Manipulation (Sequel To Total...

By DijaMohd

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Sequel to Total Control This starts off with a new start for the reader. It's been almost five years since he... More

A New Begining
A Hesitant Introduction
Another Birthday
An Old 'Friend'
Stuck In A Loop
Not the Dark I remember pt. 1
Not the Dark I remember pt. 2
Back and Forth
Eye Opener
A/a AGAIN!!!!!!
Demon Business
Resolving Mistakes
Dark's Here
You Can't Run, nor Hide
The Past catches up
Third Book

A New Friend

1.5K 58 118
By DijaMohd

Your POV

"And as always, I'll see all of you lovelies in the next video, and hopefully in the new recording room" I said to the camera, looking around at myself sitting on the floor of my bedroom.
"But until the next one, Byee! " I chirped waving at the camera with both hands. Then stopping the recording and getting up from the floor and heading to my computer. There wasn't much that needed to be edited, in fact I can get away with not editing it. Plus, it'll save time, so why not.

I felt slightly guilty that I haven't had the new setup ready yet. I mean, they've been nothing but understanding and patient but still, it's been three weeks, plus I've had help. I am grateful for Mark's help but it's tiring keeping my guard up when he's around. And he's around a lot, and I don't know why. He has no obligation to me, we barely know each other. He doesn't remember who I am, why would he want to spend this much time with me.

And he was honest when he said he doesn't live far. He's only about a block or less away. The fact troubles me honestly, knowing that Dark is so close to me and knows that I'm here, even if he doesn't know it's me.

I puffed my cheeks, exhaling deeply and ran my fingers through my hair. There really is nothing I can do about Mark. He's stubborn and persistent, but sweet and kind, he means well. Much like someone I used to know. That's another reason I don't want him around.

I set the vlog to upload and caught the time; 12:47. That explains why I'm hungry.

I walked out, my goal; the fridge. A nice cold drink and something to munch on was the first thing on my mind. I went into my glorious open kitchen. God I love this kitchen. I dug into the fridge, pulling out a cold canned Sprite and making a quick sandwhich. My go to thing for a bite.

I turned to go settle on the couch until a certain someone jumped out in front of me. I screamed and out of reflex, went to punch him but I had a sandwhich in my hand. So I ended up sandwhiching him.

"Well, that's a first" he said calmly, wiping he side of his face.
"What the fuck is wrong with you! " I yelled punching his shoulder. He fake pouted as if he was seriously hurt.
"Look what you made me do! " I complained. He started laughing.
"Mark, you're lucky you have a pretty face" I threatened, making him laugh even more.
I growled at him, raising my fist as if I was going to punch him again.
"OK, OK, calm down. I'll make you another" he said, putting his hands up as if surrendering and went into the kitchen. Immediately grabbing everything to make another sandwhich, since everything was in sight, he had no trouble.
"When did you even get here? How did you? " I asked.
"Ten minutes ago and the door was unlocked " he answered bringing the newly made sandwhich.
"Thank you" I said and took the plate from him and he made a face, mocking me. I teased him and he teased back.

"Can't ever be mature, can you? " I said and he gave me a look.
"Yeah, you can't" I answered my own question.
"I can when I want to" he whined
"Example, right there, no maturity" he stuck his tongue at me childishly again.

"So when are we gonna get to this? " he asked.
"Lemme finish" I retorted with a mouthful of sandwhich. He snickered as I finished and when to put my plate in the sink. I gulped down the rest of my sprite and motioned him to get off his ass. Yes, he's here to help set up the rest of the recording room, and yes, I told him I could handle it. And no, he didn't listen to me, as per usual.

Just then, my phone started ringing. Seeing it was Jamie, I instructed
"Just go get the foam pads out, I'll be there in a minute" he nodded and I answered the phone.

"Hello" I said 'sophisticatedly'
"Hey boo boo" she chirped, chipper as always.
"What's up? "
"Just callin' to ask how things are going" she said but I know her.
"You never call for things like that, there's always a specific reason, so spill" I stated with a smirk, even though she couldn't see it.
"OK, alright...are you coming back for your birthday? " she asked, getting straight to it. I sighed audibly.
"James, I told you already"
"So, you didn't change your mind " she sound hopeful more than anything.
"I can't, I still have a lot to do and that's in two days, it's literally impossible"
"No, you still have time to book a ticket"
"Not what I meant" I said
"I'm sorry OK, next time" I added
"You mean next year" she huffed annoyed.
"I'll visit for your birthday, OK? " I bargained since her birthday was about 4 months away.
"But, that's so long" she complained.
"Please understand " I practically begged.
"OK" I heard her sigh.
"We'll see each other soon, ok. And no birthday presents in the mail! " I demanded.
"You have no power here" she laughed referencing Lord of the Rings, one of our favourite movies.
"Prepare to be gifted! " she exclaimed
"That's your worst threat ever" I snickered
"I know" she laughed. I heard someone about in the background, as if calling her.
"Oh, I gotta go, babe and I are going out " she explained.
"Well have fun you lovebirds "
"You will be here for our wedding right? " she asked
"Of course, wouldn't miss it for the world" I said.
"So if we-"
"Don't even think about it" I said knowing what she was going to say. She chuckled and said
"Alright, I really have to go, bye boo"
"Bye bye bae " I giggled as did she. It's like we're in a relationship sometimes. But it's humorous to us, her fiancé thought we were a couple when he first met me. That was funny.

