
By Skalem

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Alice is a talented champion of archery and has just won a place in the nationals. But once her curiosity tak... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 5

717 25 2
By Skalem

Chapter 5

I closed the door behind me and studied my environment. As well the walls was made of wood and a big window was placed to the right with curtains. In the middle was a poster bed and in front princess Isadora stood. She had blonde wavy hair and a red dress with marks of lace everywhere. On her head was a beautiful crown made of silver placed. “Your Highness asked for me?” I said and tried to bow like a man. She had a horrified look on her face. “Dear lord, what happened to your face?” She went forward to touch my black eye and I winced by pain. She was not shy, that I could tell. “You need care right away” She said and called for a servant. “Please, your highness, I'm alright” I said and stopped her from reaching the door. When I realised that I had touched her without permission I stepped back and didn't dare to look her in the eye. Isadora smiled kindly at me. “No need to feel embarrassed by my presence, sir Keen” “What was your request, your highness?” Her eyes showed a hint of admiration before she spoke. “I had the honor to see the contest and I was quite impressed” She walked and sat in the armchair beside the window. I gave her a questioning look. “I guess you must think what the princess is doing here in Leen, so far away from home. I took a trip and heard about the contest during my visit here” She didn't budge her eyes from mine. “My father thinks I need more guards. For my safety of course. I disagree with him and the only way out was if I found one new instead of him” Now she moved her gaze to the window. “I took my trip to Leen and found you. You are very brilliant with the bow” Though my body stood still and you would believe I wasn't listening you are wrong. My mind went so fast through its thoughts that I would believe it was training for a marathon. “And you want me to be your new guard, your highness?” I wasn't sure if that was what she meant. I'm just a girl, not that she would know, and have never been to a real fight until recently and that one I lost. “You are correct, Yuric Keen. My proposition for you is a place in my personal guard at the palace” “But... I can't handle a sword” “Oh, but there will be plenty of other guards to help you with that. You are a professional with the bow so I am in no need to worry” She gave me one of her kindly smile again. There really was something special about her smiles that made it impossible to say no. No, I can't do this. I can't leave Phee like this. She and her mother had welcomed me in their home and not even complaint once. “You seem like a such gentleman and it would be an honor for me to have you there” She had now stood up from her chair and made towards to me. She stroked my arm in a gentle manner and I recognised the sparkle in her eyes. Was she flirting with me? Do princesses usually tend to do this? I can't get involved with her, she must be at least seventeen. She's too young for me, and what am I thinking? I'm a girl and I like boys. I have to act like a boy, not think like one. I didn't know what to say with her stroking all over me. “What is your answer?” “I accept your offer, your highness” My tongue spoke for itself and I wanted to take back what I said. But I couldn't. She smiled back at me and returned it. “I'm very glad. I will send an escort to your home so you can be on your way” I thanked her once more for her offer and went out the door. Seems like this adventure is going to led me somewhere really special.

* * *

Phee wasn't talking to me for the next two days. After I told her about my offer she got upset and begged me to stay. “What about you're home?” She said, referring to the forest and the hole. “Are you going to give it up?” “Of course not, but Phee let's be honest. It's been a month and we haven't still even figured out why I was sent here in the first place. It's time to realize that I'll never be going home” “Then why keep this act?” “It was an offer from the princess and I would be an idiot to not accept!” “An offer for Yuric Keen, not Alice Perkinson!” “And I am Yuric!” “No, you're just an act. I can't believe you're giving up like that” Those last words she spit on my face before she walked away. “At least I'm getting my adventure!” I screamed after her, but I knew it was too late. Was it wrong for me to leave? No, I was offered because of my talent and nothing else. If I was to stay here in Tahol, I'm going to make my visit memorable. The night before my departure I wanted to make up with Phee.

“Have you seen her anywhere?” I asked her mother. “No, but try ask Tom. I think he's still in the stable” I went there and found him preparing the horse for the night. “Have you seen Phee? I still feel bad about our fight” He shook his head. “Sorry. It's a shame you have to leave, though” “Not you as well, Tom” I couldn't take anymore people begging me to stay. This was an incredible opportunity for me. I had gotten well-known in Peripitur after the contest and people soon knew my name and face everywhere I went. Well, they knew me as Yuric Keen and not Alice. When the rumour about my offer from the princess had spread some came forward to give me their wishes. But most of them gave their wishes about me staying. “We could use someone like you to help with the hunting” Were the most common sentence. I didn't dare say that I haven't even killed an animal so I would be pretty useless.

