Shower x And x Savior (Rewritten)

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I laid my head on the creamed tiled shower wall as the warmth of the shower's water covers my flesh fully wrapping me in a familiar feeling that I missed way too much. I take my bath sponge and shrub the blood and dirt that covered my body with the soap being careful not to wipe too hard as I submerged a moan of pain.

I delicately wiped the gash on my left arm as I take the bandage off my sore leg and cleaned it best I could with what I had. With that sudden burst of adrenalin I had I could hardly feel the gash the monster had left on my back, but now since I was now alone and my body calmed it ached, throbbing of pain. There was no way these wounds could heal before the next phase. I was going to be more useless than I had been so far, but...what happened to me? That burst of energy was so unrealistic that I'm not even sure half of the events I just went through were even real.

I looked down towards my hands and rubbed my fingers over my scars on my back and flinched. "It felt real enough". I sighed softly as I laid my head against the shower's wall, running my fingers through my hair washing away all the dirt, sweat, and anything else that felt the need to cling onto me. "A few more", I whispered to myself.

While washing my body off from the past two exams, the shower door suddenly squeaks open as some people began entering inside. Maybe they wanted to shower before we headed off to the next exam. I couldn't tell whether the people were guys are girls seeing as the showers were co-ed showers. It seemed like maybe four entered. As I began to start washing my back, the sudden conversation makes me stop completely.

"You sure he's in here, right?" A guy had asked.

"I just saw him walk inside, besides I think he was one of the last ones to walk through the barrier and didn't you see him? He was bloodied up and dirty. Likely he would want to come here to shower."

Him? Where are they talking about me? They had to, right cause I was the last to enter and I am the only one in the showers. Why were they talking so loudly? I could hear every word.

"Remind me again why we're we doing this?", a third guy asked.

"Rin says he's close to Hisoka, so he's a for us to past the exam. As long as he's ours, Hisoka's basically our bitch", the first guy chuckles.

"And who's to say he actually cares about him? We've followed this guy Hisoka for how long? He has never shown much care for other people before."

"Rin says he's saved her life twice?"

"Twice?" two guys spoke in unison.

"Yeah," someone chuckles," apparently Hisoka saved his life the night that girl tried to steal our food right away by directing mine and Yosh's attention, and then another time Rin saw Hisoka with him dragging him from the Deadly Hallows."

"He directed you guys attention?", someone asked, "How?"

"The the bushes nearby".

"Tsk, why didn't you attack him then? Where you scared Hideyori?"

"Of course not idiot! It was dark, and we could barely see a thing out there in the rain, I was going to fight a battle when I could barely see." Hideyori scoffs.

"Right," he laughs. "Still, I don't get why we have to do Rin's work. If he wants to kidnap this guy, why not do it himself, and who's to say Hisoka would even pass us once we even have him?"

"Dumbass, this is about much more than passing the hunter exams. Rin wants Hisoka to be treated by him...controlled. To control a jester, take away the joke and it's left with nothing. If you want to go against Rin's orders then be the idiot that does and watch your body ripped apart from within while you drown on your own blood and feed your guys."

{Protector} Hisoka x Male Reader (Hunter x Hunter)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن