back. Wally looks at Joe as if he had lost his mind in dropping the mug, "Are you ok?" Wally asks him. I suddenly hear a crash and a car alarm go off. I widen my eyes as I look at Iris, then look out the window to see Tony. "Wally, go upstairs." Joe orders him, and Wally looks at him with the "Really?" look. "Please go upstairs, now." Joe tells him and he heads upstairs. Iris and I place our coffees down. "Dad, do you really think he's a meta-human?" Iris asks Joe as we hear Tony snarl. "Well, he got zapped by the Particle Accelerator and he was unconscious. It was worth a shot." Joe responds. "I gave you that mug." Iris says as she looks at her dad. "He's coming." I say as I look out the window. "You sure about this?" Joe asks us. "You know what? Two minutes ago, I would've said "Yes, absolutely." But now? What the hell." Iris says and I nod in agreement as we walk out and place the com in my ear.

"You know, we've done a lot of things together, I think this is the craziest thing we've ever done." I say.

"Agreed." she says.

I look at Tony as Iris whistles to catch his attention, "Tony! Hey!" I call out and he turns to see Iris and I. "Come on, over here." I say and Iris and I start running toward S.T.A.R. Labs as Tony follows us. "You heading toward S.T.A.R. Labs?" Joe asks us through the com. "On our way." I respond to him. "I'll meet you guys there." he says and I look at Iris. "You know, I kind of wish I brought my bike to use instead of running all the way there." I say. "Ditto." she says and we continue to run.


When we get back to S.T.A.R. Labs, Iris and I hurry over to Cisco's workshop where he would be setting up a device to stop Tony. "Cisco." I call out as Iris and I run in and pant heavily. "Is iZombie still behind you?" Cisco asks us as Iris and I bend over to catch our breath. "Good news is... We lured Tony back to S.T.A.R. Labs." Joe says and Iris and I nod. "Yeah, bad news is we lured Tony back to S.T.A.R. Labs." Iris says and I nod. "No, no, no, no, this is good. Ok, uh, side note, you both might wanna be on this side of the room, especially if you're wearing any jewelry or you have any metal plates in your body. Iris, Joe, and I look at him in confusion as to what he had just said. "The stray energy from the Accelerator reactivated Girder's brain, well, parts of it, anyway. "So, I disassembled our MRI machine to set up these electromagnets. So when Girder walks through that door, and gets caught in that field that they generate, it should disrupt the energy wave that turned him Abby Normal." Cisco says and I smile. "Like wiping a hard drive." I say and I walk over to Joe and Iris as Cisco says something and walks over to the panel. "Ok, now I can only maintain full power for a few seconds, so I can't actually turn this room on until he's in the room." Cisco says and we nod.

Soon, Tony walks into the room and looks at all of us as he grunts. "There he is. Hi." Cisco says and he turns the electromagnets on, and Tony groans in pain. The machine then powers down after a few seconds, not harming Tony at all and he turns to look at me and Iris. "Why don't it look like it's not working?" Joe asks as we all look at Tony. "Because it's not. Uh, let's get out of here?" Cisco says and I widen my eyes. I use my telekinesis to throw Tony to the side and the four of us dash out of the room. We dash into the Breach Room in a hurry as we see Harry and Henry as Henry rolls Jesse in. "Plans A through G did not work." Cisco says and Joe shuts the door to the room and locks it. "Do we have anything in here that can stop him?" Joe asks. "Barry could stop him if we could bring him back." Henry says. "We tried that already, Dr. Allen." Harry tells him. "We need to try it again." Joe says and I nod in agreement. "Somebody needs to try something, that door's not gonna hold." Cisco says and we hear Tony punch the door repeatedly. Dents appear on the door as Tony punches and I try to think of a way to bring Barry back, or at least to stop Tony. "Is there any other way out of here?" Joe asks. "No, the Breach Room was designed to be sealed off." Harry says. "Alright, look, if it's me and Tori he wants, we'll lead him away." Iris says grabbing my wrist and dragging me with her. "No, you won't." Joe says as he stops her. "Joe's right, Iris. That's a death wish in itself. We can't out run him forever." I say to her.

"Wait." I hear Cisco say and we all look at him. "I saw Barry, he had this look. What if we couldn't get him out of the Speed Force because he didn't wanna come back?" Cisco says. "Turn it on. We gotta try again."

The others just shake their heads telling him not to do it, "Any of you got a better idea?" Cisco asks and I start thinking. "When you look into the Speed Force, can someone else see into it, too?" Henry asks. "Well, as long as you're in physical contact with Ramon while he's vibing, then, yes." Harry says. "Let me do that. I can get Barry to come back." Henry says. "No." I say as I step forward and look at him as I put a hand on his arm. "Let me do it. Please?" I ask him and he nods as he looks at me with a smile. I walk up to Cisco as he looks at me with a nod, "Tori..." I hear Iris call me and I turn to her only to see her nod. I grab Cisco's hand and wait for him to touch the piece of fabric. Once he does, I gasp in shock and look around to see that I was in the blue vortex. I then see him standing there in his suit and I reach my hand out to him. "Barry." I call him and he turns to look at me. "Babe, it's time to go home." I say as I look at him. Barry lifts his arm and reaches out to grab my hand. I lean over just enough to barely brush my fingertips against his and it was up to him to close the gap as a fog had appeared between us. "Bar, you have to reach. We all need you to come back home. I need you to come back home." I say to him and he lunges forward, grabbing my hand.