“But it is true, Alice. You've been a good friend around here” Tom said and looked at me. “It was hard hearing you not feeling same about me, but other than that you've been a good friend to me. And to Phee” I sighed, feeling my backbone shrink. “Will you please tell Phee that I'm sorry for doing this and I will write to her everyday” “You know she can't read” “Then let someone read it to her, I don't care” I began to head towards the exit. “And please tell her she's truly my best friend. I have no idea where I would be if it weren't for her” Tom promised he would give her the message. I went to the house to finish the little packing I had. The next morning I had still not seen Phee and my heart sank in my chest. I was heading for the door when the knock came. “I'm sir Valentin. Princess Isadora sent me for Yuric Keen?” My wide gaze took him in and I gaped. He was a big man, about forty I presume. He wore knightly accoutrements, not the armour then. On his chest the symbol of a lion with a heart was shown. “I'm Yuric” I said and shook his hand. “Nice to meet you, lad. I've heard about your talent” He smiled at me kindly and I blushed. “For a kid it's not bad” “So I've been told”

Along with him was two horses with saddle bags strapped. They were very heavy packed and I was amazed how the horses could carry the weight. “The journey back to Heddel is a long trip. We need all the supplies we can get” Valentin said and clapped one of the bags. Heddel was the capital of Tahol. I've heard stories about the town from Phee and other about how big it is. Phee used to say that it's supposed to be so big that you needed a day to walk from one end to the other. “Right. Shall we move then?” I asked Valentin and saw Phee's mother walk to me. She gave me a hug. “I hope you'll have a safe trip and the adventure you deserve, dear Alice” She whispered in my ear and I hugged her tighter. “Thank you. Still no sign of Phee?” I asked her with hope in my voice. She shook her head and disappointment washed over me. I hated for us to part like this. I heaved myself up on the horse and we were on our way.

* * *

The sun was high on the sky and my mouth was dry by the lack of water the last couples of hours. “You're not used to travel this far?” I heard Valentin ask and I shook my head. “Let's stop. I don't want to deliver a dead knight to the princess” He said and smiled. We found a spot below a few trees, protected from the sun. Valentin reached for his bottle and offered it. “Thanks” I said and took a few sips. God, that tasted good. “So, Yuric Keen. I've never known anyone with that name” Valentin said. “Glad I'm the first one” I said and he laughed. I smiled at him.

“I did actually know a man called Nirm” Valentin took a sip. “True story” “Did he like worms?” I said and tried to sound funny. He gave me a questioning look. “You know? Nirm, worm. Rhymes”

“I recall he used to find the subject fascinating” He said after a while. We were quiet, then suddenly one of the bags started to move. “Bloody raccoon!” I heard he mumble. “Excuse me?” “Not you, but I've encountered a few times different kinds of animals has sneaked inside the bags on my other travels. Possibly another raccoon” Valentin opened the bag and I heard him curse once more. I walked over to him and got my surprise of the day. “Phee!” I exclaimed and she climbed out. “What are you doing?” Phee jumped on me and squeezed me tight. “I'm sorry for yelling before”

I loosened her limbs and she fell to the ground. “I'm sorry too, but what are you doing here, hiding in a bag?” I asked her once more. Valentin stood beside me and seemed utterly confused.

“I heard you talk to Tom and...” “What? Tom said he didn't knew where you were?” “I know. I made him lie or else I would have him fired, but...” “Phee!” I exclaimed and now sounding very surprised. “What?” “I didn't even knew you had that in you, to be mean” “I wasn't going to let him get fired. I just wanted him to keep quiet” “Well, go on with your explanation” Phee took a long sip of air before she began. “I was hiding in the loft, above the stables when I heard you come, and do you really think I'm your best friend?” She was smiling her brightest smile and I blushed. “Well... eh... you heard my speech” I said very quiet, careful not to let Valentin hear. Phee gave me another hug. “Promise we will never fight again” “I promise” “Can we go home now?” I gave her an odd look. “Phee, I'm not going home” “Fine, then I'll come with you” “Out of question! You're going straight home” “But I don't know my way and you have no time to lead me”

I sighed and closed my eyes. She was right. We were hours from home and I didn't have time to turn around. I didn't know what to do. I don't believe they have some kind of daycare in Heddel. I turned to Valentin with a questioning look. He bowed before us. “It seems to be that young lady ...” “Phee” “lady Phee will be travelling with us to Heddel” He smiled to both of us and I gave him a thankful smile. Phee squeaked and jumped with excitement. “I will be on my best behaviour, sir” She said, wanting to reassure us and gave us a serious look. “I have no doubt, my lady” Valentin said and smiled at her.

* * *

It was night and we had chosen to camp at the edge of a forest. “It's hard to see in the dark, but if you look closely you see the Ural mountains beyond the trees” Valentin said and pointed out the direction. “Does it have a story?” Phee asked, her eyes shining with admire. “There's no story, but we know that the troll's are its residents” I raised my eyebrows at his answer. There were trolls here as well?

