Death X And X Defeat

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"Hey Hikari", Hisoka calls out. He motions me over towards him. I smiled as I walked over and rest on the wall beside him.

"Hisoka", I smiled, "I made it."

"Yes, I see", he grins, "congratulations."

I chuckled, "Yeah...I suppose you have something to do with it as well. I couldn't have made it this far without your help honestly. I kinda owe you."

"Do you?" He questions.

"Yeah, I mean without you I'd be dead or worse", I sighed. "I couldn't do a single thing by myself."

"No...If you ask me you were amazing. The way you handled yourself, from dealing with that three-headed creature and the mist. Then don't forget how you handle the forest as well as being on teams with the same people who tried to kill only a few days ago. You did more for yourself than I did for you. If you ask me, I only pushed you. But if you think you still owe me...I can think of a few ways you can repay me," he smiles.

"Ugh, you're such a perv Hisoka", I scoffed.

"Alright! Jüo? Rin? You two ready?" Miki asks. I turned to see Jüo and Rin both approached the center, then stood inches in front of each other. Miki looked at both of them then nods. "Alright! Just a reminder, anything goes. Until one of you surrenders or can't continue anymore, that's when this all ends. Okay?"

Both guys nod understanding, then stared at each other as they began standing in their fight stance. Miki takes a few steps away from them and nods. And with that every one watched, gasps hitched with the intensity as they were expected.

But neither one moves. Rin didn't approach Jüo and Jüo didn't approach Rin. Both stood staring at each other with such intensity that even the slightly movement wasn't even an option . They stayed like this for a while as whispers and questions began to to fill the silent room. "Why haven't started fighting yet", was the question on every one's mind.

Jüo didn't look phased by the murmurs at all. Actually he didn't even look ready to fight at all. Even though he was in his stance to fight, mentally I could tell that he wasn't here at all. He was too spaced out to even be aware of what was happening which honestly wasn't anything new. Since coming back from the last exam he's had that look on his face like everything around him just completely stop moving. Meanwhile on Rin end he looked as if he would be vomit at any moment. Sweat poured from his forehead dripping off his chin like running water, and this was especially unusual for him. Rin wasn't the type to look so uneasy and it made me feel especially uneasy.

" Jüo won't make an move on Rin, which isn't anything unusual cause that's just how he is when it comes to Rin, but the fact that Rin hasn't even made an attempt to end this do I word this? Abnormal? Yeah, it's abnormal for Rin. So, what in the hell is he up too?",Hisoka mumbled to himself.

"Jüo is Rin's friend and comrade so I'm sure he doesn't want to fight him, which is the same for Rin. That's probably why neither has made a move on each other."

"That's unlikely", Hisoka says. "I know Rin he's up to something."

"That's enough stalling Jüo", Rin says. "I'm tired of waiting, fight me...with everything you have." He says as he dashes over toward Jüo I could tell Rin wasn't really into the ideal of fighting Jüo. He wasn't even giving it his all and neither was Jüo as he didn't even attempt in the slightest to dodge his attack. It lands, hitting  Jüo first in the side of his head then in his gut. He falls helplessly as he goes down head first not even attempting to stand. "That's pathetic Jüo! Fight me!" Rin screams.

"I can't you're too strong", Jüo says.

"One punch is not enough to make you go down", Rin growls. "Where's your sense of self Jüo?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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