{Protector} Hisoka x Male Rea...

By Harley874Quinn

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To Settle The Confusion
For Anyone Still Reading... READ THIS
Hanged x And x Sewer Water (Rewritten)
Shot x And x Chased (Rewritten)
Me x And x Him (Rewritten)
Me x And x Cerberus (Rewritten)
Shower x And x Savior (Rewritten)
Me x And x You (Rewritten)
Breaking x And x Building (New Chapter)
Team X And X Mates
Yin X And X Yang
Rin X And X Scars
Toko X And X Hikari
Find X And X Locate
Dream X And X Death
Final X And X Exam
Death X And X Defeat

Leaving home x And x Meeting friends (Rewritten)

28.9K 418 468
By Harley874Quinn

   "Please...please! Don't leave Toko. The Hunter exam is only going to get you killed".

I smiled softly down at her, but really it was just a sad attempt to keep myself standing. I had to walk away. I turned away and headed towards my room to finish packing as I could hear my sister's weeping voice ringing in my ears even from this distance. I quickly quicken my paste packing faster and faster as ready to leave as soon as I could. This was hard enough as it was, staying any longer would be unbearable. I threw more and more clothes not caring anymore, along with a few weapons from the choice of my teacher nen instructor Biscuit.

I desperately needed to leave. Leave this island, leave my job, but I didn't want to leave my family. My sister and mother were all I had left in this life. It was a dull life, but I had them, and in a selfish way that wasn't enough. I wanted adventure, I wanted to explore the world, I wanted to live, and I wanted to find him.  Hearing my sister's sobs only makes me want to leave faster. I had to harden myself for the world beyond this small island. This is what I trained for ever since I meet Biscuit all those months ago. To go out into the world and make something of myself. To do something for me is my wish. I wanted to live or die trying, and nothing could change my mind. Not even my sister.

As if on cue, I could hear my sister from the other side of the door, beating angrily and emotionally frustrated as she calls out my name for me to stay as she sobbed even harder now, but I don't respond. Instead, I zipped up my small suitcase and sit on top of it until I gather the nerve to walk past her and leave. Through the door, I could hear mom from the other side trying to talk to Niko and get her to understand, but it hardly has any effect. I explained to our mother why I wanted to leave and she understood my wishes, even though she was terrified at the idea of me possibly being killed, she wanted me to live for me.

After a few minutes of waiting, I finally gathered the courage to leave out of my room. I inhaled deeply as I creaked open the door. There in the hallway beside my door was Niko. With tears streaming down her cheek mom held her in her arms as she softly cried into her arms. I felt my gut tighten in regret.


"Don't Toko! You've made your choice. You're choosing to leave, just like him." Niko sniffled.

"Don't compare me to him. I'm nothing like he was. I'm doing to make a difference for myself. To make me stronger. This is for us."

"No, this is for you! You're just like dad! Toko, it was supposed to be me and you against the world, now it's just you without me." I stopped in my track. For as her words sunk in. She was right. It was always supposed to be us. Niko and Toko. Then something happened and we both changed. That's just life. In a way she was right, maybe now it is just me.

"I will be back Niko, this is not forever".

"Am I not important to you anymore!?" she screams as she touches her belly slightly. She rubs it gently as she looks down at herself, "are we not important to you anymore?" My eyes widen as I stared towards her. How could she say that?  She thought I didn't care about her or the baby... maybe that was for the best for her to think.

"I am leaving Niko. You can't change my mind. This is what I want. Don't you care about what I want?"

"No, not if this is it. Not if it means you have to leave. How could you do this? Mom, how can you stand there so calmly and let him do this?"

"Niko, you have to understand this is what your brother wants to do. I can't stop him from doing this and you can either. He has to find his own way in life whatever that might be for him," Mom smiled sadly as she started wiping tears from her cheeks. I smiled as I rushed up to her and held her in a long embrace as she had done a thousand times when we were younger all the way up till now.

Niko cries harder as she faces us with frustration engulfing her beautiful features. "Why..why would you want this?"

Tears continued to roll down her face as she was now on her knees begging me to stay, but I couldn't watch this anymore. I knew my sister she was the strongest in our family. Stronger than me and I was the oldest. She never would cry this senseless, and just watching her now was so pitiful. She's was a mess. I wanted nothing more than bow down and wipe away all of her tears, and stop her pain, but I couldn't.  Cause if I did, I know that I might not be able to leave. She's pregnant and I'm leaving. Life goes on. I pulled myself together and with the bravest smile, I could manage I smiled through the pain of leaving them.

"Goo—I'll see you later Niko". I opened the door without hesitation and instantly closed it behind me to stop the cries and pleads. I halted for a moment and as I did, I could hear from outside wailing, calling for me to come back, but it was too late for that now. I had made it this far and I would continue on from here.