“Are they evil?” I heard Phee ask. “If you keep your feet outside their territory they don't bite. But the forbidding forest is keeping them at bend for entering our side” I coughed. “Forbidding forest?” I stuttered. “Oh yes, the forest you see here is supposed to be the forbidding one” Valentin said and gestured at the forest before our eyes. Hearing the legend from Tom, it all sounded so distant and I felt no fear. But now, being this close, fright crawled up my spine. “So it's true? About the elves?” I asked carefully. “That is only a story, meant to scare children from encounter the forest. The real reason is to keep them from the trolls, which are real” He said with a stern look.

“Have you ever met a troll?” Phee asked. “Once in my youth, yes” He said and started to tell the story when he encountered a big troll that was on the edge of tearing a village down. Suddenly I wanted to be on my guard and didn't move my gaze from the trees. According to Valentin the elves didn't exist, but something kept telling me to be careful. All is not what it seems.

* * *

I lay awake on the ground, hearing the light snoring from Valentin and Phee's quiet breathing. I couldn't sleep after hearing what Valentin said. My fright was too big and kept me awake. I took out my bag to find something to calm me down. I found my ipod hidden in cloths. I checked if there was any battery left and felt happy when I saw it was. I tucked the headphones on and let the music stream. Soon I was asleep, dreaming blissful dreams. All of sudden I woke by a scream and saw Phee wrestle on the ground, trying to wake up. “Phee!” I shook her and she looked at me. “There were so many of them. I couldn't chase them off” She cried into my shoulder. “I couldn't shake the elves off” “It was only a bad dream” I said and stroked her over her back. She was soon asleep once more and I lay her down. When I looked up I saw two blue eyes, shining right at me through the trees. First I thought it was a cat, but then I remembered cats eyes were yellow. Quickly I searched for my bow, found it and aimed at the eyes. But they were gone.

* * *

I didn't say anything about the eyes I saw last night. It happened so fast it probably only was my imagination. We rode the last bit to Heddel, with Phee behind Valentin's back. It wouldn't be fair to let her be in a bag again. “Welcome to Heddel, Yuric Keen” Valentin said once we saw the city. It was beyond my imagination. We crossed a bridge that was built over a river and soon entered Heddel. From outside it reminded me of the spinning city in Lord of the Rings, but not quite as high and wider. There were walls, but not as high either. The streets was made of stone and the houses were as high as a two-story. Everywhere my eyes looked people were out on the streets, either selling or buying. I saw signs of where to enter either the blacksmith or the tailor. The streets were wide enough for us to ride through with the horses and not be in the way for the citizens. Phee made comments about everything she saw and I tried to catch up with the things but her gaze switched so fast it was impossible. When I caught a glimpse of the castle my mouth fell. It was the most beautiful castle I've ever seen. With seven high towers, rising towards the sky, small bridges connecting each one of them to the other. When we entered the gateway it was like the castle was its own village, with different courtyards and houses. All of it was so big and it felt like to enter a labyrinth. A stable boy took our horses and we followed Valentin to the main building, my guess were where the royal family had their residence. “Please tell her royal highness princess Isadora that sir Valentin has arrived with sir Yuric Keen” Valentin announced a servant. Soon princess Isadora entered the hall and I made sure to keep Phee out of sight. She wasn't even supposed to be here in the first place. “You've made it in one piece, sir Keen” She said sounding less worried. And then she noticed Phee behind my back. “And who might this young lady be?” Her voice sounded kind, “Phee, your majesty” Phee whispered and curtsied. At least she had some manner though her appearance wasn't fitting for where we were. Who am I to judge? I still got my black eye and wearing blood-stained clothes. I'm pretty sure I still smelled after the riding on a horse for two days. “She sneaked along, your highness. I am very sorry about inconvenience. Perhaps she could stay for a while? Until we figured out how to get her home, your highness” Valentin said and I heard in his voice how he tried to make the best out for Phee. “She's my little sister” I lied.

“Of course we can't send her home after such a long journey! She's welcome to stay as long as her brother his here” The princess smiled down at Phee. Phee now dared to move a little further away from me, but still held my hand. “You're very kind, your highness” I said and bowed. “I will make sure she is no trouble by being here” “Let us do this. I take care of the girl and you will learn everything you need. I expect you to be on duty by tomorrow morning” Isadora gave me a friendly smile. “Is that okay?” I asked Phee, hoping she say yes. She nodded slowly and gave her a hug before giving her to Isadora. “You are a very kind, your highness. I can't tell you how grateful I am” I said and felt a relief in my chest. I told them that I would stop by tonight to hear about their day and left together with Valentin.

“You will train sword with me, but you report to Captain Rodd. Everything you do, where you are, what occurrences has taken place and so on” I nodded at each of his words as we crossed the small square, over to the knight's bunker. Another man greeted us and showed me where to sleep. I noticed several other beds in the same room. “Pick a bed quick! I ain't got all day” He said, his voice husky. “Who am I sharing with?” I said sounding confused. “Other guards, your loony. Or you want your own room, princess? That ain't happening” He spit on the floor. I can share a room with a bunch of men. I can do this, no problem. How hard can it be?

