My secret

By CarleyJackson6

72 2 0

When she loves someone but she can't tell him or anyone else she will take this secret to the grave she tells... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 6

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By CarleyJackson6

I turned my location on my phone on just in cause I needed it. We headed to downtown towards the board walk he pulled into a parking spot let's go he said smiling.

Did I forget to mention he look very handsome tonight. He had on a pair of black jeans with a button down white shirt that was fitted to him. He had nice muscles and he looked good.

I opened my door and climbed out of the truck. Which with it being as high as it was turned into a fail. I fell only to be caught by Jordan well your fast.

I'm glad I caught you but can you wait till after our date to fall me for me he said.  Well aren't we sure of ourselves I said brushing myself off. He laughed come on let's walk he said we headed down the boardwalk.

We checked out a bunch of different stores okay let's go eat he said. He reached for my hand and I let him take it oddly enough his hand felt right in mine.

He took me to a little Chinese restaurant and we got a table for 2.  A lady came and took our drink orders as we talked.

So tell me some more about yourself he said. Well what do you want to know I asked him. Tell me about your childhood he said did you have a happy childhood.

How about we talk about something else I said. Like I told you I write I want to be a professional writer one day. I would love to have books on the shelves and people wanting to buy them.

Why don't you want to talk about your childhood he pushed. I ignored his question again so you work in construction right what's that like do you build houses.

He sighed deeply yes I build houses were actually working on a housing unit now. We're building about 5 houses at the moment. That's really cool I said taking a sip of my coke I had ordered.

Are food arrived a few moments later thank you we said to the waitress. Okay since you don't want to talk about your childhood how about we talking about something else.

Yea sure I said picking up my coke to take another drink. How about the fact that you have a thing for Matt he said looking at me. I started choking on my coke ummm what are you talking about.

Your reaction proves I'm right he said. I do not have feelings for Matt I said not at all.  Uhuh I know you do I can tell when you were looking at him today especially when him and Allie kissed.

I didn't look at him for a moment he reached across the table and took my hand. I'm not going to tell him he said just an observation he smiled at me.

I didn't look at him I could feel myself about to break. Thankfully the waitress came back with our check. I reached into my purse for my wallet when he stopped me. You do realize this is a date and the man is supposed to pay he said.

Yea but you also realize that girls can also pay on a date as well right. Okay but I asked you out so this is on me alright he said with a smile. The waitress came back for the money and he handed over his card.

Once she gave him back his card we finally left. Okay it's 10 now so let's walk back to the car so I can have you back by your curfew he laughed.

The fact that he laughed kind of hurt but I pretended it didn't.  I'm sorry he said I guess he saw the flash of hurt I wasn't meaning to upset you.

It's okay I said just it sucks is all having a curfew all because I have to take medications. Im sorry he said again as we approached the truck. He opened my door and I climbed in thank you kind sir I said doing a bowing gesture.

Your welcome my lady he said bowing and closing my door we were both laughing by the time he got into the car. Let's get you home now he said smiling at me he started up his truck.

Then he looked over at me before we go though he said. I want you to know I had a wonderful time he said smiling at me. I could tell he wanted to kiss me I had a good time to I said looking away.

Good he said smiling catching on I didn't want to kiss him. He put the car in drive and we headed towards Matt and Allies place.

So just answer me one question why don't you want to talk about your childhood. Because it's just not something I tell people about unless I've known them for awhile I said not looking at him.

Okay I understand that he said letting it go. We pulled into the driveway a few minutes later. He got out of the truck and I opened my door he came to help me out this time.

I closed the door to the truck and was now facing him. Umm do you think maybe I could take you on another date he said to me. I agreed to another date sounds like fun I said with a smile.

I need a sign on weather or not to kiss this guy. All the sudden I heard a song on the radio that made me lean in towards him.

I heard the lyrics what if I just pulled you close what if I leaned in and the stars lined up and it's our last first kiss. We kissed and I felt sparks while kissing him. In my head the whole time he is kissing me is this feels right I really like this guy. We pulled apart let me walk you up he said.

He walked me to the porch where Matt was actually sitting and waiting for me. I knew he saw us kiss I'll message you he said to me and thank you Matt for setting us up. No problem man just treat her right he said and I will Jordan replied and then walked away.

Did you have a good date Matt asked me. Yes I did I said he's a really nice guy I smiled. Good he better treat you right because you deserve the world.

He hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek. I'm headed to bed he said goodnight and he went inside. I stood on the porch staring out towards the water on the beach thinking I hope this actually leads to something.

I also thought he knows about my feelings for Matt what if he does tell him. I went inside and got ready for bed with my thoughts racing what if he tells Matt.

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