It didn't take long for me to reach the docks seeing as I ran most of the way here. While approaching the sea vessel, I approached a cleanly bald male with bulky shoulder at least in his thirty's receiving pay to enter the ship. He seemed scary at first. The way his brows turned downward as if he was angry and the creepy smile he had greet people, but he greets me pleasantly as I paid him for entrance.

As soon as I stepped onto the boat immediately I started to feel queasy. I hated boats, but this was the fastest way to the examination. So, I had to suck it in and fight my way through this. As I searched around for a place to sit I droplets of rain pinged my skin sending a cool sensation over my face. As I looked up I noticed how dark the clouds looked above It's going to be a bad storm. I grip my gut as I reluctantly braced myself for the ride ahead.


I clutched the pipe at my side as the boat swayed back and forth rocking as a mother does with her child, but instead of a mother, it was a furious ocean that could swallow us whole in a gulp, and the thought of that sent an unexplainable shiver through my body. I feel my face heating up feeling the seasickness beginning already. As if that wasn't enough the headache I was getting made everything even worse. Near a corner over towards my left two males were engulfed in an intense argument and it was only getting worse by the minute. Involved in the argument was a blonde at least around my height and an older male with dark hair at least 6'4 if he stood his full height. They had two other males surrounding them, but off of looks they looked younger than the other two, at least my age they were or a year younger. The one with green hair tried to calm down the other two while the other with snowy white hair ate his chips seemingly enjoying the show, with the least bit of interest pf stopping them.

I sighed as I slowly started to stand rather taking my chances on the upper deck in the storm than down here with them, but as I stood the boat jerked aggressively causing me to fall backward just in time for someone to catch my fall.

"Are you okay?" The male questioned. For a moment I was dizzy, but as my version settled I realized who had caught me. It was the blond, but he was all the way over in the corner, how could he have caught me that quickly?

It takes me a moment to comprehend what just happened, but once the shock is gone I managed to gather my composure. The blonde smiles brightly at me as I quickly stood on my own feet gather my balance back. "T-Thanks", I muttered as I held the wall for support.

"You're welcome, are you okay?" he questions worriedly. "Oh, I'm Kurapika by the way".

"Toko. Nice to meet you Kurapika?" I spoke sounding more genuine than I felt. "I'm okay, it's just seasickness...and a headache, but I'm fine."

The guy in the suit scoffs, "This brat won't show his superior respect in this relationship". He growls as he pushes up his glasses annoyedly.

Kurapika growls slightly as he looks toward me smiling sweetly, "Mine his manners he was raised like an animal. That's Leorio", Kurapika frowns looking over towards the older male who glares blonde.

I chuckled at the two as both began to argue again as if they were married to each other. After a minute Kurapika punches the taller male seeming not hard enough to hurt, but I suppose it was hard enough to make Leorio begin to tear up as Kurapika sighed at the sight.

"Big baby".  The white-haired male mumbles loudly. My eyes shifted over towards him as he has an unamused expression on his face as he played with his purple yo-yo in his hand. "The name is Killua", he spoke suddenly as he lifted up his chin towards me and smirked.

"And I'm Gon", the young raven-haired boy smiled. Upon looking at him his smile was contagious to look at that it actually made me genuinely smile as he wears the purest innocent face I've ever seen.

I heard Killua chuckle as he lowers his yo-yo and it rolls back up in his hand. I looked over at him curiously as a smirk form over my lips. Before I could as "What's so funny?"  Leorio loud outburst stalls me.

"Why are we ever together then Kurapika?!"Leorio yells, "if all we are bad for each other then...then why did we do this? I mean is this even working anymore?"

Kurapika scoffs as he folds his arms around his chest, "What are you saying? That we should give up on each other? Cause that would be easier for you wouldn't it?"

"That's not what I'm saying", Leorio sighs as he goes to place his arms around Kurapika, but he backs away before Leorio is able to comfort him, "I'm sorry."

I felt my heartache watching these two fight and possibly on the verge of breaking up. Even though I hardly knew these two, I didn't want them to break, but and I couldn't sit here and watch them break up right in front of me. This was none of my business, but it felt like I was now apart of it even if I didn't want to be, so I became apart of it. As the boat swayed I lowered myself down until I could gather enough energy to speak.

"You two are in a relationship. Sure you may argue, and fight, but who doesn't? Don't let whatever has the two of you angry at one another ruined what's going for you guys", I groaned as I looked up at the two as they stared back at me with conflicted expressions, "you two are positive and negative. Sometimes that not bad to have in a relationship. Honestly, it makes it worth fighting for. Don't let something so little destroy the very happiness you've worked to build...you'll regret it...".


