A Collection of Stories

By JaneKiley713

4.1K 104 6

Hello my lovelies! It's me again. So, this is a collection of stories that either are currently in my head a... More

A Collection of Stories
More Than A Name Yours Too
Love Actually
Love Actually
Love Actually
Love Actually
Love Actually
Trust Me
Anonymous II
Anonymous II
Elementals II
Elementals II
Elementals II
Immortal Love
Immortal Love
Immortal Love
Immortal Love
Immortal Love
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
One Year
One Year
One Year
One Year
One Year
One Year
One Year
One Year
Loving Mr. Billionaire
Loving Mr. Billionaire
Loving Mr. Billionaire
The Fake Engagement
Begin Again (First Draft)
Begin Again (Story)
The Royals
Recent Events

Immortal Love

35 2 0
By JaneKiley713

A/N: Immortal Love is the first Manuscript of Star-Crossed






Nothing can last forever Anastasia

Ever since Christmas, Vincent and I were almost inseparable. We made a life for ourselves, spending every moment we could together. There were days that he would spend it with Grandpa and the rest of the family, figuring out plans to keep me safe. There were nights that I would stay up late, sitting out in the garden and cried. I just couldn’t stay this far away from everyone that loved me; that loved Vincent. But at the same time, they didn’t want me to marry Vincent, the love of my life.


I stood in the doorway that led out to the back, Vincent’s large, flannel button-up shirt hanging open, showing my tank top and panties. I closed my eyes, letting the warmth of the sun, warm my skin. Vincent had been away for almost a week now, and I missed him. Aunt Natalie would come and visit from time to time, but I wanted Vincent, I wanted my little piece of heaven. I hear footsteps from behind and two familiar arms wrap around my waist. I felt him press his lips to my neck, drawing me against his chest. I reached behind and slipped a hand into his hair and rested the other on his hands.

“Sweetheart, I am so sorry. I know I was away for too long. Jacob and I started talking about stuff and we couldn’t stop.” He whispered against my skin. I leaned into him, biting my lip. God I missed him—I missed this so much.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. “You were gone almost a week. I thought Calliope got you. Nobody would let me call you.” I whispered. “Please don’t leave that long again, I missed you.”

He nodded and lifted me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. “I missed you too, Ana.” He whispered, holding me close. I ran my fingers through his hair, kissing every part of his face. He closed his eyes and held me close, backing me into the doorframe. I leaned down and kissed his lips softly, cupping his cheek with one hand and resting the other on the side of his neck. He slipped his hands under my shirt, slipping his tongue into my mouth. I moaned and pulled back slightly, smiling at him.

He smiled back and started to lean in again. I giggled and wormed out of his arms, and ran away, teasing him. He growled and ran after me, trying to catch me. I ran around the house and out into the back yard, where he tackled me to the ground, grinning as he straddled me. I giggled and pulled him close, kissing him again. He kissed me back, lying on top of me. Vincent slipped his lips to my neck and kissed it, then trailed a line of kisses down my neck, to my chest, and to my stomach. He stopped kissing it and looked up at me, running a hand over my stomach. He scooted up and laid next to me, running a hand through my hair.

“Ana, I’ve been thinking about something.” He whispered, looking at me. “What if we’re pregnant?” He whispered.

I stilled and looked down at my stomach. It could be true. We haven’t exactly been using any protection or anything. “I—I don’t know.” I whispered, folding my hands over my stomach. Vincent picked me up and carried me into the house, setting me down inside the bathroom.

“Juliet—Juliet told me that there was a pregnancy under the sink. Avery—Avery must have found about us doing it—or Juliet did…” He rambled on nervously. I sank down onto the toilet cover, numb with fear.

Vincent looked at me when I never said anything. He knelt in front of me, taking my face in his hands. “Baby, It’s gonna be okay. I promise.” He whispered. I nodded numbly, holding my stomach. He kissed my forehead softly, reaching behind him and grabbing the box.

Ana, if I could pee on this for you, I would. But I can’t. You need to do this for us, okay?

I nodded and took the box from him. I did as the instructions said and waited until the timer went off.


I paced anxiously as I waited for the timer to ding. Ana was terrified of what might be, and I didn’t know how to comfort her. I jumped and grabbed the stick when the timer dinged. I looked at the sign and sighed in relief. No baby. I looked at Ana and scooped her into my arms, kissing her softly.

She looked at me, wrapping her arms around my neck. “No baby?” She whispered. I nodded and kissed her hair, so relieved. She relaxed in my arms and hugged me tight, nuzzling my neck. “God, I’ve never been so relieved in my life.” She whispered. I nodded and held her close.

“We’ll use protection from now on, I promise.” I whispered in her ear. She looked at me and nodded, kissed me softly. I kissed her back, setting her on the counter. She wrapped her legs around me, pulling me closer.

I reached over her head and fumbled around for a condom box or something. Ana pulled back and grabbed a box. I read the label and pulled the box of pills out for her. She took one and pulled me close, kissing me again. I picked her up and rushed her upstairs. I placed her on the bed and stripped down to my boxers, Ana smiled and got up, walking over to me. She played with my waist band, her fingers brushing lower than it every now and then.

