My Alpha Is My Mate And A Girl

By Vampie_Madd1e

159K 4.4K 312

Alpha Katherine is the leader the White Blood pack and has been searching for her mate ever since she is toug... More

Alpha Katherine
Moving In With Kat
Loving her
Omg Kat can sing
Mate *Preveiw*
Shout Outs!!!!
Preveiw of The WHAT??
The WHAT?!?!
The Truth
1st Month
2 month
3 Months
4 Months *preview*
Really late christmas special
4 Months
Born Preview
Hey Guys Its Vampie
Birthday Part 2
Finding Our Mates


2.4K 84 12
By Vampie_Madd1e

Bailey's POV

I woke up screaming another nightmare Kat jumped up and growled out her wolf was out again "Kat I'm okay it was just another nightmare" I said and patted the bed so she would get back in but she just growled at me

I laid back down and closed my eyes and I felt Kat's body heat next to me so I know she got back in the bed "Bailey we need to go see someone about these nightmares this is the sixth one this week" Kat whispered in my ear

"I know baby but I don't want to go see a therapist because I'm fine." she growled "no you're not all this stress is bad for the baby and me I can't help you if you don't work with me." I snuggled into Kat's arms "I'll think about it now let's get some sleep" I yawned and closed my eyes and drifted off into darkness.

Elijah's POV (Surprise again)

I woke up in the tree house I made shivering with sweat all over my body she had another bad dream I thought looking at a picture of Bailey my plan is working perfectly soon she will have her pups and I will kill them before her

like she did to mine I turned over in bed and looked at the empty spot wishing my mate was here but she's not because she was murdered by my evil twin sister everyone always thought she was the better twin but not now I will expose her tell the truth that no one ever told

Though I may seem like the evil twin I am not I used to be a great person before Bailey killed my wife and my children and everyone thought I did it or it was a suicide that I planned out for them but I watched Bailey drive a knife through my mates heart because she couldn't have me to herself

she then told me that instead of sending my children to their grandmothers she drove them into a lake and watched them drown i'm surprised that she even has a mate she's just a coldhearted creature That I have to call my sister.

Kat's POV

Bailey screamed it was another nightmare I jumped out of bed and started growling My wolf had taken control she told me she was fine and to go back in the bed and go to sleep but my wolf didn't listen she just growled and waited for Bailey to lay down.

Once she lay down I crawled in bed with her I whispered in her ear "we need to go see someone about these nightmares this is the sixth one this week" she just told me she was fine and that she didn't need to see anyone but I knew it was making her stressed and it was bad with the baby and I was already stressed with pack work

I laid down and drifted off back into the darkness until I was awakened by the sound of our blaring alarm clock I got out of bed and went into the shower and start to get ready.

|Kat is wearing the one on the right and Bailey is wearing the one on the left|

Bailey's POV
After getting out of the shower I put on the outfit Kat left for me. It showed my belly, I thought it was cute that Kat wanted me to be proud of our children.

I wobbled down the stairs into the kitchen to make waffles. Kat was there eating some cereal and working on some financial stuff. I walked over and kissed her forehead and she kissed my belly. "We're going to see a therapist today Bailey whether you like it or not"  Kat said with a serious tone "Kat I'm seriously fine you need to stop worrying about me."

I said as I felt a  pain in my stomach and liquid dribble down my leg. "My water just broke!" Kat raced up and grabbed me and carried me to the pack hospital we got inside and doctors already had me on a stretcher getting me into the room prepared....

Kat's POV
This is really happening she's giving birth to the baby. I'm holding onto Bailey's hand as she screams in pain I gentle apply water to her forehead to keep her cool. While the doctors yell at her to push. At that moment we heard the first cry "ITS A BOY!" They yelled and wrapped him in a blanket and handed him to Bailey.

She kissed his forehead and said "Asher" and held him close. "Luna you need to keep pushing we see another head" they said "What?" Bailey and I said at the same time. "Luna push!" They screamed "Damn ok I'm pushing" Bailey pushed hard it took a lot out of her I could tell she was about to pass out.

"ITS A GIRL!" They said and wrapped her in a blanket and handed her to me she was so small and cute. From that moment I knew I would protect her forever. Bailey looked over and said "what are you gonna name her?" She asked while making faces at Archer "I think I'm gonna name her Violet." I thought "that's a beautiful name to bad she's gonna die before anyone actually meets her." I heard his voice echo through the room.

I held onto Violet tighter and linked the pack warriors to get here fast "Dear sister I gave you a choice now hand them over or bye bye Katherine" he laughed in a sinister way.

Bailey's POV

I had just had my two babies and now we're in my hospital room waiting for Elijah to attack.
"Dear sister I gave you two choices so hand them over or it's bye bye Katherine" he laughed in a sinister way "I won't let you hurt my family!" I screamed and held onto Archer tighter "Fine I'll choose bye bye Katherine"

A gun shot ring through the air and I froze I didn't feel any pain so Kat is was still okay. I looked over and Elijah was on the floor with blood all over the floor and wall. I leaned over the bed and spilled everything that was in my stomach on the floor. I looked over and Kat and she had a gun in her hand and the other over Violets ear.

"Bye bye Elijah she said"

That's all I got hope u enjoyed this is the most I've written in a chapter
1096 words

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