Hours had passed since I've first boarded the vessel but the captain assured everyone that by early dawn the ship would dock have docked YorkNew. I don't know what time I fell asleep, but about the time I awoke my head was rested against a metal pipe and the two boys Gon and Killua were resting on the sides of me. Gon was nuzzled up against my chest while Killua was wrapped around my arms, both sleeping soundlessly in their places. I started to stand, but I didn't want to wake them from their sleep, so with Killua, wrapped up in my arm, I gently and slowly pulled Killua over as close as I could get them and stood slowly so I could lean Gon's head on Killua and so Killua could be held up sleeping on top on Gon's body.  As I scanned around the ship I noticed Kurapika and Leorio laid head to shoulder with Leorio grasping the smaller blonde passionately as if protecting him for everything and anyone. I smile as I brushed a small piece of hair from Killua's face. "I'll see you guy's again...maybe in different circumstances," I mumbled.

Gon moans softly in my lap causing me to smile as I sat my hand on his head rubbing his soft hair. I almost didn't want to leave. Almost I lifted Gon's head slightly rested it comfortably on Killua's shoulder I tried resting moving Killua off the metal pipe so he could lay against Gon. After I finished, I finally left them alone as I headed to find the captain to ask for directions to the 292nd Hunter Examination.


It didn't take long to find the location the captain gave me. The exam was towards the arc's river down in the sewers. The location immediately made me think this was a joke, but they've had stranger places where they've hosted the exams. I felt my stomach curl worse than when I was on the boat, but at the same time I was hungry starving as thirsty, but as soon as I approach the sewers all of that seemed to vanish instantly from the horrid smell coming from the entrance.

I gripped the heavy metal cover-up from the sewer as I slowly start to rethink entering. Why would the entrance be in the sewers? They've done some weird things involving the hunter exams, but this was just disgusting. Why wasn't it a flower shop at least this year? I looked around to see if anyone else was heading over to the sewers, but no one came near this one. I sighed as I was starting to think I've been pranked. I clenched my nose as I dragged the cover-up over towards the side and looked down in the dark hole in the ground. "What am I doing?"

I jump in, not even thinking about taking the latter down as I land on the cement ground. As soon as I enter, bright light immediately flashes on lighting up a pathway all the way down. I looked around curiously getting aware of my surroundings before taking another step forward. I exhale slowly as I began to run, but as soon as I start running a thought happened to pop in mind. Why doesn't it have a smell? You would think seeing that it's the sewers it would reek of feces and piss but doesn't. There was no smell in here. Nothing.

Once I finally made it to the end of the path there was a bright light at the far end and going into that bright light was a large group of people. Maybe a thousand or so from looks. I stared in amazement seeing how many people came out to be here as I also realized how many people I would need to surpass to succeed.

As I was looking around I realized exactly how dry my throat was now. I walked around familiarizing myself as I observed some people. There were a large number of groups here. Mostly male group, but there were a small number of female groups as well, most had matching tattoos, either a symbol of some kind of, an animal, or either a snake. I watched the group with the snake tattoos getting an intense bad feeling from them as one guy from the troupe looks up at me grinning creepily.

He had dirty blonde hair tanned skin and an open buttoned shirt showing off his bare chest. Impressive, but luckily I'm not easily impressed. I gritted my teeth as I moved away from them. As soon as my eyes left off him I bumped into a body causing me to be knocked back slightly, but I held my balance. It was a small chubby brunette guy that bumped into me. He was wearing a blue shirt as well as a hat on his head big enough to block the sun from hitting his skin. I tilt my head looking at the smaller male.

"What's with the hat?"I chuckled as I pointed towards it. He chuckles softly and touches it.

"Always gotta dress appropriate for the weather", he grins. I hummed in reply as he pulls out a soda from his backpack and begins drinking it. I feel my mouth immediately dry up looking at the drink. I lick my lips slightly as he takes a long drink from his soda can. After a moment he looks up at me and smiles. "Thirsty?"

"Extremely", I gasped as he smiled playfully before handing me a peach drink and nods. "You're giving this to me?"

He nods his head, "Yeah, why not?" I smile at him as I immediately crack open the drink as it began fuzzing. Maybe the hunter exams won't be so bad after all. As I put the can to my lips, I immediately halt from drinking it. Laxative?

As soon as the drink touches my nose I could smell the faint richness of it. I was all too familiar with the smell of it cause we used lots of it on the cows to gather manure for the plants in the garden. A small giggle escapes my mouth as I lower the can and suddenly begin giggling madly.

