Tar Black || BATES MOTEL

By can-dor

18.2K 503 79

Lolita Bell, the long lost twin of Norman Bates. Lolita has lived a life of hell. When Lolita is finally put... More

Tar Black || BATES MOTEL
[1] Story Of My Life
[2] Meet And Greets
[4] With You
[5] Childs Play
[6] Cock It And Pull It
[7] Another You
[8] Pay Day
[9] Gun Fire
[10] Love Affair
[11] War
[12] Home

[3] Oh, Catastrophe

1.6K 51 13
By can-dor

'Darkness I Fear, Sits Inside Of You, Silently Waiting To Crawl It's Way Back To The Surface'


May, Greyson, Cody, Jamie and I have been walking through the forest for hours now. We've supposed to been heading down to the shore, but stupid Greyson wanted to do something else. I've been having anxiety about this whole thing. Everyone I was with, were the bad one's.

May was a short thin girl, bleached purple hair and dark brown eyes. with three piercings. A lip ring, nose ring and a dermal on the side of her right eye and two tattoos, one on her arm and one on her wrist. It's unbelievable that she's only fifteen. She wore a gray dress with a white skull on it, black leggings and black lowtop converse.

Greyson was a tall black haired brown eyed muscular boy, who happened to be eighteen. So he basically ran the other's. Greyson wore a basic white v-neck, black demin skinny jeans and all white converse.

Cody had a body like mine, tall and skinny. Cody's sandy brown hair hung right about his shoulders. He was my age aswell, seventeen. But he was a complete rebel. Cody wore black leather skinny jeans, a dark blue shirt and black combats. He reminded me much of Jamie Campbell Bower.

Jamie was fifteen, out of everyone here she was the only chilled one, but still she was terrible just like the rest. Jamie was short with braces. Her hair was a shade of auburn and filled with tight natural curls, her skin was a light caramel color. Jamie was interracial. She wore a long lose fitting black shirt, black leggings and lowtop vans.

"Where the hell are we going!" I yelled, stopping and leaning against a tree.

"We're almost here, shut up" Greyson replied back.

I let out a heavy sigh, whatever we where about to find probably was illegal or dangerous. God, why did the group of dauntless have to ask me to join them?!

I continued on walking with the rest.

Finally, we approached a passage way.

"Guys, as soon as we walk up this passage. We'll be in heaven" Greyson told us.

I rolled my eyes as us all walked up the passage way.

I literally could not believe what I was seeing. A gasp escaped Jamie's and May's mouth.

"A FIELD OF FUCKING WEED" Greyson yelled, waving his arms in the air with a smile on his face.

Mirjiuana, a field of mirjiuana. How did he even find this? The green plants stood at about four feet tall Each. I'm sure being here was not a good idea. I narrowed my eye's on tent, only a couple yards away from us someone was here. Black crows hovered over the tent. A sign of death. Me, being the person I was slowly started toward the tent. Just as I enclosed on the tent, the horrid smell of something bitter slammed into my nose. I gulped deeply as I pulled open the flap of the tent, but before I could successfuly see what hid in there. A arm was wrapped around my neck, choking me almost. Screams came from behind. The screams of everyone running away, just leaving me here.

"KILL HER!" A male voice yelled. "SHE'S SEEN TO MUCH!"

"I've seen nothing!" I managed to ease out, but the grip of this man's arm grew tighter around me neck. To the point were I was lifted off of my feet. Hovering above the ground. Luckily the grip was loosend and I was tossed to the ground. My face slamming into the ground, scuffing my head a little. What exactly was going on here?

"But before I do blow her brains out. I'd like to have a piece of that" The man's voice grew closer.

I lifted my head from the ground, my hair was now all over my head, tangled. The man grabbed a handful of my brown locks, "Stand up" he screamed. I was used to getting yelled at to do things. I nervously stood up on my feet. Exposing my face to the man. The man glared at me, his grayish blonde hair flipped back. The man was skinny, he didn't look like he could do much harm. Right now, I could run off into the fields. But I wasn't going to take a chance... I stood here quivering in fear. I knew this was a stupid idea I should have never followed them I SHOULDN'T HAVE EVEN COME OUTSIDE!

"What did you see!?" The man asked.

"What did you see!?" He yelled this time.

"I-I uhm. Uhm" I couldn't get my word's out. I was to afraid to even speak correctly.

The man sighed and grew closer to me.

"I saw nothing!" I finally replied back.

"You lying piece of shit!" The man's opened hand collided with my face, the loud sound of his hand hitting my face almost echoed. I could feel the skin of my bottom lip being split, I fell the ground.

"Please, sir I didn't see anything, I'm telling you the truth!" And I was telling the honest truth.

"Look at me!" He snapped.

I looked up at the older man who stood over me.

"Tell me what the fuck you saw or I swear to god i'll fucking kill you and fuck your corpse!" That was the worst threat ever.

By him saying those words made tears spring from my eye's. The other's had gotten away and left me here, to die.

"I swear I didn't see anything sir" I sobbed.

The man sighed, and began to remove his belt.

"What have you go there, Zane" another voice yelled from behind.

"Some little snooping whore!" He yelled back.

Heavy footsteps approached me. Another man looked down at me from above, he stood at my head. staring directly down into my face.

"She's a beaut" He smiled.

I drew my attention back to Zane who now had a gun in his hand and his pants dropped down to his knees.