* * *

“The handle should be firm in your hand, because when you're holding a sword it should feel like a feather” Valentin said as he demonstrated. I managed to lift the sword an inch from the ground and then let go. Someone should have told me how heavy they are. “Use the muscles you have. Be a man, be strong” “I am strong” “No, now you show me the strength of a squirrel”

I tried once more to lift the sword and dropped it again. “This is never going to work. I'm leaving” “No, the princess hired you for a reason and I won't let her down” “And if I could use my bow, an arrow would point out from your back” I said, feeling irritated. Valentin sighed and scratched his head. It was later in the afternoon and I was having my first sword-lesson. Giving the time that I should be able to handle one the next day the odds wasn't in my favour. “New lesson. Hit that tree over there” He said and pointed at the tree next to us. We were standing in the training area behind the knight's quarters. I grip my fingers around the handle once more and used all my force to swing but I didn't have the strength. “Use your strength, lad!” He's words kept echoing in my head and I tried over and over, but failed each time. What kind of guard was I if couldn't lift a sword.

“Maybe you're too much of...” “Don't say it!” “... too much of a girl for a sword” Valentin smirked at me. I wanted to scream at him: I am a girl and it should be obvious!

But I was Yuric Keen, a man, and should have the strength to carry one. One last time I lifted the sword and swung with all my might at the tree and succeeded. “Very good! Now you only have to do that another twenty and maybe you could lift it without becoming short of breath” I gave him a glare and did as he told me.

“Parry your sword and avoid getting hit” I had managed to use the technique he taught me and prevented Valentin from coming near me with his sword. “Good! One more time”

I moved my feet with ease and tried to hold advantage to keep me from falling backwards.

“I think we stop for today. You're good to go, at least for tomorrow. Get a good nights rest, you'll need it” Valentin said and headed for his bunker. I stayed for a while to catch my breath. In the distant I saw the shape of the Ural mountains and the sun disappearing behind them.

“Not bad for a girl” I heard a voice behind me say and I quickly spun around. A young man stood and leaned against a tree. “I'm not a girl” I said to defend myself, too quickly.

“Either I really need to learn the difference between a boy almost in puberty and a young woman or... you are very bad at lying” He smirked at me. “I prefer the latter”

“I am a boy... man” I managed to stutter and if not it would make less believable. He made his way over to me and I noticed his auburn hair, only inches shorter than mine and touching his eyelashes. I must say he was the most goody-looking man I've seen so far here in Tahol, according to my opinion.

“I wouldn't call you a man, with not even a hint of a beard and muscles big as spinach. Mother did not feed you well?” The hell with goody-looking, he was rude. “Stop it. My mother fed me fine” I raised my voice and stood on my toes to meet his height. “Touched a soft spot, princess?” He continued to smirk at me and my anger grew. “I'm not soft and you're being rude. You have no idea what I've been through!” “So you admit that you're a girl?” “I don't admit to anything” “Ah, but you're not denying it either” I stood still on my spot. Touché. Before my brain could even react I had drew my sword from its husk. He was quick with his feet and hands. Soon we were fighting, with swords, and with every hit I wanted to have him dead. He pushed me towards to the small stream. I dodged from one hit and he fell into the water. Soon I saw my bow leaning against a tree and ran for it. Within seconds, before he even had made his way out of the water, I aimed an arrow at him. He froze and I felt myself relax. “One step closer and this will be in your head. I've never killed anyone in my entire life and it would be a pity if you would be the first” My eyes screamed with pain and wanting him to understand. “I did this for a good cause and had no intentions for it to go this far” I said, still not moving. “Promise to keep it a secret?” I looked into his eyes, trying to find his emotions about the situation. He dropped his sword and left the stream. “I promise” He said and I lowered my bow. “Thank you” He moved forward to me and stopped inches away. “Beside, I knew from the start that you were a girl. You move with too much hips” He smirked at me and made his way, out of the small area. I looked down at my hips and moved them from side to side. “Hey!” I cried after him. He turned around and stopped. “Who have my thanks?” “Nicholas, but if you're feeling friendly call me Nick” I smiled and turned to get my things. “May I have the name of the person who almost killed me?” “Alice. Oh, but in public it'll be Yuric” “Your parents didn't take easy on you from the birth? I mean with Yuric” “It's just an act” I shrugged my shoulders. He laughed. “Yes, and one you need to improve. Goodnight, Alice” He turned around one last time and walked away. Rude but charming, I thought and went to my bunker.


Yo yo yo! I thought this chapter was going to hard to write, but it was rather easy. Whatcha think?

Anyho, please comment and vote! :)

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