Agent Black Cobra

By kmpeeples

109K 4K 240

I feel immense pain and a crack happen on my side from the force of the kick. I'm struggling to breathe as I... More

*Chapter 2*
*Chapter 3*
*Chapter 4*
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Prime Minister
The parents ( part 1 )
The parents ( part 2 )
The parents ( part 3 )
the kingdom
suprise news
mood swings
The Big Day
welcome to the world
the suprise
the honeymoon
Assignment (continued)
Assignment (part 3)
The Epilouge

*Chapter 1*

12.7K 354 13
By kmpeeples

Cobras pov

'Drip' 'Drip' 'Drip' 'Drip'

Little water droplets fall from the ceiling of this dingy, dark, spine-chilling entrance. The place couldn't look more horror movie like, even if they tried. From just five feet away it looks daunting and haunted, and the only thing I can smell is mildew and death. It's quite the combination, if you ask me. There's probably been a bit more than a few deaths here. The place probably just so happens to be built over an old burial ground. All of these thoughts are probably just the result of too many scary movies, or real life experiences. The fact that they choose this location makes so much sense. There's no one around to hear the hair raising screams from the victims. Or to smell the stench of death that was pungent at least a hundred yards away. Despite all these things, I'm excited to raise some chaos. In their favor, at least it's not trafficking day. If my mission was to fall on that day, I probably would have lost control. There's something about helpless woman, and children that make me blow my lid. Who in their right mind would kidnap, torture, or use anyone like that, for their sick, twisted pleasure. Just for that operation, I'm going to shred these fuckers alive.

I creep towards the formidable entranceway, making sure to use the shadows to my advantage. You're probably wondering why I'm not scared of anything that's going on here. Well, the truth is, I'm the one who made scary stories, so the children wouldn't go out at night. I'm the person whose name you whisper, and in a second I'm in front of you. Think of me as like a modern, female, attractive grim reaper. The closer I get to the door, the more visions I have. I see a bunch of people thrown into a room like animals, tortures happening down the hall from that room, I also see meetings happening at the very back of this place. I get enraged the more I let the visions play. I temporarily shut off my visions and move into the first room.
Once in the warehouse I pause so that I can get a good feel of how many guards there are. I quickly count ten men making their rounds, guarding doors, and looking for intruders. One comes around the corner and enters the room I'm in. I quickly duck behind some crates so he can't see me. I make a tiny sound so he comes in my direction. It will be easy to remain unnoticed if I kill in stealth mode. Once the guard crosses the room I notice a military grade AR-15. If I don't want to make my life harder, I need to quickly disable him so no shots go off. He rounds the crate I'm behind, and before he can even blink I snap his neck and set him behind me and out of sight. I once again creep to the corner the guard came from and peak my head out to see. I can see two guards on each side of the hallway facing away. I grab a stray pebble on the ground and throw it at ones head. I duck out of sight to make it look like one of the others. I hear the guy cussing out the others in Russian. Let me tell you it was like that sponge bob episode where they first learned of bad words. I almost laughed when I thought of that and had to swallow it down.

I hear the one cussing come into view and walk towards the door. He looks as red as a tomato and this time a small chuckle did leave my lips. It was only loud enough for him to hear and before he could turn to see me, I disappear. I use the Assassins Creed method and slightly whistle to get his attention. He looks nervous as he slowly moves towards his death. Knowing that his partner will soon follow will make this easier on me. I don't know if you know this, but there aren't many pebbles in a building. Once he rounds the crate I also quickly snap his neck. Right as this one falls, his partner enters, so I quickly duck back down and repeat the process all over again. Now that those two are gone, the other two can die at the same time. I quietly make my way back to the doorway and peak to see both the guards facing away. They seem to be talking about what just happened. Something along the lines of those two just wanted a reason to leave and go make out or something. If they only really knew what was coming their way they would say or something. Silently laughing to myself I creep up behind them and all on one motion pull butterfly knives out of my sleeves and perforate them both in their jugular.