I tried holding it in but my laughter escapes without meaning. I feel eyes upon me as I take a knee trying to contain myself from seeming crazy. A tear falls from my eyes as I picked up and wiped my eyes. The short brunette looks at me confusingly. I grinned slightly as I take the can and pour it over his head. He gasps sharply as he looks at me angrily.

"What is wr—", before I give him a chance to speak I interrupt him quickly with a swift kick toward his knee causing him to kneel at my feet.

"Laxatives?", I questioned smugly, "Is that how you expect to get through the hunter exams?"

"Almost worked last time", he sighs as he begins to get up but I kick his knee harder causing him to fall face forward. He groans as he rolls over on his back holding his bleeding nose.

"Who the hell are you?!", I growled as I reached down and grabbed him by the shirt collar forcing him to look me in my eyes. He moans softly as he clenches his nose desperately. "I'm waiting".

"I-I'm Tonpa", he speaks voice filled with fear as well as pain. His eyes shift desperately to behind me frequently. I stared into them curiously as I see a figure in them.

"Who are you?" I turned around glaring at the person that caught his eye. It was a girl seeming around my age. She had fair skin and beautiful dark hair completely with a slender body and plumped lips. She smiled brightly as she looked at me. I curiously took her in as she stared at me. Oddly, as I was trying to figure her out, it was like I already knew her without knowing her. Not that I personally knew her, it was a feeling a couldn't explain but one thing I knew was I could trust her.

"I'm Siren", she smiled as she extends her hand towards me and smiles gloriously at me. I dropped Tonpa and stood up as I shook her hand. She was clearly observing me as she tried putting on a friendly persona.

"What do you want?", I questioned bluntly not really trying to engage in her act.

She pulls out a bottle filled with red liquid. It was an Energyrade. I looked at it curiously then back at her. "I was gonna warn you about him but you seemed to handle it pretty well", she smiles as she looks down at Tonpa in the pool of soda on him. I hummed in reply, "thirsty? I promise it doesn't have laxatives." After the engagement I had with Tonpa, I would have denied the offer, but I had that feeling about her that made me think differently about her, so I accepted it.

I opened the top and inhaled the scent first, then take a sip. It smelled of strawberries. If anything was in this drink it was covered up by the strawberries. I sighed and gulped it down. I smiled wiping my mouth feeling well refreshed now. If anything was in it I couldn't smell and something would of happen now. I grinned at Siren.

"Thanks", I smiled as she nods. She begins to open her mouth to say something, but as soon as she does loud gasping from the people around us caught our attention. I curiously shift my eyes from the sides and followed where everyone's eyes were on. I heard mumbles from some others as I pushed past a few people towards where the action was.

"Is that really him?", someone questioned.

"They made him an examiner? That's crazy". A male mumbles.


I mumbled some soft sorries as I finally got toward the front to see what all the gasping was about. My eyes widen slightly once I see what has everyone freaked. It was a clown. But not just any clown he was a hunter examiner. He wears the hunter pendant on his chest as he stares out over at us smiling deviantly.

"That's Hisoka". I turned my head over towards Siren as she stares at the clown, her face trapped in fear. His face was painted a pale as a star was painted on one side of his face and the other side a teardrop. The bright colors tripled his creepiness.

"Hisoka, eh?", I questioned curiously. "What's so scary about him? I've seen bigger and scarier people than him."

"He might not look like much, but he is a cold-blooded killer", she says as she looks back at Hisoka stuck in fear. "Don't underestimate him."

I tilted my head slightly as I felt a huge amount of nen coming from him. I guess he wasn't worried about concealing it. Maybe he thought most weren't as skilled as sensing it, or maybe the complete opposite. "This...should be easy."

As soon as the words escape my lips his eyes shoot towards me, as I choke on my own spit. My heart raced inside of my chest as he stared me down, and as if he could tell me grinned towards me mockingly. He smiles as his freakishly long pink tongue pushes through his pale painted lips hungrily. His bloodlust reeks with murder.


I felt something dangerous from him. Like he wasn't human. I began to take a step back from the front, but as soon as I did I felt my body being gripped and pulled upwards as my Energyrade falls from my grasp.

"What the hell!", I screamed as more and more people were being pulled up by the rope that had me tied up. I grunted as tried to grab onto the rope that had me by the ankle. After a second attempt, I was able to grab hold of it as the blood began rushing back from my head.

"Welcome to the 292nd Hunter Examination", Hisoka smirks, "this is your first task. In a few minutes, the sewers will be flooded with sewer water. If you survive you move on to the next task. If you die...well, we'll try and return your body to your family". He chuckles then looks up towards the ceiling of the sewers and his eyes shift over at me and he smiles tauntingly, "so you should all be running...now."

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