Brothers Forever

By KJColton

70.5K 1.2K 756

(Completed!) Greyson and Sterling Hayes are brothers. They’re different in many ways, but they have always be... More

1. Get Your Head Out of the Gutter
2. Dude, What's Your Problem?
3. My Best Friend is Checking Me Out
4. Time to Stop Running
5. What are you a Care Bear?
6. Took You Long Enough
7. That Was Pathetic, Dude
8. Quite Frankly
9. I'd Rather Make Out With a Dog
10. The Likes of Me
11. The Most Awkward Car Ride Ever
12. I Will Haunt You
13. We'll Finish This Another Time
15. Off In Lala Land
16. You Got This
17. You Belong With Me
18. What's Your Favorite Animal?
19. Can I Ask You Something?
20. Dramn Dinks
21. You Don't Remember Anything?
22. Nothing's Going On
23. I Think I Like It
24. That Thing Is Huge
25. I'll Surprise You
26. Will You Come With Me?
27. You Stupid Boy
28. Sleeping Beauty
29. Hell Yes
30. I Love You

14. You Know You Love Me

1.9K 28 12
By KJColton

Chapter 14: You Know You Love Me

Sterling’s Point of View


I went straight to my first class once I arrived at school. I slammed my book bag down a bit harder on the desk than I had intentioned, earning me a glare from Mrs. Stevenson. I sat down in my seat and looked around the room. I noticed that Gordon was the only other one there, once again. I wasn’t really in the mood to talk to anyone, so I sat there in silence with my head resting on my calculus textbook.  

I had barely slept a wink last night. Scenes of the day’s events had kept playing through my mind like clips of a movie, each leaving a different feeling behind. Running through the forest with Bren laughing on my back, her arms wrapped tight around my neck, her body pressed against mine. That moment by the truck where I acted like I was going to kiss her and she responded as if she wanted me to. Then she seemed like she was really angry with me, but forgave me almost immediately. What the hell was I supposed to think about that? She switched moods faster than I could blink my eyelids. And girls think guys are complicated?

A loud, obnoxious, yet oddly captivating laugh floated through the door and to my ears. I lifted my head from the desk and felt the corners of my lips start to curve. A second voice reached my ears and my smile immediately faded. As their voices grew louder, the tension throughout my body grew as well.

Bren walked in, well more like hobbled in, on crutches with a large boot encasing her left foot and half her leg. Her golden hair was pulled up sloppily on top of her head, and she was wearing a pink t-shirt and jeans. Greyson followed closely behind, her books piled up in his arms.

Brennan headed straight for her usual seat next to mine and sat down. I couldn’t help but smirk as I watched Grey narrow his eyes at this arrangement; however, he didn’t say a word. He simply set her books down on the desk in front of her.

“I’ll pick you up after class and help you carry everything to your next one, ‘kay?” Greyson said to her, completely ignoring my presence.

“Your class is on the complete opposite side of the school, Grey. There is no way you’d get us both to class on time. I’ll just get someone from here to help me,” Bren told him with a sigh.

“I don’t care if I’m—” Grey started, but was swiftly cut off by Brennan.

“I do. You aren’t going to be late because of me.”

“I can walk you to class, Bren. I don’t mind,” I offered with a smile, but directed my gaze at my brother. He glared in response.

“Thank you, Sterling,” Bren told me, before turning to Greyson. “See? It all worked out! Thank you for all the help, Grey. I just don’t want to make this more complicated than it needs to be. I’ll see you at lunch?”

My brother looked at her and smiled, but I could tell he wasn’t happy. “Yeah, I’ll see you then.”

With that he walked out of the classroom, not bothering to glance back. I turned to Bren to see her chewing her bottom lip as if she was deep in thought.

“You okay?” I asked quietly, as more of my classmates decided to enter the classroom.

She seemed surprised to hear my voice and looked at her hands for a moment before answering. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

I sensed that wasn’t the complete truth, but she obviously didn’t want to talk about it. So, I remained quiet until the lesson started. Neither of us spoke the whole lesson. We silently scribbled down the notes Mrs. Stevenson wrote on the board.

The bell rang and we both stood up. I looked at her for a moment, not really sure what the plan was.

I awkwardly cleared my throat before I asked, “What do you want me to do?”

“I could think of a lot of things,” she answered suggestively.

I couldn’t help but gawk at her. Bren never said stuff like that. My speechlessness must have been amusing to her, because she burst out laughing after a moment.

"I just need you to carry my books,” she finally responded after her laughter died down.

I picked up the books and we slowly made our way out the door. We walked in a comfortable silence until we reached her next class. Bren sat in her seat and I set the books down in front of her. The classroom was already pretty full and I received a lot of weird looks from the other kids. I thought it was strange, but I didn’t really care.

“My class is right around the corner,” I told Bren quietly. “I can pick you up after this one if you want.”