I placed down my phone and turned to get the shit scared out of me again.
"Fuck, Mark. Stop it! " I breathed, hitting him again. He didn't say anything.
"Mark? " I questioned.
"Friday's your birthday! " he blurted out after a bit of silence.
"Uhmm... Noo... " yes, I lied.
"Don't lie, I heard" he stated.
"Ok, yes, but I don't -" he cut me off
"Oohhh, let's celebrate! We'll go out, my treat. I'll carry you anywhere and anything you want, my present to you. It'll be so much fun " he rambled out.

"I don't like to celebrate my birthday " I simply said.
"What? Why? " he asked, clearly concerned. Like I said, I haven't forgotten. Not in the least.
"I just don't like to" I repeated softly, locking my gaze to the floor. Remembering everything that happened after that one birthday.

I felt his thumb brush across my cheek, wiping away a tear I didn't realize was there.

"I'm sorry" he said, gently pulling me into a hug. I hugged back hesitantly.
"It's fine, I'm ok " I said, pulling away.
"You sure? " he asked tilting his head down to look straight at me.
"Yeah" I smiled and nodded.
He sighed in a manner that implied
'If you say so'

A brief silence fell over us until he said
"But you're not spending it alone" I smiled at him but internally, all I wanted to do was kick him out and tell him no. Then run as far as I can. But I couldn't. How could I do that when he has been nothing but nice and sweet?

I'm worried to say the least.