"Tell you this, if you give me a blow job i'll alow you to live a couple more minutes" he and the other man chuckled. These ass holes!

"No!" I yelled. What the hell was the point of that? Like I'd die either way.

"You die then" He pulled a pistol from his pants and aimed it to my head.

I shut my eye's, ready for him to pull the trigger, hot tears running down my face, I bit my bottom lip So hard it bled. My nose had started to run, and my body had grown hot.

"Hey, Hey. What the hell are you doing Zane she's a friend of mine!" A fimiliar voice yelled.

I wanted to look around and see who it was, but I was to afraid to open my eye's.

"Dylan, move. Or I'll fucking kill you!"

Dylan! DYLAN the Brownie boy from earlier today! My eye's shot open only to find Dylan standing infront of me, protecting me.

"She's just an innocent girl Zane!"

"That little fucking bitch saw DYLAN!"

"She said she didn't see Zane, just please spare her young life. If she tells anyone about any of these events, I swear i'll kill her"

Zane took about a minute to reply "Alright Dylan but this one is all you! If you come to me and tell me that you've slaughtered the girl. I'll paint the walls with your brains!"

Dylan turned to me, sadness written all over his face.

"Come on, get up" Dylan held out his hand and helped me up from the ground.

I've never been so happy in my entire life to see a boy who gave me a Brownie.

"Let's get you back to the motel"


"You saved my life Dylan" I said as Dylan ripped open a bag of cotton balls. Before going back to the motel, he has taken me up to his house to clean my face up so Lillian and Jason wouldn't get to suspicious. Almost everything in this house looked vintage. The living room was filled with pictures of a blue eyed little boy and a blonde women, and only one of Dylan.

"Why the hell where you there anyway?" He asked, twisting the cap from the bottle of alcohol.

"My stupid... Cousin led me and some other's up there" Cousin, I just called Greyson my cousin.

"How does he know about that?" Dylan asked.

"I don't know" I shrugged.

I winced as he placed the cotton ball soaked with alcohol upon the little cuts on my forehead.

"Ah, I might've did these" He said, cleaning up my wounds.


"I kinda almost chocked you and tossed you on the ground"

I snickered.

"Do you like gaurd the mirjiuana?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Yea, But stop worrying about that. You cannot tell anyone what happened ok?" Dylan started at me, so seriously.

"I promise I won't. I won't even speak of it again. It's to horrifying" And I never brake a promise.

"So, I didn't catch your name either" Dylan dipped a Q-tip into the alcohol.

"Lolita" I answered.

"Well, Lolita. This might sting a little" Dylan narrowed his eye's, focusing on my split lip. The cold alcohol drenched Q-tip hit my open wound on my lip. It didn't hurt, it did a bit but it wasn't like a serious pain.

Dylan was the most generous person. Like ever

"All done" He flashed me a smiled and screwed the top back onto the bottle of alcohol.

"Hold up, just a little something extra" Dylan reached into his pocket. Pulling out a little squeeze tube of carmex. Squeezing some on his finger.

"Your lips are a bit dry" he chuckled, placing his index finger on my bottom lip, running It across about three or four times. Dylan's finger paused on my bottom lip.

"I'm really sorry about what happened to you" the tone of his voice had grown low. His eye's focused on my lips. His finger still remained on my lip.

"Listen, tonight around eleven. I'll come to see you. I just really want to talk to to you and get to know more about you. You seem really interesting Lolita" he smiled and removed his finger.

I nodded.

"I should uh. Get going now. See you tonight"

After I left Dylan's place, I walked over to the motels. No one was outside. I turned the nobb of my room before pulling out my key, luckily it was open. I paused at what I was seeing. Lillian, Jason, and Jamie sitting around the room.

"Lolita, you had us worried sick!" Lillian yelled, running to me and wrapped me in a hug.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Jamie said you got with a couple of older people at the shore, and you left with them to go some other place"

Jamie and all the rest left me for dead and they came up with that crummy excuse!

"Yeah, I-im sorry Jason. It'll never happened again" I played along

"What happened to your face honey!" Lillian asked. Staring at my lip. The scars on my head must've not been to visible.

"Playing volleyball down at the shore, got smacked in the face" I lied. Playing along with there lie.

"Your punished for a weak, you can go no further than that motel sign" Jason said.

Thank you lord! I'd punish myself! I never ever wanted to head back outside. Again.

I nodded, expecting my punishment.

"A week Jason. It's Summer c'mon. let the girl have some freedom!" Lillian whined.

"Two weeks" Jason added onto the day's.

And I was still fine with that.

"Wh-" Lillian was just about to push it to three.

"No, it's fine. It's fine" I yelled before Lillian could say more.

"Jason is Just being mean Lolita honey. If you wanna go outside then you go"

"Lillian shut the hell up" Jason was literally in no playing mood right now.

Lillian rolled her eyes and exited the room while Jason followed behind her.

"Thanks for leaving me to die" I rolled my eyes at Jamie. Jamie got up from the bed and approached me.

"I'm sorry Lolita, we've all agreed to say nothing about this okay?"

"Good, stop talking about it. End it" I snapped.

"I thought I'd never see you again"  Jamie wrapped me in a hug.

"It's fine Jamie... I'm Fine. Tell Greyson I would never go anywhere else with him"

Jamie smiled, nodded and exited the room.

I let out a heavy sigh as I closed the door... I glanced over at the dresser, that Brownie was still there.

"Brownie boy" I chuckled to myself.



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