“That’d be nice, Sterling. Thanks.”

I strolled through the room towards the door. Once I reached it, I turned and winked at her. “You finally got me this time, Bren.”

She knew immediately what I was referring to, and a large grin spread across her face.


The next week was monotonous. Every day was nearly identical to the one before. I woke up, went to school, went home, did homework, and slept. That was pretty much the extent of my life. One of the two highlights of every day was talking to Bren when I got the chance, but even that seemed to be happening less and less. The other was talking to Grace. After the almost fiasco of a first meeting, we actually got to talking a lot more. It was almost eerie how similar she was to Bren, personality wise at least. Unlike Bren, however, Grace was a lot more likely to tell you exactly what she thought. She didn’t care what it was. Bren was always scared of hurting people’s feelings or when sharing her own, scared of looking weak. Grace was blunt and to the point, and I liked that about her.

It was only Monday. I still had almost three more weeks of this. I looked around my room; there had to be something to do. I noticed an oddly shaped case in my closet and I grinned. I hadn’t used it in years.

Two to be exact.

I unbuckled the case and like a lover’s caress my fingers moved across the smooth, polished wood. It had been so long.

Too long.

I slipped it carefully out of its case and held it in my lap, almost like a mother would cradle her child after a substantial amount of time apart.

 I ran my fingers along the strings, experimentally plucking a few. I cringed at the sound. This definitely needed to be tuned. I kept playing with it until everything was right where I wanted it. Now I just needed something to play.

I played a couple songs out of an old beginner’s book that taught only the basics. I may have been a bit rusty, but this was still way too easy. I flipped through the sheet music I had, waiting for something to catch my eye. One piece did. I was instantly brought back to a wonderful memory, one I had stashed away to some corner in the depths of my mind.

A smile spread across my face as I strummed the familiar notes.


The next morning, I was still in a good mood from the night before. I had forgotten just how much I had enjoyed playing that guitar. I can’t believe I had given it up for so long or even given it up to begin with. It seemed like a legitimate reason at the time.

I strode into my calculus class, probably the happiest I had ever been too see the walls of that room. I saw Gordon was there already as usual. His nose was currently buried in a rather large book.

“Hey,” I greeted as I plopped down into my seat.

“Hey,” he returned, an odd look in his brown eyes. “You seem awfully happy today.”

“I’m just having a good day so far.” I shrugged. “How are you?”

“Good, I guess,” Gordon replied unsurely, adjusting his glasses.

“That’s good,” I said, my voice still cheery.

Gordon looked at me for a moment. “Dude, what are you on today?”

I laughed. “Nothing, I swear.”

“You could fool me,” he muttered and went back to reading his book.

I turned around and leaned back in my chair, waiting for her to walk through the door. I was soon disappointed, however. She never showed up. It was one of the few times where I was actually completely focused for the lesson.

My disappointment didn’t last long. I met up with Grace at lunch, something that had become a routine of sorts. She was a girl I could have an actual conversation with. I was sick of the bimbos that couldn’t hold a conversation beyond a fifth grader’s level.

We sat at a table by ourselves. She noticed the change in my demeanor almost immediately.

“What is wrong with you today?” Grace asked, her chocolate brown eyes wide.

“Why does everyone keep asking me that?” I laughed.

“You’re acting like you took a whole bottle of happy pills,” she told me, a completely serious expression on her face.

“A guy can’t be having a good day?” I retorted.

“It’s just unusual for you, Sterling,” she explained. Her lips curved into a smile and there was a twinkle in her eye. “So, what are you so geeked about?”

“It’s nothing.” I shrugged as I took a bite out of my sandwich.

She glared at me, a hand on her hip.

"Fine,” I gave in. “I pulled out my guitar last night and played it for the first time in two years. I forgot how much I loved it.”

Grace’s eyes widened. “You play guitar? That is so hot.”

“Thanks, babe.” I winked, earning me a smack on the arm.

“So are you actually good at it?” She asked me after a moment.

“I’m good at a lot of things, but what are you referring to?” I smirked.

She sent me a look that could kill. “Guitar, you moron. Are you good at guitar?”

“Of course.”

“I think I’ll have to judge that one for myself,” Grace replied with an eye roll.

“Are you saying you want to come over to my house? I could think of some things to do,” I said suggestively.

“You wish.” She snorted.

“You know you love me.” I grinned.

Grace laughed hysterically. Her body was literally shaking with laughter, her auburn curls bouncing. “Now that, that is the funniest thing I’ve heard all day.”

 “Hey!” I said defensively, clutching my chest for adding effect.

She just patted my shoulder in a friendly gesture. “You’ll heal in time, my friend, in time.”

I shook my head and chuckled. This girl was quickly becoming one of my good friends. Something I didn’t call a lot of girls.

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