She stretched up on her tiptoes and smiled softly at me. “Catch me.” She whispered before she ran away, again. I moaned and ran after her, following the sound of her footsteps. I lost her for a moment, stopping dead in my tracks. Then I heard Ana, and a few more voices.

Then she screamed.

I sprinted towards her voice, cursing the entire time. Calliope and Cronus found us. Dammit, I was so stupid. She screamed again, making my chest tighten. I found them in the living room, Ana on the ground, writhing in pain. Calliope smirked focusing her attention on Ana. Cronus stood behind Calliope, a sword or something in his hand.

Ana looked up at me, tears streaming out of her eyes. “V,” She cried, clutching her head. I took a breath and looked at Calliope, my eyes blazing with hatred.

“Stop, Calliope. Take me, not her. You can do whatever you want to me, I don’t care. Just let her go.” I said, no, I growled.

Calliope looked at me and smirked more, stretching her hand out to Cronus. “Hmm, I don’t think you’ll like what I do when I let her go.” She said, taking the sword from him. “Because you see, I had my son create this weapon that can kill Immortals, so Daddy doesn’t get his hands dirty.” She said, looking at Ana. “And this pretty young thing is the down fall of everything I’ve worked so hard for.” She said, trailing the tip of the blade down Ana’s leg. She cried out and clutched her leg, unable to move from the ground. I stared at Ana as I urgently sent Dad a message in my mind.

Dad, we’re in Rome. Calliope found us, she’s going to kill Ana, and I mean now. I need you, Dad.

Calliope reached down and pulled Ana up by her hair, wrapping her free arm around her neck. “You have two choices, Vincent. You can help me rule the new order and watch your love become a martyr for the old, or die with her.”

I growled and looked at Ana. There was no way I was going to live without her, even if it destroyed Mom and Dad. “You can go to hell.” I spat. Calliope’s smirked dropped as she prodded Ana’s side with the blade.

“Your choice, and tell your parents this, Vincent.” She thrust the sword into Ana’s side, not bothering to take it out. “I win.” She said before disappearing with Cronus. I ran to Ana and caught her before she fell to the ground. Her breaths were ragged and shallow. I pulled the sword out and laid her on the ground, pressing on the wound as hard as I could.

“Ana, don’t die, please. Stay with me, please sweetie. Ethan and Dad and Griffin are gonna be here and we’re gonna get you back to Olympus and you’re gonna live.” I said, pressing harder to stop the blood flow. She stared at me, pulling my head down and kissing my lips softly.

“I love you, V.” She whispered. “I’ll be right here.” She whispered, tapping my heart. I heard several footsteps in the room and saw Griffin and Ethan kneel across from me, pushing my hands away.

They started healing her as I felt two gentle hands pull me up and wrap their arms around me. Mom and Elyzabeth held me, murmuring comforting stuff to me. But I didn’t listen to them. I just stared at Ana, running everything over in my head. I could’ve stopped this. 

I could’ve taken her place.

I heard Dad talking to Mom about something, something about Ana and me. I watched Griffin and Ethan lift Ana up and disappear with her. I pushed away from them and looked at dad. “Where are they taking her, Dad?” I whispered, trying not to cry or anything.

“Back to Olympus, go with them, Vincent.” He said softly. I nodded and transported to Olympus, easily finding Ana and her family. I pushed my way into the room and next to the bed. Her eyes were closed and there was a blood stain on her shirt. I looked at Ethan and Griffin, keeping my fists clenched at my sides.

“Is she dead?” I whispered to her dad. He took a deep breath and looked at me.

“We stopped the poison, but she’s not waking up. She’s still breathing, so there’s a good chance she’ll come back.” He whispered.

I looked at Ana, taking a deep breath. “Can I try something?” I whispered. Griffin nodded and I made my way over to Ana. I crouched down and took her hand, kissing her knuckles. I leaned in and kissed her softly, praying that this would work. After a few moment of nothing, I kissed her harder, I was desperate. I needed Ana back because I was going crazy without her.

After several moments, I felt gentle hands pry me away from Ana. I felt tears stream down my cheeks as I was pulled out of the room. I looked at the person dragging me. Avery. I stopped her and pulled her into a hug, needing a shoulder to cry on. She held me, murmuring reassuring words in my ear. I cried into her shoulder, wishing she was Ana, or my mom.

Someone I needed badly. Avery ran her hands through my hair soothingly, rocking me gently. I cried harder, the tears unable to stop.

“I—I screwed up, Avery. I p-p-promised her Calliope wouldn’t h-hurt her. But—But I let her get to Ana.” I rambled between hiccups. She kissed my forehead, running her fingers through my hair.

“Vincent, calm down. She’s going to make it back to you. You are her reason, understand me?” She said softly, but sternly. I nodded and wiped my cheeks. “So stop crying, okay? It’s not going to bring her back any faster.”

I stared at the door as her mother gently closed the doors. My heart was broken in two. I needed Anastasia back in my arms.

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