But it's not Mark I'm worried about.

~~~Le next day~~~

Mark flopped down on my couch, stomach first as he let out a tired sigh.
"Well that took longer than expected" he mumbled into the cushions.
"Well if someone hadn't been goofing off with the foam pads, we would've finished faster" I teased as I threw a bottle of water at him. It hit his back and he grunted as if hurt so painfully. I knew it didn't.
"Pft, you had fun, admit it " he chortled.
"Yeah, I did" I admitted and he gave a sideways grin to me as he sat up.
"Foamy McFoamerton " I laughed and he repeated something the said while playing around
"YOU KIDS BETTER HAVE THE NECESSARY QUALIFICATIONS TO HANDLE's a very delicate process and takes extra care to be handled"
"You're insane" I laughed and he chuckled.

"Shouldn't you be working? " I asked turning to wash the couple of dishes we used when we ate.
"It's good to take a break, do you ever stop? " he answered, asking a question of his own. I shrugged and continued with my back turned to his direction.
"Hey, got the time? " I asked.
"Uh yeah, itssss...6:48" he answered.
"Shouldn't you at least being going home then? " I chuckled.
"Meh" was all he said.
I heard him pull a chair from the island in my kitchen to sit.

"Mark? " I asked softly.
"Yea? " he answered. I took a deep breath and asked what had been in my mind for the three weeks we've known each other.
"Why are you so nice to me? "
He hesitated to answer and I turned to face him, leaning on the counter behind me. He didn't look like he had an answer.
"It's only been three weeks, I know you're a nice person by nature but I doubt you're like this with everyone you meet. So I ask again, why? "

Mark POV

It felt like y/n peered into my soul, waiting for my answer. I wracked my brain for something, anything but the fact that I may have liked her. Yes, I know, three weeks isn't long but it's said that a guy falls for a girl faster than a girl falls for a guy. And it might scare her off, I mean, yes, she is a fan. It would be all she'd want to hear but she's human. And I like her, I don't want to make things weird. But the way her eyes are fixed on me right now, I might just have to tell her. I could maybe twist the meaning for her, to make it less awkward on my part.

"You are by far the most stupid and pathetic person I've ever seen"
"Shut up Dark"

He's a peach, isn't he? Fucking asshole.

"Mark? " she said, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Uhh...heh.. I uh" I dropped my head down, avoiding her gaze. I have no choice here.
"Don't take it in a weird way, but I you. I mean, you're a likable person, it's kinda hard not to like you " I laughed nervously and slightly embarrassed.

"Idiot" Dark scoffed.
"Shut up" I growled back at him.

I think I heard a relieving sigh from her before she joked
"You're so weird" God, her laugh is so perfect.
"Am not" I whined like a child making her laugh again.
"If you say so" she shrugged
"But seriously, you are really sweet. I don't know how anyone could ever let you go" I held my tongue right after saying that.

She hasn't talked much about her past, but I figured that it wasn't all happiness and rainbows. Especially with how she's cautious all the time, even around me.

"What? What do you mean? " she asked, furrowing her eyebrows.
"Uhm, y'know, I just thought..." I trailed off.
"Thought what? " she asked. God, she's persistent.
"Y'know, how you're so distant and careful. I figured that something bad had to have happened to you in your past" her eyes seemed to hold panic. As if she was suddenly scared out of her mind of me.
"What do you think happened? " she asked reluctantly and shakily.

"I..don't know...but if I had to guess. Someone hurt you, maybe broke your heart. Now you don't trust anyone easily " it was my theory.

She looked as though she was relaxed with that answer. Almost relieved.
"Was I right? " I asked.
"No, you weren't. It was..just...rough back then" she said softly. I could see a wash of memories flood her mind. I could tell they were painful, her eyes and demeanor showed it. To say I felt guilty for bringing it up would be an understatement.

I was about to speak again but she shook away or hid her feelings, in hopes I wouldn't notice.

"I'm so sorry" I apologized, disheartened. Seeing her sad is the worst.
"It's OK, besides, I don't need anyone to look after me" she said jokingly while putting on an independent voice.
"I don't know, but I think I can change your mind on that" I winked and wiggled my eyebrows. She snickered and turned around again to finish the dishes.
"Don't even try, I'll kick your ass" she giggled.

"Pft, you'd never, you love me to much, fangirl" I teased looking down at my phone, fiddling, not really doing anything on it.
"Try me buddy" she snickered her retort at me.
"Aww, don't be like that Doll" I spat back playfully. She remained silent for a moment then aksed softly
"W-what did you say? "
My face flushed red as I tried to bury my face down further.
"Why did you call me that? " she asked again and I felt my cheeks heat up. Reason being, I thought she was gorgeous and perfect, just like a Doll would be.

I chuckled to myself, thinking of her reaction if I actually told her that from the getgo. She might turn red.

"Why did you say that?! " she shouted, making me jump. My eyes darted to her, seeing an unexpected scene. She was backed up against the sink and her eyes were filled with fear. She wasn't red, the farthest thing from it actually. She was pale, white as if she just saw a ghost.

"Y/n, what's wrong? " I asked worried and stood to my feet, she flinched.
"Y/n, calm down" I said taking a step toward her but was stopped dead in my track as she yelled
"Stay away from me! " and held up her hand, pointing a knife at me.
My feet stopped abruptly as I lifted my hands in a manner of surrender.
"Woah, hey, take it easy, it just me, Mark"
"Why did you say that? " she questioned again, her voice cracking as she wanted to start sobbing.
"I.. Uh.." I stuttered
"Why!? " she shouted, gripping the knife tighter in both hands.
"Because you're beautiful like a doll" I said quickly before she decided on stabbing me or something.

She let out a breath and lowered the knife. I went to approach her again but she backed away, jamming the counter as much she could.

"I'm not gonna hurt you" I stated and cautiously stepped to her. She flinched but I kept my standing and gently took her hand in mind, taking the knife from her and placing it in it's place.
"It's OK, just tell me what happened " I said holding her shoulders.

"Don' me that again" she stated softly and shakily.
"Ok, I won't, I'm sorry I didn't mean t-"
