Final X And X Exam

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We made it. The final phase of the exam. Everyone's here Siren, Luke and even Tonpa somehow made it here. We all made it... But we weren't finished.

"Well looks like you're all here". A voice suddenly spoke. We all looked around in confusion at one another. The room was practically empty besides the fact of it being only thirty of us in the room. The room was plain and simple with white walls and shiny wooden floors. It had two large doors as well. One was behind us, the door we walked through and the other door was in front of us.

Now that I think about did we get here? I remember us bringing Ten'ka to the spot Hisoka said, then everything went black, then I woke up here with everyone else. I looked around to see if I could spot Rin. It doesn't take very long to find him as he was in the corner, and beside him was Jüo. I thought about going over there with them but didn't as the doors in front of us open, revealing a man with short black hair. He looks at each and every one of us and after a moment of observing he smirks slightly.

"What a surprise...there's more of you than I thought", he chuckles slightly. "I'm Miki, your last examiner observer. This is your last and final exam. It shouldn't be too hard for you to pass. Hisoka and I will observe your physical strengths and honesty that's it. We'll decide if you become a hunter or not based on the fights. Got it?" He says as he looks at us. I nod as others did as well. Miki sighs as he motions us to follow him through the doors. Eagerly we all did pushing and ramming each other to get through.

Once through, revealed to us was a beautiful garden filled with multiple different species of flowers. In the far back was what appeared to be a dojo or training center and beside, was a training ground as well was a lake. We head towards the dojo. Inside was various weapons on the wall and another room was beside it.

"Excuse me?", one of the contestants spoke. "You said we'll have to figure. Does that mean we fight against you and Hisoka or...".

"No, you fight amongst yourself". Someone answered. I couldn't help but smile at the all too familiar voice. By the gasps of the others, it only confirmed it. Hisoka.

I looked over at him as he stood in the doorway of the other room, grinning unsettling as usual. I managed to catch his attention as he looked over towards me. His grin softens slightly.

"Yeah to keep this simple and short, two of you will be fighting one another. You'll have ten minutes to make your opponent surrender, or until they're unable to fight anymore. Once that is, immediately we'll let you know if you've passed or not." He pulls out a small box and holds it up for us to look at. "All of your names are in here first names that are pulled will start the fight."

He gives a short nod as he immediately goes to pull a name. He glances at it and then tosses the box to Hisok who catches it. Hisoka goes to pull a name, as soon as he did his face goes blank. I wondered who he pulled?

"First up...Jüo", Miki says.

"He'll be going against Rin", Hisoka says.

What? Jüo and Rin? No way...could Jüo even go again him? I mean, I know he's strong and all but it's Jüo! No way would he fight Rin.

"Before we start we'll pass out refreshments and food to regain your strength after you eat we'll start immediately", Miki says as he walks away heading toward the other room, leaving Hisoka to stay here and watch us, but I could tell Hisoka was barely here. He was in his head. Something about seeing Rin's name on that piece of paper made him oblivious to anything that was around him.

"Hey, Toko!" Siren yells. I nearly jumped out of my skin at her sudden call.

I turned around following her voice. She was near the corner of the room, both Tonpa and Luke were there with her. I smiled softly as I headed over there towards them. "Hey, guys."

"Toko! I'm surprised to see that you're still alive", Tonpa grins, "I was sure you would have died. Either those guys are would have killed you or that forest, but then again this little twerp is alive too so....", he says as he points to Luke.

"'s good to see you too Tonpa", I groaned.

"Don't mind him he's just mad that I kicked his ass during the last exam", Siren grins," idiot nearly killed himself by hanging. Good thing for him he was too heavy for the vine to hold him," Siren giggled.

"Shut up", Tonpa growled.

"Anyways Toko how did you keep from hurting yourself during the exam?" Siren questions.

"I just tried to keep calm honestly and didn't stress much. That's pretty much it", I said. I smiled as I looked down at Luke who was quiet. I pat his head which catches his attention. "Hey, Luke how'd you pass?"

"Oh, Umm well my whole team died", he says.

"Gah! Wait seriously?" Tonpa questions nearly choking.

"Yeah, so I had to do pretty much everything by myself. Luckily my target was already dead when I found him so I just dragged him back."

"Uh, geez kid seems you had it way worse than us. Honestly, if you win and become a hunter before me I couldn't even be mad about that", Siren sighs.

Someone taps me on the shoulder suddenly grabbing my attention away from my friends. I turned around to face the person. I was surprised to see who it was honestly.


"Hey Toko, follow me", he says as he begins walking off.

"H-hey! Slow down, what's up?" I questioned.

"Boss wants to speak to you", he says.

"Rin does? Why?" I asked.

"How would I know?" He answers back. I frowned slightly as I held my head down. Jüo seemed different. He's more pissed, that much I could tell, but there was also something else there. Sadness? Did Rin tell him about Kane already? I wondered what was going through his mind.

Jüo stops after a moment and points out the door where we came in. Sitting on the steps of the dojo was Rin. I look back at Jüo but he pays me no attention. I sighed as I began to head towards Rin.

I don't say a word as I sat down beside Rin. He stared out at the garden taking its beauty in. I did the same. It was like looking at heaven, if I did know what heaven looked like, I'd imagine it would look like this. Sunny and warm, flowers everywhere covering the ground.

"Toko?" Rin spoke suddenly.

"Yeah, Rin?", I say.

"Somehow I doubt I'll make it out oh here alive", he chuckles, "In case I don't...".

"In case you don't?" I questioned. "Rin what are you talking about?" I laughed. "You're gonna make it out, Jüo's not gonna kill you."

"But just in case", he begins but I interrupt.

"Stop saying just in case Rin", I smiled. I looked up at him and grinned," you know what Rin? I actually hate you. Well, at least I thought I did. I mean you did try to get me killed and all, but that's in the past. I-I still don't like you but I can tolerate you. What I can't tolerate is you saying stuff like this. Saying stuff like you're gonna die. You're gonna defeat death and until you reach what you're after, you're not dying dude."

Rin turns towards me staring blankly at me. I couldn't read him so I didn't know what he was feeling as he stared at me, which made me nervous. After a few seconds of staring, I see at the corner of his mouth a grin. He flings his head back as he lets the sun engulf his skin and he smiles fully.

"Thanks for that...Toko", he chuckles.

"Yeah, no problem idiot", I grinned. I held my hand up and balled it in a fist. Rin looks over at me and grins as he does the same and knocks his fist against mine. "Now let's go become pro hunters."

{Protector} Hisoka x Male Reader (Hunter x Hunter)Where stories live. Discover now