The fog and blue vortex disappeared, and we were back in the Breach Room with Barry now with us. Barry spun me around and pressed my chest against his, connecting our lips for a kiss that had passion written all over it. "I thought I'd never see you again." I say as he pulls away slightly. "I told you I'd be fine." he says and I chuckle. "I'm so glad you're back, 'cause we're about to die." Cisco says to Barry. "Wait, what?" Barry asks and there was another bang at the door. "So..." Cisco tried to find the words to explain to Barry what was going on. "Girder..." Harry reminded him. "Girder came back to life and he's all Young Frankenstein now and he only recognizes Iris and Tori and they lured him to my workshop so we could demagnetize him but the machine shorted out so he's about to come through that door and smoosh us all into chunky salsa and possibly eat our brains. I don't know the jury's still out--" Barry cuts Cisco off. "Alright, I got it. Uh... I will lure him to your workshop and we figure out a way to turn the power back on, ok?" Barry tells Cisco. "Plan H." both Cisco and Harry say in unison and there was another bang at the door. The door then breaks open and Tony looks around for me and Iris. I suddenly feel Barry grab my hand and he speeds us out of the Breach Room. "Hey, Tony!" I call out and he turns to see me and Iris with Barry.

Barry speeds us away from Tony and into the workshop to see Harry and Cisco working on the magnet. "Hope you're ready, he's almost here." Barry says to the two. "Nope, not ready." Cisco says as he and Harry do something. "Power needs of these two electromagnets, too much for this wiring to handle." Harry says. "We're gonna need a really big extension cord." Cisco says as he walks over to Harry. "Alright, I'll see what I can do." Barry says as he turns to speed out, but Tony stands in front of the door. "Too late. He's here." I say with wide eyes as Iris and I back away. Tony's arms turn into metal and he swings at Barry, only for him to dodge the punch with his speed. Barry speeds to the side to dodge a punch, and Tony looks at Iris and I and makes his way over to us. Barry shoves Tony and he turns back to look at him angrily. Tony swings and hits Barry, throwing him back into the wall. "Barry." I say worriedly as I watch Tony walk up to him. "Tony. Tony, look, you were never my favorite person... But let's end this so you can finally rest." Barry says and he speeds around him. "He's using spin to charge the magnets." Cisco says as we all watch. "Like an electric turbine." Harry says and I watch as Tony groan is pain. Barry stops spinning and Tony looks at Iris and I, then falls to the ground, dead. 

I walk up to Barry and look at him as he pants exhaustedly, "Sorry, I got lost." Barry says and I smile at him as he stands up straighter and I wrap my arms around him. "It's ok. We found you." I say as I embrace him tightly and he does the same. "There is one more thing though." I say and he pulls away slightly to look at me confusingly. "Jesse was hit by the blast and she's not waking up." I say. "Ok, I think I can help." he says and we all head up to the Cortex to see Harry sitting next to Jesse in the medbay. "Barry. You should rest, you don't need to be here." Harry tells him. "No, that's just it. I think I do." Barry says as he walks up next to Jesse. Barry grabs Jesse's hand and I see sparks of his lightning flow into her. Suddenly, Jesse sighs and her eyes open as she looks up at Barry. "Hey." she says and we all look in amazement at what had just happened. "How did I get here?" she asks as she tries to sit up on the bed. Harry chuckles and hugs his daughter in relief, knowing that she was awake and safe. "How did you do that?" Henry asks Barry and I look over to him in wonder also. "Are you, like, magic, now?" Cisco asks him as we all looked at him. "Did you know that was gonna happen?" Iris asks him. "Maybe. It's hard to explain. It's..." Barry fades off as he shakes his head. "It's the Speed Force." Harry says and I look at him, then back at Barry still in astonishment. 

Barry changes out of his suit, into a pair of pants and his S.T.A.R. Labs sweatshirt, then he heads into the medbay with his dad as Henry checks his health while I waited in the Cortex. While I waited, I had called my dad and told him about getting Barry back to which he would want us to head over to the house once Barry's check up was done. When Barry and Henry walk out, they both look at me with huge smiles and I look at them confusingly. "What's with the smiles?" I ask them as they walk over to me. "I'm staying here." Henry tells me and I widen my eyes and smile widely as I throw my arms around him. "That's amazing! Oh my, God!" I say and Barry chuckles. "Oh, by the way, my dad wants to see you. I told him about what happened, but with Henry staying, he'll be ecstatic about that, too." I say and Barry nods. We then head over to my dad's and tell him the news about Henry staying, to which he brought out four beer bottles and we all talked. After a while, we were all exhausted and Barry and I headed home with Henry staying at a hotel until he could get all his stuff here, and find a place. Before we headed home, Barry took us to the cemetery where his mother was buried and we walked to his mom's grave. "Richard offered to take me, so many times. I always found an excuse to say no." Barry says as he pulls a bouquet of calla lilies from his backpack that he had brought and places them in front of Nora's grave. He then pulls out a book and I look at him as he looked back at me. "My mom and I read this when I was little." he says and I give him a small smile as he puts it in front of the grave. "Do you know it?" he asks me. "Yeah. It's a cute book." I say and he looks back at me with a smile. "It just pains me to see it again because it's about a mom who will always be there for their child, no matter what. I knew my mom loved me, like how Nora loved you, but they weren't there all the time." I say.

Barry stands up and walks over to me with a smile, "But we'll always be there for each other." he says and I look into his green eyes. "I'm seeing things a lot differently now. I wasted so much time being angry about what I had lost when I had so much." he says as he looks into my brown eyes. "My dad, Joe, Iris, Richard, and you." he says and I smile at him. "Tori, you're everything to me and you always have been. And the sound of your voice will always bring me home." Barry says and my smile grows wider. "And yours will always bring me home, too." I say and he leans in, kissing me tenderly as his arms wrap around me and mine wrap around him. I loved Barry Allen, and I'd do anything to spend the rest of my life with him, because he's my everything just as I'm his.

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