"You should go" she interrupted trying to slip away from me. I stopped her.
"No, I can't leave you here like this" I protested
"Please go" she said, trying to push past me.
"No, I don't want to leave with you like this" I insisted, grabbing her hand
"And I don't want you here with me" she raised her voice harshly and jerked her hand away. I was more than taken aback. She didn't look like the aggressive type of person, so for her to speak like that. It was surprising.

"I'm sorry... I just need to be alone right now" she said softly.
I didn't want to leave, but I didn't want her upset with me either. So I just agreed to go.
"Alright, but if you want me to come over, just call me OK? " she nodded but said nothing.
"Ok, I'll see you " I said
Again, nothing.
"Ok, bye" I said finally and left without getting a response. I don't blame her, she seemed really shaken up.

She clearly didn't want me there, but I felt horrible leaving her alone nonetheless. On my way home, my brain wrecked itself trying to think of a reason why. What would be so bad that happened that it would cause her to act that way.

Your POV

I breathed a sigh of relief once I heard the door click closed. Thank God he left. I thought during all these years, I had no fear of Dark anymore. I thought I had become strong enough to not let him get to me like he once did. But now, just the mere thought of him being back made me realise that I am still that scared little girl I was five years ago. I became so afraid just at the idea that he was back. So scared that I actually held a knife to the one person whose been so sweet since I got here.

I had blacked out completely, I don't even remember picking up that knife.

"How could I threaten Mark like that? He's been nothing but nice" I said to myself. I shook my head, doubting myself.
"No, I thought it was Dark"
"They're the same person! " I told myself.
"Great, I talking to myself now" I said realizing that I was alone.

I paced up and down in the kitchen, wrecking my brain and trying to calm down. I finally stopped and gripped the edge of the table. Knuckles white and heart in my throat. That voice played like a stuck record in my head.

He called me Doll, so did Dark. Dark's reasoning was still unknown to me, but didn't he start saying 'Baby Doll' after a while. Probably meant the same thing. I highly doubt his reasoning was not the same as Mark's. Definitely not because he thought I was -

My train of thought stopped as it hit me.

"Mark thinks I'm pretty? " I questioned myself. I almost smiled at the thought but a wretched reminder stuck through me like a spear. Jogging my memory of what Dark was capable of. And why I never let anyone that close to me ever again.

"What if Mark likes me? What will Dark do to him? " I shuddered, feeling a shiver crawl up my spine.
"Calm down, you don't even know if he recognizes you" I comforted myself.
"Either way, I'm not risking it. I can't let Mark make me lower my guard" I stopped, seeing that I was talking to myself again.
"I'm going fucking insane" I muttered leaving the kitchen and going to the couch.

Maybe some tv will be enough to distract me.

**Time skip till le mornin'**

The incessant banging on my door was getting rather annoying. Ok, a bit exaggerated, it was just a normal knocking but everything is 100x more annoying when you're trying to sleep, even if it's your favorite song. But I guess I do have to get up.

I groggily dragged myself downstairs and to the door. So glad I slept in long clothes so I didn't have to change. And of course I knew who it was. He's literally my only friend out here. Mostly cuz I haven't been able to get out often.

As soon as I opened the door, I didn't even have the time to set my eyes on him. Immediately, I was enwrapped in a warm embrace. Mark hugged me closely, closer than he ever did. It felt like if he was latched onto me. As if he was afraid if he let go or slip up, one of us would float away.

"Um...hi to you too? " I said not really knowing what to say.
"Are you OK? " he asked, pulling away and looking straight into my soul, not even replying to me.
"I should be asking you that" I said.
He still waited for my answer.
"I'm fine Mark" I replied. A wave of relief seemed to wash over him. His shoulders relaxed and he briefly closed his eyes.
"Thank God " he muttered softly.
"What's wrong? What happened? " I asked, guiding him inside and sitting him on the couch.

"Uh...I..Uh..I called, you didn't answer, guess I got worried" he said but something told me that wasn't the whole truth.
"Sorry, guess I was sound asleep" I said not pushing for more.
"It's fine, but you're ok, that's what I needed to hear " he said and it remained silent for a moment.

He cleared his throat then shot me a slanted smile.
"What? " I inquired.
"Oh nothing except.."
"Except? " my eyebrow raised.
He grinned lopsidedly then exclaimed
"Happy birthday! " and threw his arms around me. This hug felt more like the laid back, joyful one, not like the one he pulled me into before. A one of desperation and fear.

"You actually remembered" I snickered as we parted.
"Well of course I did" he said looking at me as if I was crazy to think he'd forget.
"How old? " he asked, propping his head in his hands. I giggled.
"21, don't you dare say that meme. I don't drink and I hate clubbing, before you ask" I informed.
"I won't, can't drink, not too fond of clubs myself and haha, I'm 28, I'm older than you" he replied.

I leaned back, teasing him, before asking
"So, what are you gonna force me to do? "
"Well, didn't really think I'd get this far. How bout breakfast first and foremost? " he offered.
"Sure, where? " I asked.
"I'll make something for you " he said.

The only person who ever made breakfast for me was my mom. So Mark offering was more than flattering.

He strutted off into the kitchen but then became lost, because he didn't know where anything was. I got up and helped him get whatever it is he needed. And all through it, he had this smile that could melt any person's heart. It made me smile, myself.

But that didn't mean I lowered my guard, in fact, I kept it up higher.

Dark POV


OMG, what was that ending?
I'm mischievous, understand that.
So, how do ya think it's going so far? I know there's isn't much Dark yet but patience my young ones. The time will come.

Look at me calling you guys 'my young ones ' , so many of you might be older than me. I'm 17 btw, birthday is already gone for this year. (Born in 2000) shocking, I know. Now forget about that.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed, more to come, but until then, BYYEE!!

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