The other five on this floor seem to be guarding some red door. Me being me, I already knew about this door. Behind it are hundreds of children that have yet to be sold. My anger flares slightly as visions of what those children went through flash through my mind. One in particular stands out to me. She's not crying, kicking, or screaming to get out. She's sitting in the back like she's already accepted her fate. Her eyes are blank and no emotion shows through. Almost like her life before this was just as bad and she's done fighting. Right as these thoughts run through my mind a vision starts to play and this time I let it. The setting is a dark basement with chains and a makeshift bed. The bed is really only a spare sheet laying on the concrete. In the middle of the room sat a little girl that's chained to the ceiling naked. A man walls down the stairs and stops and stares with lust filed eyes. He walks over to the little girl and instead of doing anything to her, he punches her in the stomach. He beats her for what feels like hours. He unchained her and dragged her up the steps by her hair. Each step I follow them is another chain linking him to his death. She's now sobbing silently from the pain and gets dragged all the way to the car. The vision skips ahead to him bringing her to the red door and tossing her in. The whole way to the door he muttered things like "you're worthless just like your mother was" or "I wish she aborted you when she had the chance". After she gets thrown into the room, I notice the man walk further into the place. He must be a guard or something. Once this thought flashes into my brain, I smirk like I just one the lottery. He's going to die a very, very slow, painful death, like he caused for his wife. I make my way down a series of hallways that lead to the red door and a set of steps. Once I get to the corner before the red door, I stop and take in my surroundings. Two stood outside the door, one roamed the hallways, and the other two guarded the door to the meeting I'm supposed to bust in on. One the guard in the hallway round the corner, I make my move. I quickly dive across the hallway so they don't see me and stand against the wall in a dark spot. I make the lights flicker and before they could even move, one has a knife through the eye, and the other a slit throat. He was facing away from me, so I don't blow my cover by being covered in blood.
I quietly make my way down the hallway that the other guard went down. I'm not worried about getting lost because I've studied old blueprints of this building from when it was a orphanage. There is three floors to the entire building and so many hallways, you'd get lost if you didn't know the way. Which is why it made the perfect spot for hiding illegal underground activities and trafficking rings. These types of things disgust me on a whole new level, and I'm going to blow this place to mars. After I've had my fun of course. And don't worry there wont be a living, breathing soul in here when I do. As I make my way down the hallway my blood boils again knowing what I'm about to see. I round the corner with the same butterfly knife I gouged his friends eyeball with. Pulling it out of his socket was the fun part. I had to wipe his eyeball off on his clothes. Those Halloween candies really do the eyeballs some justice. I pull my arm back and fling the knife, hitting him in the opposite eyeball as his friend.

He drops the woman he was about to rape, and falls backwards from the force of the hit. She hits the ground and starts to sob while thanking me. "I want you to take this key and unlock all the prisoners. Once that's done use this phone and press five on speed dial. Don't say anything, just hang up once the call goes through. After that move towards the road and wait for someone to come get you. Before leaving with the person, ask what his name is. If he tells you his name is five, then you're safe and can go with him to a safe house for the night. You will all be taken back home. I want you to round up all the children that are homeless and tell them their new home is the safe house. Don't worry about anyone coming for you and don't take the front entrance. The kids might never come back from what they see. Once all that is taken care of message the only contact in the phone and send 'done'. That's all! Don't worry, you're safe now.", as I say all these things, I hand her the master key and a burner phone. Before I could walk away, she latches herself onto me. I awkwardly pat her back not used to touching others in any other way, then using my fists.

As she runs the opposite direction, I make my way to the unknown floor, the basement. Or should I say the makeshift meeting room that one of the leaders of the warehouse had installed. Yeah, because no one notices a construction project on an abandoned warehouse. There is a hierarchy when it comes to running this place. On the very bottom of the pyramid you have the expendables. Or in other words anyone you can use to do your dirty work and not care whether they live or die. The next group on the pyramid are some of the not so expendable gang members. These members specialize in certain areas of expertise, such as fighting, shooting, knives, seduction, assassinations, planning, weapons, etc. Then lastly we have the top tier of the pyramid, which contains all the higher ups in the gangs including the founders of this operation. The only people allowed access to this floor are the highest ranks, the gang leaders, and on rare occasion the right-hand men. I don't think I'll have a problem walking right in and making myself at home. *smirk*

I get to the bottom of the steps and come to a stop when I hear the two guards voices. These are my last two shows before the big finale. I openly walk around the corner making sure both guards can see me, and begin to put my plan into action. I start walking towards them, while putting an extra sway in my hips. This is where my inner seductress comes out to grab their attention and distract them from doing their job. Not like they would have successfully taken me out anyway. And just like any man would if a walking goddess was in front of them, they both stare with lust filled eyes, entranced by my grace and beauty. They seemed to have stopped all movement, with both sets of eyes drawn to my hips, like a moth to a flame. While drawing their attention to my hips, I was stealthily pulling my gun out of its holster from around my waist. With just as much precision, I pull my silencer out and twist it onto the barrel of my .500 Smith and Wesson Magnum really slow, for effect. Men are so dense when it comes to women even walking a certain way towards them. What's left of their tiny minds is suddenly a pile of mush, unable to form a coherent thought. I stop walking a little over halfway down the hallway, snapping them out of their trance, and making them slightly confused and alert. They were so out of it that they have yet to notice my gun. I slowly put my gun to my side and waited until it registered in their pea sized brains, that I was someone dangerous. Someone who wasn't there to give them a good time.

