Breaking x And x Building (New Chapter)

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Edit: For the one's who been reading my story, I suggest reading over Shower x And x Savior. I updated it so the characters in this chapters you might not know. Also, I have a question for anyone who reads this, I'm re-watching My Hero Academia, after this story is finished would you guys be interested in reading a (BNHA) afterward? Anyways enjoy this newly written chapter.

For the past two days, I've done nothing but rest. Not as if I could do anything else. My back was injured and slowly healing, my body ached like needles were being thrown over and over at me, and honestly, I just felt mentally and physically drained. I wanted nothing more than to get up and work on my techniques or battle tactics at least but I couldn't even do that!

Hisoka had me on lockdown from doing anything productive. He says that the next exam wouldn't be as challenging. At least not for me. I tried asking about the third phase of the exam, but he would constantly repeat things like, "You can easily pass the next phase", or that, "You'll be fine." Honestly, all of his encouragement only made me want to know more about the next phase. 

I groaned as I rolled over in my small nursing bed plowing my face into my pillow. I was of course still in a hunter's nursing room because of my injuries, but also because I was unconscious when everyone was picking out their rooms, and who they were pairing with. I clutched my pillow to my chest remembering the way Mom would hold Niko and me. I tried remembering how our father would hold us when we were kids before he left, but nothing but our mother's embrace filled the ghostly memory.

As I was starting to become sickened trying to remember him, someone knocks on the door at first normally then rapidly pounds on the door with two hands at least. I stared at the door puzzled then quickly sprang off the bed rushing towards the door. As soon as the door creaks open a hand pushes it fully crushing my foot in the process.

"Son of a...Siren", I groaned as I flopped down back on the bed squeezing my foot.

She stares down at me irritation exploding her entire face as she suddenly points at me. "You! Up now, we're leaving."

"Leaving?" I chuckled slightly, "You do realize we're in the sky...on a blimp, right?" Siren tsk as she grabs me by the hand, pulling me up on my feet. I fumbled behind as she dragged me behind her like a dog, with a hidden strength I didn't know she even possessed. "Whoa hey, Siren, I'm still hurt here!"

"And you're going to be even more hurt in a few minutes, now move that ass of your Toks", she growled from over her shoulder. I sighed but didn't complain more as I ran to keep up with her.

"Well at least tell me where we're going geez", I grumbled as we walked past the small cafeteria area most of us remaining competitors ate. Surprisingly, the food here was actually pretty decent compared to the food I used to eat at work, but would you expect less from the hunter association chiefs? As we headed past the cafe, we turned away from the hall where everyone's rooms were and headed down a surprisingly long hallway with a door at the far end. I looked towards Siren confused as she continues down. "How big is this blimp?"

"Surprising pretty big", Siren replied, "I was shocked that they were able to fit a pool in here?"

"A pool? In a blimp? How the----, "I gasped slightly as Siren opens the door at the end of the hall, revealing a large spacious room filled with gym equipment, mirrors, and douchebag meatheads. I scoffed, "You dragged me to the gym?"

Siren looks back at me and smirks as she tires her hair up. "Yes, you need to get in shape."

"Are you calling me fat?" I glanced at her then myself in one of the mirrors at my gut poking it to see if it jiggled.

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