Rin X And X Scars

774 27 11

"Ahhhh! Oof!"

I laid dizzily covered in snow as I tried to comprehend where I was. I saw what looked to be a sign hanging above, swinging slightly as I followed the motion of its sway only to gain an headache from the act. I groaned shutting my eyes tightly as I tried to push through the frostbites at the tip of my fingers as well as the splitting headache forming.

"Toko?" An enchanting voice spoke as if singing my name from the heavens. It made me feel sickly. I groaned in reply as I attempted to open my eyes but couldn't even manage to flutter them open. "Toko, what are you doing laying in the snow you're going to get hypothermia out here."

"Well it's not like I'm trying to stay here I just literally can't get up", I shivered as I tried thrusting myself upward but every attempt was like the dagger Kane threw at my back.

"You're tied up?"

"Yes, could you help me get free...", I groaned as the person started walking over towards me and helped me to lean forward. Somehow they managed to untie me in a matter of seconds. I flapped my arms in freedom as I placed my hands towards my eyes rubbing them slightly so they would adjust better now that my head wasn't spinning. "T-thanks...Kurapika?"

"Well it's nice to see you too Toko", Kurapika chuckled. He stood up and extended his hand for me to grab as I happily accepted him.

"Thank you", I smiled.

"So, are you going to explain why you were tied up and laying in a pile of snow?" He questions. I groaned slightly recalling everything that happened as I informed Kurapika on everything since the third phrase began, excluding what happened with Hisoka and me. Around the time I was finished telling Kurapika everything that has happened so far we were inside the IN eating a hot meal of curry and dinner rolls. 

"So, that's pretty much how my past few days have been", I sighed as I stuffed my mouth with more foods. 

"Mmm, that's a surprise", Kurapika mumbled slightly to himself as he rested his hand under his chin lost in his thoughts as he stared at his untouched bowl of curry.

"What is?" I questioned eyeing him slightly. He rotated his hand above his curry staring lost in it.

"N-nothing. Well, it's those guys you mentioned. I'm surprised that Hisoka even allowed you to get paired with them seeing as of what they had done to you", he frowned.

"What? You know about that?"

"Oh yeah, Hisoka mentioned it to us days before you guys arrived", he replied.

"Huh? Why would Hisoka tell you that?" I questioned as I wiped the sides of my mouth now fully engaged in the conversation. Kurapika looked up at me slightly and a small blush could be seen passing over his features, immediately he lowered his face.

"Oh, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that. I'm sorry Toko it's not my place too—".

No, Kurapika. It's alright...it's just that I'm surprised that Hisoka told you. He just seems like the type of person who doesn't share much with people and to be frank I didn't think he had any friends to share things with," I smiled.

"Well I wouldn't say I'm his friend exactly, but associates...yes. We had a mutual enemy." He smiled but I could tell it's wasn't as genuine as it was meant to persuade.

I tilted my head slightly as I stared at Kurapika. "Should I even ask who that enemy was?"

Kurapika chuckled slightly and with a swift flip of his hair, stared up at me and smirked, "best to ask Hisoka that."

{Protector} Hisoka x Male Reader (Hunter x Hunter)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