They both tried to dive out of the way as I lifted my gun chest level in front of me. One of them went to the left and the other one went to the right. Unfortunately for them, they weren't quick enough for a sharp shooter like myself. Right when they were about to dive I fired 2 rounds hitting them both right between their eyes. They both flew back from the force of the impact. When I shot them, it didn't make a sound thanks to the silencer as they fell to the ground dead, making two little thuds. I put my gun away so that I didn't look suspicious upon entering this friendly, neighborhood gathering. I hear talking and laughing as I approach the door the guards were previously standing in front of. Behind this door are 8 men that definitely aren't going to make it out of here alive. My target and some of his 'associates' as you'd call them were currently in a very important 'Business' meeting. They are all incredibly dangerous to other people, but to me, they're like playing with little kittens.

I walked into the meeting room like I owned the place and slammed the door making my presence known to everyone. All the chatter and laughter stopped as I took the seat next to the head of the table where my target sat. This was really supposed to be the second strongest gang leaders seat. Unfortunately for him, he won't be able to attend this meeting. He seemed to be a little bit too choked up to speak. This could have been caused by all his nerves about this meeting, or my hands. Whichever way the shoe fits, I guess. Anyways, right before his misfortunate accident, he just so happened to send my target an email stating that his right-hand was going to be there. The second in command to the Devils wrath gang also met some unfortunate, horrifying fate. As a matter of fact, the entire gang met a gruesome end. Not like they deserved anything less than what they got. I looked at my target and sent him a wink, making sure my eyes showed promise and a good time. He seemed to shift his body around to get comfy, but I think we all really know why. The bigger the hopes, the harder reality falls and smacks you in the face. In other words he's going to be fantasizing this whole meeting, and it's only going to come back to smack him in the face. I can't wait to see his face as I'm beating the shit out of him and the life leaving his eyes.
Let me rewind back to when I first walked in and tell you exactly why everyone has lust and shock in their eyes. First off, I'm a female, that's a feared gang leaders right-hand person in a dangerous gang, so they're shocked. Second, I'm wearing a black, fitted crop top that goes just past my boobs but still leaves a lot to the imagination, I paired it with a pair of black, very tight, short shorts. I paired that with my 5 inch, studded black, stiletto heeled, closed toe boots. I also have on a black leather jacket to conceal my gun, and of course my other weapons. I have ray bands sitting comfortably on the bridge of my nose, bright cherry red lipstick, and my sleek, fire truck hair up in a high, neat ponytail. I'm the normal height of 5"6, but don't let my size fool you; I could kill you a thousand separate ways in the blink of an eye, with just my bare hands. I'm naturally tan with midnight black hair, and bright purple eyes. I wear blue contacts and a red wig at work so that my enemies won't recognize me. Not that any of them live to tell the tale but still, necessary precautions. So, at the moment, I have ice blue eyes, fire truck red hair, and full pouty lip curled into a sultry smirk. I had to dress like this to get 8 men's attention, as I would usually just prefer leggings and a t-shirt two times my size.

I must sit through this meeting acting like I care about their business, when really, I could easily kill the 8 men in this room with just the snap of my fingers. Just a miniscule movement can cause so much damage. I sometimes think of my powers as a burden, but then other times I would see them as the end to all evil. Even I know that something like that would be impossible. After a few tense minutes of the meeting I notice John keep stealing glances of me. I could definitely use this to my advantage. I slowly crossed my legs, john watching me as I did so. Let me tell you a little bit about my target and why this mission is happening.

Target Brief [highly classified information]
Name: John Walker
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Height: 5 foot 10 inches
My reasons to kill him are: He is involved in the most gruesome gang in the world. He got involved in human trafficking, and he's a pimp known in 7 different countries. He has kidnapped and raped multiple woman and children, and he's killed over 110 people. He also owns his own drug ring and is involved in the black market. My mission is to execute him and destroy all evidence. Leave no trace behind.

It's time to get into my acting mode so I can make some entertainment for myself. I take off my glasses, revealing my clear blue eyes, and set them down giving John a sultry smirk while saying, "Sorry I'm late! I was on my way here when someone decided they wanted to start some trouble". *gives a smile the devil couldn't pull off* "But don't worry we won't have a problem with him ever again". I give him a sexy, yet fierce smirk, while staring straight into his eyes, also challenging him to look away. He, of course, looks away first, my intense gaze being too much for him, which is a sign of weakness to me. I hate it when people show weakness, but my demon of course, loves it. Fear is something my demon uses to grow stronger, especially since she can suck the energy right out of you. Her name is Sonne and she is one of my favorite beings ever. My demon loves to play with her prey, and right now my demon wants to come out and play. My eyes turn cold into a glare that the devil would actually fear. Out of the corner of my eye, using my peripheral vision, I see some of the men look away, and some look like they want to run away and hide. For being such feared men, I think they're all a bunch of cowards that hide behind gunpowder and booze. I speak again, but in a much colder, and a predator like tone, "lets continue I have places to be and things to get done." I would tell you who I was, but then I'd have to kill you. I'm not in the mood at the moment, so just call me Cobra.

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